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/lit/ - Literature

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8737825 No.8737825 [Reply] [Original]

What are the highest artistic achievement for each of these mediums?


>> No.8737831

literature: Ulysses
TV: The Knick
film: Eyes Wide Shut
Albums: dunno
video games: space station 13

>> No.8737839

>the knick

My nigga.

>> No.8737852

Gravity's Rainbow
The Wire
Crimson King

>> No.8737910

Spud: The Madness Continues
Bakugan: Battle Brawlers
The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride
Bad Rats

>> No.8737916

My nigga.

>> No.8737928

Movies suck inherently as a medium
Sola Scriptura by Neal Morse
Dark Souls 1

>> No.8737931


I, Claudius

Pet Sounds

>> No.8737943

LITERATURE: Sous le soleil de Satan
TV: Decalogue, maybe Twin Peaks - shitty medium overall
FILM: Dancer in the Dark
ALBUMS: Loveless
VIDEOGAMES: SH2? - it's just way too young a medium. We haven't had anywhere near a masterpiece yet, but I think there's potential

>> No.8737945

Sunday Night/Michelob Presents Night Music
Meet the Hollowheads
12 Golden Country Greats

>> No.8737974

Not asking fucking retarded questions.

Seriously; they should give prizes for it.

>> No.8737979

>pretends like he doesn't enjoy making goat lists
>pretends like people who do think they mean something

>> No.8737982
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>> No.8737984


The Netflix of Babel (tentative name) contains every conceivable Blu-Ray disc, each one storing one of the permutations of binary data for storage of that size (50GB for dual-layer, or 400 billion bits).

>> No.8738001


Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Twin Peaks
Metropolis by Fritz Lang
Uncle Meat by Frank Zappa
>video games

>> No.8738005


The infinite repository contains all that OP seeks
In fact it contains countless numbers of each, given the surplus storage and the permutations of the bytes offsetting the content
Virtually all copies are unreadable by conventional means, however, due to the offset bytes confounding the abilities of the drives to read them

>> No.8738013


For every single 'orthodox' copy, readable or otherwise, there exist countless 'heretical' variants that diverge by a single word, video frame, waveform, or texture; a single letter, flash of color, or single bit

>> No.8738026

Band of Brothers.
October 1917 by Eisenstein.
Led Zeppelin IV
>video games
Bioshock 1. Still too young and sadly too dependant on corporations.

>> No.8738029

>12 Golden Country Greats
underrated post

>> No.8738042

Lit: Divine Comedy
TV: The Simpsons
Film: Children of Men? (i'm not knowledgable in the subject)
Albums: VU Banana
Videogames: The Beginner's Guide

>> No.8738055
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Real World Road Rules Challenge
Barry Lyndon
>Video Games

>> No.8738060

Finnegans Wake
The Simpsons (the classic seasons)

Video games arent art

>> No.8738068

eyes wide shut is dope. the knick... opinions into the trash
not terrible
horrible taste
trying way too hard
led zeppelin... my sides

>> No.8738077
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correct if you swap blow-up for barry lyndon

>> No.8738084

Don Quixote
Six Feet Under
Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
in terms of pop/rock album music: Astral Weeks
Dark Souls

>> No.8738091

Don Quixote
Berlin Alexanderplatz
Enter the Void
Kind of Blue

>> No.8738094

lmao nice

>> No.8738098

>movies sucks
>i like seinfeld btw

>> No.8738104
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berline alexanderplatz... that's cheating mate. can't use shit like decalogue either. enter the void a terrible pick for someone who know what alexanderplatz is unless you're baiting me in which case fuck you. good pic on tetris tho

>> No.8738131

>Eyes Wide Shut
>Dancer in the Dark
>Barry Lyndon
>The Mirror
>Enter the Void
So you guys are /tv/ refugees too huh?

all i want is /film/ who's with me?

>> No.8738132

Can I say Scenes from a Marriage, or are miniseries by auteurs out completely? If I can't I'll have to go with the Simpsons, because I don't know much TV.

I actually like Enter the Void but using it as my pick was somewhat ironical. How's Andrei Rublev? Is that okay?

>> No.8738134

>trying way too hard

maybe you should cop some taste

>> No.8738143

I just want to get the hell off 4chan 2bh, adding things that would keep me here is no good

>> No.8738149

It's not all bad.
I wouldn't have started reading real /lit/ if I hadn't fled /tv/

>> No.8738152

>video games


>albums as opposed to music

>> No.8738169

are you me?

