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/lit/ - Literature

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8760744 No.8760744[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is there any Black Literature that is worth my time?

>> No.8760757

What's 'black literature'?

Are there works by black authors that would be worth you time? Certainly.

>> No.8760794

Bluford high

>> No.8760812

Things Fall Apart

Thats literally it. All the rest is dindunuffin crap

>> No.8760817

a brief history of seven killings

>> No.8760835

Why? Who's asking?

>> No.8760839

Someone who wants to talk race on /lit/

>> No.8760855

Read half of it. It's not that good. It's only famous because a Nigerian wrote it

>> No.8760857

That's not what I asked. Are there any black writers good enough to negate the opportunity cost of giving up reading a classical white?

>> No.8760864

Yes. Invisible Man by Ellison is a genuine masterpiece.

>> No.8760868

>opportunity cost
what could be more valuable than fapping to hentai and lurking /pol/

>> No.8760876

>It addresses many of the social and intellectual issues facing African-Americans early in the twentieth century, including black nationalism, the relationship between black identity and Marxism, and the reformist racial policies of Booker T. Washington, as well as issues of individuality and personal identity.

Really not interested in whining about race for hundreds of pages. Are there any good black books that aren't about mug oppression?

>> No.8760908

So really what you want is a black writer who writes about white people.

>> No.8760913
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Thank you, based cardinal!

>> No.8760916
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There's this. He was a quarter black or something like that.

>> No.8760917

Iceberg Slim - Pimp

>> No.8760918

How many white writers talk about white oppression and shieet? The number is 0, seems to me that all black literature revolves around being black.

>> No.8760919

Beloved is a well written novel you should check out. Toni Morrison is the shit.

>> No.8760928

Song of Solomon is one of the greatest novels of the 20th century.

>> No.8760937

You can't write about a black character in America without writing about black oppression.

>> No.8760940

A white man could

>> No.8761011

Beloved is one of my favorite books.

Native Son by Richard Wright is also fucking solid, OP.

>> No.8761021

Not really unless you are suffering from white guilt or are black yourself. Their works are always inferior and many are highly promoted in the liberal schools as terrific works when they are anything but terrific.

>> No.8761026


Invisible Man is essential anon literature. If you don't identify with the man in his hole you are probably some normie scum

>> No.8761032

>identify with the man in his hole

gay desu

>> No.8761045

Not in literature, but funny enough, there's one BIG exception in economics.

Read Sowell, fgt.

>> No.8761052

>There are no worthwhile works written by black authors in literature

What a remarkably ignorant thing to say. There are plenty of good suggestions in this thread.

>> No.8761078

There are plenty (more like, a handful) of suggestions in this thread, not one of them being anywhere near "good".

And no, Steinbeck wasn't good either regardless of his race. Propaganda is for pamphlets and be it Ellison or Delany or whoever else black you want, the distinctive aspect of black "literature" is that it's always politically supercharged in a partisan way, which cheapens it.

>> No.8761094

>Sowell's works aren't politically supercharged

really makes u tink

>> No.8761102

Letter From Birmingham Jail is pretty amazing

>> No.8761107

No, it's shit compared to white literature

>> No.8761115

Ok /pol/

>> No.8761117

>Not in LITERATURE, but funny enough, there's one big exception in ECONOMICS.
Of course being politically supercharged is an unavoidable fact of economics. The left-right divide is entirely based on economic positions.

It cheapens literature though. That's why the Nobel is a joke.

Take latin american magical realism as an example. Let's go with laureates, even. Both Garcia Marquez and Asturias are at their best when they're apolitical. When they're working on that prose, when they're exploring and exploiting that language instead of that dictatorship that, after the 15th time, makes you roll your eyes.

>> No.8761126

>politics and aesthetics don't go hand-in-hand

pure ideology

>> No.8761145
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Are you really complaining about black American writers writing about oppression

>> No.8761178

>You can't write about a black character in America without writing about black oppression.

lol, this is what liberals actually believe.

So in essence what you're saying is that black people are genetically incapable of writing science fiction, erotica, crime novels, historical fiction, genre, religious fiction, theatre plays, or in general any other subject than the history of their ethnicity.

Talk about idiocy.

>> No.8761191


This is a literature board please take your genre trash to its containment thread.

But thank you for your service the negro nation recognizes your valuable contribution to race relations.

>> No.8761195

>blacks are genetically capable of writing science fiction, erotica, crime novels, historical fiction, genre, religious fiction, theatre plays, or in general any other subject than the history of their ethnicity.

You're the libcuck

>> No.8761217
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>> No.8761244
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Their Eyes Were Watching God of course

>> No.8761254
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>> No.8761280

That so?

>> No.8761536

James Baldwin is lit af

>> No.8761577

lel this is why commies are laughing stocks