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/lit/ - Literature

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8742964 No.8742964[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Friendzoned by a one-night stand

Are there any books dealing with this pathetic situation I have just experienced? I'd have honestly preferred to not hear from her again, and what makes it worse is that it was HER who initiated contact again from out of the blue.

>> No.8742968

Nope, get over it pussy faggot

>> No.8742971

But you did fuck her, though? You are still ahead.

>> No.8742977
File: 89 KB, 840x544, You dead son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Get over something I didn't ask for


Yes, but I was interested in having something other than a one night stand which, apart from one relationship, are all I ever get nowadays.

She messaged me two months after the one night stand, out of the blue. I don't know how the fuck she considered us friends considering that, apart from that night, we've only talked twice over Whatsapp for like 5 minutes each time.

>> No.8742983
File: 37 KB, 607x608, Ain't nothin' but a thot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Friendzoned by a one-night stand

See pic related.

>> No.8742991


>I didn't ask for this feel

Heh, welcome to the real world, kid.

>> No.8742992

>all I ever get nowadays.
Are you bad at sex? That could be the cause of your lack of repeat business.

>She messaged me two months after
Are you _sure_ she didn't want the D?

>> No.8742993

I think you gotta just laugh dude. Like it's actually pretty hilarious that she messaged you after two months just to say that

>> No.8742996


This. Feels are, almost by definition, undesired.

>> No.8743004
File: 71 KB, 396x385, Schopenfeels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I could be bad, but it's not exactly the sort of thing you can improve upon by reading books.

>Are you _sure_ she didn't want the D?

She said sorry for "leading me on", so I have no idea.


She began by chatting a bit and then asked if I wanted to go with her somewhere. Weird/annoying situation desu, especially since she bailed out at the last minute.

>> No.8743020

>sorry for "leading me on",
Yeah, that's bad.

She probably perceived your clinginess, and didn't want to get caught up in all that.

>> No.8743029


I wasn't being clingy though. She messaged me out of the blue, we spoke a bit over the past 1-2 days about the place we were going as well as some movies/etc.

We agreed on a time to meet during day 1, and then today/day 2, I naturally ask where we want to meet. Then she says that before she can answer that, she wants to know why I think we're meeting. I said I wasn't sure, and wasn't even expecting to hear from her again in the first place, so I was just rolling with it. Then she says "I don't think it's a good idea now if we meet up."

Fucking women.

>> No.8743032

Didn't read whole thread; gonna fap to black chicks; recommend you do the same

>> No.8743036


They look like giant semi-sentient turds. No thanks.

>> No.8743041
File: 338 KB, 854x480, Whoa boy.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Sounds like she was just teasing your cock desu.

>> No.8743055


>Fucking women.

You're learning.

>> No.8743065

You're not that attractive and she felt bad for you but you're nice so letsjustbefriends

(Welcome to being an average looking male with average charisma and average income)

>> No.8743067


So you've fucked this girl a night previous. Spoken to her again about meeting up another day. Then she decided against it. And now you're crying and making a 4chan thread about the unfairness of it all even though you've already fucked her?

>millennials and their """""""""problems"""""""""

Rinse and repeat elsewhere you fucking soft cock.

>> No.8743069

Bitches come and go bruh, but you know I stay <3

>> No.8743100

>you want relationship
>you only get one-night stands
>woman wants to be your friend afterwards
dude, you shouldn't put out on the first date.

>> No.8743101

So this board is really turning into a /r9k/ number 2 ?

>> No.8743104

Honestly OP, you sound like a fucking pussy. She doesn't want a relationship with you, either continue hanging out with her and forever be a cuck loser, or stop talking to her and move on. These things happen all the time

>> No.8743105



Anyone born after 1980.

As in, 100% of this board and website.

>> No.8743111
File: 6 KB, 236x236, ENOUGH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>she felt bad for you

Why? I didn't even give it a second thought after the first time we met. I've been spending my time lifting and not giving a shit. I've even been messing around with other girls since then, but I don't know why this one would lead me on out of the blue.

>> No.8743112


>he makes completely off-topic blog threads on /lit/ about being friendzoned

You deserved this. You hear me? You deserved it.

>> No.8743120
File: 405 KB, 359x371, Nein.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>She doesn't want a relationship with you

I didn't even specifically want a relationship either. I specifically said I was "rolling with it" because I didn't know why the fuck she messaged me out of the blue to hang out. Then she fucking bails regardless, what is wrong with these people?

>stop talking to her and move on

That's what I'm doing. I just don't get why a one-night stand would go to the trouble of arranging to meet someone only to bail and friendzone them, however.

>> No.8743126


>includes continual pepe pics for each r9k post in his off-topic blog thread

Showing everyone why she bailed on you btw.

>> No.8743129

>>8742964 >>8742977 >>8743004
>>8743111 >>8743120

>/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc.


>> No.8743130

>That's what I'm doing. I just don't get why a one-night stand would go to the trouble of arranging to meet someone only to bail and friendzone them, however.

Some people like sex, and also want to pocket the people they've had sex with so if they ever get lonely in the future, they can fuck them again. Don't be that cuck

>> No.8743141
File: 259 KB, 641x279, Ugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hey I asked for books describing this feel. It's not my fault no one's given any recommendations yet.


Pepe is a symbol of peace.


>Don't be that cuck

I don't intend to be. I thought I would fug this weekend though.

>> No.8743150

1. You are a frogposter
2. There are no books on being friendzoned after you fucked someone, because it's a pretty faggy thing to be sad about
3. Try reading your little brother's diary, he's probably written some poetry about it