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File: 9 KB, 256x368, Lonergan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8751523 No.8751523 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with modern Catholics and neo-Thomists?

>> No.8751530
File: 855 KB, 600x860, thank you based cardinal!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do we say to the based cardinal?

>> No.8751534

Based Lonergan.

>> No.8751564

Edward Feser
Garrigou-Lagrange Grougaloragran
Etienne Gilson

Entry-level Catholics:
G.K. Chesterton
Frank Sheed
Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Fulton Sheen
Thomas Merton

Other fags:
Hans Urs von Balthasar
Liz Anscombe
Henri de Lubac
Ratzinger/Benedect XVI

>> No.8751811 [DELETED] 

Look for non-whites with <100IQ

>> No.8751826
File: 69 KB, 630x458, dhimmi pleasing his masters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Catholicism is progressive liberalism with a few weekly rituals that get changed every few years so that they remain fun and open.

It's done, lads.

Eastern Orthodoxy, Haredi Judaism and Salafism are the only relevant religions left.

>> No.8752118

Ignatius Bible (RSV), 2nd Edition
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Complete Works of Aristotle
Aquinas (A Beginner's Guide)
Aquinas's Shorter Summa: Saint Thomas's Own Concise Version of His Summa Theologic

These plus MacIntyre.

>> No.8752132

>Hans Urs von Balthasar
Otherwise pretty good, missing David S. Odenberg and Alasdair MacIntyre

>> No.8752135

yeah I don't know why I forgot to list MacIntyre, I was thinking of him while writing up that post

>> No.8752141

I'm so glad I started this meme, I just downloaded God or Nothing and will read it with new Raymond Burke I'm going to buy today.

>> No.8752146

We'll need to compose a massive Catholic pasta guys to answer these questions, they pop up pretty often. Also the Garrigou-Lagrange Grougaloragran guy is fucking obscure, when I google him this thread is the 5th result. Couldn't find him on libgen.

>> No.8752153

top fuckin kek, I'm sorry anon I rused you. his name is only Garrigou-Lagrange. I added 'Grougaloragran' because it's the name of a character from a French cartoon

>> No.8752156

If you do Aquinas you must read Theologia Mystica

>> No.8752164

He is still obscure as far as torrents go, I only found Life Everlasting and the Immensity of the Soul on bookzz.
This is the only place where I see him mentioned. It's probably okay because I've only read 500 or so pages of Aquinas so he won't be on the list very soon. I'm working on reading all of MacIntyre post communist writings.

>> No.8752479

>Hans Urs von Balthasar
why the reeee?

>> No.8752495

I don't think you get that Catholicism really does believe in both leader as servant (Christ washing the feet of lowly prostitutes with his tears and hair and so on) and also wants to take over the world. Like the crusades were all about trying to get all the continents.

>> No.8752496

how is he that

>> No.8752526

What are you talking about, that's not how the event went?
Am I being memed?

>> No.8752534

At the tip, then forwards till you can lick the balls.

>> No.8752548

i literally just put his name on amazon and got a bunch of books he wrote that are commentary on the summa, and no do not put Grougaloragran only put Garrigou-Lagrange

>> No.8752695

>Frank Sheed

I can't find any of his books online, especially Theology for Beginners. Anyone have it?

>> No.8752724

I thought Wakfu was like a video game.

>> No.8752854

I jerked off to Wakfu once.

>> No.8752866

Alasdair MacIntyre
Edward Feser's blog

>> No.8752875
File: 8 KB, 150x211, milchbuch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hans Milch

>> No.8752894

prostitutes are good people though, muslim migrants are not.

>> No.8753101

Prostitutes, unlike Muslims, can in fact be Catholics and, unlike Muslims, can participate in the rites of the Eucharist. Francis washing feet of Muslims during mass is sacrilege.
In other news, I just bought the new Burke and an edition of Thoughts by Edith Stein.

>> No.8753245


Easy, with the, comma, abuse. No prostitutes can't be Catholic, at least not in sense of being in communion with the church and able to partake in the Eucharist. In order to take the Eucharist you need to be free from sins and in order to get there you need to go to confession and in order to confess you need to be repentant. You can't be repentant if you're currently a prostitute. You can be a former prostitute and be a Catholic but you can't be an unrepentant sinner.

