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8738863 No.8738863 [Reply] [Original]

Can /lit/ tell me what makes Harry Potter so shit tier? I've heard Rowling used the same word instead of walking 100 some odd times.

>> No.8738866
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>> No.8738869 [DELETED] 

>written by a women
>popular among girls and plebs
>liberal beliefs spouted in the book

pick your poison

>> No.8738876

this is why ROWLING is shit, not harry potter
HP is shit because
>tons of plotholes due to the very existence of magic making almost any job obsolete
>no way to enforce a magical law that would prevent someone using polyjuice potion to assume the role of fucking anyone and kill anyone else or assume their position
>magic is just learning how to say words and wave your wand
>predictable ending, cliched ending
>no deaths in the series until the very end where she realized she needed some
>no themes or ideas presented or explored, as they are in other children's series, like narnia

>> No.8738882 [DELETED] 

I haven't read the book and do not intend to trigger you (so please respond in calm) but doesn't 'white face' here refer to her being scared or shocked?

Can't see why the author would need to specify the pigmentation of her face if not.

>> No.8738887

It can, but her own illustrations of the characters also depict her as white.

>> No.8738894 [DELETED] 

Then why include the passage in the pic? Just stick to the pics, they ought to suffice.

>> No.8738899

Because you still wouldn't typically apply "white face" to a character of color.

>> No.8738902 [DELETED] 

Is that true? I never noticed. What would you say then? Genuinely curious. You'd just say 'face drained of color' or something?

>> No.8739054

>no themes or ideas presented or explored,

>> No.8739630


>> No.8739635 [DELETED] 

Gray face

>> No.8739639

The term would be "grey face."

>> No.8739664

Are covers typically considered canon?

>> No.8739670

"Hey anon, I love to read too. Readed all those Harry Potter books when I was 13. I also like Percy Jackson, self improve books and Game of Thrones.
Normie tier trash

>> No.8739671

>hagrid's back door had opened with a bang

>> No.8739674

I must agree with Harold BLoom, there is just not writing or imagination there. She describes imaginative things in the most dull and plain ways.

>> No.8739677

>arguing over children's lit

>> No.8739693

The books are entertaining to read. It's just that the fan base comprises of SJWs and cry babies, and Rowling panders to whatever they demand. There was a time when she wrote about the history of magic in America, which included a section about native-Americans. Her fans accused her of culture appropriation.

>> No.8739745

Have you ever seen a black women turn pale?

>> No.8739750

No, just one.

>> No.8739954

Fucking idiot, you don't have to be a native American to "turn red" from embarassment.

>> No.8739961
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I-It's 2016, b-black people can have white faces too...

>> No.8739967

Poor planning and pointless pandering. Also you can never have Harry Potter threads anymore without them getting ruined by some dumbass posting the copypasta with the retarded book ranking.

>> No.8739980
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The Harry Potter books focus more on wish fulfilment than anything else.

What's more important than having seven books with different plots? Wish fulfilment.

What's more important than having flawed, realistic characters? Wish fulfilment.

What's more important than good prose? Wish fulfilment.

What's more important than giving Harry a moral dilemma and real conflict? Wish fulfilment.

What's more important than character development? Wish fulfilment.

For fucks sake, it's a book about a giant pussy who one moment wants to take on Hitler (without killing, though), but the next moment is worried about who's going to the winter ball with him.

>> No.8739986

>black and white morality
Muh grey morality
Muh ambiguity
Muh testicular cancer

>> No.8740024

> narnia
> like narnia
> reference

>> No.8740089

As far as popular YA fiction goes, you can do a hell of a lot worse.
Admittedly... time turners.

>> No.8740682

Every point you made is wrong.

>> No.8740742

I guess that is why Marxism is so popular, and the bible while we're at it.

>> No.8740753
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I liked it b/c it was comfy af when you're a young teen.

>changing seasons
>comfy old dorm rooms
>banquet dinners
>no real work

I kind of wish there were no actual 'evil' wizards and no real major wars or issues.

