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/lit/ - Literature

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8770127 No.8770127 [Reply] [Original]

What fictional character from books do you most identify with?

>> No.8770134

who told him he could read my diary t bh

>> No.8770135



lol jk, obviously J. Alfred Prufrock.

>> No.8770136

is this some kind of a meme or what? why do so many people spell it like that?

>> No.8770137
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I'm relatively thin, and can hold down a job, but I see myself in Ignatius, a bit too much. Just in the fact of being a somewhat educated underachiever.

>> No.8770138

Because that's how you pronounce it

>> No.8770139

Stephen Dedalus

>> No.8770153


Don Quioxte

>> No.8770154


>> No.8770168
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It’s uncomfortable to confess that I identify most with Amy Dunne from the novel Gone Girl. Psycho bitch. Spoiled brat. Twisted. Toxic.

>> No.8770170


>> No.8770177

johan nagel :(

>> No.8770214


>> No.8770217

I identify a lot with the main character from The Sailor who fell from grace with the sea.

>> No.8770220

I had a Professor once describe Stephen as "That guy you want to sit far away from in a lecture"

>> No.8770271

That probably explains why I hate myself

>> No.8770275

I'm literally Captain Ahab

>> No.8770286

Stavrogin :^)

>> No.8770289


>> No.8770298

Hamlet, which is embarrrassing
though at times Stephen Dedalus

>> No.8770308

Either Edward Bast or Thomas Eigen

>> No.8770318

The protagonist in Hunger, was like reading my diary desu

>> No.8770320


>Hamlet, which is embarrrassing

>Implying your apprehensions about talking to cuties can be likened to apprehensions about killing the current king

Anon please.

>> No.8770321

I know you know I know this is copypasta, but I'm going to post a reply alluding to its being copypasta anyway:

Unseen, rare copypasta, mm-mmm.

>> No.8770324

>not Kreon

>> No.8770325

A guy appeared at a dinner somewhere around the middle of the Vivisector by Patrick White, who I kind of resemble. Not sure who else.

>> No.8770327

Lieutenant Glahn from Pan.

I am so fucking pathetic.

>> No.8770330

That one

>> No.8770331

Fuck you I flirted with a /lit/ cutie for three hours last Thursday night.
And ja, it is a pretty loose and poor comparison.

>> No.8770335

I can just imagine Hamlet saying this

>> No.8770336

the judge from blood meridian. Intelligent, witty, and with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.8770362

Ah, I think you misunderstood. I meant that it's embarrassing to say Hamlet, since that's from when I was like 14 and probably based on severe misreadings of the character. But I still couldn't think of anyone I identified with more.

>> No.8770371

monolinguals can't even write their own language

>> No.8770374

Cringe. Say that again when one of you has written something on the level of anything that Joyce wrote

>> No.8770384

Like it's literally not how you pronounce it though. "loo" is not the same sound as the "lo" in loser.

>> No.8770389

The main character of my diary, desu.

>> No.8770407

The narrator in Notes from Underground.

>> No.8770436

What country?

>> No.8770443

This but I try my best to be a Leopold Bloom and/or a Don Quixote tbqh

>> No.8770448

One of the main characters from Charles Dickens' book Hard Times. The way he went on about how he lives by facts and truths. I can't fucking stand the way that some people will take something they heard or assume, not knowing if it's correct or not, and will defend it as fact just for the sake of it. For the sake of wishing to be right. For instance, I needed to take my paperwork to a place. Bitch tells me I need to SEND it before hand. That's not what they told me on the phone. For the next hour or so, in spite of my attempts to change subject, she goes on and on about me having to SEND the paperwork in.

I call the next day, and I just bring it with me, I don't need to send it. Most of the night was spent arguing for NOTHING simply because I maintained that "I don't think that's the case" and she would not accept anything but "you are right, I will". I told her I'll call tomorrow, but I don't think it's going to be the case. For some reason, my refusal to bend over backwards and accept her word as gospel, as well as even SUGGESTING that she might be wrong, caused a huge shit show. She never did apologise for being wrong and making a night thoroughly unpleasant.

>> No.8770480

p e c h o r i n

>> No.8770484

Harry Haller from Steppenwolf.
I was horrified to find out that I was literally reading about myself, and how much of a depressed whiny fuck I am.
After reading it I even met an incredible girl (in her own way) that brought back my interest in life, but it didn't work out at the end and she definitely didn't send one of her cutie friends to have sex with me unfortunately.

>> No.8770497

Hey Karl Ove! How's it going? Too bad about the divorce, will Linda get the kids?

>> No.8770515

Antigone is punk af. Kreon not so much

>> No.8770528

He's a horrid pretentious person. Mr Bloom is the one you should be like

>> No.8770532

Lil Proust

>> No.8770533

Goddamn seconded.

