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/lit/ - Literature

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8743459 No.8743459 [Reply] [Original]

>sitting in book store, reading 1984
>girl strikes up a conversation and asks if I've ever read any Stephen King
>Stephen King
>the guy who wrote "The Tommyknockers"

What authors do you hate hearing be considered "higher literature" by plebs?

>> No.8743461

>reading 1984
There's your answer ;)

>> No.8743462

What the fuck is wrong with Orwell, you faggot?

>> No.8743465

I've officially outgrown this board.

>> No.8743466

Many of my friends think Dan Brown is high brow lit and have to flaunt it whenever they read one of his books.

>> No.8743470

Honestly, man, King is an overrated hack. He's written only, like, 1 or 2 good books, but I wouldn't call any of it literature.

>> No.8743474

What did you just turn 17?

>> No.8743477

6/10 good attempt but needs to be a little subtler

>> No.8743482

>Honestly, man, King is an overrated hack.

He's also incidentally the worst kind of butthurt American liberal.

>> No.8743483
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>> No.8743486

Who the fuck considers Stephen King higher literature you spastic

>> No.8743490

Plebs, obviously.

>> No.8743492


Desperation was worse. What a fucking shitshow.

I like when King doesn't completely fuck up his endings. I was so fucking angry with the last fifty or so pages of The Stand. Epic post-apocalyptic novel becomes mediocre dog shit in a matter of pages.

>> No.8743498
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>> No.8743522

>What the fuck is wrong with Orwell, you faggot?
You asked me a question, you got your answer and now you want to complain about it?
If you care so much about whatever your book is 'higher literature' or not, maybe you should make a related subreddit and ban everyone who doesn't like your 'high literature'.

>> No.8743524

Non-argument. Please list why you think Orwell is bad.

>> No.8743615
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>Please list why you think Orwell is bad.
Bad is not the right word, I personally just don't like it.

And to be fair if there's anyone who is elitist it would be me. I'm such a flawed character that an important part of my identity is setting myself apart. But that is not a justification for disliking 1984.

What I will say is the following, and my only reason really for replying to you:
I feel that the popularity of 1984 has less to do with its quality, and more to do with a kind of confirmation bias first, and a bandwagon effect second.

The book is satisfying to people because it confirms their ideas of what the government tries to do.

Just a glance at the popularity of the book 1984 on Goodreads, makes me realize that this prestige it holds can only futher its spread.

I do wonder why you do not consider it a pleb book, clearly it is highly popular even among the potatoes of the world.

>> No.8743653

Not once have I heard anyone who reads him refer to him as such and neither does he

>> No.8743658

Did the girl actually say anything to make you believe she thought King was "higher literature," or are you just trying to console yourself because you struck out?

>> No.8743662

>i'm a contrarian
there, saved you some time

>> No.8743703

You explained why popular is not the same as good, not why he is a bad author. The fact that something is popular doesn't mean it can't be good.

Please explain why 1984 is bad

>> No.8743711

Not the one you are defending your crippled ego against.

That said, 1984 is babbys first "serious" book, not "higher literature". And you're a retarded faggot.

>> No.8743744
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>not why he is a bad author.
But I never said he was a bad author, just that I do not personally like the book 1984. It is a matter of taste.

Surely when the OP talks of plebs, it is valid to talk of popularity? I never said that the popularity was the reason I disliked it, I disliked it for the writing and that it bored me. That is personal.
That is incorrect because I've read books that are popular amongst potatoes. If you think my sole reason for disliking books is to be contrarian is also wrong. It surely factors in.

At least I acknowledge my bias, the OP tries to create this false identity of objectivity, when surely the reason he dislikes Stephen King has also partly to do with whatever it is popular amongst potatoes or not.

>> No.8744091

I don't know who's getting baited here

>> No.8744097

He writes good essays, but his prose is shit.

>> No.8744776

I agree the book was good for its time because it offered great ideas. But god fucking damn is the book painfully shit. The prose is primary school tier and the characters are cartoons.

It's not what you say it's how you say it. Let me reiterate; 1984 isn't a book it's an essay.

>> No.8744803

>The prose is primary school tier
This. Though this was Hemingway's day. They were probably reacting against all the Victorian potpourri still ringing in their ears.

>> No.8744853

I can't into Hemingway. Ever since I read The Picture of Dorian Grey I can't enjoy any other book. Aside from TPoDG and the Great Gatsby, I wouldn't reread any book unless it's philosophical. I do need to start reading Lolita though. The prose is beautiful. These books ruin reading because it shows you how beautiful the English language can be. Even though English sounds incredibly ugly when you think about it.

>> No.8744944


>> No.8744966

English is a gangling retard of a mongrel tongue. That's what makes it so great; Shakespeare could run up and down the stairs of English, but Homer couldn't do that shit with Greek.

>> No.8744998

>it's a we shit on books people actually like thread


>> No.8745025

Orwell was a proponent of extremely clear writing. The style of writing that is promoted in style guides for journalists.

>> No.8745122

has to be bait

>> No.8745150
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>has to be bait
The part "reading 1984" gave it away, did it not?

>> No.8745152

Not sure what you mean. What makes English so great?

>> No.8745161


>> No.8745176

>the book was good for its time because it offered great ideas.
This is spot on. It has some good ideas that lodged in the public consciousness but it reads like an especially mediocre Phillip K Dick novel.
People who say it's their favorite read it in high school and just think of it as a 'classic' and think highly of themselves for having read it, not realizing that it's dullness and mediocrity (and relative short length) are what make it such a popular book for a high school curriculum aimed at a group where 25% of the readers are still daunted by 'chapter books'.
I'm actually shocked it's still taught in high school since it's pretty firmly anti-government and is written by a white male.