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/lit/ - Literature

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8748913 No.8748913 [Reply] [Original]

Any books on finding sex disgusting because you were abused as a kid?

>> No.8748919

My diary desu

>> No.8749045

>because you were abused as a kid?

>muh armchair psychology
you don't need to be abused to find sex disgusting. you're really not that special, buddy.

>> No.8749055

I feel absolutely stupid while trying to masturbate or have sex, it's just so boring.

>> No.8749066

Kind of a spoiler A Little Life is pretty much all about this and it's huge.

>> No.8749067

Sex is disgusting, and people who indulge in it are unilaterally cunts.

>> No.8749068

ITT: depression kills anons sex drive

>> No.8749085

Also, yes. I just can't fathom any scenario in which a woman would willingly fuck me.

>> No.8749139

Thanks, anon.

>> No.8749280


>> No.8749293


>> No.8749295

My gott, I'm discussing literature with a bunch of impotents.

>> No.8749303

Ew, I'm discussing literature with a rank cummy beast.

>> No.8749322

why not just because it's disgusting

>> No.8749339


I bring my...*sniff* she bring her plastic penis, dildo *pulls shirt* I bring my artificial vagina

>> No.8749341

Is it weird to just want to hug and sleep next to grills? Sex is kind of scary to me desu.

>> No.8749344

Literally John Green tier m8

>> No.8749349

Is it weird to want to eat breakfast not in the morning??

>> No.8749561

You don't need to let your molestation define you for the rest of your life. Lots of people develop extreme perversions or disgust with sex, regardless of whether or not they have been raped or molested. The idea of your subconscious past having control of your conscious present is mostly bullshit, apart from some analyzation on how your brain forms habits and addictions. A single event or series of events within the early stages of life are not somehow more important or relevant to the formation of your ego, unless those events persisted at such frequency that they became habit forming

>> No.8749601
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>virgin detected

>> No.8749616



WTF am I reading?

>> No.8749666

James Baldwin