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8767505 No.8767505 [Reply] [Original]

If all the philosophers who ever lived had a debate, who'd win?

>> No.8767511


>> No.8767514


>> No.8767519

Sam Harris

>> No.8767520

What are they debating about and who's judging?

>> No.8767525

Stirner, not even meeming.

>> No.8767526

Stefan Molyneux

>> No.8767527

Nobody can possibly be prepared for this underdogs argumentation style.

>> No.8767529

Socrates obviously

>> No.8767535

the obvious answer here is Berkeley because hes the only one who actually exists but I think Wittgenstein would do pretty well too.

>> No.8767540




>> No.8767546

>implying philosophy is about being right at all
>implying its not intellectual will to power
>implying its not a dick measuring contest
stay dreaming last man.

>> No.8767572

Do they have all the knowledge cumulative up until this point?
Because if so, Plato. The dude was a genius. What he did with the cumulative state of philosophy at that point was something that will never be seen again.

>> No.8767574

David Hume, the based fat cherub.

>> No.8767581

except he stole all his ideas from paramenides and pythagoras. Also, how the fuck do you know what the "state of philosophy" was at that point? most-all the works are lost.

>> No.8767582


>> No.8767585

Philosophers are all close-minded snobbish fucks.
Did a single philosopher ever come out and say
>You know, I see it now, I was wrong

>> No.8767586

Hume got outdated by Kant. Everyone knows that.

>> No.8767590

>stole all of his ideas
good meme
And they aren't exactly 'lost'. We know what the individual philosophers thought. I have nothing against "dude everything is water lmao" since he's not got much to work off of. But comparatively Plato has spawned an entire wing of philosophical thought that has existed until now. I.E. Idealism.

>> No.8767591

yeah actually A lot of them. Kant, Descartes, Wittgenstein

>> No.8767598

thats Thales you fucking dilletante scum not Paramanides

>> No.8767603

Yes, I'm aware, I was just making a point.
Paramanides was slightly more advanced, but still boiled down to "dude atoms lmao".
Plato more or less invented the disciplines of epistemology and metaphysics.

>> No.8767604

get out of here.

>> No.8767609

>You know, I see it now, I was wrong

Yeah but he just said that to himself

>> No.8767610


Parmenides was "dude nothing is changing or moving lmao"

>> No.8767613

He wasn't wrong

>> No.8767615
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>implying he didn't

>> No.8767623

Was too. Heraclitus was right.

>> No.8767624

Diogenes would outmeme everyone else.

The others would take it seriously, Diogenes would pull a dildo out of his anus and slap Hume across the face it with, then go on to mimic everyone else's arguments in a baby voice.

>> No.8767629

u know nothing. go back to school friend. Read anaxagoras, pythagoras or paramanides, or Heraclitus or even the hindus.

>> No.8767637

>muh induction
Kant was wrong you dingus.

>> No.8767648

Hume literally said nothing substantial you dingus all he said was

>lmao guys what if like everything is wrong lol emotions amirite??? Miracles stink ~!! xD gods not REAL. enlightenment intensifies

Kant at least was able to sort out hume's autism into a coherent metaphysical system.

>> No.8767672

>lmao guys what if like everything is wrong
Hume argues that truth exists but that experimental data (statistics) does not lead to truth only probability.

>coherent metaphysical system.
One that is not based on reason just assumptions. Kant is not right, he is more sophist than Socrates.

>> No.8767692

Phil Anselmo.

>> No.8767704

Ofcourse its not BASED on reason. his book is called critique of pure reason. He got that from Hume.

It constructs the empiricists' consequence of subjective idealism through reason. Through knowledge a priori and synthetic reasoning.

>> No.8767722

>synthetic reasoning
Pure ideology.
>a priori knowledge
Misunderstanding an inductive argument does not make it a priori knowledge.

>> No.8767725
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>> No.8767735


>> No.8767769
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Leave Tommy to me.

>> No.8767820


>> No.8767836

still better than hume

>> No.8767838

But who would win in a fight? Plato?

>> No.8767851

Socrates was a hoplite and probably way more built than half these neckbeard fedora men and sissy romanitc manlets so I'd say socrates

>> No.8767852

No one.

They'd probably banter about the superiority of their own philosophy, before doing someone pulls out alcohol or something and then they all have some drunk writting contest or someshit.

>> No.8767856

He also had retard strength and ugly man rage.

>> No.8767867


>> No.8767938
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>> No.8768095


>> No.8768126
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>> No.8768132

>Socrates obviously
>there are delicious things in the world
>humans have tongues that are capable of tasting delicious things
>therefore God

>> No.8768135

>frail cigar smoking, schoolgirl teaching bitchboy
>winning anything
Nietzsche wins against the Western philosophers, Plato destroys every other philosopher from Antiquity.
It ends as a fight between the rival brothers. Both die.

>> No.8768151

is this bait? You started with the presocratics and stopped?

>> No.8768167

This, Harris is the only trained martial arts experts among the great philosophers.

>> No.8768194

me desu

>> No.8768202

This made me laugh, thanks anon lol

>> No.8768218

lol, Xenophon and Socrates fought in wars as hoplites, Plato was notoiously broad and a good wrestler, they would tear this guy apart

>> No.8768230

>Xenophon and Socrates fought in wars as hoplites
The phalanx was the laziest formation in history. The real power of the Greeks was the Navy.