>> No.8753322

I know, but they can come to a mass.
Muslims, at least according to the Church fathers and the first Christians, can't.
Mass isn't a tool of evangelization for pagans and infidels.
Francis is establishing a new rule to contradict what you are saying, as mortal sin is not an objective fact for him, it's a "life is not black and white" situation where conscience is more important than objective moral law.
Washing of feet was an event between Christ and his apostles, not Christ and a couple of Romans and a few mystery religion pagans.
I have a comma fetish.

For important Catholic writers, I forgot to mention Hilaire Belloc, he's really great. I prefer him to Chesterton.

>> No.8753373

>as mortal sin is not an objective fact for him, it's a "life is not black and white" situation where conscience is more important than objective moral law.

Isn't that what Jesus said to the pharisees when they confronted for healing on the Sabbath? That the spirit of the law and the interior disposition of the sinner is more important than the actually literal words of the law? I don't know where you get this idea that mass isn't a form or has nothing to do with evangelization but you're mistaken. The doors aren't locked and we're encouraged to invite everyone.

Also you don't have to hit enter after every sentence.

>> No.8753395

No, I'd say it's more when he said that anyone who divorces and marries is an adulter and when Paul said that anyone who takes communion in the state of mortal sin is damming himself to Hell. We aren't talking trivial Jewish rabbinical laws, we are talking 2000 years of doctrine and scripture here, explicitly confirmed by John Paul II in Veritas Splendor.
I get the idea that mass wasn't a form of evangelization from the practices of the early church, where those who wished to join could not participate for a certain time. This has obviously changed, but it was what they did.
I hit enter because I'm on my phone and for me it looks arranged better like this, not sure how awful it'd be on the desktop.

>> No.8753800

Thank you based Cardinal.

>> No.8753837

t. unironic protestant

>> No.8753854
File: 485 KB, 1242x2208, IMG_0035.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a good place to start with Aquinas.

>> No.8753876

>You can't be repentant if you're currently a prostitute.
That's not true.

>> No.8753905

Not who you're replying to, but what makes you say that? How can one be repentant about something they refuse to stop doing? If one is truly repentant, then one seeks to abandon their sinful ways are they not?

>> No.8753912

I meant
> *do they not

>> No.8753916

Not everyone can stop doing it, and the Vatican takes that into account. So for example people who become prostitutes because of destitution or blackmail should not necessarily be blamed. Literally worse to look at pornography.

>> No.8753942

why is aquinas so popular on /lit/?

>> No.8753996


He was kind of smart

>> No.8754033

Aquinas, among others listed ITT, is popular among people trying to fight the tide of new atheism rising up in the west. Mainly due to his arguments for God.

>> No.8754110

You don't fight a tide that is going back out to sea. I have a great deal of respect for the atheist members of the philosophical establishment of the 1930s-40s, just as I do for the Church Fathers, but neither the Protestant fundamentalists who are unable to articulate either rational or existentialist reasons for belief nor the gang of positivist philistines who called themselves the New Atheists have any intellectual merit. If Dawkins maintains his current dismissive attitude towards all philosophy, he will end up gradually undermining the ontological foundations of his own worldview. All they had going for them was being provocative, so after that finally wore off they've been gradually declining.

>> No.8754137
File: 11 KB, 215x173, DSPT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't

>> No.8754406

He provides the strongest, most complete philosophical systems ever constructed by man.
t. Canon law

>> No.8754451
File: 18 KB, 220x335, t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He provides the strongest, most complete philosophical systems ever constructed by man.

Too bad it was completely destroyed

>> No.8754656

you meme with no purpose, you are a husk of a man.

>> No.8755189

Because he's a true patrician & because a lot of people who visit /lit/ are Catholic.

>> No.8755215

t. das Man

>> No.8755922


>> No.8756219

I have half of Hannukah Shekels's Jewish Adventures: The Final Solution left before I chose my next read.
A) God or Nothing by Based Cardinal
B) Metaphysics to finally start working on Aquinas metaphysics.