Someone should write a version hat is only comfy and follows the lives of various qt wizards :3

>> No.8740793

>self improve books

Just a reminder that Nietzsche, Stirner, Kierkegaard, and all philosophers are self help, whether you want to admit it or not.

>> No.8740816

This senpai, this book was crazy comfy when I read it as a young teenager.

>> No.8740829

Rowling actually mentions skin color when she introduces or describes her black characters, like Kingsley Shacklebolt
t. read all the books

>> No.8740854

>That scene where there's only like 20-30 people at the Christmas dinner (or whatever) in the main hall
Lord, I wanted to be there.

>> No.8741470

fuck, that's why I liked them too. /tv/ and /lit/ post endlessly about them for a reason, it seems like it's a metaphor for our childhoods that we left behind. What is 4chan, except for a cry to return to simpler days where calling each other faggots was fine?
Yeah but they are cool so

>> No.8741542

They should just make Harry Potter into a SoL anime. The bits centered around christmas are the best.

>> No.8742098

thought of the very same scene :3

>> No.8742128

Except the thing about the "white face" thing is that this clearly isn't about her race.
No writer, not even one as retarded as Rowling would randomly include a character's race out of no where in the middle of the book especially in this way.

White face is just to show she is scared.

>> No.8742142

>>tons of plotholes due to the very existence of magic making almost any job obsolete
Except for the fact that, just like any skill, magic must be learned and sometimes its easier to chop a potato yourself than to spend months learning to charm an auto chopping knife, especially if your wand is lost/damaged.
>no way to enforce a magical law that would prevent someone using polyjuice potion to assume the role of fucking anyone and kill anyone else or assume their position
Other than making the ingredients hardmto acquire (Hermione literally had to steal them)
>>magic is just learning how to say words and wave your wand
You apparently never red the books, excepting a few spells magic required tons of mental/physical concentration and discipline
>>predictable ending, cliched ending
His is a subjective opinion, having hhe heroes win in the end was perfectly acceptable given the genre
>>no deaths in the series until the very end where she realized she needed some
I guess you missed books 1,2,3,4,5...
>>no themes or ideas presented or explored, as they are in other children's series, like narnia
I wish she would have made the dursleys more complete characters, why she tried to do with aunt petunia and Dudley's characters in book 5-7 was interesting. I think she tried to focus on power of friendship and the importance of self confidence iin the first few books but reply gave up in the end.

>> No.8742155

>caring this much about some kid's book
wew lad

>> No.8742353

Have you ever seen a black person get scared?

They don't suddenly go full michael jackson. Try harder.

>> No.8742378


>> No.8742532

My biggest gripe is that almost everything in the series is a "Why didn't they just fly the eagles to Mordor" thing

>> No.8742542

S-so how is fantastic beasts and where to find them?

>> No.8743707

painfully mediocre

>> No.8743741

It doesn't change the fact that the Rowling race thing is an obvious brownie point cop-out, as was said, though.

Compare it to Le Guin's Earthsea series, where the hero is actually explicitly colored, without it being made into an issue in the books, in order to question racial stereotypes in fantasy.

There is nothing in Harry Potter that is questioning or seeking. The plot is a powerless teenager, who just magically turns out to be the chosen one, the savior of the world and vanquisher of evil. It is every insecure kids secret wet dream, and the core fascist idea epitomized.

All with no deeper thought than that it "makes a good story", i.e. it sells.

>> No.8744917

>Predictable ending

Nah, the ending people were predicting was way more interesting than what we got.

>> No.8744995

This desu

I liked OotP the most since it had the most writing about what daily life at Hogwarts was like. A chill TV show with no Voldemort bullshit would be great.

>> No.8745056

This, instead we got an ending about wand-ownership technicality.

>> No.8745083

That's what I enjoyed most about the books when I was young. Really lost interest in the series when the big bad came back and the neat magical school stopped being so important.

>> No.8745646

My only real gripe against it's the fucking deus ex machina in the last book