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/lit/ - Literature

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8739616 No.8739616 [Reply] [Original]

>work in a library
>classic literature shelf remains untouched
>"Hi can I reserve the latest Nora Roberts/Clive Cussler/James Patterson/Meme Book?"

>> No.8739626

>work in library
>have autism
>see couple of kids necking
>yell NO FUCKING IN THE LIBRARY really loud
>60 people look at me
>worry for a month that it was reported and i'm going to be fired as soon as management finds out who did it

>> No.8739646

>know a guy that works at used bookstore
>I think it must be awesome, talking all day about great lit
>he tells me the backroom is nothing but stacks, stacks everywhere of fad diet books out-dated political shit.
>he tells me about customers arguing with him for only giving them cents for this shit

>> No.8739652

I don't believe you. 60 people? Yeah right.

>> No.8739654

Have you never been to a big library with study spaces?

>> No.8739657

>be med student
>library is, obviously, filled with medical books
>come across small corner of "non-medical" books
>solely L Ron Hubbard (probably donated)

>> No.8739658


>> No.8739659

>go to the library
>they only have a handful of the most popular classics
>mostly shit tier translations

>> No.8739705

>go to library
>don't have what I want
>order from another library in the city, no charge

y'all have some povo tier libraries

>> No.8739715

>actually talking to the library person

>> No.8739718

So how was Battlefield Earth?

>> No.8739723

I order online and pick up from holds, the only time I had to interact with someone was getting my card. The staff we're very nice, maybe not the most knowledgeable on 4ch tier literary achievements but nice enough

>> No.8739724

>work in library
>notice somebody curious/somebody pisses me off
>look up their loan history for ammo
>update their reservation alert contact details to their spouses and reserve books about cheating and other bad stuff for them

>> No.8739725


>send resume to 15+ Libraries, including a dinky county library near my grandmother's house
>still unemployed

How the FUCK do you get a library job?

>> No.8739736


>> No.8739741

>>How the FUCK do you get a library job?
you need a degree in bookkeeping

>> No.8739742

>send in my PERFECT resume and covering letter for a shelf stacking position
>they hire the boss's brat daughter and some "aspiring writer" tryhard
>get an enraging phone call from HR, I wasn't hired because I didn't mention the requirement of lifting up to ten kg in my covering letter
>despite having a manual handling certification and worksite training
I hate HR so god damn much, worthless people. That's the last time I have been contacted over a resume, over six months ago.

>> No.8739749
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>at university
>struggling poorfag on student loans with no family support
>student jobs (overwhelmingly library, like 98%) are for people like me
>applications open
>send out 38 apps
>have pretty good resume, professionally done up by family friend who works in corporate HR, and relevant experience
>get two responses
>both entry level stack jockey
>thank my lucky stars i get hired
>befriend other kids at the job
>literally all (i mean ALL) rich kids who only have the job because it's easy and their parents want them to do something
>all mildly to very incompetent
>more than one has been there for 5 years treating it like a dayjob because they never want to graduate, ever
>later find out about 40% of them have the job because one of them just keeps recommending his rich friends to the boss and getting them to the top of the pile

Well, I did go to university to learn about how things work in the "real world," I guess?

>> No.8739751

So why aren't YOU the "aspiring writer" tryhard, f.am?

>> No.8739755

You make the american education system sound like complete shit, man.

>> No.8739756

>sending resumes out

Lmao you guys don't know nothing I bought a nice suit last Christmas went out in February and walked in to 60+ financial firms since I wanted a job in finance doing stocks and got turned down by all of them except for internship positions until one of the last ones and only got hired cause I showed confidence by coming in. I wanted to cry at half these walk ins, you feel like a fool going in and getting turned down so much.

Then I quit 4 months later cause fuck working 7 days a week all day all night just for a few million at 30 years old.

>> No.8739759

Because it's disgusting, I would sooner die than puff myself up and suck dick for a job

>> No.8739760


Welp, hope you like starving to death

>> No.8739777

You only have to suck it a little anon, just try it anon, just the tip anon, you might like it anon~

>> No.8739782

>get a job in a public library
>think it'll be great, tying job to interests
>welfare recipients, children and disabled people coming in all the time
>get hit on by said welfare recipients and disabled people
>only Nora Roberts/Clive Cussler/James Patterson/Mills and Boon/meme books get borrowed
>Deliberately try to make the displays more interesting, putting out whatever classics meet the criteria for 'new looking book'
>coworkers replace them immediately with mills and boon type books which get immediately borrowed
>tfw got a job in a library because of a love of books, end up more of a misanthrope than I was previously

>> No.8739793 [DELETED] 
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>mfw I got the position at Goldfields and you didn't

>> No.8739795

>Mills and Boon

jesus christ this, I can't look at old ladies the same anymore since I realized how only them read these.