>> No.8770547

>Cringe. Say that again when one of you has written something on the level of anything that Joyce wrote

They don't realize it most of them but thats the point of Stephen Dedalus, he could never have written Ulysses. He was a pseud who despite being big talk tried to do what Joyce would do but failed and had to scurry home and become a school teacher.
He is a perfect representation of this board

>> No.8770556


How do I become Hannibal Lecter?

>> No.8770570

You'd probably do well to watch Mads Mikkelsen's interpretation and imitate him and his habits, like everyone else.

>> No.8770610

Kirillov from Demons

>> No.8770808

Kazantzakis' Jesus

>> No.8770839


>> No.8770840
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>Tfw Gregor Samsa

>> No.8770856
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Actually, yes.

>> No.8770871
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Michel Djerzinkski

>> No.8770882

Ignatius J. Reilly

>> No.8770891

Tom and Sam Hamilton from East of Eden by John Steinbeck or Colonel Aureliano Buendia (I wish) from 100 Years of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I'm doomed.

>> No.8770895

Read Bartleby the Scrivener

>> No.8770946

howard roark

>> No.8770961


Dude has 0 employability

>> No.8770970

gregor samsa is the only fictional character i particularly identify with

>> No.8770981
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Bartleby. NEET life for me thx

>> No.8770993

Holden Caulfield

>> No.8770994

Rodion Raskolnikov without the wanting to commit a murder.

>> No.8770995

This. Even with everyone in this thread calling him pretentious, it still fits me. People tell me I'm pretentious all the time. My English teacher in high school called me an "acquired taste"

>> No.8771005

you, me, every other goddman man-child

>> No.8771007

So not Rodion Raskolnikov.

>> No.8771036

did you read the book

>> No.8771055

Naoko from Norwegian Wood. Trying to communicate with others makes me wanna hang myself too.

>> No.8771060

Patrick Batemen.
Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.8771066

ten bucks says the guy in ops pic hammers more top tier pussy in a semester than u will in a life

>> No.8771067
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Lemuel from Malone Dies

>> No.8771069

Huxley's Anthony Beavis

>> No.8771095

Ish from Earth Abides

>> No.8771109

Did he fuck you?

>> No.8771201


>> No.8771206

I would love to be fucked by a highschool teacher and have him tell me "I'm an acquired taste" as he whipes me off, and I'm not even gay.

>> No.8771215

Based Kirilov (but really don't do it)

>> No.8771256

Marla Singer

>> No.8771392

When the time comes.

>> No.8771404

Bast strikes me as a toned down Wyatt. He doesn't go quoting reams of medieval alchemical manuals and flemish biographies, but you can tell he has the same spark, the same temperament. Especially when he becomes choleric.

>> No.8771415


>> No.8771749


this desu

also the Underground Man

>> No.8771766
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>> No.8771808
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Alexei Ivanovich

>> No.8771900

Not sure, but the person who I'd most like to be is Razumikhin.

>> No.8771928

emil sinclair

>> No.8771963


Would you prefer to be him over Myshkin?

>> No.8772050


>> No.8772059
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>> No.8772066

It's not the vowel sound, it's the s... I'm not sure of the linguistic terminology here but "loose" has a unvoiced s (snake) while "lose" has a voiced s (nose)

>> No.8772071


>> No.8772080

Humbert Humbert

>> No.8772149

I don't know, I do know that I hate characters that sell out their ideology/side for pussy

>> No.8772155

what? 2 oo=U you pronounce it with u and not as loser

>> No.8772182

>implying god is a personality and not a phenomenon

>> No.8772423

Doc from Cannery Row

>> No.8772435

Gatsby. there was someone I loved, once...

>> No.8772489


>> No.8772562

jimmy from oryx and crake

>> No.8772587

Franny Glass.

>> No.8772632

Come on lit, no one's Josef K. yet?

>> No.8772659

Leto II, God Emperor of Dune

>> No.8772660
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Alyosha from brother's karamazov, eccentric, and a bit religious

>> No.8772700
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>> No.8772706

Edmond Dantes

I wish

>> No.8773050


>> No.8773054

Staring into that green light, old sport?

>> No.8773057


>> No.8773146
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edgelord detected

>> No.8773333

I wish. Her rump was cosmic.

>> No.8773372

same i love him
hes so moved by kindness but still pissd at dumb people

>> No.8773421

Lucy Snowe ;/
I wish I was Franny. Or Molly Bloom.

>> No.8773576

To be honest I don't really see him in a positive light and I know it MUST be mostly bullshit.
But he is the only fictional with whom I shared a similarity in the thought process with the omnipresence of the division between what we feel and what we are supposed to feel and not really being able to think about we experience beyond the sensations of the now.
So yeah that's just my only choice by default, I'm probably seeing too much in it and if there is any likeness between us that's probably not really a good thing.

