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8758729 No.8758729 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ why do you hate william s. burroughs?

>> No.8758738


Goes against the redpill

>> No.8758758

Name one good "redpilled" book from Burroughs' era.

>> No.8758766

>goes against the redpill
>reading comprehension

>> No.8758767

I really like his work.

>> No.8758770

He's asking about the era, not William S. Burroughs.

>> No.8758786

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.8758790

If you were really red pilled you'd know women can't think, let alone write.

>> No.8758795

Compared to leftcuckery it's decent.

>> No.8758797

Fahrenheit 451

>> No.8758804

Starship Troopers, which was published in the same year.

>> No.8758812

Again, directed against the right-of-center dictatorship of conformity that ruled America during the 50s.

When you've Heinlein's other works, it's pretty obvious that it's a parody. Heinlein was a left-leaning libertarian.

>> No.8758820

soft machine is burroughs' best work because its the logical completion of what he attempted to do in naked lunch; by being a true cut-up novel and expanding on the themes permeating naked lunch, it truly broke the structural semblance of language and therefore broke the control mechanism that resides in language. it is a surreal read and an important sociopolitical work

>> No.8758955

I don't think Heinlein fits so neatly into that description that you can make Starship Troopers out to be an obvious parody.

See this link: http://www.stolinsky.com/wordpress/index.php/tag/navy/

>Today, in the United States, it is popular among self-styled “intellectuals” to sneer at patriotism. They seem to think that it is axiomatic that any civilized man is a pacifist, and they treat the military profession with contempt. “Warmongers” − “Imperialists” − “Hired killers in uniform” − you have all heard such sneers and you will hear them again. One of their favorite quotations is: “Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel.”
>What they never mention is that the man who made that sneering remark was a fat, gluttonous slob who was pursued all his life by a pathological fear of death.
>I propose to prove that that baboon on watch is morally superior to that fat poltroon who made that wisecrack.
>Patriotism is the most practical of all human characteristics.
>But in the present decadent atmosphere patriots are often too shy to talk about it − as if it were something shameful or an irrational weakness.
>But patriotism is NOT sentimental nonsense. Nor something dreamed up by demagogues. Patriotism is as necessary a part of man’s evolutionary equipment as are his eyes, as useful to the race as eyes are to the individual.
>A man who is NOT patriotic is an evolutionary dead end. This is not sentiment but the hardest of logic.

>> No.8758965

>much women can't write meme
>says the virgin

>> No.8758966

And i don't mean to say the author was "redpilled", we are talking about books.

>> No.8758975
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Eek-eek, redpill, ahahah! Eek-ook!

>> No.8759000

I almost feel for this. I guess I'll think twice before mocking your precious red pill next time.


>> No.8759014

>If you were really red pilled you'd know women can't think, let alone write.
it is natural for men like you to crave the validation of their existence and get depressed if they fail to feel relevant, responsible, dutiful.
The best way for a man to cater his need for approval is to serve some woman (and some of her children) through emotional&financial support, which he sees as ''a childish useless submissive woman'' [or whore and he feels betrayed by her]
Men are pleased to contribute to someone else life, to support their family.

Why women are a good way to feel relevant? Because women love to be provided for and each woman will always find a man ready to please her.
[for most men, the best feeling of feeling real is when the girl moans from your cock in her pussy, or for the most impotent, their tongue in the pussy]

THe problem for men is that they are disposable in the eyes of each woman, since all men wish to serve the few women who talk to them.
Men must thus invent several ways to please women, invention and creativity which strengthen their feeling of being worthy, relevant, in touch with reality.
Men are too impotent to find other way to feel real.
Once that the a woman replaces a man by another provider, the man gets very upset and depressed.
THis leads men to think that they are better than women, stronger, smarter and that they must built a life outside women. Some men manage to indeed built an empire, but they will always loose it for some women.
Women give meaning to men and betas, no matter how successful outside women, will always give up everything for some relationship with some woman who claim to fancy them.

>> No.8759141

Because Naked Lunch is a pile of meaningless, incoherent fucking shit that he wrote when he was drugged out of his mind. If anyone else had written it, it would have been immediately tossed in the garbage.