>> No.8738173

What is the literature of video games?

>> No.8738176

>Ulysses, GR, Shakespeare, Dante
>Vertigo, The 400 Blows, The Tree of Life, Stalker and Lost in Translation - personal favorite
>Revolver, Since I Left You, Endtroducing, MBDTF, Untrue, Jai Paul, the list goes on - you know why p4k-core is p4k-core? Because it's good. Otherwise probably some classical shit, but it depends if you think traditional art automatically gets bonus points over modern art.

>> No.8738205

The Master And Margarita
probably Spongebob, I don't watch much TV
Fanny And Alexander
Future Days
Silent Hill 2

>> No.8738215

Lit: Ficciones
Film: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
Music: no interest whatsoever
Videogames: haven't played any since Skyrim, I'd say Pathologic, or Fallout 2

>> No.8738220
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Except that's not even the best film Murnau made.

>> No.8738234

Lit: A la recherche du temps perdu
Tv: the wire
Film: wir kinder von bahnhof zoo
Videogames: mgs3

>> No.8738235

Are you Ubermensch, or Uberfaggot?

>> No.8738236

shit, forgot music: Low

>> No.8738261

>not liking Led Zeppelin.

>> No.8738278

would be friends minus you playing video games and not liking punk rock. IM A SHOCK TROOPER IN A STOOPER YES I AM.

>> No.8738285

it's fine when it comes on the radio or whatever. but choosing it as your favorite band tells me you are not in good shape physically

>> No.8738294

>any national epic
>not art
>not art
>not art

>> No.8738298

Animal Farm
Breaking Bad and BoJack Horseman
Dr. Strangelove and The Shawshank Redemption
The Wall

>> No.8738319

book - flashman
tv - miami vice
movie - KIDS
music - the ramones
photographer - avedon
painter - el greco
sculptor - giacometti
architect - marcus agrippa
design - memphis

>> No.8738324

>Eyes Wide Shut
one of stan k's worst
2001/BL > Strangelove/The Shining/FMJ/Paths of Glory > EWS > Lolita/Clockwork

>> No.8738329

wrong. here's the real ranking:
barry lyndon>EWS>2001>clockwork>the shining>FMJ>lolita>paths of glory

>> No.8738334

protip for everyone in this thread, because i am a true patrician. the only LIVING directors worth being a fan of are:
>jean-luc godard
>david cronenberg
>terrence malick
>jacques audiard
>michael mann
>paul verhoeven
>nicolas roeg
>michael haneke
>roman polanski
>werner herzog

honorable mentions:
>jim jarmusch
>alex cox
>larry clark/harmony korine
>lars von trier
>william friedkin

missed the cut
>john carpenter
>ridley scott
>brian de palma
>peter weir
>steven soderbergh

anyone else is literally trash

>> No.8738339

i know this is bait but
>no pta

>> No.8738341

why clockwork so high and paths so low?
i can understand everything else, except ews > 2001

>> No.8738345

maybe i just dont like war movies.

>> No.8738349

Literature: One Hudred Years of Solitude atm, but I haven't read as many books ad I'd like
TV: Twin Peaks, Utopia
FILM: Gummo
ALBUMS: Loveless / Spirit They've gone, Spirit They've Vanished
VIDEOGAMES: Hotline Miami probably

>> No.8738351
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are you going to suggest david fincher and richard linklater next?

>> No.8738354


>> No.8738364

crime and punishment
Mad Men
barry lyndon
another green world
silent hill 2 / mario 64

>> No.8738381

>things I don't respect cannot be considered art

>> No.8738382

>no guy maddin

>> No.8738386

>ALBUMS: Loveless / Spirit They've gone, Spirit They've Vanished
begone foul pleb

>> No.8738390

>he didn't enjoy the before trilogy or zodiac


>> No.8738399
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Literature: Stoner
TV: Blackadder/Clannad
Film: The Intouchables (or Untouchable)
Albums: Pet Sounds/best SONG ever made would be 'How to Disappear Completely'.
Videogame: Oblivion/WoW (pre MoP)

>> No.8738401
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>> No.8738418


I'm a fan of big. I like large, phallic projects.

>> No.8738444

what would you pick?

