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File: 90 KB, 640x1037, AnneFrank2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8743194 No.8743194 [Reply] [Original]

Did she write the ultimate "my diary desu"?

>> No.8743289

>tfw no qt Anne Frank gf

>> No.8743312

no, her father did

>> No.8743325

Do any scholars agree with this opinion?

It was ok. I jerked off to the lesbian passage when I was 13, but I wouldn't go as far as ultimate.

>> No.8743335

>Do any (((scholars))) agree with this opinion?

>> No.8743352

There is no way in hell a 13 year old wrote that thing. Prodigies, in painting, music, writing, at 13, are still only 13. They aren't actually producing adult-tier work.

>> No.8743355

It's just a kid's diary that's been edited a bit. It's not like there's discernible talent or anything.

>> No.8743366
File: 10 KB, 235x235, bigsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I'm Dutch and never bothered reading it or going to the Anne Frank museum (I actually live in Amsterdam aswell)
am I missing out on anything?

>> No.8743369

There's some passages about her wanting to lez out. Otherwise just watch the first 15 minutes of Oldboy to get the gist.

>> No.8743496

She was fifteen and had matured rapidly by the time she "finished" it.

>> No.8743535

Is this bait

The reason her diary is well remembered isn't because its' something laden with a bunch of sublime literary effusions but because she was a young girl undergoing a well remembered historical atrocity where no one else of her demographic biographied

>> No.8743539


A lot of it seems to be in an old mans voice.

>> No.8743553
File: 36 KB, 500x375, 0102_mozart_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Prodigies, in painting, music, writing, at 13, are still only 13. They aren't actually producing adult-tier work.

>> No.8743562

I think you have this wrong, let me correct it.
The diary is well remembered for the sole reason of Jeff Mangum writing an album about it.

>> No.8743760

No, they've done every possible test you could do and every time it has been determined to be hers.

If it wasn't, why would Otto edit out everything about her vagina and puberty in the initial? How would people realize that those existed?

>> No.8743818

Will there ever be a greater piece of art in human history?


>> No.8744040

>why would Otto edit out everything about her vagina and puberty in the initial? How would people realize that those existed?

He wrote those, and then said they needed to be edited out, precisely as (false) proof that ones like you might believe

(if I were a lawyer, your argument wouldn't hold up in my court bub)

>> No.8744301

Why are you like this?

>> No.8744315

Nobody cares about NMH in France but everyone in high school (sometimes earlier) has to read it. I hated it and I think it's a complete fraud tho

>> No.8744325

I swear I heard somewhere that she may have been a lesbian. Any evidence for this? I haven't read it because I don't really care what jews have to say, but I'd like to know if she were a bulldagger or not.

>> No.8744339

I learned about the diary in elementary school as part of our assigned readings. NMH is great though.

>> No.8744355
File: 297 KB, 640x640, IMG_0437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people unironically think that some 13 year old girl wrote the Diary of Anne Frank
When I was a kid I always thought that it was obviously fiction. How could you possibly be so deluded to think that she wrote it?

>> No.8744385


The manuscript is in ballpen, which didn't exist in the late '30s/early '40s.

>> No.8744387

well, that's what robert faurisson says. I'm not sure we can trust him :/

>> No.8744419

What is the evidence for this?

>> No.8744430

Faurisson is a hateful idiot and you really have to be a blind neonazi revisionist to claim any other thing.

>> No.8744447
File: 652 KB, 1808x1079, 9b20ba01e472ed61f4f70ef724f434ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The manuscript itself. It's in the Anne Frank museum and it's been tested a few times, and the results had been silenced under holocaust denial laws 'til this happened earlier this year:

>> No.8744463

Lol have you even read through this, it's a copyright move, does this kind of hateful delusion really have this much appeal to you? I don't think it's funny at all.

>> No.8744470

That manuscript definitely looks like it was written in ballpoint.

>> No.8744499

ballpoint pens have been around since 1888 according to wikipedia in one way or another. faurisson said the vacuum cleaner would have been too loud, that's his argument but he clearly didn't understand the architecture of the house where they hid themselves.

>> No.8744502


>Whatever the cause, Frank again refused to let the diary out of his grasp, whereupon the West German police sent two trained forensic laboratory experts with their equipment all the way down to Switzerland to examine the documents in situ.
>Their conclusion shocked the world, although for propaganda reasons the impact has been far less than it would have been in other circumstances. Parts of the diary, the detectives found, had been written in ball-point ink. Now, although I have found evidence in the archives of some top Americans using a ballpoint-like ink as early as 1944 (the head of the British secret service in America William Stephenson signed at least one letter in that ink in 1944: it's in the Beaverbrook papers in the House of Lords archives), ball-point pens did not become generally available until the early 1950s.

