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875409 No.875409 [Reply] [Original]

has a book ever managed to give you a jump-scare?

>> No.875446

impossible, i dare say

>> No.875448

I remember reading an horror novel when I was younger...and then a SKELETON POPPED OUT OF THE CLOSET

Not really though, I'd like to read something pants-shitting terrifying one day.

>> No.875451

i take that back, maybe a picture book, or a pop up book. yeah a popup horror book would be something to read.

>> No.875466

I'd say the best a book could hope for is freaking you enough to make you afraid of dark, noises, silence, and stuff, even when you put the book aside.

But being more than pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised from a book doesn't fit with the fact that fear is a senses-based phenomenon, and reading is mostly an act of intellection.

>> No.875468

A better question would be, has a book ever made you jumpy?

>> No.875476

And if so, which of course.

>> No.875479

'Color out of Space' short story.

>> No.875483

Books can't do that.

Though I've been thoroughly creeped the fuck out by various books.

>> No.875490

Salem's Lot made me significantly jumpier than usually while I was reading it

>> No.875495

I've been shit-scared during and after a book, and even when you know it's coming, it fucking terrifies the fuck out of you.

Worse is shit like James M Cain where NOTHING fucking scary happens but you're filled with this sick dread for the whole book and feel fucking physically ill for days afterward.
That's fucking talent.

>> No.876773


>> No.876783



>> No.876819

there was this one times, I was reading this book, and it was like: in the woods, there was a house.
in the house, there was a room
in the room, their was a hall
in the hall their was a closet
in the closet there was a box
in the box there was a...
and the last page was a popup of a scary pirate ghost.

man, I was so scared.

>> No.877019

East of Eden, about Lee's mother: "she had not even eyes to see out of".

>> No.877039
File: 84 KB, 765x1112, goosebumps1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.877050

haha I remember Goosebumps!

I don't really read scary books, but I thought Dracula was pretty scary.