>> No.8738449

my diary desu
my reallity show desu
my biopic desu
my mixtape desu

>> No.8738451

>beats me
Songs of Love and Hate
Contra 3: The Alien Wars

>> No.8738453

lit: First half of Ficciones (didn't personally care for most of the second half)/Ulysses (I know)
tv: the Simpsons/Louis Thereoux
film: Withnail and I/It for Others by Duncan Campbell
Music: Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps)/The Firebird Suite by Stravinsky/Madonna – Ray of Light
Vidya: don't really play much, but I always like going round to a mate's and fucking about on gta V

>> No.8738454
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i mean, i wouldn't pick anything, because that's bullshit, and also i was just shitposting...

but since you're asking nicely, this is what i'm playing at the moment

>> No.8738456

stop wanking into your own mouth (although el greco is sik)

>> No.8738460

Something happened

the boondocks

platoon (shit director/screenplay IDC, there's subtle writing if you can spot it, watch director commentary)

not sure

bg2 or homeworld 1 for overall. I think xonotic/ns2 compmod are technically better but they wouldn't make the cut.

>> No.8738462

LIT: The Bible

TV: The Sopranos

FILM: Biodome



>> No.8738486

young hipster dad-core

>> No.8738494


Arrested Development (I don't watch enough tv)


Too many kinds of music to tell. Bizarre Ride II The Pharcyde is definitely the best rap achievement.

Melee or OOT or SMG1/2 or something

>> No.8738496

You mean the worst form of music possible?

>> No.8738503

>oblivion/wow best games ever made

Fuck off gabe, mario 64 isnt even as good as sunshine.

>m-muh abstract concepts
Just no, fuck off.

Silent hill has some potential but is really limited.

>fallout "commentary"

Shouldn't you changing your kids diaper or something?

Lots of wasted potential, the overarching allegory doesn't hit as strong as other titles.

this desu

>> No.8738515


Pet Sounds is fucking garbage

>> No.8738518

what's a superior album?

>> No.8738520

Fuck i forgot about Sunshine

>> No.8738555

/lit/: The Aeneid
TV sucks ass
Film does too
/mu/sic: Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
video games: Morrowind

>> No.8738561
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good taste

>> No.8738592

literature: Don Quixote or Divine Comedy
TV: Twin Peaks
Film: Amadeus or Enter the Void
Albums: Die Kunst der Fugue for classical
Sun Ra - Atlantis or Miles Davis - Dark Magus for 20th Century
Autechre - Confield for 21st Century
Videogames: lol, MGS3 maybe?

>> No.8738678

>Fuck off gabe, mario 64 isnt even as good as sunshine.
>>m-muh abstract concepts
>Just no, fuck off.
terrible taste. mario 64 showed what 3d games could do, offered an unparalleled level of movement and choice, had a fantastic soundtrack and graphics for its time, and is a geuine treat to complete.

>> No.8738684 [DELETED] 

trout mask replica

>> No.8738696

twin peaks
inland empire
trout mask replica or aja
ssx tricky

>> No.8738754

Gravity's Rainbow
The Sopranos
Synecdoche, New York
Bitches Brew

>> No.8738761

>Everybody mentioning Meme Davis and not Mingus.

>> No.8738787

Miles is better

>> No.8738922

>Game of Thrones
>In Bruges
>The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
>Dark Souls

>> No.8738972

Paradise Lost
The Office (through season 6)
Tokyo Story
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary & Thyme
Uncharted 2 or Red Dead Redemption

>> No.8739017
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>> No.8739258

It's cool if you like Led Zeppelin but you're not gonna get very far convincing anyone who goes on /mu/ they're patrician.

>> No.8739270

Brothers K
No Idea
Aguirre, The Wrath of God (anything Herzog and Kinski did together was 10/10 tier though)
No idea again
Honestly this category doesn't belong here

>> No.8739273

Oh my god, he called Spirit They've Gone Spirit They've Vanished pleb and then replied with that this is beyond acceptable, even for the most post modern, ironic shitposting you can conjure.

>> No.8739280

Barry Lyndon > 2001 > Strangelove > PoG > Spartacus > Clockwork > EWS > Shining > FMJ > Lolita

>> No.8739283

Literature: The Iliad
TV: I'm not sure. Maybe the first four seasons of Dexter.
Film: Lawrence of Arabia, or The Good The Bad and the Ugly, or Late Spring
Albums: I don't really like music, so I don't know.
Videogames: Trine 1

>> No.8739312
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Infinite Jest
Twilight Zone (1959)
Solaris (The Russian one)
Unknown Pleasures
I can't recall a videogame that's "art" but SH2 comes close; maybe Alan Wake?

