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/lit/ - Literature

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8775529 No.8775529 [Reply] [Original]

Which book would YOU give a girl who you were keen on?

>> No.8775530

Depends what she's like.
And also I wouldn't.

>> No.8775535

Stefan George
the holy trinity

>> No.8775542

early bird get that worm

>> No.8775544

Harry Potter

>> No.8775566

It would depend on the person's taste wouldn't it

That said I once gave a girl a copy of Great Expectations

>> No.8775585
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>> No.8775593 [DELETED] 
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>Capable of understanding literature

>> No.8775604

And /r9k/ wonders why they're still virgins despite their mothers telling them how handsome they are.

>> No.8775639

This guy gets it. But you would have to suffer falsely praising JK Rowling.

>> No.8775648 [DELETED] 

I'm a virgin because I'm ugly, not because I'm socially autistic (which in itself is a consequence of my ugliness)

>> No.8775964

I recently gave this girl I liked my copy of The Pale King. She seemed to like it. I'm mentally unsound so after giving it to her I thought she might think I was trying to attack her by giving her this giant unfinished book and expecting her to read it and question her about it and get offended if she didn't read or like it. I then also panicked because I never actually finished the book and am afraid she will ask me questions or want to talk about it and I will have no idea. But this isn't my personal blog, so I will just keep the echo chamber alive and say you should give a girl you like a Murakami book.

>> No.8776079


>> No.8776086

diary of a seducer desu

>> No.8776090

wtf im a frogman now

>> No.8776091

I wouldn't give a girl a book to try to win her affections.

>> No.8776140

Why not, fag?

>> No.8776167
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Women are inferior to me. Their asses smell.

I only need my anime waifu and 'vidya'. Try the redpill

>> No.8776185


>> No.8776195

It's stupid, if you want to win a woman's affections hit the gym.

>> No.8776225

I wouldn't give her a book. Instead I'd remind myself that I'm a miserable person and any good that would come out of our interaction would be offset by the bad I'd bring to her.


>> No.8776257

This one *grabs crotch*

>> No.8776267

>Giving girls gifts in hope for sex
>As quoted from "101 Things to never ever do if you want to get laid"

>> No.8776278

I think it's obvious OP is asking about a situation like:

>Hey, anon, you seem to know books pretty well. Could you recommend something for me? :-)

>> No.8776290

But you won't get her affection this way, like the other anon implied.

>> No.8776304

Damn, I'm moisty already.

>> No.8776308

Even if it is an echo chamber, Murakami is a great gift for impressing 90% of people, not just somebody you have a crush on.

>critically acclaimed
>not widely known outside of lit readers/english majors
>generally good
>easily relatable
>easy to read

Otherwise I'd go with Jane Austen bc her books are very romantic. We are all repressed homosexuals for Mr. Darcy.

>> No.8776339

my diary desu

>> No.8776355

I'd write one for her. A real good one. Short, but memorable - kind of like my dick, haha. My goals would be to make her wet and convinced of my profundity. And explore sex acts and ideas we're too shy to talk about, so we can then do them with greater ease. Ooh. Ooh yeah. Gonna write this NOW.

>> No.8776367

Nice. Epic idea. Here's an opening line that just crossed my mind, use it if you like.

>"Only one person remained; two, if you counted you."

>> No.8776384

Gave a bonnie lass I was keen on Rilke's "Book of Hours" and now we've been dating for almost a year.

>> No.8776389

I gave an platonic female friend of mine Stoner for birthday, and she read it and called me at 4 am the week later, asking me if I wanted to come over for some wine and talk about the book.

>> No.8776405

moby dick

>> No.8776407

The Great Gatsby

1) Shows I have at least decent taste, which is the most important part.

2) Short enough that she may actually read it.

3) It's about looooove.

>> No.8776409

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar

>> No.8776416

On Women by Arthur Schopenhauer.

