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/lit/ - Literature

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8747318 No.8747318 [Reply] [Original]

why have novels been ascendant since like the 18th century

what happened to poetry and plays

>> No.8747367

It's a complicated history which involves print culture, locomotives, and women's histories.

>> No.8747395

go on

>> No.8747412


If you can't be fucked to punch "novel" and "history" into the MLA bibliography why should I write a dissertation on this anime image board?

>> No.8747449

God forbid a discussion break out on here.

>> No.8747479

Plays turned into movies

Poetry I don't know. It could be said that we as a majority are now less in touch with ourselves and lack the skill to articulate our thoughts.

>> No.8747566
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poetry has always been mostly bullshit and now people have more options to occupy their leisure besides "stick my thumb up my ass or read/recite some pretty words"

>> No.8747584


At least no one's said "do your own homework!" yet

>> No.8747674
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We are listening to more poetry than ever through song lyrics, especially rap music. The focus there has shifted from content to form, more specifically rhyme and rhythm, but it is essentially poetry.

I remember a poet laureate naming Eminem as the greatest poet in America. Bob Dylan just got a Nobel Prize in literature.