>> No.8756681

"Traditional" Catholicism is the latest edgy meme among teens and bitter young adults.

>> No.8756732

And it's only going to get bigger.

>> No.8756894

Chesterton is a better writer but Belloc was better educated and more precise. His histories like Europe and the Faith are better apologetics than Chesterton's stuff in my opinion

>> No.8756910

Not one writer mentioned in this thread who lived after the Second Vatican Council qualifies as a traditionalist, at least not the LARP meme-tier kind of trad (SSPX and sedevactantists).

>> No.8756937

How is SSPX larper, please? Now out of the writers mentioned, Sarah and Burke are clearly traditionalist, the long name French Dominican was the intellectual vanguard against new theology, Fulton Sheen qualifies as one too, MacIntyre isn't a theologian, but his axioms force traditionalism as they require, from a Catholic, total and absolute law like obedience to God, Benedict XVI was working towards the restoration of the tridentine mass and just about everything he was trying to do is being dismantled right now.
Well Chesterton is a poet in his soul and his non fiction will function like Nietzsche, but Christian, for people. You'll love it or hate it.

>> No.8757001

Traditionalist Catholicism as an edgy meme for teenagers on /pol/ and TC as a legitimate thing (Benedict XVI, Ed Feser, neo-schloastics, etc.) are different, and I associate the SSPX/sedes with the former (I usually agree with the later).

American SSPX members are larpers because they want the official position of the Catholic Church to be that any country with any Catholic citizens (such as the US) should make the Catholic Church the State Church and suppress other religions. This is the core of their dispute with the Vatican, not the Latin Mass. If the SSPX got their way, Catholics would become an absolutely hated group in the US, even among conservatives. Saying youre a Catholic would be like saying youre in the Klan or something to an average person. There's no acknowledgment of the real-world political situation

>> No.8757051

That's actually the official Thomist position. I read about it both from Feser and MacIntyre. Or at least as far as there being very little sense in having freedom of religion in the contemporary sense as a part of the positive law.
The core of the dispute was ordination of bishops without authority to do so, hence the iffy situation with the canon law and strange position within the Church. That said, I'm not an American and Latin mass is something which we didn't have here until 2 years ago and only in one city, next Sunday will be my fish latin mass, although not first mass in Latin.

>> No.8757065

>There's no acknowledgment of the real-world political situation
Reminds me of Christ.

>> No.8757104

I went to National Catholic Register to see what the leftists had to say about Burke being essentially replaced and the comment section was all about being nice to the political opponents, but unlike the usual comment sections, be it here or other sites, any refference to scripture, magisterium or tradition was missing.
Article in question https://www.ncronline.org/blogs/ncr-today/cardinal-burke-reportedly-confirms-vatican-ouster

>> No.8757143

It seems like Francis wants to save the church by doing away with the church in a contest vying for progressive approval.

I don't think he'll get people back to the church by removing whatever it has to offer though.

>> No.8757214

It's a very interesting thing, the more conservative a diocese, the more callings there are and the more liberal the less. Belgium is a very interesting example of this, duruing a short period of a conservative bishop there there were 50 young men with callings preparing for priesthood. As soon as a liberal bishop took over it went back to 5-6 as he essentially chased these out. Of course, this is assuming the story is true. We shall see if this is what will keep happening, as it is something I certainly observe. By banalising mercy, the Church will be empty, because it will be no different than any other NGO interested in peace and fighting poverty.
Here is the link https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/brussels-archbishop-deals-potentially-fatal-blow-to-an-uprising-of-vocation
Read a few more comments, the hate they have for Benedict XVI is seething.

>> No.8757315

Jesus told the Jews not to rebel against the Romans. Jews ignore Jesus and get rekt.

>> No.8757348

I would agree with Italy or Poland having the RC become the established church. US is a different scenario as it is historically protestant and only 25% Catholic today. The First Amendment as read by Clarence Thomas (a conservative Catholic US Supreme Court judge) is the best you're ever going to get. Catholic established church>religious liberty (as in US)>anti-clericalism (France)>state Atheism.

