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877244 No.877244 [Reply] [Original]

Breakfast of Champions
The Sirens of Titan

Which one should I read next?

Also, Vonnegut general if you guys want.

>> No.877267

Either Slapstick or Cat's Cradle.

>> No.877271


But those aren't on the list, dummy.

>> No.877280


Fuck, I should've been more clear. Those are the ones I've read already.

>> No.877289


I was presuming that. Feels good to be right.

>> No.877298

Mother Night.

Then Cat's Cradle.

>> No.877304

My vote's for Slapstick. I also highly recommend his short stories, I'm working my way through Welcome to the Monkey House now.

>> No.877318

I really likes The Sirens of Titan.

Slaughterhouse-FIve was decent but I think it's overrated . . . short as fuck though so you could probably read it completely while taking a shit.

Did not like Breakfast of Champions.

>> No.877324
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Monkey House short stories are tight. You get to that one with the giant chess set? That was ridiculous

Really, though, Cat's Cradle. I'm sort of surprised that it wasn't mentioned more.

>> No.877331

Mother Night or Bluebeard.

>> No.877367

Can someone tell me what Slapstick and Cat's Cradle are about without giving away too much?

>> No.877393


>> No.877398

Midnight's Children.

>> No.877410

Go with Slaughterhouse-Five next, OP. It's simply a required read as far as Vonnegut is concerned.

>> No.877420


He already read it.

>> No.877425

Welcome to the Monkey House is great, I've read through it twice. I would read Cat's Cradle next though. That was my second Vonnegut experience, and I went right from there to read 11 more Vonnegut books. I loved it so much.
I also really liked his first novel Player Piano, though it reads differently than his other novels.

>> No.877434


Oh, fuck me.

In that case, Cat's Cradle.

>> No.877462

Sirens of Titan

>> No.877475

BoC sucks balls

>> No.877489


OP here. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It's the worst of the three I've read, but it's still pretty clever.

So I guess I'm going with Cat's Cradle. Once again, what's it about?

>> No.877495

Little boy blue and the man in the moon.

>> No.877503

it did

cat's cradle. it's about a lot of stuff

>> No.877507

Cat's Cradle Sucks.

>> No.877511

Cat's Cradle. Bokanon is the shit.

>> No.877538

Sirens of Titan, cause I'm reading it too and it's the shit.

>> No.877553

Sirens of Titan is the best
Slaughterhouse-Five is pretty good
Breakfast of Champions is shit

>> No.877580

Cat's Cradle is great. The main character is a reporter, who is sent to some little island dictatorship, where he encounters the children of one of the fathers of the Atomic Bomb.

>> No.877632

Breakfast of Champions or Slaughterhouse Five. Can't go wrong with either.

>> No.877649

Mother Night was a great book period.

Slaughter House Five I loved, not because of billy or the format of the time traveling but the people around him. Roland was one of my favorite charcters ever, the british, the deranged sniper.

Goodbye blue monday was pretty good.

Cats cradle amazing

Slapstick dragged, but its readable.

I could not read galapagos, I thought it was trash.

Thats all the books of his I can recall reading. I have sirens of titan in my to-read pile.

>> No.877656

Sirens is probably my favorite Vonnegut.

>> No.879197

I have only read Jailbird and i really recommend it.

>> No.879226

Slapstick creeped me the fuck out.

>> No.879263

I'm reading Breakfast Of Champions at the moment. Not sure if I really like it or not. It's definitely interesting.

>> No.879281

Could someone explain how is this book suppose to be ohsodeep and extraordinary?

>> No.879298


>> No.879319

Welcome to the Monkey House is a great collection of short stories. They range from good to extraordinary.

If you like it, I'd recommend checking out some short story collections by Murakami. Fuck, just because you enjoy Vonnegut I'd recommend Murakami.

Also, if you haven't read it yet, pick up Mother Night.

It's short and great, although lacking in the crazy magical realism that is characteristic of most of Vonnegut novels.

>> No.879336
File: 105 KB, 650x484, vonnegutsmoking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sirens of Titan, then Slaughterhouse-five, then BoC.
I assure you that this is the correct order.

>> No.879380

Im gonna recommend Slaughterhouse-Five. I currently am reading it, and thoroughly enjoying it.