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File: 18 KB, 250x329, 250px-Jorge_Luis_Borges_Hotel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8762925 No.8762925 [Reply] [Original]

I readed his fictions book, and i FUCKING LOVE IT, i want more like this or similar.

Is there any kind of chart? idk just recc me.

>> No.8762928
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>> No.8762927

How can you read English but not write it?

>> No.8762931

His other books you illiterate fuck

>> No.8762938

sorry i always commit the same mistake, english is the third lenguage i learned -and still i am doing-

>> No.8762972

Did you understand Ficciones? Re-read it if you didn't. I hate it when people only like it because of "DUDE THAT METAPHYSICAL FEEL".

>> No.8762976

Bioy Casares

>> No.8762977

i understand it talks about infinity, time and diferent projections between the diferent -fictional- dimensions of reality.

Not focused on every meaning, i think you are right thought. But I enjoyed the second half book when got my first point.

>> No.8762979

though* sorry for my bad english ortography.

>> No.8762983

but yes, i had a feeling of being at the gates of understanding every turn or -meta-metaphors as a leiv motiv. But in a counterpart the sensation of reading it right.

>> No.8762986

you're reading comprehension is as bad as your language. Borges work is a love letter to literature and the influence it can have on the reader.

>> No.8762987

this was embarassing

>> No.8762991


>> No.8762998

thought borges was very cold minded at writing and didnt put much effort into feelings during all Ficciones... that was my overall approach against what you're saying.

>> No.8763011

You're confusing style with substance.

>> No.8763031


Can't you just feel the spirit of love and comradery?

>> No.8763072

read "the aleph and other stories", they're even better than ficciones imo

>> No.8763085



The Aleph is probably his best story imo

>> No.8763091

okay, noted

>> No.8763123
File: 205 KB, 1888x890, borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo
The Invention of Morel By Adolfo Bioy Casares
Bestiario by Julio Cortázar
On Heroes and Tombs by Ernesto Sabato

Or everything that Borges wrote.

>> No.8763130

just get over with the grammar policing you faggots, readed is new word

>> No.8763131

even his autobiogaphy? hah

>> No.8763134

how many times i am going to apologize

>> No.8763148

If it is autobiogaphy, you should give it a chance.

I read a conversation with Sabato and I liked it a lot

>> No.8763160

am I*

>> No.8763179


>> No.8763704

You may wanna check out his essays, and also Kafkas short storys

>> No.8763778

I'm the guy who originally asked you if you understood Ficciones. But no, Ficciones has a very particular feel - Uqbar, for example, feels like a myth or a legend (technically it is).