>> No.8776421


>> No.8776424

I want to hate you for posting this cause the dude is overhyped but I am actually having a hard time thinking of a girl that wouldn't like Murikami

>> No.8776439


why not both?

why cant you be generous in gifting while also making yourself more physically desirable?

do you clowns seriously think that a body is the only thing women want? and even if theyre that vain, youre already fucked if your face isnt aesthetic.

>> No.8776445

I don't think wanting someone physically fit is shallow at all. Or it is just as shallow to want someone because of the same taste in books.

>> No.8776521

PRAYING that you banged her lad.

>> No.8776542

My diary desu

>> No.8776569


>> No.8776583

Sweet story, my dude. She totally wanted the cock

>> No.8776585

Dr. Seuss's ABC

>> No.8776586

t. creeper high school english teacher

>> No.8776590

Franny and Zooey

>> No.8776612

The Lies of Locke Lamora got me laid+anal.

War and Peace is is a good choice if shes not a total fucking Stacy.

>> No.8776640

No Longer Human

>> No.8776710
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this summer i gave fear and trembling by kierkegaard and a collection of short stories by leo tolstoy (specifically telling her to read kreutzer sonata and ivan ilych) to a girl i was romantically interested in. she gave me a biography of edgar cayce in return. i liked her because she was into christian mysticism and tolstoyan anarchism like i am

>> No.8776718

That's too easy: a box set containing The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, 120 Days of Sodom, An Introduction to Kabbalah, De nuptiis Philologiae et Mercurii, and "A" By Zukofsky. She'll be thinking my way in no time.

>> No.8776734

You like them jewesess or something?

>> No.8776778

The Consumer by Michael Gira

>> No.8776788

Jew girls always have huge breasts.

>> No.8776808

I gave her The Great Cryptogram because she loves Ulysses and Shakespeare. Also we've had a running joke about the authorship question for years. Worked for me, got laid a week later.

>> No.8776814

You're telling me. I have a huge jewess fetish. They're supposedly crazy in bed, too. How does one woo one?

>> No.8776821

Be rich and have rich parents, no memeing. Jew girls hunt only for those qualities

>> No.8776840

I figured. I guess that rules me out :^(

Hopefully I'll become a writer one day and have earned sufficient income so that I would be worthy enough for one.

One of my male Jew friends told me that they like smart guys, too

>> No.8776849

This 90% untrue.

>> No.8776860

Maybe not where you live.

>> No.8776862

Okay, Chad.

>> No.8776865

*the bank

>> No.8776988

BRO did your give her the D???? HAHA i bet u smoked some dank shyt too hey (lol stoner means getting high my good man) :)

>> No.8777020

I gave my gf Franny and zooey and she read it and said she liked it. She wants another book nao

>> No.8777103

Let a girl I liked borrow my copy of The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera, and she enjoyed it

>> No.8778612

I was gifted this from a girl I was with. Would definitely recommend as a present

>> No.8778617

it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible, dutiful.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support, which he sees as ''a childish useless submissive woman'' [or whore and he feels betrayed by her]
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy, or for the most impotent, their tongue in the pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

>> No.8778646
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>> No.8778795

Grammars of Persian.

>> No.8778951

Steppenwolf, to imply that I can be saved by her.

>> No.8778971
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Here is How I Pick Up "AltChicks":

Collected Poems - Frank O'Hara
Poems & Prose - Stephen Crane
Revenge of the Lawn - Richard Brautigan
Journals and Notebooks 1947-1963 - Susan Sontag

>> No.8778978

This girl looks like the kind of person who waited tables instead of going to college, and throws big hissy fits in the restaurant because the other servers didn't waste their 20s or dedicate their being to waiting tables

>> No.8778985


She's a boy.

>> No.8779310
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>> No.8779379

Three if you counted my big warm dingus.

>> No.8779387

>i liked her because she was into christian mysticism and tolstoyan anarchism like i am
That sounds like a pretty cool girl.

>> No.8779409

Leviathan by Hobbes.

If she's a pleb, I'll try to rope her in with something simple yet fun like Catch 22.