Aquinas thought Jews should be tolerated if they didn't cause trouble, but Christian heretics should be burned at the stake. The thing is, modern protestants are different than medieval heretics because they aren't actively protesting the Church, one can be from a family that was Protestant for 400 years. So, they are closer to the Jews of Aqunias' time, and should be tolerated if they don't cause trouble.

>> No.8757387

They want to go the way of US mainline protestants and the Church of England. Im not sure if more conservative diocese means higher mass attendance, as many trads claim, but it clearly leads to more vocations. Lincoln, Nebraska (only US diocese without alter girls and home to FSSP's seminary) gets more vocations than the Archdiocese of New York

>> No.8757428

Well I'm unsure which method he preferred, he was certainly not against the death penalty for heretics (this isn't just professing a heresy, it's preaching it, the danger came because of the risk for other human souls).

>> No.8757452

>Bishop Robert Barron
Man, this guys talks are comfy af. I agree though, he is entry-level. More of a populariser than anything else.

>> No.8757477

His book isn't half as bad as I expected. It covers a lot of interesting topics. His views on hell are a bit hererorthodox, but nothing too bad.

>> No.8757546

catholic fag weddings when?

>> No.8757589

As soon as the Church recognizes the difference between particular case and general rule, as Francis put it.

>> No.8757591

Honestly I'm just starting to think that a Jesuit as Pope is a bad idea. They're great for evangelizing but they do tend to play fast and loose with doctrine. If we have to have another Pope from an order I'd rather it be a Dominican.

>> No.8757609

Pretty sure that this depends on the country. Here, Jesuits stand for absolute orthodoxy, when cardinal Burke visited and was essentially ostracized by the arch bishop and was barely able to get the permission to hold a mass (which is a shame, because it was the most beautiful sermon I ever heard), the Jesuits stood up for him. This was even before the dubia went public. From what I gathered, the Jesuits are unorthodox in South and North America and became such only after the second Vatican council.

>> No.8757616

Jacques Maritain- The existent.

>> No.8757643

Honestly I think Francis has committed a major fuckup by not answering the dubia. His refusal of clarity on the questions surrounding AL are just going to wind up turning even more of the college of cardinals against him, and that will mean that when he dies they'll make a concerted effort to choose someone likely to reverse AL's teachings.

It's ridiculous that he can't even give a straight answer one way or the other. I generally don't have a problem with him but this is bugging me a lot.

>> No.8757679

He's never been clear on anything, I can't say I like anything about him, from praising Luther and claiming how he put the bible back into focus, to the whole AL fiasco and contradicting the magusterium with it in one of his letters, the liturgical fuckups, giving communion to protestants, eating up a speech that Soros literally funded (wikileaks is the source for this) in front of the Congress, making Cupich a cardinal... His papacy is the antithesis of Benedict.
The dubia is just a culmination of what he has been pushing thus far.

>> No.8757748

Yeah, he's been a bit of a mess, but this is a different sort of fuckup. Not answering the dubia is a tactical, maybe even a strategic error on his part. Even cardinals that support him are liable to take it as an affront. And it IS an affront. If AL is so clear the questions should be answered easily.

>> No.8757805

Well it is clear in the obvious contradiction of both scripture and doctrine. It's why he cannot plainly say that he really meant what he wrote as he would judge himself a heretic.
It would of course be best if he backed down and continued the work of the previous two popes, but that's probably not going to happen.
I've read that Benedict was silent because he fears a schism.

>> No.8757886

Not quite tho. He can't be that avant if Ratzinger is up for him.

>> No.8758088

Jesuits aren't really supposed to become bishops according to their internal rules. Dominicans don't have such a rule and we've had a few OP popes over the years (notably St. Pius V)

>> No.8758094

Watching Catholocucks discuss their memes is like watching a bunch of fedoras talk Tolkien lore desu.

Absolutely silly LARPing.

>> No.8758099

What isn't LARPing in your view? Is LARPing a spook?

>> No.8758123

To start with it should include not adopting some old belief system that you find charming and insincerely pretending to believe in it for aesthetic value.

'Traditional Catholics' are no different from Neopagans in that aspect.

>> No.8758189

SSPX is way different from sedevacantism. The latter is heresy

>> No.8758196

My Grandma had five kids by the time traditional catholicism stopped being a thing, its not an old belief system in the way neopaganism is. Anybody who isn't a modern liberal is someone with false consciousness in your view--pretty closed minded.

