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/lit/ - Literature

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8769301 No.8769301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.8769315

Why haven't the mods banned all your proxies yet?

>> No.8769318

Nothing new; It's been happening since 2014.

>> No.8769322

Daily reminder that we've now been invaded by /pol/ retards because of that pic being posted there and on /r9k/ 600 times over the past two days

>> No.8769324

who cares really

>> No.8769327

Shills desu.

>> No.8769329

But /pol/ is always right, and commies undermine society. /pol/ must reign supreme for polite society to be maintained.

>> No.8769330

>he browses /r9k/

Virgin detected.

>> No.8769331

It's okay, they're only hurting their cause by getting repeatedly BTFO in public

>> No.8769332


>> No.8769335

the more people the better. honestly I really don't care.

>> No.8769339

This. As long as they discuss literature, then there's no problem.

It's not like we don't have innumerable shitposting race-baiting threads and 'le woman hate'-threads already.

>> No.8769340

What the fuck are you talking about, faggot? Are you oblivious to the fact that there have been Marx threads spammed for years? Fuck off, newfag.

>> No.8769342

This, we've always had communists posting here, it's only a problem with /pol/roaches infest this place with their shit.

>> No.8769345

Write a book about it.

>> No.8769348

They'll instantly be outted by not spouting memes about Pinecone and Infinite Jest though.

>> No.8769349

Shills, no doubt.

>> No.8769357

neck yourself newfag

>> No.8769365
File: 35 KB, 450x309, no doubt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love literature.

>> No.8769373


>> No.8769396

This so called invasion has generated one thread that has devolved into a pro monarchist-christian thread. Meanwhile /pol/ factors everywhere

>> No.8769399

why are so many people all of a sudden apathetic about reddit when in almost every thread someone tells someone else to go back to r/books?

also why does this thread have so many replies so fast? yep guess that the_donald drama really did create some refugees

>> No.8769414
File: 9 KB, 208x206, varg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop panicking about virgin problems