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8766329 No.8766329 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else have problems with discipline? I live in the southern hemisphere (NZ) and this time of year is the worst for me writing wise, really hot weather and it's Christmas holidays. I've written a book and I'm working on another, but my productivity right now is almost non-existent. I wouldn't even call it writer's block, just laziness I guess.

What do you guys do to build discipline when you're feeling too lazy to write?

>> No.8766445

sorry, have nothing to add but: always feels good to see someone else from NZ on this board. good luck.

>> No.8766585

I don't have nothing to add as well but it is a wonderful picture OP, I needed it this gloomy day, thank you for that.

>> No.8766592

having same problem. know what i need to do but just being lazy and procrastinating by reading. going to try to get back in my productive routine but coke quality has plummeted here