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/lit/ - Literature

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874923 No.874923 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a guy about to kill himself anything.

>> No.874925

What's wrong?

>> No.874927

What's your favorite book?

>> No.874932

DONT FUCKING DO IT my little brother shot himself two years ago and I have never felt okay since. I am overcome with grief each day of my life. I feel like it's consumed my soul. You will not just end your problems, you will create unhealable wounds for everyone that cares for you.

>> No.874930

Why Charles Manson?

>> No.874935

this, you selfish asshole.

>> No.874941

Feel free to rant, none of us are doing anything

>> No.874948

Can you do a live stream show for /lit/?

>> No.874952

I have to many favorite books
The pic is unrelated
No one cares about me so dont worry about them.

>> No.874954

Don't do it, OP. Nothing is ever so broken it can't be fixed.

>> No.874959

It's selfish to ask someone to live for your sake.

>> No.874960

Tell us what's wrong, it surely isn't as bad as you think

>> No.874961

fuck that. People do care about you. You just don't recognize it for whatever reason. I could rant about what you are probably like, making judgements but I won't. Seriously, think about others on this one. You should share your reason so that you don't hold onto it and feed it with your own bullshit.

>> No.874963

relax, you might feel down right now but it will pass, just do something that you like to change your mind right now.

My mom killed herself two years ago and it's the most terrible thing you can do for your family and friends and of course to yourself.

>> No.874970

are you going to post pics for proof or do we just have to take your word for it?

>> No.874971

I was thinking about this earlier today. How in high school, whenever I'd get depressed, I'd say to myself, "Well, hold on until college. College is something everyone should experience."

Now that I'm almost done University, I think, "Well, hold on until you're finished, you've got a job, and you've got a home."

Only today did I wonder whether I'd really be satisfied when I had those things, or if real courage comes from knowing that this "list" of stuff to hang on for is bullshit, and that you just make the best with what you got.

Not really related, but hey. It's not like you've got a reading list keeping you alive.

>> No.874969

Go to sleep, you'll feel better in the morning

>> No.874976

Man up and stop acting like a melodramatic child.

>> No.874985

I would recommend reading "Darkness Visible" by Styrone before you commit the deed.

>> No.874986

Not everybody live this way of life

>> No.874989

fuck all the sociopaths ITT who are telling op to do it or to show it. You shallow little enfants terribles, who have obviously experienced nothing but your parents cuddles and have no sense of self, of life, or of anything. You people are scumbags, and it's not funny.

>> No.874990

What about people who have no family or friends who care about them? I'm no the OP, but my family wants nothing to do with me, and I haven't spoken to any 'friends' in over 4 years, despite trying to contact them.

>> No.874992

I would recommend reading "dianetics" by l ron hubbard

>> No.874994

Make new friends, and I've been out with my family for years before. Sometimes, you have to work hard if it is something you really want. Think about it and see if you can honestly tell yourself that you've done everything you could. If you still feel like you have, then you must move on.

>> No.874996


I'm sorry, I never meant to imply that I suspected anyone else did (or didn't). I was just using the thread as a platform to look at what I was really thinking about, in words, and not thoughts.

>> No.875000

Why don't you quit wasting everyone's time and just get to it?

>> No.874998

Read The Myth of Sisyphus by Alber Camus first so you can either know why you shouldn't or be confident that you should

>> No.875001

OP, the fact that you're on 4chan and people aren't encouraging you should be proof enough that people, even anonymous ones, care about you enough to tell you not to do this.

>> No.875002

Have you read 'Tristram Shandy'?

>> No.875006

Well fuck it, I care. Don't do it

>> No.875008


If you weren't so stupid you would have been capable of greater depth and eloquence.

Stop pretending that your life has been any harder than anyone else. You have a fucking computer. It has not been hard.