>> No.8758221

>Anybody who isn't a modern liberal is someone with false consciousness in your view--pretty closed minded.
It isn't, I just think people who frequent this board embracing traditional catholicism are people with a shitload of bad faith.

>> No.8758239

Mark my words, Benedict is going to outlive Francis and play a key role in healing the Church. Call it a prophecy. I assumed that when Benedict retired due to ill health, he was destined to die any day. But he's just kept living, while Francis has told people he feels he doesn't have much time left.

Benedict will survive Francis, and the Church will be better for it.

>> No.8758617

So obscure
Much hipster

>> No.8758624

If you believe something just for aesthetic value, do you really believe it?

>> No.8758634


>> No.8759012

Based on what? Their love for reading?
What would be the role of Benedict in the Church officially when Francis dies? We have a very, very uncommon situation.
How did Francis become a cardinal then?

>> No.8760229

>Based on what? Their love for reading?
Their love of 4chan culture.

>> No.8760248

/lit/ is basically the only place I know where I can discuss literature.
But it is true, I love memes

>> No.8760360

Benedict a shit. Stop getting bothered about a Jesuit Pope uniting everyone. I can only assume we have a tinfoil twat here who thinks this is the end of the world.

>> No.8760370

What are your thoughts on Muslim prostitutes?

>> No.8760380

Fine with me as long as they aren't migrants.

>> No.8760515

Who exactly is he uniting if Benedict said that a schism is very, very possible?

>> No.8760544


A schism with Francis would be like the Vatican II schism, practically unnoticeable. Benedict is just sore because people liked him less and he would've caused a worse schism or even mass conversion across the board.

>> No.8760617

Kinda strange every modernist potential mass conversion just ends up as a drop in callings and mass attendance while whatever Benedict did was the opposite.

>> No.8761735

>All this preconciliar Catholic thought
Accept it, Trento fags, you're in it for the philosophy, not for the Gospel

>> No.8762468

If I was I'd be a neoplatonist.

>> No.8762483

The philosophy leads to a deeper love of the Gospel. Reason and Faith go hand in hand and point the way to Christ.

>> No.8762484

>Where do I start with modern Catholics
>no Alvin Plantinga


>> No.8762503

Platinga is a Calvinist and essentially a naturalist far away from anything resembling thomism son, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.8762988

Lads recommend me good history on the crusades, inquisition and Catholic church in the second world war.

>> No.8762999

It's not about mass conversion, it's about closer ties between the churches. This isn't about making everyone Catholic but having a unified Christian church.

>> No.8763003

I'm not reading no chipmunk.

>> No.8763007

A unified Catholic church cannot exist unless either every other church becomes Catholic or Catholicism denies its own dogmas and proves Christianity a lie by doing so.
There's no ground for closer ties with heretics who deny Christ.
The orthodox church is in this different from the protestant one, but Francis isn't working at all to bring the two closer together as he has openly denied the existence of moral absolutes and I certainly hope the eastern church will not follow in his steps.

>> No.8763033

You've had some antifreeze put in your communion wine there bro.

Part of the reason the Orthodox church in Russia so hated Jean Paul Catholicism was his repeated actions to undermine them as another Christian church. While Benedict was better (though anyone would be) Francis is really good. Russian Orthodox actually like him.

I get the impression tho you're some kind of religious tourist, since you seem to think I have to be talking about a single Christian church, not a set of churches all recognizing each other as Christian. If you're not pretending, go to Church once in a while, including when you're not at your home one, and you'll see so new shit for sure. Hell, even go to another denomination's mass. We're gradually becoming one big happy family.

