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/lit/ - Literature

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8754122 No.8754122 [Reply] [Original]

Is she right?

>> No.8754130

pretty much.

>> No.8754131

its a book best read when you're an edgy teen, so i'm not surprised she didn't like it.

>> No.8754138

>I actively seek out things to get outraged about and post it on /lit/ to get my opinions validated through circlejerks

Can you post threads about books you enjoy instead of twitter pics, goodreads screenshots, and reddit posts?

>> No.8754150


Samuel Beckett called Catcher in the Rye the greatest work he'd read of his lifetime. Nabokov called Salinger a great writer.

The only problem is, it's not written like either of them.

>> No.8754156

keep social media on /soc/

>> No.8754157

better than middlemarch? no sir. Beckett obviously was deprived of any talent or taste.

>> No.8754158

It isn't regarded as literature anywhere outside the United States.
We actually find its status a bit puzzling.

>> No.8754296

its status in the US is due to several things:
>the fact that it was banned, making the book appear more 'mature' and a symbol for fighting censorship
>it is told from a first person POV of a whiny teen, and therefore, is 'relatable'
>is a relatively modern American novel that has simple metaphors
Personally, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a much better American novel that should be taught in Catcher's stead.

>> No.8754506

>One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
>Better than Catcher
Dem's fighting words.

>> No.8754519
File: 63 KB, 768x432, faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not read all the work of this present generation of writing; I have not had time yet. So I must speak only of the ones I do know. I am thinking now of what I rate the best one: Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, perhaps because this one expresses so completely what I have tried to say: a youth, father to what will, must someday be a man, more intelligent than some and more sensitive than most, who (he would not even have called it by instinct because he did not know he possessed it) because God perhaps had put it there, loved man and wished to be a part of mankind, humanity, who tried to join the human race and failed. To me, his tragedy was not that he was, as he perhaps thought, not tough enough or brave enough or deserving enough to be accepted into humanity. His tragedy was that when he attempted to enter the human race, there was no human race there.

>> No.8754546

It's a pretty fantastic way to make high schoolers see how fucking annoying they are and help them snap out of it. Same reason gatsby is taught to every high schooler.

>> No.8754608
File: 107 KB, 406x960, catcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8754659


I had the same feeling too when I read some /lit/ recommendations despite probably being too old.

>> No.8754666

>it's a "Yuropoor talks down on America because he can't deal with the fact that America has won the culture game and the entire cheap facade of his nation's mainstream and popular culture is dictated by the American's wants and wills" episode
Stay mad yurocuck

>> No.8754727

No, it's one of the most important pieces of American literature.
Most people hate it because they're forced to read it, see themselves in it, or are reacting to the cliches they've encountered in works coming after.
It's like people dismissing emo music because of stupid teens with shitty haircuts in the early 00s, not knowing of the classics from the mid 90s.
A superior novel with similar themes is The Recognitions. A lot of people like that one.

Just kidding it's shit.

>> No.8754737

90's emo music is also shit.

>> No.8754747

Which one is shit, Catcher, The Recognitions, or both?

>> No.8754774

If i was dying and having a positive look back on life, I would think it was garbage too.

>> No.8754792

Also because it's a shit book.

>> No.8755026

>a massive waste of time
it's like 100 pages

>> No.8755061

>not knowing of the classics from the mid 90s.
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAhah I HOPE for your own sake you are a fucking troll.

>> No.8755065

>almost 300 pages
>100 pages
We're not talking about the cliff notes faggot.

>> No.8755420

>It isn't regarded as literature anywhere outside the United States.
That's bullshit tho

>> No.8755433

>Samuel Beckett called Catcher in the Rye the greatest work he'd read of his lifetime

>> No.8755811

Catcher isn't a favorite of mine but at this point hating it is a meme just like hating nickle back is a meme.
>Holden isn't relatable
When Catcher was written teenagers were not fucking internet culture monsters who mimic the latest in ironic trends in an effort to appear intelligent.
chew on that, and let the recycled image macros wash over you

>> No.8756002

The catcher in the rye has to be one of the most misunderstood books of maybe all time.

>> No.8756014
File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, MTE5NDg0MDU0OTAxMjYxODM5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, all of those "great" authors just got ripped apart by Bloom

>> No.8756052

>almost 300 pages
lol it's like 70K words. Enjoy your large-print version granpa.

>> No.8756080

>They thought the message was to be an edgy teen and not that the edginess of the protagonist was to demonstrate his immaturity.

As bad as every board is, I'm still surprised every time I find people who have the reading comprehension of a high schooler.

>> No.8756088

When my cousin was first reading this in high school she complained incessantly about how much Holden bitches and complains. The irony was completely lost on her.

Of course Holden is pretty fucking unlikable but I think the book is very well written, and pretty fucking good. Although I really like his short story collection, perhaps better, as well.

>> No.8756100

>smug one-star review that has no technical description of why the book is actually bad
>just "LOL I never thought it would b this bad but it was!!!!"
>it was bad because it was bad

This triggers me every time.

>> No.8756132



>> No.8756141
File: 41 KB, 273x240, 1391039492187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dismissing emo music because of stupid teens with shitty haircuts in the early 00s, not knowing of the classics from the mid 90s.

>> No.8756146

>Is she right?
>Is someone's opinion correct?
What a stupid question. Nice cancer thread, by the way.

>> No.8756296

Devil's trips notwithstanding, don't be silly.

Lets compare our nation's definitive works on the angst of the young man.

Hamlet vs. Catcher in the Rye.

You've brought a slingshot to a Global Thermonuclear War son.

Culture War indeed. Faber & Faber alone have published more important volumes that the US has ever produced in total.

>> No.8756324

>tfw the king of pleb literature John Green has a better and deeper understanding of Catcher in the Rye than most posters in this thread
gotta love this board

>> No.8756474

damn salinger looks like a kike
triggered my jew detector

>> No.8756591

She's phony

>> No.8757544


>I'd rather die than read this book again

Wish granted!

>> No.8757556

It's objectively true

>> No.8757606

The best American writer.

>> No.8757620

You think you're so smart for having reversed the common criticism of the book back on its self but you're just another moron with nothing to say.

The idea that Catcher is about how Holden is so immature and dumb and will be smarter when he grows up is retarded.

Salinger preferred young people all his life, as do most of his characters. Salinger hated 'mature' people.

>> No.8757743

a clockwork orange is better for that