Try to dispute this list (you can't)

>> No.8739322

>the russian one

but it doesn't even have Clooney's ass or Insane Clown Posse

>> No.8739376

Family Guy
The Big Lebowski
Morrissey Greatest Hits
Super Smash Brothers

>> No.8739382

>video games

Fuck off kid.

>> No.8739390

Doctor who
I dunno. The dark knight films are my favorites. Come at me.
Tool's lateralus

>> No.8739394

I change my album to dark side of the moon.

>> No.8739415


Some of the worst taste I've ever seen, why do you even post?

Doctor who isn't the greatest achievement neither is any of your other shit. Jesus Christ

>> No.8739420

embarrassing post

>> No.8739423

A Song of Ice and Fire
A Game of Thrones
Ultramarines: A Warhammer 40,000 Movie
Carlous Rex
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

>> No.8739444

Care to elaborate or are you just leaking sexual frustration again?

>> No.8739488

Ulysses is at least a candidate, dipshit.

Doctor who has been on longer than any other show and can do what no other show can. It's also gone through dozens of dozens of writers. Some were amazing. Some simply weren't. You've got about 2,000 years' worth of character development to catch up on before making that assessment.

As far as film goes, i'm probably not old enough nor do I care enough to have hard opinions on the medium.

Lateralus is a masterpiece and so is dark side of the moon.

However, you are right that skyrim is not the best game. Super smash brothers melee is. Simply for replayability.

>> No.8739498


>> No.8739500

>I have teenaged values and sensibilities and also love floppy weiners.

>> No.8739752

This, probably

>> No.8739809

Literature: Brave New World
TV: I dunno TV is for fags
Film: The Seventh Seal
Albums: Burzum- Filosofem
Video Games: Silent Hill 2

>> No.8739849

Only one with actually well thought out music picks.

>> No.8739854

Actually I think I made a snap judgement with the album and put more of a personal favorite. Probably gonna go with Wagner's Tannhauser Symphony

>> No.8739856
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>Jean-luc godard is #1
You're not serious

He is a colossal hack

>> No.8739862

>artistic merit in TV shows
>artistic merit in vidya

>> No.8739876

The Decalogue
Aguirre, Wrath of God or Three Colors: Red
Hosianna Mantra
>video games
uh Deus Ex

>> No.8739883

Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Harry Potter

>> No.8739886

White Fang
Don't watch tv
In Bruges
Don't listen to music
Warcraft 3 or Kotor 2

>> No.8739890
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Lit: Playboy
TV: Amish Mafia
Film: Brazzers
Albm: Elvis's Greatest Shit
VG: Superman 64

>> No.8740116

you managed to parrot Ulysses and then proceed to display the worst taste in this thread.

>> No.8740121

What's wrong with Bela tarr

>> No.8740124

War and Peace
Mad Men
The Good the bad and the ugly, or Dr. Strangelove
Fallout New Vegas

>> No.8740148



SpongeBob seasons 1-3


Berlin Philharmoniker, Herbrt von Karajan cond. Beethoven: Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125

Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.8740151

>All these plebs

>> No.8740152

Moby Dick
Mad Max
Black Sabbath - Paranoid
Metal Gear Solid or SMT3
t. Your dad

>> No.8740156

>all this not contributing

>> No.8740160

Lit: infinite jest
Tv: rofl
Film: 2001
Album: good kid, mAAd city- Kendrick Lamar
Game: xenogears

>> No.8740165

All the other posts ITT have been critically lacking in some way, this is objective:

There are several recordings of that "album", pseud. Your other choices are degenerate.

>> No.8740169

>Space Station 13

True winrar here for videogames.
Also acceptable
>Mother 3
>Dwarf Fortress
>Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando

>> No.8740171

or Gilligan if you don't care about the 21st century rule

>> No.8740175

>muh Citizen Kane meme
>muh Let's just do one take and put it in the episode, even when the actor is lost and breaks character

>> No.8740178

Welles is more than Kane, also >>8740171

>> No.8740189 [DELETED] 
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Is there a grammatical error in this statement any one?

Bit doubtfull at the end don't know if should be "by a man" or just by men.

>> No.8740451
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Pale Fire
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Sans Soleil
Pearl - Janis Joplin
Majora's Mask

>> No.8740461

admittedly havent gotten around to watching spartacus. your list is basically the same as mine though.

FMJ is chronically underrated imo. Just think about how well it plays with the themes of individualism and collectivism. Think about the events of the film in relation to its context: Americans fighting Communists.

