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8753793 No.8753793 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like everything is culturally irrelevant.

Books, movies, vidyagames, art, theatre etc. It's all consumed hedonistically. Nothing is rewarding or remains in the public consciousness. The final frontier of 'art' is virtual reality. People are going to get their fix in virtual reality headsets because real life is going to be so unrewarding.

Just look at the presidential election. An internet meme was elected because nobody believes in the sanctity of office anymore. And now Shillarycucks are pretending to be devastated for "PEOPLE OF COLOR" to their followers in order to get retweets and likes. Everybody craves the drama, yet it's all extremely shallow.

I mean, lots of people are spacefagging right now, getting their Cosmos fix and watching Elon Musk lectures. Yet the second we touch down on Mars, people are going to realise how unfulfilling it is. Oh look, we moved over there. Fantastic. A few billion more planets to visit I mean conquer, before entropy devours us all huehuehue.

Our existential abyss is approaching, and it's only going to get worse. It feels like we're just waiting around for A.I singularity and the final purge of the human race.

Everything sucks.

>> No.8753802
File: 45 KB, 620x874, ano fuck's sakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, that post-modern view of yours is fucking cancer.

>> No.8753805


OP...I beg you...motto

>> No.8753815

you sound like you just binged the latest south park

>> No.8753821

Is it post-modern or just lambasting or acknowledging the affects of postmodernity? I can accept the pomo is an accurate view of contempary life while wishing modernism was still the order of the day

>> No.8753852

the reality of the situation is that metamodernism is still just a sub-branch of pomo

get over yourself, unique snowflake faggot

>> No.8753863

I never said I was unique. In fact most people I talk to don't like postmodernism.

>> No.8754018

if you believed in the sanctity of the ridiculous joke known as the american presidential office to begin with you deserve a hand grenade through your window

>> No.8754027

>sanctity of office
I came on ur mum's sanctitties last night

>> No.8754059
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>he became aware of our fate on his own
good job anon. we call this period 'The Age Of Decadence' for future reference. welcome.

>> No.8754980

My research paper is about technology taking over lives
Trump is great
The only red orb better than Trump is Mars
>Our existential abyss is approaching, and it's only going to get worse. It feels like we're just waiting around for AI singularity and the final purge of the human race
Overdramatic, but too close for comfort

>> No.8755010

Yes the universe, everything that exists and that what don't is just a big wank off.

But i like wanking off.

>> No.8755620

>he just realised that God is dead