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/lit/ - Literature

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8741133 No.8741133 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Give a rating out of 10 for the last five book you read.

>> No.8741142

Sorry, i don't give numbered ratings, they're pointless and arbitrary.

>> No.8741149


>> No.8741153

Savage detectives 7/10

>> No.8741165
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>Hard Rain Falling, by Don Carpenter
>Cannery Row, by John Steinbeck
>Wise Blood, by Flannery O'Connor
>The Letter Killers Club, by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky
>The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck

>> No.8741262

In reverse chronological reading order:
If Not, Winter -6
Histories -8
Oresteia -5
Odyssey -9
Iliad -10

>> No.8741275

Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse 9/10
Virginia Woolf - The Waves 6/10
Samuel Beckett - Mercier and Camier 8/10
Thomas Mann - Der Zauberberg 8/10
William Faulkner - Sound and The Fury 7/10

I'm a walking meme

>> No.8741297

>implying i can remember the last 5 books i read
the brief and frightening reign of phil 7/10
notes from underground 10/10
portrait of the artist as a young man: 8/10
the stranger 9/10
the complete stories of flannery o'connor 10/10

>> No.8741346

>La place de l'étoile - Modiano
>The Road - McCarthy
>Les filles du feu - Nerval
>A Farewell to Arms - Hemingway
>Collected works - Ronsard

>> No.8741390

Currently reading Mrs Dalloway, which so far is a 7/10, but I can't really offer a proper judgment after sixty pages.

To The Lighthouse - 9/10
Persepolis - 8/10
Revolutionary Iran - 8/10
Less Than Zero - 6/10
The Great Gatsby - 6/10

>> No.8741401

>Wuthering Heights - Bronte

>Birdsong - Faulks

>Snow - Pamuk

>Seven Pillars of Wisdom - Lawrence

>East of Eden - Steinbeck

>> No.8741406

Is Seven Pillars as difficult as I've heard?

>> No.8741416

>TtL 9/10
>Waves 6/10

>> No.8741424

Kafka Short Stories: 7/10, loved the more famous ones but many weren't very interesting.
Fight Club: 4/10, at least it was short
The Grapes of Wrath: 8/10, it was heavy handed but it packed a punch
The Master and Margarita: 9/10, a tour de force
100 Years of Solitude: 10/10, I couldn't put it down

>> No.8741427
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>Virginia Woolf - To The Lighthouse 9/10
>Virginia Woolf - The Waves 6/10

>> No.8741428


Yeah, it's tough and really needs at the very least an intermediate understanding of the history and context behind it. Anyone can appreciate its literary value though, it's a beautiful book.

>> No.8741430

>100 Years of Solitude: 10/10, I couldn't put it down

Leave, Reddit.

>> No.8741434


Do you have any recommended reading before I attempt it? Aside from the film I have no knowledge of him or the things he writes about.

>> No.8741439

smashing them plebpinions lol

>> No.8741441


Mason and Dixon 10/10
Gravity's Rainbow 9/10
The Recognitions 9/10
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men 8.5/10
The Dying Grass 9/10

I've been on a fucking roll lately.

>> No.8741452

Take your meds anon

>> No.8741455


Sure. There's a few good books which are half-biography and half-history about Lawrence, like Lawrence in Arabia by James Barr, who also wrote A Line In The Sand which is a good book about Sykes-Picot and the making of the modern Middle East.

Arabian Sands by Wilfred Thesiger is another desert travelogue/autobiography which is a shorter and easier read but much in the same vein as Seven Pillars

It definitely deserves to be read with a companion text, it'll help you appreciate it more and also will dispel some of the myths in Seven Pillars (Lawrence made a lot of shit up)

>> No.8741456

>100 Years of Solitude: 10/10, I couldn't put it down

el oh el

>> No.8741459

>Everything is Illuminated, Jonathan Safran Foer
Had some cute moments, I liked the folklore-type sections about the old village. The Ukrainian kid's way of speaking was really grating. Ultimately I don't think Foer really had anything new to say. 6/10
>Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima
One of the best written gay characters I've come across, but that doesn't save the book from being quite boring at times. 7/10
>It Was on Fire When I Lay Down on It, Robert Fulghum
Pure, unadulterated schlock. Broaches a lot of important ideas, but when the longest story is maybe five pages, it seems he was more interested in making you feel warm and fuzzy than making you think. 3/10
>Richard Yates, Tao Lin
Hot garbage. Waste of my time and an insult to my intelligence. 1/10
>Agape Agape, William Gaddis
Seemed like Gaddis had a lot more he wanted to say and might have made something really decent out of it given the time, but what we got is rambling and repetitive. 4.5/10

>> No.8741460

Thanks very much. All added to my wishlist.

