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8771194 No.8771194 [Reply] [Original]

I'm still reading the greeks so I won't get to Schopy anytime soon, but I'm really interested in his philosophy and I have a question to those who read him. Does he further adress to the topic of animal ethics besides just saying that a good man is kind towards animals or that it is barbaric to hold that they don't deserve rights? Things like critique of the way they are treated by mankind or the act of killing and eating another creature?

>> No.8771199

Just do an internet search with keywords: Schopenhauer Animal Ethics Rights

Schopenhauer has a lot of short texts so it will not take long to read them. You don't need to know the Greeks before reading Schopenhauer.

>> No.8771217

having to read the Greeks first is a meme.

For Schopenhauer, it would be wise to read Plato and Kant. As he himself says, those are the only ones you need to know to really understand his metaphyisics. Still, even without having profound knowledge of those, you can read him just like that because his prose is very accessible yet at the same time masterful and genius.

Understanding his ethics about animals requires understanding of his whole metaphysical work, most importantly his most valuable work, the World as Will and Representation. Read that first, then you are good to go.

>> No.8771263

On the basis of morality has a lot of that animal shit (including your two paraphrases I think). It's hilarious how SJW Schopenhauer is for all those edgypoltards who couldn't understand even the essay on women. On the basis of morality has such key points as
>do not call an animal "it"!!!! would you call a baby "it"?zomg2>"!!!
>Western culture so bad, we don't even worship cow

The eating and killing each other part I can't remember in Schopenhauer, because all I can think of is Nietzsche's explanation of it as birds of prey loving little lambs and the lambs misunderstanding.

>> No.8771354

Applying the anachronistic SJW term to Schopenhauer. How pleb can you get.

>> No.8771362


>I'm still reading the greeks so I won't get to Schopy anytime soon

You only need one Greek for him, and that's Plato.

>> No.8771432

And that's the one I'm reading.

>> No.8771571

well I mean, but reading Kant without having read Hume and maybe Locke is kind of handicapping yourself needlessly.

Thankfully, Hume doesn't need anything to be read before.

>> No.8771577

Know what, scratch that, just read the Prolegomena and take it as on face value as possible without consulting his other works. That's the Kant closest to what Schopenhauer uses as basis.