>> No.8779421

It doesn't matter though because I'm hideous, autistic, and pretentious. I also spend 99% of my time in my room and I haven't had a real conversation with a woman outside of my family in years.

It's actually quite comfy desu

>> No.8779647

I once gave a girl American Psycho

>> No.8779891

she's rad. she's away for college right now sadly. and she has a boyfriend. but we still talk regularly and i have high hopes she will leave him

>> No.8780061
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You're a fucking orbiter.

>> No.8780100

Just the word for a beta nu-male cuck orbiter like you to use.

>> No.8780140
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her and i are friends. she texts me sometimes, mostly her first. we talk about God and we catch up on life. she had a boyfriend before i met her, i let her know how i feel, she felt the same way but she's already with someone.

that being said, i know her boyfriend is not the right fit for her, because she's even told me. it's mostly because he's an atheist and she is a christian, so she's not able to talk to him about the centermost part of her being without him getting defensive and/or changing the subject, and that is a problem. she recognizes her relationship with his is surface-only and that gives no real connection to someone as deep as her.

>> No.8780145

philosophy of the bedroom

i'm a sad humorless nerd virgin

>> No.8780153

Meanwhile, her 'surface-level only' bf is penetrating her as we speak. A girlfriend is not supposed to be your friend dumbass, wake up, it is a power relation and you as a man is supposed to be the active, dominant side.

>> No.8780156

nigga ur gay as fuk why don't you just start seeing the boyfriend

>> No.8780169

Metamorphosis because she mentioned something about Kafka being recommended to her, and so I wanted to be nice and all
also that subtle attempt on talking about her depression

>> No.8780175
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he hasn't seen her in months. your redpill ideology is for manchildren. a real "alpha" seeks meaningful friendships, not sexual relationships. i'm beyond the world's temporal pleasures, they are nothing to me. lust is a fool's pursuit.

how miserable you must be, following sensual pleasure! do you feel empty inside anon?

>> No.8780181

i would give her zweig's "fear" but she has a bf and the story ends with the woman getting caught after cheating on her husband so i would give something else so as to not discourage her in case she considers sinning -with me- in close future, even though it is as plausible as a dream.

>tfw meet an "erudite" (and also mildly autistic and introverted) girl and get along very well
>finally understand what it is like to be wanted by someone -or think so-
>two -or one and a half- weeks later find out she has a bf
>she still continues her affection for you for a month or so and while this attitude makes you very happy when you are with her you sunk lower and lower when you part ways
>eventually her affection ends and it turns (or is turning) into just a regular friendship (which was probably what it was all along and you just misread everything)

why did nobody warn me feeling wanted -emotionally- feels so good and when it is gone you feel shittier than before?

>> No.8780192

haven't you heard the countless songs about it?

>> No.8780198

Why would the atheist put up with a virgin girlfriend that is saving herself for a Christian marriage?

She is saving herself, right?

>> No.8780209

I'm not a /pol/ shill, but your pathetic attitude of trying to befriend a woman and then making her your gf is backwards. The connection comes after you turn her into your gf, and you do that by being a fucking man.

>> No.8780217

>i'm beyond the world's temporal pleasures
kek, she certainly won't be, prepare yourself to be a cuckold.

>> No.8780242

romantic relationships tend to start off based on lust. besides, after the first time we hung out, i told her "i love you, let's never speak again" because we were talking about the concept of romance and how paradoxical it is (hence the kreutzer sonata i gave her). anyway, she told me she didn't want to never speak to me again

she as a christian mystic has the same attitude toward the world's fleeting pleasure

who cares. not every relationship has everything to do with sex

alright, i've had enough of being trolled, i have a life to attend to now

>> No.8780265

Don't listen to fags, best of luck

>> No.8780275

i guess i haven't, or i did, but it is like hearing "you are going to die". all the times you hear it, it is meaningless and empty, but only when you see it for yourself it becomes a serious issue

>> No.8780295

>who cares.

I thought you said she was a Christian? I'm not trolling, I'm just worried you're kidding yourself regarding her real beliefs if she is consistently, deliberately and systematically sinning.