>in b4 hating on David Irving

>> No.8744514

atrocity? hahahahaha

>> No.8744516

Otto Frank was a merchant, it makes sense that he would own ballpoint pens. Apart from that, David Irving and the rest of his band of cretins can fuck right off with their poor reasoning barely held together by an emotionalizing cult of "truth".

>> No.8744522

>Otto Frank was a merchant

Was he happy?

>> No.8744524

Ballpoint pens were patented in the 19th century, but according to Wikipedia, they only became widespread after WW2. Early ballpoints sold in limited quantities in Argentina and America.

It's possible, but not very likely, that the Franks somehow got their hands on some experimental pens before 1945.

>> No.8744527

>David Irving and the rest of his band of cretins can fuck right off with their poor reasoning barely held together by an emotionalizing cult of "truth".
The irony. You haven't made a single argument beyond calling them hateful Nazis.

>> No.8744560

The diary was sent to publishers shortly after the war so in a hypothetical scenario Otto Frank would have wrote the entire diary with a newly released ballpoint pen making up facts about his daughter while writing in completely embarrassing parts about her feeling repulsed by her own mother, invent a whole layout of the house but sneaking in obvious "errors" in this Genius work of deception like writing with a then completely innovative technology. This report on the shoah would have been somehow identical to the witness reports released at the times and unrelated reports by the Dutch workers in the ware house. This shit would have been a fucking revolutionary work completed in only like one year. Sounds absolutely nothing like a stretch to feel better about your political sympathies. Whatever, be a fucking neonazi or whatever but don't go on fiddling with historical truth to feel better about yourself. It's fucking pathetic. And yes, Anne Frank was my first crush so I'm kinda getting heated up here.

>> No.8744593

Nah. Otto probably based the work on his daughter's diary and extensively modified it. He was recently credited as a co-author of the diary for "assembling the work into... a kind of collage".

Also, using "ur an ebil nazi!!!" as an argument makes you seem brainwashed. I don't even deny that the Nazis targeted Jews, I just disagree with the established idea of death camps and has chambers. You don't have to be a Nazi to think that there's something fishy with the Holocaust narrative.

>> No.8744631

If you grew up in Germany and heard some of your older relatives scream about old Nazi propaganda while you sat with them at the table, you might get a bit of a better perspective on this topic. The liberal "brainwashing" myth, especially in Germany, that parts of this website seem to push is simply laughable to someone who has seen the reality of the aftermath of a Totalitarian system. Nazis hate Anne Frank in particular because she is a difficult target as a youthful and very sympathetic young girl. Just reconsider for a bit here, there's nothing stupid or sheepish about remembering the past in a truthful way. We're better than this. Here's a website refuting all of the shit that Holocaust deniers have spread over the years about the diary (it's in German, sorry!):

>> No.8744657

>he typed, hearing Achmed fucking his wife in the next room

>> No.8744666


>> No.8744668

>Nazis hate Anne Frank in particular because she is a difficult target as a youthful and very sympathetic young girl.
They seem to have latched onto this theme very tightly. Apparently the entire third world is populated by women and children with very large and appealing eyes, usually topaz.

>> No.8744700

Speaking of which, the ultimate "my diary desu" was written by Elliot Rodgers desu.

>> No.8745200

Yep, there was probably a diary but it would be of no real note, until the dad went and re-wrote it in his own words with historical context. That is the f a c t. She can still be your waifu she was just not a super magic genius waifu

>> No.8745317

Anyone ever fapped to her photos?
Describe your experience without quoting ITAOTS.

>> No.8745330

I literally cannot describe my masturbatory experiences to the pictures of Anne Frank without quoting ITAOTS

>> No.8745338

Come on, Jeff, I know you can.

>> No.8745350

I'd like to think this is an easy joke for a quick laugh and a (You) or two, but I've seen people get memed into doing worse shit before.

Go on, anon. Tell us about your masturbation over Anne Frank's pictures.

>> No.8745398
File: 11 KB, 220x151, Tanya_Savicheva_Diary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not my diary desu

>> No.8746538

The beginning of the diary is very juvenile and fairly petty as such in its enumeration of all the faults of her classmates. She does mature pretty quickly though.

She talks about wanting to become a journalist towards the end, she easily could have -in '50s and '60s Amsterdam no less.

>> No.8748287

>Believes Anne Frank didn't write "The Diary of a Young Girl"
>Was immature/mindless throughout early-adolescence and so could not possibly comprehend the idea of anyone of a similar age being so precocious

>> No.8749315

found the brainlet

>> No.8749656

>youthful young girl