>> No.875011

a starving child in africa's pain and a spoiled kid deprived of a video game's pain can be on the same level. it depends on what you're used to

>> No.875014

I don't think a computer is enough for happiness

>> No.875017

You have astounded me with your sharp articulation and incontestable logic. You are a bitch, friend. You feel an unquenchable thirst for something to save you from the endless mediocrity that is your pathetic self. Unfortunately, you go about it by telling strangers on 4chan to kill themselves. Real edgy, bro. Also ''You have a computer, your life has not been hard" is a sentiment so laughable, it must come from someone who is exactly as I described above. Have you even stopped breastfeeding yet?

>> No.875019

how old are you OP?

>> No.875021


"Don't confuse the things that connect us with the moments that bring us together."

Cheesy line, but o! So true.

>> No.875024

Not OP but I've been in a similar state of mind for the past year. Stay the fuck away from Japanese literature.

I'll give this one a try.

>> No.875028

Completely agree. There are people who were forced to become soldiers as children. These children were told to rape and murder their own people in gruesome, horrible ways. They have every right to feel suicidal.

Yet the ones who survived live on, despite terrible nightmares, despite unspeakable grief, despite their memories.

OP, your life is not that bad. I guarantee it.

>> No.875029


No pain can be the same, so do not even try to equate the burdens of one to another. You are obviously far too young to be giving anyone advice about life.


It is enough to prove he has lived a better life than most.

>> No.875034

Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problems

>> No.875035


Shows what you know. I told the faggot to man up and stop acting like a child.

>> No.875036

Oh shit, I've been feeling like OP lately and /all/ I've been reading is Japanese literature. I did notice it mostly made me more depressed. I think I found out where to make a change.

>> No.875044

>thinks pain isn't subjective and relative

opinion invalid

>> No.875055
File: 248 KB, 451x352, artist__sipping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's like I'm really on /adv/

>> No.875051

OP if you're going to kill yourself make a tinychat and do it on cam for 4chan.

>> No.875052

you trolling?

>> No.875058

somebody say /adv/?

>> No.875062

Since you won't need money anymore, mind buying me one or several books from my Amazon wishlist? :3

>> No.875063

OP, i'm sorry i have to be tough but that's life, man. You're such a useless piece of shit that you've had to come on 4chon to request for help of fucking strangers you don't know and never will.
Sorry, buddy. But you're a complete crap, useless human being. Now, you have two choices. Either you face it or you hide the truth and go on with your suicidal plan. Choose what's best.

>> No.875064
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>> No.875056


You have so little comprehension that you honestly interpret something in the opposite of it's intended meaning, then go on to criticize me by calling it wrong, when what you really believe is apparently what I said.

Go to bed, kid.

>> No.875075
File: 21 KB, 344x328, artist_orly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well goddamned

>> No.875079

I just don't see why you don't believe a child starving in africa's pain can be on the same level with a spoiled kid deprived of a videogame.

the kid in africa may be less upset about it even. he's used to it. what's your reasoning?

>> No.875099


Exactly what I said, genius. Pain is ENTIRELY subjective. No person experiences it in the same way.

One person being stabbed is another person's pulled hair is a toothache to someone else.

>> No.875104

I believe the word you're looking for is relative deprivation

>> No.875113

I agree with you about pain being subjective, but does that necessarily mean that it's worth killing yourself over a video game, or other trivial thing?

>> No.875115

>implying I'm a part of this debate

>> No.875118

the point is, it is never worth killing yourself. Unless you are just too old.

>> No.875121

I don't think the OP ever mentioned video games.

>> No.875123

which is the point I was making in this post:
so you accuse me of being "too young" to give advice, and then make the same point that I did

>> No.875125

remember that kid that killed himself over a stolen ipod? where the "an hero" meme came from?

>> No.875126

Video games were used in an example as a comparison to a child that is starving. Therefore, I used it as well.

>> No.875134


Depends on your priorities. Personally, I am scared shitless of death, to the point that I would willingly live in massive debilitating pain, for as long as I am still capable of comprehending my situation.

But if I end up brain dead or if (and I would pray to whatever gods there may be that it never happens) i ever get Alzheimer's I would gladly die, for who I am would be gone already.

