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8769135 No.8769135 [Reply] [Original]

>The word itself has another color. It’s not a word with any resonance, although the e was once pronounced. There is only the bump now between b and l, the relief at the end, the whew. It hasn’t the sly turn which crimson takes halfway through, yellow’s deceptive jelly, or the rolled-down sound in brown. It hasn’t violet’s rapid sexual shudder or like a rough road the irregularity of ultramarine, the low puddle in mauve like a pancake covered in cream, the disapproving purse to pink, the assertive brevity of red, the whine of green.

The guy can write about literally anything and I'd read it

>> No.8769144

what color/word is he talking about?

>> No.8769199

Blue (it's from On Being Blue)

>> No.8770348

>the whew

God bless you Will you're a gas man

>> No.8770354

Gass Gass Gass
I wish you'd stop posting Gass

>> No.8770420

I bought a biography of Rilke that he wrote a blurb for and I will probably read the blurb a hundred times because of how insane he writes:

>"Because it pleads no special cause; because it neither shrinks, nor tut-tuts, nor pooh-poohs, nor exults; because it never looks at Rilke's traits as if they were knots to be cleverly untied but allows the poet's genius and his personal weaknesses to fall like a pair of gloves on the same table; and because it tells its tale in full awareness of the tale's importance, not of the teller's thesis: Ralph Freedman's exemplary biography turns out to be...a book that, in the deepest sense, support's [Rilke's] poetry...and is a book of praise."

While seeing if I could copy this lazily from an online place I found hilarious interview: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/03/13/william-h-gass-how-i-write.html

what do you guys think of his Starter Kit for Philosophy?

>> No.8770447

H-w-y-uu is not a possible sound in English.
Even for wine-whine merger plebs, w-y-uu is also unpronounceable.