>> No.8773622

Juan García Madero in the first part of The Savage Detectives

>> No.8773628

Bernardo Soares

>> No.8773643

sydney carton

>> No.8773655

Ivan Fyodorovich Karamazov

>> No.8773718
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>> No.8773724

After my mom read this she wouldn't shut up about comparing him to me

>> No.8773738
File: 124 KB, 520x553, 1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bin ich ein Gott? Mir wird so licht!


>> No.8773760

Through middle/high school I was exactly like Pierre Bezukhov, now I'm pretty much Andrei Bolkonsky.

>> No.8774094

William Stoner

>> No.8774123

I have never read a novel with a character I strongly identify with.

The closest might be Ayn Rand's Franciso d'Anconia.

>> No.8774196

Raskolnikov, at least since I read Stirner.

>> No.8774402

Damn, I wonder what sort of life you lead.

>> No.8774416

Yeah it's kinda sad, I'm with you.

>> No.8774436
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Roger Chillingworth

>> No.8775464

Esther Greenwood from The Bell Jar when I think about myself existentially. Although in the context of my family and acquaintances, I'm probably an Orin Incandenza.

>> No.8775474

My diary desu

>> No.8775489

you make me wanna read it all over again, any books like gatsby? ;_;

>> No.8775528
File: 25 KB, 304x500, No_Longer_Human_%28Osamu_Dazai_novel%29_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8775556


>> No.8775572

I want to consume Mads one day.

>> No.8775595


Probably more like a bit of both.

>> No.8775598

I dont know how to feel about feeling connected to Bernardo Soares

>> No.8775751
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Fyodor Dolokhov.

Intelligent, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humour.

>> No.8776128
File: 16 KB, 170x170, Loss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant to be

>> No.8776189


>> No.8776210
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Joe Bonham. Not so much as he is represented in the flashbacks, but the way he figures out his world after losing everything perfectly paralleled how I think. This is the first time I ever saw myself in a fictional character and was a pretty good feeling to be quite honest.

>> No.8776270
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>> No.8776307
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Josef K.

>> No.8776394

Tom Navidson

>> No.8776398

Gregory Berrycone of course

>> No.8776422

T h i s です

>> No.8776452

Salvatore Paradise

>> No.8776846

Harry Haller.

>> No.8776874

Did anyone else read GR and go "Yeah. I'm like Slothrop"

>> No.8777182


>> No.8777225

Matrim Caughton? I don't know. I've read so many.

>> No.8778113

>Guy obv has a non-Germanic name
>prob. English isn't his mother-tongue
>some kind of a meme
I'd like you to write anything coherent in that guy's native language, before you spout shit

>> No.8778357

>gets loads of poosi
>works in a high position in a bank
>gets stabbed to the heart for being an inane piece of shit and not understanding that he deserved it all along
these don't really apply to most /lit/ browsers, i assume most are self-pitying neets here

>> No.8778584

Me desu, but manufacturing engineer
I deserve it too, total mach

>> No.8778585

Peter Walsh and Stephen Dedalus

>> No.8778587

Lucky Jim

>> No.8778599

Dr. Zack Busner

>> No.8778635

Humbert Humbert

>> No.8778639

you're under arrest, sir

>> No.8778641


>> No.8778645

>fictional caracter
top bk

>> No.8778654

>still believing Socrates isn't a fictional character invented by Plato

>> No.8778682


>> No.8778687

Maybe Arsen Zahray rated his own book of life?

>> No.8778713

Prospero from Tempest.

>> No.8778811


>> No.8778823


>> No.8779121

People with a far too high opinion of themselves

>> No.8779129

Same, but no Callaghan

>> No.8779153

In the Pynchon ouvre, I identified more with Profane. I also share a lot of personality traits with Mason.

>> No.8779167

I can identify with a noble character while at the same time considering myself far inferior.

>> No.8779169


>> No.8779300

YHWH from The Bible.

>> No.8779373

>being too gullible/naive/impressionable to fall for obvious trolling

>> No.8779655

Tyrion Lannister
>Let me give you some advice bastard. Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you

>> No.8780095

Ivan Karamazov

>> No.8780102

I am literally Candide

>> No.8780389

Shadowthrone, probably.

>> No.8780704


>> No.8780841
File: 36 KB, 372x601, BNW20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John The Savage
Brave New World

>> No.8781143

john grady cole

>> No.8781209
File: 50 KB, 311x499, 518A522qWsL._SX309_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ditie from pic related, an insecure short guy who found melancholy happiness in solitude (without the erstwhile casual sex)

>> No.8781413

lord jim

>> No.8782283

That gay guy from Indignation (Philip Roth) who was roommates with the main character for a shirt time

>> No.8782337

Quentin Coldwater, without the positive characteristics.

>> No.8782485

Obviously this only means aresembling thought process.

Quentin Compson
Hans Castorp

or this