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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 350x483, Evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8766079 No.8766079 [Reply] [Original]

Are any of his books worth reading? If I were to read just one, which should it be?

Also, is his book on Buddhism any good?

>> No.8766093

>Are any of his books worth reading?
In fact, no.
>If I were to read just one, which should it be?
Can't advise any.
>Also, is his book on Buddhism any good?
Absolutely not.

>> No.8766098

I would suggest Ride the Tiger

For me Evola is hit or miss. He has some SERIOUS degenerate stuff, like harem and batshitcrazy sexual behavior, but this problem is minimized in Ride the Tiger.

>> No.8766246

oh wow, what a fucking moron. took the vedas and ruined them, apparently. got it all wrong. yes, we are in the Yuga. your job is to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE AND KEEP YOUR HEART PURE. nothing else. this guy was so fucking lost its not funny. so close, and yet so far away.

>> No.8766275

Revolt Against the Modern World, Men Amongst the Ruins and Ride the Tiger are the books you should start with

>> No.8766294

>Revolt Against the Modern World
this is GARBAGE, please don't recommend this kind of degeneracy to OP

>so close, and yet so far away
that's basically it

>> No.8766310


It's been ages since I read him. His critique of Nietzsche was half-right. He BTFO's Heidegger though.

>> No.8766337 [DELETED] 
File: 105 KB, 954x1157, plebbit Marxists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either give valid critiques, or just admit you are a buttblasted lefty.

>> No.8766467

Evola is closer to lefties than to traditionalists.

>> No.8766474

From a "game" or "manosphere" perspective, acknowledging male sexuality is perfectly in keeping with solar masculinity.

Such rebels. Have they applied for a grant yet?

>> No.8767537

Why is Revolt garbage?

And what's wrong with his book on Buddhism?

>> No.8767944

Revolt against the modern world is GOAT.

Ride the tiger is good work too.

If you recognize yourself rather as a living organism with thoughts than a halfdead piece of weak meat, then I would suggest that you read him.

>> No.8768060

Don't listen to the shitposters from reddit, they'll leave soon enough. They have a vague idea of who Evola is, and they feel threatened by his intellectual superiority (as they should be).

Most of Evola's work is great, even if you disagree with his worldview. The reading order is usually Revolt Against the Modern World -> Men Among the Ruins -> Ride the Tiger for a solid foundation. I personally really enjoyed his essays on fascism and the Third Reich. He transcends ideology, and is one of the most radical aristocrats (in the true sense of the word) that you'll encounter. The legs of latter-day leftists, conservatives, and other assorted intellectual gnomes already start to buckle during the first few pages.

One thing to note, though, is that the translations are of varying quality. He's best read in Italian (or in German or French if he did the translations himself). His prose may seem a bit dense, especially if you're not well-versed in history and philosophy.

His book on Buddhism is, according to friends I have who are versed in eastern philosophy and practice, one of the best on the subject. The same is supposed to be true of his book on Hermeticism, though I haven't read either of them.

>> No.8768077 [DELETED] 

He's a hack.

>> No.8768079

See you can tell by this idiot advocating him how worthless his books are

>> No.8768092

Stop samefagging

>> No.8768094


>t. someone too retarded or scared to even try reading Evola

>> No.8768110

First post in the thread.

I've studied Hegel, Derrida and Wittgenstein at a third level. I find it funny you even think this simpleton is intimidating

>> No.8768112


lmao you're too dense to even comprehend that your post is self-defeating.

>> No.8768142

thanks for quality post

>> No.8768200 [DELETED] 

hello nu-male

>> No.8768459 [DELETED] 



>> No.8768463 [DELETED] 

Hello illiterate

>> No.8768477 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 250x375, 1480035564469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


mein sides your kind are silly sometimes

>> No.8770343 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8770345 [DELETED] 

(lol this is so funny for some reason)

>> No.8770347 [DELETED] 

well, figures only children would fall for communism

>> No.8770377 [DELETED] 

These people are having a real hard time separating tranny and nigger "rights" from communism, maybe if they weren't so pathetic I would even support it

>> No.8770380 [DELETED] 
File: 31 KB, 653x389, 1480115793512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8770383 [DELETED] 

Should we post this pic every time a /pol/ retard makes an unpopular claim?