Something for Christmas, I think.

I'll tackle them next year.

>> No.8741475

Kafka on the Shore. 2/10
The Status Civilisation. 4/10
La Forêt D'Iscambe. 2/10
Le Mystère de la Chambre Jaune. 5/10
Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. 3/10

Maybe I should just stop reading.

>> No.8741476

>>Richard Yates, Tao Lin
>Hot garbage. Waste of my time and an insult to my intelligence. 1/10

What were you expecting, honestly? It's fucking Tao Cuck

>> No.8741480

>Kafka - 2/10


I know Murakami isn't that well liked on this board, but surely that's a bit harsh.

>> No.8741487

I try to give the memes an honest chance and decide for myself whether they're any good. Sometimes it pays off in spades, sometimes it really fucking doesn't.

>> No.8741494

Odyssey only gets a 9 chum? Not enough character development for ya chief? Contrived narrative compadre?

>> No.8741496
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>Crime and Punishment 9/10
>The Old Man and The Sea 7/10
>Franny and Zooey 8/10
>The Road 7/10
>Nine Stories 7/10

>> No.8741506

Inherent Vice 8/10
House of Desires 8/10
Divine comedy 9/10
Clockwork Orange 7/10
Cosmos 7/10

>> No.8741511
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>the road on par with the old man and the sea

>> No.8741514

I finished Crime and Punishment a couple of months ago. Will anything ever top it? So far, my answer is no.

>> No.8741528

Brief Interviews 8.5/10?
I feel like it had some very good parts but some of them where pure post-modernist masturbation. What did you think of "Tri-Stan: I Sold Sissee Nar to E"?

>> No.8741536

They're both quite comfy, though. And they're both essentially written in the same minamilist style. Besides, that's not even Hemingway's best work.

>> No.8741552

Brothers Karamazov

>> No.8741570


That one was one of my least favorites. Still solid, in my opinion, but just not on the same level as some of the others. I agree that it was self-indulgent at times, but when he is on he is on like few others. Some of the stories are among my all time favorites. Could perhaps drop that rating down a bit, compared to other books I would give that rating to, but it's hard because I'm such a fan boy.

>> No.8741571

Or maybe you should read actually good books.
My rankings were only compared to each other. Obviously it's a masterpiece. But yes, some reason I prefer Iliad are the greater depth of characters and more cohesive narrative.

>> No.8741572

Confessions - Augustine 9.5/10
Bovary - Flaubert 8.0/10
Billiards at half past nine - Böll 6/10
Notes from the underground 7/10
Siddartha 7/10

>> No.8741581

It's certainly on my to-read list. Currently reading Don Quixote, a book that's supposed to be on par or even better than C&P. Absolutely loved the first part, the second part is a bit underwhelming to be honest. Everyone is just playing tricks on him and they keep going on about the enchanters.

>> No.8741596 [DELETED] 

Disgrace Coetzee 10/10
The road McCarthy 8/10
Casi nunca Sada 10/10
Crime and punishment 10/10
Don Quixote 10/20

>> No.8741606

>Before I Go To Sleep 3/10

I will not fucking take these book suggestions from friends anymore.

>> No.8741610

>>8741133 (OP)
Disgrace Coetzee 10/10
The road McCarthy 8/10
Casi nunca Sada 10/10
Crime and punishment 10/10
Don Quixote 10/10

>> No.8741616
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>Moby Dick
>Crime and Punishment
>Oxford's The First Philosophers
>Infinite Jest

>> No.8741642

>St. Augustine
My nigga (and I'm an atheist).

>> No.8741664

I dunno i guess in a way i am too but not that i outright dont believe in God as you probably but just because i am too cowardly to face the question. I think augustine sort of is pushing me towards theism though.

>> No.8741695


uhh /lit/ is a satire board

>> No.8741854

Yeah I agree DFw, regardless of what some people may say here, was incredible when he was at his best. That last interview still haunts me to this day, amazing.

>> No.8741886

>Christian Kracht - 1979
>Patrick Süskind - Der Kontrabaß
>Michel Houellebecq - La carte et le territoire
>Philip Roth - The Humbling
>Franz Kafka - Das Schloß

>> No.8742215

The Return, de la Mare - 6.5/10
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Conrad - 6/10
J R, Gaddis - 6.25/10
The Blind Owl, Hedayat - 6/10
Vermillion Sands, Ballard - 7.5/10

>> No.8742223

*Conrad > Stevenson

& mistake sage

>> No.8742232

It > 8.5/10
The Stranger > 7/10
A Clockwork Orange > 8/10
The Doors Of Perception > 5/10
Scar Tissue > 7/10

>> No.8742394
