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8769546 No.8769546 [Reply] [Original]

Why does english comes as a dry and technical language while romance ones comes as very poetical, romantic and artistic.

is there any truth behind this or is my autism?

>> No.8769553 [DELETED] 

You're a frogposter.

Re-evaluate everything.

>> No.8769554

English is the most poetic language out there IMO. Latin is dry and technical.

>> No.8769559

English sucks for poetry but is good for narratives and memes, so dont be sad :)

>> No.8769566

>English sucks for poetry
So that's why there are no notable English-language poets. Thanks, anon.

>> No.8769572

There are but they are shit tier compared to Neruda or Rimbaud tbqh

>> No.8769575

Meant to

>> No.8769580

That explains why people are always talking about Neruda instead of some English dunce like Shakespeare.

>> No.8769583

You know there's people like Cervantes, right?

>> No.8769586

Oh yeah, he wrote the epic poem Don Quijote.

>> No.8769588

how bout Dante?

>> No.8769590

One of countless Italian poets who are read worldwide these days

>> No.8769592

you know romance language grammar is more complex than anything that english can come with, right?

>> No.8769597

And everyone knows that grammatical complexity is the only criterion when it comes to judging the poetic potential of a language.

>> No.8769604

>have shittier tools
>but I can make better sculpts.

>> No.8769607

Everyone knows that grammar is more important than actual words, especially when dealing with something like poetry.

>> No.8769610

words can be made up, grammar can't.

>> No.8769611

>comes as

get into books, anon. it's honestly pretty great. people talk annie mae up but writers have been refining prose media for centuries. read better works.

bite-size plays like Antigone or The Crucible are good starters.

>> No.8769617

English is just a very simple language and its tricks and innards are graspable by the plebeian mind. It is a great language for memeing and fast conversation, perhaps also for lightweight comedy. Writing in English is like taking a step back or something, I don't know. My original language is a slavic one, but the more I learn about languages derived from Latin, the more I wish I was born Spanish, Portuguese or Italian.

>> No.8769629

>Writing in English is like taking a step back or something,

What do you mean by this?

>> No.8769631

Which languages (maybe top 10, or 7, or 5) have the largest dictionaries?

>> No.8769637
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It's because you've grown up with it all your life you dumb frogposter. Of course a foreign language, in its exotic nature, is going to seem more "beautiful" to you.

Read a book you retard.

>> No.8769667

english is easier to pronounce than other languages because it is so monotone and fluid

>> No.8769924

English is an incredible language with nuance and versatility.
>less tools

If I wanted a pit's worth of grammatical depth, I'd learn Japanese -- which is also much more rhythmic and sonorous than any Romance language.

>> No.8769931

Englishes strong tendency to borrow creates a better sonic landscape than any other language, due to variety

>> No.8769935

If we are talking about Latin I would agree with you but modern Romance languages are not really more complicated. French has more tenses and moods because of its verb conjugation but they are dying out and simplifying because they are useless for the most part. Asides from that they have the more specific set of pronouns and conjunctions but that does really make it more complex.

Not any Romance languages.

>> No.8769944

Romance languages compose with the passive voice where english gets streamlined into the active voice for clarity. What in another language would be "the name of the girl" is generally rendered in english as "the girl's name".

>> No.8769951

I am disappointed no one on /lit/ has read Paradise Lost.

>> No.8769956

bro we had a thread abt it the other, mad heads read it wtf u talkin abt

>> No.8769983

i think he's read paradise lost and likes it a lot and wants to feel superior about having read and enjoyed it by suggesting we haven't or we wouldn't be having this thread but idk it seems like a totally irrelevant thing for that poster to have posted. he should paradise get lost imho.

>> No.8770000

>the name of the girl
That's not the passive voice, bub.

>> No.8770014

I have difficulty fully grasping English, let alone have time or energy to learn another one simply to enjoy its emotional contexts.

I can understand the yearning for something more formulaic with a more pleasant sound, but in reality it is a blessing that English occasionally is blessed with the ability to emulate the romantic high-context languages.

The true boon of English is that it is currently, and unless something absolutely catastrophic happens, the most popular and fleshed out technical language there is. German may be a more technical language but they are less than 1% of the global population. China has had so many revolutions its doctrine on tort law amounts to 30 pages of theft. English runs the internet. English runs the Law. English runs business. English runs the memes. English runs the jewels.

English runs the world.

>> No.8770032

>t. monolingual pleb