"reminder that after the plebbit pic has been posted a thousand times on /pol/ and /r9k/ there'll have been an influx of "redpilled" frogmen. Kindly disregard them!"

>> No.8770391 [DELETED] 

>Should we post >>>/pol/ every time a /leftypol/ retard makes an unpopular claim?

>> No.8770397 [DELETED] 

You should tell everyone that if they aren't here to discuss literature, then they should fuck off.

>> No.8770398 [DELETED] 

Eh, I'm sure you could find the same thread on from members of the 'right'

Here's an enlightening AMA in German with a guy who said he did just that: https://www.reddit.com/r/de_IAmA/comments/5cf9dn/ama_ich_bin_ein_aussteiger_aus_der_rechten_online/

Use google translate

>> No.8770399 [DELETED] 

What the fuck are you even talking about, I'm trying to find sense in your post but all I see is violent retardation

>> No.8770409 [DELETED] 

I do, especially to those fucking Zizek and spook posters. Guess how they reply?


>> No.8770410 [DELETED] 

This picture is posted aorund 100 times a day on /pol/ and /r9k/.

We probably have more of a /pol9k/ invasion than le evil rebbitors as a consequence

>> No.8770412 [DELETED] 

reminder to sage and report all politics threads (unless they're talking about a specific work by a thinker, then just hide it if it triggers you).

>> No.8770413 [DELETED] 

It's posted here because it explains why /lit/ and /his/ are such Marxist hugboxes

>> No.8770417 [DELETED] 

Why don't you do the same with these posts hen friendo? >>8770343 :^)

>> No.8770419 [DELETED] 

Stop falling for the marxist bait you morons
dont you see thats their plan to destroy every discussion that isnt approved by the party (subreddit) leadership

>> No.8770421 [DELETED] 

I haven't reported the thread, because I'm sure this one is genuine and not bait. There have also been suggestions made to the OP on what to read.
The OP isn't about politics, but about the works of a thinker. It shouldn't be reported.

>> No.8770444 [DELETED] 

I see a lot of people interested in Ride the Tiger here. Some people are eager to jump in, others are intimidated. I've read the book about eleven times, so I just want say a few words and address people who are thinking about reading it or are just beginning.

Before you embark on your journey into the mind of a genius, you have to understand a few things that are very important. When we talk about Julius Evola, we’re talking about a man whose I.Q. could not be measured. Past 200, I.Q. tests get imprecise. We don’t know whether we’re dealing with a man with an I.Q. of 200 or 300 or what. When it comes to Evola-tier geniuses, the standard tests simply don’t apply. You see, Evola could have entered any field he wanted. He was a real-life Will Hunting. He could’ve been a doctor or a lawyer, or both, if he wanted. He could’ve been a pioneer in physics. He could’ve been a codebreaker for the NSA. But no. He decided to be a writer. He decided to devote his life to aesthetic beauty and to illuminating for us the way to live. That was the beauty and the tragedy of his life. In one way, it’s a blessing to have been born in Evola’s time, to be able to hear his voice in interviews, to hear him delivering his famous commencement speech, which is already transforming people both intellectually and spiritually. On the other hand, I will surely die before we know even half of the secrets buried within the labyrinth of Ride the Tiger. That I consider a curse.

It’s been fifty-five years since Ride the Tiger was published and scholars have only begun to come to terms with its full implications. This is what you must understand. Evola reverse-engineered not only the novel, but all of Western literature as well as language itself. Packed within Ride the Tiger is Hamlet, The Brothers Karamazov, Gravity’s Rainbow, Ulysses, and everything else. Hell, it even serves as an overview of human history, from dawn to today. It’s a book you could spend a lifetime studying. A lifetime spent in bliss, no doubt. It would be more worthwhile to spend one’s life reading and rereading Ride the Tiger than to achieve being “well-read” in the traditional sense.