>> No.875140

the real question: is life worth living? get a satisfying answer to that and you'll have no reason to kill yourself

>> No.875150

it seems kind of ridiculous, but if you think about it it makes sense that something small like a stolen ipod can cause all the pain and boredom of life to come loose

>> No.875142

Man, I agree. If I ever get into some car accident and end up mentally retarded or otherwise, I'd rather be dead. I don't want to be a burden on my family and friends, and "I" would essentially be dead already anyway.

>> No.875143


You made a stupid comparison and implied that pain can be equal.

>> No.875153

9/10. I'm almost positive you're trolling me

>> No.875156


The real question is what makes life worth losing.

>> No.875166

>implying life itself has universal irrefutable value

>> No.875168


More like a pathetic retard of a child with no perspective or understanding of consequences tried to get some attention and a new ipod for his parents and accidentally succeeded at killing himself.

>> No.875172


>Implying I wasn't just pulling shit out of my ass for the sake of saying something silly.

>> No.875178

no u

>> No.875187

i dont even think op is here anymore we might have been to late oh noble /lit

>> No.875196


No one liked OP anyway. I head he was a fag.

>> No.875198

I'm sure OP is samefagging every now and then. "I'm about to kill myself" is a reliable troll strategy

>> No.875205

Holy shit the number of platitudes is amazing! Look at all the accomplished people that killed themselves. Hemingway killed himself, yukio mishima killed himself, tchaikovsky may have, van gogh killed himself. I can't believe you guys have read liturature and spit out such trite and meaningless responses to OP. Dostoevsky felt that suicide was a logical conclusion for intelligent nihilists that never found god. To OP I say that it takes strength and perseverance to make your life better. You must not "accept yourself for who you are" but make yourself better. If you dont like something about yourself, do something. Its your life, and you should fight tooth and nail for it. You are still young. If no one cares about you, be honest with yourself. Is it really true that no one cares about you? And if it is, why is it? Its a hard truth, but you need to put in the work and fix that shit. Life is hard, and suicide is not the solution of those with physical ailments, it is the solution of those with a broken heart and a broken spirit. Live your life with strength and dignity. If you cant do that, by all means kill yourself as you will allow someone else to use those resources. Im not telling you to kill yourself, I am telling you to get your shit together. The only way out of this is willpower, lying to yourself, or suicide.

>> No.875218

while I disagree with some of these points, this is probably the most well thought out post in this thread so far

>> No.875238


>> No.875243
File: 13 KB, 219x93, tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't forcing someone who is unhappy to live in misery just so you can avoid grief just as selfish?

>> No.875265

You're lucky to be here, don't leave before you have to.

>> No.875282

Look we are just trying to stop someone from making a mistake. Great men may have commited suicide, but that is the least of their greatness. In fact, it is a tragedy. I'm not saying suicide is inherently wrong, but cliches are sometimes more powerful when making an emotional appeal. OP I love you. I don't know you but I love you.

>> No.875297

This is lit not /b, or /fit. cliches make it very clear to OP that he is in a very different world than the rest of you. Suicidal on lit may be thinking a little deeper. Although I am quickly reconsidering that line of thought considering the responses in this thread, and the number of genuine ayn rand fans.

>> No.875315

From personal experience with severe depression, don't do it. Also, don't ask for help either. Just work through it on your own. I honestly wish I never went to the hospital for help with my depression. Work through it as hard as you can, you'll be a better person in the end.

>> No.875328

Yo bro, do humanity a favour.
If you're going to off your self, at least donate your body to science/people who need your organs.

Give someone else a chance at life. Be a hero, an hero.

>> No.876274

Goodnight sweet prince

>> No.876288

I hope you don't do it, OP. Other posters have said anything else I wanted to say. Every unhappiness can be ended by death, but not solved. Suppose it depends on your preference.

>> No.876290

Every ghost knows that is is better to have a body than it is to not have a body. Hence why they try to invade yours and deprive you of it. Stay strong, soul warrior. Turn your narrow shoulders into power. Fight. For peace. For love. For victory.

>> No.876325

if you cant find a reason for continuing living i'm not going to stop you.

question time:
what is your chosen method or offing yourself?