>> No.8763080

>You've had some antifreeze put in your communion wine there bro.
Sadly we don't get communion wine more often than once a year.
>Part of the reason the Orthodox church in Russia so hated Jean Paul Catholicism was his repeated actions to undermine them as another Christian church.
How does that make any sense? He essentially opened communication with the Russians and called the Orthodox church another lung, clearly implying the validity of their sacraments and their role in salvation as well as apostolic succession.
>While Benedict was better (though anyone would be) Francis is really good. Russian Orthodox actually like him.
Probably because they aren't following what he is doing in the Catholic church itself. As far as I can tell, they are still what would be seen as conservative.
>I get the impression tho you're some kind of religious tourist, since you seem to think I have to be talking about a single Christian church, not a set of churches all recognizing each other as Christian.
The churches already recognize one another, but this has of course gone too far with recognition of not just Protestantism, but their churches which are an anathema to the Catholics and Orthodox as well- warm relations with a lesbian abortion supporting bishopess is something very few Russians would approve from what I can tell. His concessions about Stepinac are something the Orthodox might like politically, but it's insane theologically.
>If you're not pretending, go to Church once in a while, including when you're not at your home one, and you'll see so new shit for sure. Hell, even go to another denomination's mass.

God forbid. Firstly, it's strictly forbidden to go to protestants services to Catholics and I would need to confess it later on or whatever and I couldn't take communion in an orthodox church, unless I was to knowingly break their laws, which I see no reason to do.
>We're gradually becoming one big happy family

By watering down truth and by sucking up to the atheist elites, by pretending we believe what we don't. I met the first protestant last year, I had no distaste for protestants before. Their faith is incredibly anthropomorphic. Christ to them is some buddy they like a lot who at a certain point in time saved them from something, it's vapid and cheap and this is certainly something I want to keep very, very far from what I love.

>> No.8763104

>I met the first protestant last year

holy shit what kind of backwards shithole do you live in?

>> No.8763106

>How does that make any sense? He essentially opened communication with the Russians and called the Orthodox church another lung, clearly implying the validity of their sacraments and their role in salvation as well as apostolic succession.
He very famously drew up diocese across Russia.

>Firstly, it's strictly forbidden to go to protestants services to Catholics and I would need to confess it later on or whatever and I couldn't take communion in an orthodox church, unless I was to knowingly break their laws, which I see no reason to do.
Confirmed tourist, you can do both of those things. There are a small number of extra hoops for taking Orthodox communion for most churches, but intercommunion is allowed. Attending a protestant mass is really of no concern, tho if you want to be a protestant you should really convert.

>Christ to them is some buddy they like a lot who at a certain point in time saved them from something,
Plenty of Catholics are the fucking same.

>> No.8763111

He lives in roleplay land.

>> No.8763124

It's called eastern Europe. Couldn't you take an educated guess?
No, the Catholic church allows communion to Catholics in Orthodox churches only if there are no nearby Catholic ones and forbid otherwise.
The Orthodox church cannot give communion to anyone who isn't orthodox. Attendance of protestant services is forbidden to Catholics.

>> No.8763140

>No, the Catholic church allows communion to Catholics in Orthodox churches only if there are no nearby Catholic ones
No, that's the other way around. It's too complicated an issue to just google it. Most Orthodox churches hold communion as a once in a blue moon affair because you have to purify yourself beforehand too.

>The Orthodox church cannot give communion to anyone who isn't orthodox.
They do, and this contradicts the point above anyway.

>Attendance of protestant services is forbidden to Catholics.
Okay, you keep the fantasy bro if it makes you happy.

>> No.8763154

>It's called eastern Europe. Couldn't you take an educated guess?

Maybe if you guys had a little more protestant work ethic and a little less weird rituals your countries wouldn't be such weak dumps ready to be overrun by whatever communist or islamic strongman that pops up

>> No.8763248
File: 30 KB, 300x300, 1461724741550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good books for lapsed catholics who want to come back into the faith? Or will the standard reading do just fine?

>> No.8763261

I don't think there's anything particularly different than what is usually recommended. I'd personally go for fiction first as it's not as much of a commitment as Augustine or Aquinas. Wolfe, O'Connor, Greene, Solzhenitsyn and some nice mysticism and theology like Benedict XVI stuff, Thomas Kempen, Thomas Merton, conversion of John Henry Newman etc.

>> No.8763953

Thank you for responding

>> No.8763977

No problem. It just feels like that massive Catholic pasta should be made for stuff like this because we got asked the same question very often.