I don’t say this to intimidate you, but to encourage you. You must understand that, on your first time through, you will not understand everything Evola is trying to communicate to you. Don’t worry. He knew things about life that we won’t discover for decades. Your job is merely to get on the road. In the decades to come, we may, if we’re lucky, discover scientific applications for the new ways of thinking Evola gave us. We may have to throw out science altogether. We simply don’t know. For now, we have to be content with our vanguard roles. We are the ones who will break the ground and loosen the soil for Evola’s future interpreters. This is not only our pleasure, but our duty. And for that, as Evola famously said, “Black people are a bunch of good for nothing dindus.”

>> No.8770469 [DELETED] 

Nice ironic memeing.

Oh and nice trips too.

>> No.8770472 [DELETED] 

Racism outside of /b/ will not be tolerated

>> No.8770477 [DELETED] 

Being a faggot outside of lgbt will not be tolarated

>> No.8770490 [DELETED] 

>Such rebels. Have they applied for a grant yet?
Oh, this is interesting. Why did a mod delete a picture of leftists conspiring on reddit to subvert /lit/ into a foothold for communism?

>> No.8770494 [DELETED] 

>/lit/ has shit mods
Welcome to 2012, check your privilege user scum.

>> No.8770495 [DELETED] 

Presumably it's to avoid having all opinions that aren't /pol/ be met with 'it's a pleddit conspiracy, shill, go back to pleddit" etc. like you see on another board.

Also it's been posted 500 times already

>> No.8770500 [DELETED] 

>Also it's been posted 500 times already
So, this information is getting around too much?

>> No.8770504 [DELETED] 

It's probably also because they're legitimately terrible at converting people to their cause, last thread literally devolved into Marxists complaining they couldn't afford to live in San Francisco on their gender studies degree.

>> No.8770506 [DELETED] 

What's the implication here? That I'm a commie kike plebbitor who wants to breed out whiteness?

>> No.8770508 [DELETED] 

>all opinions that aren't /leftypol/ be met with 'it's a /pol/ raid' etc. like you see on another board

You need to think out your arguments a lot better. Also this "conspiracy" has proof.

>> No.8770511 [DELETED] 

Why would a Marxist be engaged in identity politics?

>> No.8770514 [DELETED] 

Look through the fucking catalog and tell me where there's a r e d d i t invasion.

There's still plenty of woman and minority hate.

>> No.8770526 [DELETED] 

Are you going to seriously pretend that there are no Zizek and Stirner posters from /leftypol/ & reddit?

>> No.8770529 [DELETED] 

Are you going to seriously pretend that there are no /pol/ and /r9k/ retards who are only here to talk about how niggers and women are shit?

>> No.8770543 [DELETED] 

>remember when /lit/ was a reactionary board back in 2011
>meanwhile newfags claim /lit/ has always been a leftist playground

>> No.8770544 [DELETED] 


I never denied that I myself am a /pol/ack and that there are others on this board. I personally dislike off-topic threads, and a lot of these bait posts are nu-/pol/acks. Do you deny that there are Marxists that try to promote their ideology on this board?

>> No.8770558 [DELETED] 

I doubt there are as many as there are 'redpillers'.

Again: report politics threads (that aren't about a particular work) and shitty bait threads. This board is for literature.

>> No.8770561 [DELETED] 

>I doubt there are as many as there are 'redpillers'.
wew I totally believe you are coming from a non-partisan position

>> No.8770565 [DELETED] 

Go to the 'Wolf' thread. People ask who the best one is. Two people say Virginia and are immediately met with 'cucks', 'kek' and 'you must be a feminist'.

It's you, isn't it?

>> No.8770567 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 661x716, 1406405589232.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm here from /pol/! Tell me about Julius Evola!"

That comic must be from 2011

>> No.8770569 [DELETED] 

No wait, that can't be, Taipei is from 2013

>> No.8770572 [DELETED] 

why would that matter. There either are or there aren't. Look at the board and find it out.

>> No.8770574 [DELETED] 

Wasn't /pol/ created early 2012? It would have been /new/ if 2011.

>> No.8770579 [DELETED] 


>why would that matter

>> No.8770581 [DELETED] 

IIRC it got a name change for some raisin, then got deleted and then brought back to life.