It's always about some billionaire sheikh too for some reason

>> No.8739798

One of those came in today. It was about how a middle-aged woman became the surrogate mother to a Sheikh.

>> No.8739802


>> No.8739803
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>mfw I got the position, and you didn't

Not so "tryhard" now, huh?

>> No.8739811
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Not so fast boyo, I saw your earlier post. I know who you are anon
You're spot on you cheeky cunt, never would have thought another bendigo anon posts here, let alone you. Just wanted to let you know that I'm still butthurt. Is the job any good or do the homeless conspiracy theorists and pirates ruin it?

>> No.8739812

By the way, stop putting Infinite Jest out on display.

>> No.8739813

Is it you who keeps putting Infinite Jest on display?

>> No.8739815
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The job is great. It can be a little overwhelming at times, because none of the patrons put the books in the right shoots. Today was tough.

Sorry to have taken the position from you - I'm sure you'd be good at it, Anon-kun~

Come say hello to me if you see me around.

>> No.8739817

See earlier post about Welfare recipients/disabled people.

>> No.8739818

Also, yeah, the homeless conspiracy theorist guy is fun. Get out of the 1-630 trolley section, reeeee

Pirate Guy is nice.

>> No.8739821

See earlier post about welfare recipients/disabled people

>> No.8739827

Maybe I'll make you shout me one day, good luck senpai

>> No.8739832

No worries. Fridays and Saturdays are my days. Early mornings.

Really, though, it would be great to meet you.

>> No.8739836


As someone who works in a book store: this is so accurate it hurts.

we're not paying top dollar for your fucking cussler shit that was printed a billion times over, nor for your "lolbushwasanidiot" 2003 political shit.

>> No.8739855

>>jesus christ this, I can't look at old ladies the same anymore since I realized how only them read these.
it is a good feelings to see that all those grannies are just former staceys

>> No.8739867

>>only Nora Roberts/Clive Cussler/James Patterson/Mills and Boon/meme books get borrowed
>The publisher has been criticised for books that are considered low-brow and formulaic, although this has also been cited as one of the reasons for their success.[1] Feminists have pilloried Mills & Boon novels as misogynistic rape fantasies, even as hate speech, and condemned novels as responsible for poor sexual health and failed relationships among their readers.


>> No.8739868

>The more sexually explicit Spice imprint sells particularly well in electronic format, compared to the Modern imprint which is the most successful in print.[11]

ladies know what they want

>> No.8740179

Why not check out one copy of the newest of those books each time? If they're that popular it'll keep at least one person from reading them, and you can recommend something else.

>> No.8740185
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>check out a book from the library
>it becomes due
>you never read it

>> No.8740192

Not the guy you're responding to but there are days where my university library has 100+ people sitting in the main area. So it's not entirely unreasonable to say 60

>> No.8740199

I'm sure libraries have some form of demand/supply feedback to cater to books that people want to read, rather than what the library staff recommends. Because if librarians went out of their way giving recommendations to people, not only do they appear obnoxious, but it also means excess work for them. I'm not sure how working in a library can be anything more than dumb, menial officework

>> No.8740202

Man my small college library is almost empty most of the year. Its the comfiest place to read except the underworked staff loudly and constantly chatter amongst themselves. Sometimes I wanna shush them but I don't want to lose my comfy spot

>> No.8740224

I work as an exterminator and I'll give you all a warning.

Libraries are absolute rife with bed bugs. Dirty fuckers come in to use the computers and leave them behind on the chairs and carpeting. We come in for monthly inspections because of this at a lot of libraries.

Never sit in library furniture or you risk picking one up.

>> No.8740232

Dignity is your spook

>> No.8740247

Of course. But surely the library would have no problem with the librarian making a recommendation when the only book the person wanted to read is fully checked out. A person walking out with any book is better for the library then no book at all.

>> No.8740295

People use books as escapism.
What is wrong with this? Some people want some fun book to read after they come back from work tired.

>> No.8740313

You are absolutely correct. But your opinion will be respected more on r/books. I'm just saying please don't try to reform us. We're in this thread to share our library stories. You can share yours too. But don't tell us to check our ideology, please?