>Plato was notoiously broad and a good wrestler
They also had a garbage diet. A large Greek was a manlet compared to Harris.

>> No.8768231
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Plato would rip his boipussy apart

>> No.8768235


John Boyd

>> No.8768240

yeah but who re upholstered plato's boipussy? thats right socrates.

>> No.8768251

Hint: if the person you posted ITT was born less than fifty years ago, they are utterly irrelevant

>> No.8768267

Plato was around 5'2", no taller than a Hebrew of the same period. Plato may have been a wrestler but him came from one of the richest families in Greece, his opponents likely let him win to win his family's favor.
Even if Plato was a good wrestler, Sam Harris is a BJJ expert, a fighting style that specializes in grappling techniques. It wouldn't even be a fair fight, Plato would submit within seconds.
Socrates, with his ignoble birth and military experience, would prove to be a far greater match for Sam Harris.

>> No.8768305

The porch monkey, Stefan Molyneux.

>> No.8768408

t. Sam Harris - "but also, we do not know what the gods of neurological determination would have in store, for what if during the match, a particular bird of my subconscious delight were to fly past my peripheral and make a sing or squawk, it might be that my unconscious genes would be determined in that moment to look toward the heavens, allowing but for a brief, my opponent to besiege me, also, aren't I something of a manlet myself?"

>> No.8768470

Kant's attack on Hume was just a bunch of hand-waving and wishing really hard.

>> No.8768478
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>> No.8768486

this. or jesus

>> No.8768496

Protip: If your post includes the name of someone who's work you were introduced to by a "Teacher", you are objectively wrong and somewhere between one hundred and one million years behind the bleeding edge.

Translation: Your expensive education isn't worth a fucking thing, because you are not capable of independent critical thinking or research.

>> No.8768499

kek are you one of the /pol/tards who seen that reddit picture?

>> No.8768500

I refuse to debate. Debate me on that.

Who'd win?

>> No.8768503


I have no idea wtf you are talking about.


We both win.

>> No.8768505

Your opponent automatically wins without saying anything because you've already contradicted yourself.

>> No.8768507

the existence of a debate presupposes mutual participation. If there is no participation there is no debate and there is no winner for a debate that didn't take place.

>> No.8768508

Oh never mind, I just presumed so because of how sensitive you are

>> No.8768560

is this true? Especially the part of the athenian rowers being better than olympic ones we have now?

>> No.8768568

If it is its based on claims of their feats which are almost certainly bullshit

>> No.8768692

>ywn be brutally pounded in the ass by socrates while he picks apart presumptions in your arguments

Why live desu

>> No.8768695


>> No.8768783
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The debate would evolve into a harmony of dialectic the likes of which the world has never seen, because there is only one truth and all the best philosophers have known this.

Which is a fancy way of saying Hegel will finally give his boipussy up to Plato senpai

>> No.8768798
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>because there is only one truth and all the best philosophers have known this.

>> No.8768807

t. someone who hasn't even read Plato

>> No.8768809

Leibniz, because God already pre-arranged it for him to win

>> No.8768818

He and aristotle would be the two more btfo

>> No.8768826

keep projecting faggotron

Plato didn't even agree with himself later in his life, considering the Parmenides and the Sophist both are both at odds with themselves and his earlier works

>> No.8768834
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Nietzsche, obviously.

>> No.8768839

Statistically, some rando that was never published

>> No.8768858

sam harris is amazing at never allowing himself to be wrong in his own detached head.

>> No.8768887

>daddy issues slut is best girl
Nietzsche you're a fucking fag

>> No.8768960

This desu

>> No.8768987

>implying neechee wouldn't rage-quit like a bitch mid-way

>> No.8769031


He'd bring a poker and stab everyone after telling them to shut up.

>> No.8769052


>> No.8769085


>> No.8769713

Berkeley is not a solipsist and therefore your joke is bad

>> No.8769726


>> No.8769742

Imagine diogenes vs zizek

>> No.8770156
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>> No.8770161

>Plato destroys every other philosopher from Antiquity
t. Aristotle

>> No.8770163


>> No.8770282

I like looking at him and listening to his voice and eloquence I don't even care what he's talking about

>> No.8770287
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>> No.8770322

He's not even eloquent. He rambles and goes on tangents and often talks fast.

>> No.8770344

sorry, I didn't know the bald guy, and thought that you meant this guy:
because he responded to Varg's video as if it was directed at him and is also a stefan

>> No.8770352

he's not a stefan, dunno why I read styx as stefan, sorry I don't know what's happening to me

>> No.8770735

Kant didn't even read Treatise lul

>> No.8770741

many of the presocratics were materialists though but you're right

>> No.8770748

socrates would out-autism everyone else

>> No.8770755

Not one person even asked what they were debating

>> No.8771771

The Sophists.

>> No.8771775

Feser, pls

>> No.8771777


>> No.8771778


>> No.8772513

This is the only true answer.

>> No.8772574


Every time someone replies he accuses them of not interpreting him correctly.