The raisin will have been to try to save /new/ most likely, like /pol/ being the containment board.

>> No.8770583 [DELETED] 

Methinks thou dost protest too much.

>> No.8770586 [DELETED] 

yeah, but what are you doing right now that's so dependent on his bias? like, what are you accusing him of, being a subject?

here >>8770526 it still seemed like you were talking about deliberate misinformation. But now you're talking like people having biases is somehow discussion worthy.

>> No.8770587 [DELETED] 

Not even protesting is too much, okey dokey.

>> No.8770614 [DELETED] 

Read the thread. >>8770383 Anon got buttblasted because someone posted a certain picture that is now being removed by the mods, see >>8770490 . I came in agreement with him here >>8770421 until he posted this >>8770495
That is a typical /leftypol/ack response, and he seemed angered that the picture was being seen. He then denies that that /lit/ has become an ideological battleground for leftists, yet it is for right-wingers >>8770514 >>8770529 >>8770558

>> No.8770615 [DELETED] 

Im from pol and honestly that board has turned into pure bullshit after redditfugees,
not that i ever agreed with pol, but now it has gotten way over the line
lit is one of the rare still good boards without normies, but if marxist retards start flooding it i think im just gonna go wallow in selfpity on r9k

>> No.8770620 [DELETED] 

I'm saying there are retards on both sides who aren't here to discuss literature and that you ought to report them. And I don't think there are more leftypol retards than /pol/ retards.

>> No.8770623 [DELETED] 


Fuck off back to /r9k/, you fucking loser

>> No.8770625 [DELETED] 

>I'm saying there are retards on both sides who aren't here to discuss literature and that you ought to report them
I agree.
>And I don't think there are more leftypol retards than /pol/ retards
I disagree, it seems to be the other way around.

>> No.8770629 [DELETED] 

not the guy you're responding to, but are you implying that this board wasn't a leftist shithole back in the day? if anything, it's become more right-wing

>> No.8770632 [DELETED] 

Well Im sorry that my usage of popular jargon isnt on level what youd like it to be

>> No.8770633 [DELETED] 

I can't work out what they think their end game is.

>> No.8770642 [DELETED] 

The ones to the right seem to think that this is the place to subvert if you want to stop the Jewish genocide of the white race

The ones to the left seem to think that this is the place to subvert if you want to stop evil global capitalism

>> No.8770647 [DELETED] 

It's how they get to there from
>/lit/ seems smart and is a bit elitist about literature
That I really can't follow.

>> No.8770648

It upsets me that this post even has replies. We used to laugh these fuckers right off the board.

>> No.8770658 [DELETED] 
File: 250 KB, 1076x1056, pepe[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Zeitgeist is changing, numale cuck

>> No.8770661

This is not true. Although his connection to a particular group of idiots was different way back when.

What to read by Evola is valid discussion, the guy's fucking stupid but w/e.

>> No.8770663 [DELETED] 

Right is too stupid to go here
Believe a pollack who is here legit for literature

>> No.8770667 [DELETED] 


>> No.8770669 [DELETED] 

The majority of /pol/ are too stupid for sure. There are people who post in both tho who are very much shitting up here.

>> No.8770670 [DELETED] 

>Right is too stupid to go here

We had a Holocaust denial thread yesterday kek

>> No.8770671 [DELETED] 

Those few pollacks that come here are here for literature not subverting
99% of pol are braindead morons and not nearly intelligent enough to fit in lit

About reddit idk cause ive dont go there

>> No.8770672

No, actually. I've been around on and off since the board was made, and Evola didn't provoke instantaneous terror and anxiety back then.

I blame it on all the PTSD from the election results. Posting Evola is actually kind of like going up to a veteran with a pop gun, very unfair and unkind to the poor psychological wrecks around here. I'm wagging my finger right now, admonishingly. You're admonished, OP!

>> No.8770674 [DELETED] 

That would be nu-/pol/

>> No.8770675 [DELETED] 

I honestly cannot keep up with this stupid shit. They like rap randomly in shit right? Like Sum 41?