>> No.8764373

bumping for this

>> No.8764518

hi anons. i'm a worthless illiterate heathen fuckface

donoso cortes brought me here. i don't know anything about catholicism

thank you anon

i can't believe this is happening but apparently it is

this is amazing

also asking this

this is awesome to read

also this

carry on kind anons, thank you

>> No.8764547

What are you doing on /lit/ lad?
inb4 most people here are pseuds who don't read

>> No.8764575

i'm a pseud too

>> No.8764584

I'm not sadly.

>> No.8764602

absolutely not. i've seen so many hispanics converting to christianity, you'd be surprised. the democrats think they'll have the presidency on lock forever if they can just flood the place with enough latinos, but our protestant evangelical countrymen in the heartland are putting up a great effort to convert them over to christianity, so don't count on the pope becoming king of america anytime soon, ok fucko

>> No.8764739


>> No.8764755

He is very far from obscure. He is widely considered one of the most important Catholic theologians of the 20th century.

>> No.8764790

I'm relatively well read as far as Catholicism goes and often look for cool things in Catholic bookshops and hang in these threads. Lit is the only place I saw him mentioned.
He isn't obscure, but he's not widely read either. It's hard to find him online and he's not popular in the anglo world, which is my main source of information and copies of ebooks. Maybe it's different in other regions of course.

>> No.8765634

Also bumping for this. Does anyone have any recommendations?

>> No.8765641

Runciman's History of the Crusades is a classic literary read, but very dated and verboten for academic purposes,

Jonathan Riley-Smith's Short History of the Crusades is a nice intro and still a standard. Riley-Smith's other short books (What Were the Crusades?) cover the theoretical disputes over the Crusades, which are worth looking into.

Christopher Tyerman's new book God's War is a comprehensive cinderblock that is good for reference but not particularly great in any other respect. Tyerman also has a book on theoretical disputes (The Debate over the Crusades, http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/review/1153)), also short-ish and worth a skim.

Either one of these authors will point out the great classics of the field, like Erdmann. But because the theoretical disputes are so deep, it's difficult to read or recommend these authors without putting them into their context in the dispute. There are two major opposing stances on the nature of the crusades, and their uniqueness and centrality to European history.


Erik Christiansen (Northern Crusades) and William Urban (Teutonic Knights, specific books on different Northern Crusades) are the standard English-language authors on the Northern Crusades, but the latter especially is getting a little dated. Most research on the Northern Crusades is understandably written in Central and East-Central European languages, and badly riven into nationalist historiographical camps. It used to be pretty blatant, with the Germans claiming the Teutonic Knights were civilizing cool dudes, and the Poles writing FUCK GERMANY for 600 straight pages, but now it has just gone under the surface of polite academic rigour.

Kenneth Harl has a pretty good video lecture course on the Crusades at TTC/great courses

>> No.8765688
File: 195 KB, 835x983, Cardinal Sarah Watching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8766089
File: 55 KB, 407x650, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because a logically dense theology that seamlessly fuses Christianity and Plato/Aristotle is nothing short of a beautiful work of art

>> No.8766094

>implying philosophy and the one true faith are incompatible

>> No.8766701

God be with you, cardinal Sarah!

>> No.8766724

God be with you, cardinal Sarah!

>> No.8768440

You're an idiot. Hes not disagreeing with union between Orthodox and Catholic, union between protestants and Cath/Orth is impossible as protestants often deny the communion host. Protestant is heresy as much as you want to pretend its all sunshine and kittens its not. Protestant is not a faith that can get you to heaven.

>> No.8768490

If they can or cannot get to haven is arguable though. It's not as clear.

>> No.8769382

Best thomist since Aquinas himself.

>> No.8769400

Ratzinger is easily the most intelligent on that list when it comes to metaphysics.

>> No.8769464

Etienne Gilson, Études de philosophie Médievale.

>> No.8769574


>> No.8770123

Did he even write about metaphysics?

>> No.8770535

Thank you my nigga

>> No.8770772

who do i follow on twitter if i want to be a better catholic

>> No.8770809

You stop using it and start reading, praying and taking sacraments.

>> No.8771645

I went to Tridentine mass today for the first time with my granny, she hasn't been to one in 50+ years.