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/lit/ - Literature

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8750617 No.8750617 [Reply] [Original]

I've come to figure out that about 60% of posts on /lit/ are shitposting and memeposting and garbage. (Including this post). Almost nobody actually reads, and there is very little serious discussion about books. I originally liked it here because I was turned onto some good books, but the ratio of shitposting is just too high. Either the amount of shitposters has increased, or I'm just getting too old for this shit.

Is there a literature forum somewhere where the ratio of shitposting is like.. 20% or less?

>> No.8750618

>he thinks foucalt

>> No.8750637

I think you should try reddit :^)

>> No.8750647

Lol if you think what's going on here is in some way 'superior' to reddit, then you are delusional.

>> No.8750648

Honestly no OP, if there was then either there was a great move to it or there wasn't, you probably would have heard of it on here either way.

If there's one bright-side it's how fast newcomers get pushed away from this board unless they're willing to actively integrate, until then just go and read some fucking books

>> No.8750679

>he wants to drop out of the completion of german idealism

>> No.8750694



>> No.8750815

you know i much prefer reddit for almost anything (r/games compared to fucking /v/...............) but for some reason the reddit literature community seems rather lacking. both r books and r literature i think its called? dont really have anything that helps me find new reading material. on here i actually can, although it takes a little bit of work.

>> No.8750895

Have you tried having friends?

>> No.8750937

honestly this place has been a kick in the pants to read moar

>> No.8750940
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What's wrong, newfag can't handle the bantz?

>> No.8751060

Friends != literature discussion board

>> No.8751065

Get better friends

>> No.8751145


>> No.8751192
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Most of the charts in the sticky haven't been updated in years. Reddit literature discusses almost the exact same mix of American pomo memes and classics that are popular on /lit/. People on 4chan seem actively hostile to authors they don't recognize, they'll respond by asking "literally who?" and imply that if they haven't heard of someone he must be unimportant. This board is such an echo chamber sometimes, it's gross.

I want you fags to make a new year's resolution not to read so many memes e.g. DFW, Pynchon, Gaddis/Gass/Hawkes/Mcelroy.

>> No.8751209

the something awful forum occasionally gets into worthwhile discussion, but it moves much slower than here. your best bet is to read more criticism, op. find good lit critics who link authors and genres across time. you'll have more to read with thoughtful analysis.

>> No.8751235

Theres a couple groups on facebook that have decent discussions every so iften but unfortunately they are about 30% pleb

>> No.8751242

The alternative is to spend more time reading books and surrounding yourself with smarter people in real life who you can discuss literature with.

>> No.8751338

they arent actively hostile towards authors they dont recognize, they are actively hostile to pretty much everything desu

>> No.8751445


>> No.8752177

>reading books
Stopped reading there. Maybe you should be updating your patreon subscription to your favorite booktuber you fucking nerd.

>> No.8752180

Readers don't post so much. So expect to wade through a lot of shitposting before finding a decent comment

>> No.8752191

I have a Patrician-exclusive G+ group.

We test every candidate. The last couldn't even read latin: out.

>> No.8752231

agreed. between finals and reading and friends, its been about a week since i posted anything. really i contribute the most to /lit/ on car trips because reading in a car makes me motion sick af.

even though you really gotta wade through the shit, its always nice to see a well-balaced, well-read poster.

>> No.8752268

>Is there a literature forum somewhere where the ratio of shitposting is like.. 20% or less?
The shitposting is due to anonymity, but on non-anonymous boards you will have to deal with individual dramas.

I am a newfag who started with /his/. Before /his/ I was on a historical forum. And there you had to deal with know-it-alls, at least here you get judged for individual posts instead of your whole board persona.

I think other boards are even worse echochambers, just more serious.

>> No.8752715

60%? You're generous. I'd put it at over 90%, especially if you ignore the fucking philosophy crap. Of the 151 threads I'm currently seeing in the catalog, there's basically nothing about literature except in the stupidest way ("Will I like that?" "Is that canon?" "Is this worth reading?")

>> No.8752733

>pick up another chan
say nextchan or endchan
>make /lit/
>moderate it as you fucking want to
>shill the board here to get more activity
>be banned from 4chan
>watch your site fail
>browse 4chan with vpn because the system is stupid
>wade through cancer
>find the eventual nice thread
>cling onto hopeful happiness
>watch others attempt what you did with melancholic nostalgia
>be banned from 4chan

>> No.8752750

>too old for this shit
You offer all you can to the threads and be generous with your posts and you'll be surprised what you'll get out of the board. Sure, everyones not as serious as you and me, but that's what things like chatrooms and writer's groups are for.
Grow up mentally and make real friends, or wade into the shit with me friendo

>> No.8753311

Badliterature is what you're looking for