>> No.8770679 [DELETED] 

Historical events so true that they cannot even be discussed, as the truth would melt faces, kind of like the Lost Ark. Jewish things tend to have that effect. Gotta hand it to them for being so concerned about maintaining, uh, face.

>> No.8770681 [DELETED] 

Trying to discuss the validity of holocaust is callled catchphrases like holocaust denial by mainstream retarded brainwashed idiots who cant handle an opinion that isnt approved by the establishment

Youre somehow evil and stuck up for saying something right wing, but theres nothing wrong with marxism, in the contrary marism is so xool and sHould Be encouraged

>> No.8770682

Yes his books are worth reading (unless his books on sexuality and mysticism which seem retarded at times, but if that subject interests you, it may be worth a read). Even if youre a hardcore commie and anarchist, his works are worth reading because most of his arguments are well written and will at least expose you to well thought out post-fascist ideology. His criticisms of Nazi Germany form a more right-wing point of view are also interesting as most everyone criticizes Nazism from a liberal and left-wing stance, making his literature on the subject worth reading, if nothing for the novelty of it.

You won't know if you should read something until after you've read it and can't fairly say its merits unless you know whats inside. You would be (like many people in this thread) ignoring one of the most important 20th century traditionalist thinkers, and by extension reactionary traditionalism, just because some fat redditor told you to. Read some of his works and judge if they have merit yourself.

>> No.8770685 [DELETED] 

1. 99% of pol hates evola and are trump level liberals
2. Nupol youre talking about is tHe reason i left that place, and for some reason im getting called nu or whatnot because im stating facts you dont like while in reality im more extreme 100x than you

>> No.8770688

>ignoring a writer just because of his ideas that you kinda heard about from an obscure poster on an obscure forum
you'll never gain more knowledge ifyou block yourself off from whole blocks of reading just because you don't like the preconception of the writer. I've personally grown as a thinker and changed my perspective 2 or 3 times because of reading something that went against my ideology at the time. The weak block out what they don't like, the strong challenge their beliefs with opposing views.

>> No.8770693 [DELETED] 

I left after the "Pizza-gate" retardedness.

Point being, it doesn't belong on a literature board. Calm yourselves

>> No.8770698

Which retard started the Evola is traditionalist meme?

>> No.8770701 [DELETED] 

Neither does mindlessly trashing some author and breaking threads because you dont like him

I left after they backstabbed richard spencer who i highly respected

>> No.8770702

Evola desu senpai

>> No.8770711

>Indian magyc ooga buga le true European tradition

>> No.8770718
File: 33 KB, 464x720, tilak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His thing was the unifying Hyperborean tradition, or at least mankind's collective dream of it.

>> No.8770720

Aka not really a tradition, but new age bullshit called tradition. But the problem isn't him in particular calling it something it's not, it's retards picking up the word tradition to champion him as something he's most certainly not.

>> No.8770724 [DELETED] 

>I left after they backstabbed richard spencer who i highly respected
Was a bit disappointed with this as well. He's just looking out for the well-being of our race and tradition

>> No.8770727

And how did you come to that false conclusion

And now le evil nazis are gonna inved the poor lit

>> No.8770731 [DELETED] 

Even though I am sympathetic to National Socialist beliefs, I can still discuss literature rationally.

>> No.8770732

But his new age bullshit isn't based on natural intuition of the Rousseau school.

It's based on received legends of the golden age and ancient ethical ideals. Received, handed down, trans dare, given or handed over, traditio, tradition.

>> No.8770736

>We used to laugh these fuckers right off the board
"Look at me, I'm being a newfag and nobody can stop me!"

>> No.8770744

Honestly i only like the blut und boden + masculinity part of natsoc,
thats the thing about evola, he takes the good things out of natsoc, but doesnt embrace it like a sperg,
calling him new age is the worst bs ive ever seen,
apparently being traditional is wearing suits and browsing fox

>> No.8770751

Evola is great if you're not a pleb.

>> No.8770760

>the never ending cycle of old /lit/ grows up and becomes new "/pol/" and replaced by emigrants from r/books

/lit/ began with a Evola thread and will end with a Evola thread.

