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/lit/ - Literature

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8765194 No.8765194[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You live in a world in which magic works (not wicca stuff, I don't believe or disbelieve, but actual magic like Harry Potter eh?) and some villain locks you in a padded room for all of eternity, you can die and will live millions of years there, having robots serving your meal and wiping your soon-to-be-pastier butt)

But good news, you have been allowed to bring 10 books with you, and you can cheat by taking a whole series and counting it at one
>I'll take The Dark Tower (and you have the 8 books)
But ultimately it wouldn't matter since it's eternity we're talking here.

So, considering that you are here for eternity should you take books that talk heavily about this scary subject?
What would be good recommendations for that subject?
I realize it could be spoilerish, but I'll take my chance

>> No.8765221

Im taking one english bible and 9 bibles in foreign languages so I can spend my time learning new languages for fun while knowing that the lord is always with me.

>> No.8765230
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So for my part, well at least for the first thousand years before I hopefully become a screeching gollum-thing who has already clawed his eyes out a long time ago
>you regenerate, but very slowly and painfully

So first, I'd suck it up and
With so many theories and possible endings, you can make you own several novels in your head in ways other fantasy books can.

>The Dark Tower
The whole cycle thing (even if Roland still having recovered the horn from the dead fingers of his friend Alain make me hope it's the last run)
Things to ponder after only a few years of incarceration.

>> No.8765252
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That's pretty smart, I wonder if you would have time to learn so many languages before becoming insane for the first time though

With nothing else to do, it can become pretty obsessive too and you finish them all too fast.

I'd check up after 100 years.

>I'd date the french author "Bernard Werber" famous trilogy "The ants" ("Les fourmis")
Since it deals with immortality and it's unfortunate consequences

>> No.8765276

So I would have harry potter magic?
So I could magically break out of the padded room?
Or I could magically make appear in the padded room, an endless library?

If none of that matters, and you are really trying to say the 'desert island' scenario to determine favorite/best/most important works, my answer would be 8 massively large blank notebooks, the largest dictionary/thesaurus ;^)

>> No.8765305

Well the twiste on the desert island scenario is that you're immortal, and will be stuck with them for eternity.
I guess in the Harry Potter world, Tom, or even a random Death Eaters could lock your ass in a magic box that makes it eternal
>Like in that Stephen King short story, "The Jolt"

So you have your magical books that never age, and can try to find some to help you deal with eternity locked up.
you still take your initial pick?

>> No.8765316
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"Take" no date

Sorry for my language I'm from Afghanistan

>> No.8765379

No love for my shitty post? I can't sat on the internet anyway
good day europeans you cool, and fuck retarder americafats.
Everyone who is neither considers europe to br more sophisticated and have better laws on firearms.
and there IQ is generally higher.
Thank for refuge

>> No.8766172

I request books on the topic of escaping magic rooms, which must surely exist if I live in a magic world.

>> No.8766428 [DELETED] 


Cool, magic exists and I'm immortal, don't even need to bother trying to become a lich. And I even regenerate over time, providing endless spare parts for magic? You're so very kind sir, that's pretty much a wizard's dream come true.

I ask for the Compleat 666 volumes Encyclopaedia of Rituals, Spells and Witchcraft, a good introduction book to magic, and advanced books on how to develop your own magic spells and rituals, a book on crafting magic items, a book on how to make flesh golems, a book on how to store magical energies in objects for later use, a book on planar travel, a book on demiplane creation

I'll just keep on perfecting my cute flesh golem waifu made of parts cut out from myself until it is perfect enough gain conscience and to give birth to our kids, and the meantime I craft my own ever expanding demiplane, when both things are good enough I start my own civilization and rule over them forever as god emperor.

>> No.8766478

Please kill yourself.

>> No.8768175

Since it's a magical universe, I'll take the actual Book of Sand and 9 randomly selected books

>> No.8768211

damn, dude

>> No.8768288

Pretty good.
I'd take La Comédie humaine, one bible in English, one bible in Portuguese, and 7 other bibles in different languages.

I'll probably go insane anyway, but becoming an autodidact bible scholar versed in 9 languages sounds nice. And Balzac's oeuvre would be used as entertainment in the meantime.

>> No.8768295

Meant to

>> No.8768453

Why the fuck did you include magic in your scenario?