>> No.8759171

I like his work alot.

>> No.8759435

Looking into his mind in that state is interesting

Also the guy's a fucking legend, lived until what, his 90's before he dropped dead even tho he did heroin non stop? And he could also collect himself to write good books?

He puts druggies to shame

>> No.8760387

It isn't a parody.

Its well in keeping with his Victor Gollancz 'juveniles' in tone and his support of nuclear testing. John Brunner was right to compare it with Victorian fiction for that reason, its both polemic and supposed to be mildly 'improving'.

Heinlein had a clear post-WW2/cold-war warrior phase and a later somewhat hippy libertarian phase.

>> No.8760433

He attributed his long life to the junk but main thing is that he inherited a massive fortune, moved to Tangier for easily availability and only used to top quality stuff. His argument was its bad quality stuff and what you have to do to get it that messes most people up, not the junk itself.

>> No.8760462

>Wants you to judge his favorite author for /lit/ approval.

Who cares if /lit/ hates the man, keep reading him faggot.

>> No.8760468


>> No.8760532

He wasn't liberal

>> No.8760541

He's one of my favorite authors

>> No.8760550
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I like his use of the Spongebob aesthetic on that cover.

>> No.8761608
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> write your own views
> everyone hates you for it
> "it was a parody!"

>> No.8761615
File: 78 KB, 465x383, lol_burroughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even tho he did heroin non stop?

he stopped plenty of times (let's call that X).

he started again (X - 1).

i appreciate his sense of humor:

When I was a boy in Chicago I attended the Sunday School of a neighborhood Presbyterian church. I recall our Wednesday-night meetings with the simplest nostalgia. We would meet in the basement. There would be a short prayer and a shorter benediction. And we would turn out all the lights and in total darkness hit each other with chairs. - Burroughs

>> No.8761618

Rich little white boy that killed his wife
Drugs lol

>> No.8762364

he wasn't that rich. the allowance from his family let him live comfortably in Tangier, but he was no trump.

>> No.8762376

the president grabs a "beauty queen" aka professional attention whore by the pussy and libs have a fit, "literary figure" aka druggie who scribbled stream of consciousness dribble murders his wife and hides out on his parents trustfund and libs give him an award, ohhhhkay

>> No.8762400


feminists are angry at him for sure, he's a white male after all, but everybody ignores the fact that he had sex with underage boys in Morocco. Middle Eastern culture has a strong pederasty element so he was able to do it more or less with impunity.

>> No.8762407

What is that from?

>> No.8762413

>Middle Eastern culture has a strong pederasty element

this is why they are so anti-gay in their ideology, the more anti-gay some culture presents itself as the more buggery going on behind the scenes...those african countries where homosexuality is illegal? ten bucks says everybody's a fuckin fag

>> No.8762422


If they would let women go outside without a fucking protective wrapper on then maybe they wouldn't have so many sexual emergencies involving young boys.

>> No.8762472

I tried reading his works, namely Naked Lunch, and I just found it to be corny and boring. Although I did watched a few documentaries concerning his life and concepts, and found them very interesting.

>> No.8762474

It wasn't a parody you fool. And it was hardly as ''Fascist'' as /pol/ shills and the Movie make it out to be. In truth, the book was heavily inspired by his time in the military and contempt for civilians.

>> No.8762475

seriously? corny? that's literally the last thing you can say about Naked Lunch

>> No.8762479

Maybe that's the wrong word, but I don't know how else to describe it. Pointlessly goofy maybe?

>> No.8762496

I like WSB, I've only read The naked Lunch though.

/lit/ isn't a hive mind; it's just the same handful of no-hopers who lurk this dump all day long perpetuating their smelly nerd memes.

>> No.8762510
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>> No.8762542

He wrote Naked Lunch and few people understood it - or tried to understand it - so he said his next book would be a science fictional novel even a child could understand. He then wrote The Soft Machine.

The people who don't like Burroughs are the same people who complain about the chapter long tangents about whale related phenomena in Moby Dick.