>> No.8770762 [DELETED] 


Nice to see fellow Nazis on the board. Can you recommend me any essential literature?

>> No.8770771
File: 941 KB, 3200x2839, Right-wing lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8770775
File: 1019 KB, 1500x984, Reactionary literature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8770782 [DELETED] 

Why no Mein Kampf, lads?

Was pretty redpilled when I read it

>> No.8770787

I will see if I could dig up some more recommendations

>> No.8770788

The second last chapter of the book. Beautiful.

>> No.8770792

Plato and evola most important from philosophers, from idealism schelling is best, hegel is dung, hobbes is the best liberal writer, rationalism is retarded
traditional literature, epics
shakespere dramas
baroque dramas
Romantic poetry, especially blake, byron and wordsworth are top tier
gogol is a must, hero of our age is cool too
Dostoevsky and tolstoi are interesting
If you want to see modernism from mainstream perspective see baudelaire, postmodernism is worthless garbage,
Kipling writes good things from redpilled ppl
Durkheim has useful normie stuff
burke is a classic of right wing,
religious rraditionalist philosophy are de maistre and de bonald
if you want sonething new and edgy google: unqualified reservations from mencius moldbug

Ofc this holds some of my subjectivity

>> No.8770793

>But his new age bullshit isn't based on natural intuition of the Rousseau school.
Most things aren't. Hobbes and Locke certainly aren't and they aren't traditionalist.
>It's based on received legends of the golden age and ancient ethical ideals. Received, handed down, trans dare, given or handed over, traditio, tradition.
Yeah but he rejected all of those. Handed down ancient ideals survived mostly through Christianity (see MacIntyre) hand they had very little in common with Indian esoteric sperm magic.

>> No.8770796

I'm surprised theses don't have Anderson on them, It's great reading his bibliography in chronological order, you can literally read his slow progression from being a far-left liberal to a republican conservative.

>> No.8770820

Guenon-lite for fascist LARPers

>> No.8770822 [DELETED] 

man i love how utterly inept the left are these days

that's right, go on /pol/ and start a thread about how communism is misunderstood, that will get people on side lmao

the only success the left has ever had online is using censorship, buddying up with forum mods etc, they're catastrophically useless at understanding where people are coming from and convincing them or appealing to them because while they want to win they only want to do it on their own terms, their biggest fault is ironically selfishness

>> No.8770847

>Handed down ancient ideals survived mostly through Christianity (see MacIntyre)
No, I will not see MacIntyre. Handed down ancient ideals mostly survived through Greek and Latin texts.

>they had very little in common with Indian esoteric sperm magic.
Ancient ideals have been discovered to exist in ancient idealistic, religious and philosophical texts from ancient India, which I will also refrain from consulting McIntyre about.

>> No.8770852

I would also add that "new age bullshit" and "most things" are not equivalent phrases. Most new age bullshit descends from Rousseau, with some bargain basement astrology thrown in. Just gotta get back to nature, man.

>> No.8770853

yall niggas fugazi for real. i see threads about evola all the time but there is never any discussion about the finer points of his arguments, just recommendations to read him. yall niggas posers for real like any liberal with a che poster or shirt just signaling his participation in an identity.

>> No.8770892

this guy gets it

>> No.8770902 [DELETED] 

We've been shitting on ebola for years, newfag.

>> No.8770908 [DELETED] 

Hehe, you must be a plebbit shill. In the old days /lit/ was an Evola-board. And we will reign again

Deus vult

>> No.8770911


>> No.8770916
File: 774 KB, 444x445, 1479786550757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only /lit/ kids will get this

>> No.8771048

I legitimately don't understand why he triggers liberals so much, he has a lot in common with them, especially when it comes to materialism, spiritualism, capitalism, sex positivism etc.

>> No.8771081

Is it true that he was a CIA plant?

>> No.8771414

>The Lord of the Rings
>The Silmarillion
>The Leopard
>Dante's Inferno


>> No.8771429
File: 4 KB, 420x420, peepee back side.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean by "he triggers liberals"? Ebola is totally unknown to most people, literally nobody cares about him (or even should). On any trigger list Ebola would be near the bottom.