>> No.8740317

dumb people deserve no respite, they should be worked to death like the animals they are

>> No.8740319

Yeah I fully support your view. I'm all for library recommendations but I guess I spoke from personal experience since all librarians I have encountered never helped me much

>> No.8740331

Top kek

>> No.8740350
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>It's always about some billionaire sheikh

This does amuse me. There has been a lot of inflation in romantic novels, they used to be about millionaires back in the day.

>gold-digging is an unfair stereotype, we don't really care about money anon.


>> No.8740374

Heh, you use "hrm" too. Seen very few anons here use that particular onomatopoeia

>> No.8740376


>> No.8740542

Why would the store even buy that shit in the first place?

>> No.8740546

>making your hobby into a job

why why why why why why do people fucking do this to themselves?

>> No.8740547

>that book from the library you liked so much you never returned it
Whats her name lit

>> No.8740550

Nobody fell out of the womb reading Ulysses.

We have all read lots of crap to get to the level we're at, and we all know it.

>> No.8740563

>latest Clive Cussler

i didn't realise he was still alive

>> No.8740578

Because its their PASSION, their CALLING, etc

>> No.8740583


>> No.8740593
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>to get to the level we're at

>> No.8740630
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My local library said book keeping is a dying art, at least thats what the librarian told me. She is a cellist of older age, and its quite the library. They said in order for me to work there I'd have to go to Uni for it. I think I fantasize the idea of a library job too much, I know too little about it.

But pic related, my current Uni library has the 1942 edition of Hamiltons mythology. Feelin good senpai.

cant expect the general public to want something other than a quick fix. Its amazing reading is still a thing with some younger people.

Is this a problem with hardwood furniture and the like?

>> No.8740665

>Is this a problem with hardwood furniture and the like?
No, it's a problem with dirty, nasty fuckers.

>> No.8740669

We get a lot of them in our shop, all with titles likes Billionares Virgin Bride, Virgin Princess, Sheikhs Blackmail Wife, its as if they don't bother giving them titles and just use the description/summary of the plot as the title instead.

>> No.8740687

I kek'd

But seriously though we get homeless quite often in my hometown, they spend their days at the library and nights at the shelter, but I tend to only see the problem with sofas and soft furniture, carpets and the like.

I don't think its transmissible, or rather its less transmissible, with hardwood furniture, yes?

>> No.8740690

I think they get tax breaks n shit from recycling.

>> No.8740698

true story time:
>work in library
>pretty blonde in her early 30s walks in
>asks me if we have "Art of the Deal" by Trump
>I find it humorous, I check in the computer to see
>actually someone already borrowed the only copy we had
>explain we don't have it and we'll get it back in 2/3 days
>she seems upset, I don't understand why, it's just a book
>she insults me and suddenly says
>I'm stunned
>is this a dream?
>I must be dreaming
>I actually am dreaming
>open my eyes, hear alarm clock
>realize I'm not working in a library
>remember I'm actually unemployed

>> No.8740709

Studied entomology
Hard ticks are definitely transmissible through any furniture over the long run, plus they can survive without food for long durations. Get regular spraying done

>> No.8740772

nice one

>> No.8740794
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In what way is working at a library pursuing literature as a hobby?

The whole thread is full of posts describing that the reality of libraries is an easy boring job that has nothing to do with real literature. In countries with a good minimum wage it sounds perfect, there is even the minutest possibility that your hobby might eventually come up if another patrician gave you the secret sign and you responded.

>> No.8740802

i like her shoes

>> No.8740824

Thanks, I call them my Zarathustra shoes because of how "weary I am in the heights!" :)

>> No.8740904

No, in heavy infestations we find them in wooden furniture like night tables and coffee tables all the time.

They hide in the creases and gaps between the wood. They also love particle board and ply wood since it's porous, and most hardwood furniture will at least have some chip board.

>> No.8741023

what the fuck i hate old women now

>> No.8741051

>work at library
>never get hit on by welfare recipients and disabled people


>> No.8741101
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Hey do you guys have that Romeo and Juliet book with emojis?

>> No.8742648
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>> No.8742681

Marrying money feels bretty gud, mang. I work shit jobs for a bit then run off with my mistress for a couple months or so then come back and work to save money.

>> No.8742731

I unironically traded sexual favours with one of the senior librarians at university

>> No.8742906

shut up

>> No.8742955

not everybody is able to be as betas as you

>> No.8743408

at least you don't work in a record store and have to listen to meme music all day

fucking kill me

>> No.8743518

stoppd reading t
there hehe