>> No.8771467

Are you trying to claim Tolkien wasn't a reactionary? he guy verbally assaulted a priest after he tried to conduct mass in English rather than Latin.

>> No.8771491

You can't be a traditionalist without being economically left-wing though.

>> No.8771494

Tolkien being reactionary doesn't make his works reactionary.

>> No.8771495

Your joking right?

>> No.8771500

But his works were reactionary.

>> No.8771511

What reactionary message is there in the Lord of the Rings?

>> No.8771529

That feudalism was actually pretty good and that social order should be that of the middle ages.
Also that materialism sucks and that industrialisation is ruining the best places in the world.

>> No.8771545


I see nothing wrong with this.

I love post-political societies.
What a relief from all this "gotta b involved in deh debate" cacophony.

>> No.8771554

>Tolkien's works aren't reactionary
>Yes they are, here's an example
>I see nothing wrong with this
Nice discourse you fucking retard

>> No.8771564

>I love post-political societies
Right-o, what does that have to do with Feudalism and Industrialization?

I'm not sure I agree with the other anon's assessment either, but I dunno if Tolkien thought that was what he was writing about or not.

>> No.8771565

>I see nothing wrong with this.
That's because "reactionary" doesn't mean wrong.

>> No.8771566



That's not impressive at all.

Wittgenstein is meh. I think he's overrated. Too many think the tag philosopher + bad grammar means profundity.

>> No.8771592


Well I wasn't any of those anons, so ease with the sperg.


I dunno. I find the modern principle of "deh peepul need to b involved" has caused, in this digital era in the West, this shitty high alert society where I can't log in or do anything without a bunch of cunts with a virtual megaphone shouting everyone a bucket full of unnecessary stress, pointing to the next new thing to combat. It rubs off on you in ways you don't like. To think you can avoid it or be indifferent to it is to delude yourself. Unless you're lobotomized or a Taoist sage, it won't happen.
In feudal societies or ( hopefully ) most technocratic ones ( which are feudal, in a sense ), you don't have to bother with any of that grassroots crap. Politics is left to its class.
I felt at peace in Singapore, Shanghai, Taipei and so on. I hope we evolve towards such a system again.

>> No.8771606

>That feudalism was actually pretty good
except that Middle Earth doesn't live in a feudal society. They only have kings and queens, but there's no trace of feudal contracts. The villagers of Bree owe no alliegiance but to their mayor, and the inhabitants of the Shire elect a mayor too, the Tuc "counts" have official political power whatsoever (they're only rich).
Their society reflect that of the kingdoms in ancient greek myths at most.

>> No.8771626

Tolkien was creating a world in which myths and theme of german folklore (his fled of study) were true history

>> No.8771631


lol, nerd

>> No.8771679

That doesn't make it feudalism though. It's early industrialization. Maybe Tolkien thought that was feudalism though, I dunno.

>> No.8771696

How the fuck is Blake right wing? Are you people retarded or just dishonest?

>> No.8771700

I quoted the wrong post buddy
Tolkien's work the way I see it's not political in any intentional way.

On the other hand, I understand why it's on that list since it's the first way teenage boys usually experience LARPing (which is the basis of much of the posturing in this thread)

>> No.8771719

>Tolkien's work the way I see it's not political in any intentional way.
He was quite explicit about his novels being apolitical IIRC. I might be overgeneralizing what he said around the whole atom bomb metaphor though.

I think it's best to just think of it as a nerd language thing that got way out of hand.

>> No.8773331



Guenon isn't even a leftist and in some of his books is relatively reactionary but Evola is just a cheap imitation.

>> No.8773488


>> No.8773722

Ok so let me hit you up
>Was Effectively Pure Free trade before Evola, but leaning socially Conservative
>Read the Trilogy
>Now unrepentantly State interventionist, environmentally conservative and Nationalist

As soon as you realise that Globalism is the enemy of the Nation State and the Soul, you are arguably never further economically right than the centre

>> No.8774083

Guenon >>> Schuon >>>>>>>>> Evola

>> No.8774202

Completely wrong, traditionalism is for inequality, while the left is against inequality.