Pvt. Pyle was in some sense an individualist- he wouldn't give himself up for the group, and everyone suffered for it. As penalty, he gets assaulted by the rest of his unit in the dark of night- even hesitant Joker succumbing to the group ethos- and as an audience member its hard to feel any sympathy.

Because of the refusal of certain members of the squad to follow orders, Doc Jay and Cowboy are needlessly killed. When Joker finally shoots the female assassin, he gives up his last bit of individuality and is a better soldier for it. Compare his snarky attitude in basic with the closing scene of the Mickey Mouse march.

>> No.8740465

Single culture is way worse than albums.

>> No.8740467

the metamorphosis
the lonesome crowded west
>video games

>> No.8740471


>> No.8740538

you know that music existed before the album, right?

>> No.8740636

>No Jodorowsky

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.8740679

lit: The Cantos
tv: dont watch
film: The Tree of Life
album: Des visages des figures
game: witcher 2

>> No.8741041

i'd hang with you

>> No.8741056
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Literature: Infinite Jest
TV: Beyond Scared Straight
Film: the moon landing
Albums: The Joshua Tree by U2
Videogames: GTA V

>> No.8741061

>highest artistic achievement in film: the moon landing


>> No.8741070

The Iliad
Mad Men
There Will Be Blood
Bowie's Low
Majora's Mask

>> No.8741082

Goethe's "Faust" probably.
"Dekalog" or "Scenes from a Marriage" probably.
"Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice: Director's Cut"

If you refuse to be touched by the genial hand of Snyder, it's probably either Kobayashi's "The Human Condition" or Tarkovsky's "Zerkalo".
>popular music

>> No.8741135

ulysses, don quixote
i think seinfeld is universally inevitable like ulyssess is
though i can enjoy films, i think they're largely trash. kubric showing us how bad we are is pretty good, 2001 being so slow is a good statement. i really hate movies because they ellicit strong emotions from me but very rarely for the right reasons. there will be blood is fuckin stupid. why would someone enjoy watching that garbage?
one with chopin on it
>video games
video games are so sad, could combine everything good about every other category, but that would be really expensive and time consuming. MGS3, Super Mario RPG, Half-Life 1 and 70% of the Half-Life 2 series for the same reason 2001 is good

>> No.8741257

In Search of Lost Time
The Color of Pomegranates
Die Kunst der Fuge (Tatiana Nikolayeva)

>> No.8741603

Brothers Karamazov
Breaking Bad
I wouldn't know
Skinny fists

>> No.8741780
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>the iliad
>the sopranos
>two picks for film: bergman's seventh seal and coppolla's godfather
>two picks for music: beethoven's 5th or john coltrane's a love supreme
>virtual chess

this thread disappointed me.

>> No.8741803

>literally the most entry-level, pseud picks
>this thread disappointed me.


>> No.8741847
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Lit: The Trial
TV: The Wire
Film: Blue Velvet
Mu: Spiderland
Vidya: Yoshi's Island

>> No.8741898
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those are probably the most praised, criticized, analyzed, broken-down, and known works in their respective mediums, and rightly so.

what do you think surpasses the iliad? divine comedy? ulysses? shakespeare? or would you say nabokov/pynchon and the like to fulfill your deluded sense that obscurity implies quality? that the most obvious choices for highest artistic achievement could not be so? that those tweed-suit-wearing old bastards at yale/oxford/wherever could not be right because you're a free-thinking young man with nihilistic tendencies and a true objective sense of the sublime?

what did you pick?

>> No.8741907

>TV, video games

Pick one

>> No.8741913

>the most praised, criticized, analyzed, broken-down, and known works in their respective mediums

that's my point

>this thread disappointed me.

you sound like an elitist teenager

>> No.8741973

don't watch much tv but Planet Earth (1 and probably 2) are bretty good
7 samurai or apocalypse now
Slint - Spiderland
probably ocarina of time or majora's mask

>> No.8741986

Lit: Moby-Dick
TV: The Prisoner
Film: Stalker
Album: Trout Mask Replica
Game: I don't think there's been artistically accomplished video game, so I'll just go with Psychonauts.

>> No.8741987



>> No.8741992

not an argument

>> No.8742064

Literature: The Shining
Film: The Dark Knight Rises
Albums: Backstreet Boys
Video Games: Skyrim

>> No.8742067
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but if not the most praised, criticized, analyzed, broken-down, and known, then what? if we give beethoven the 'fuck off' for being considered the GOAT, is it then right to give it to say, stravinsky, a lesser composer?

i'm not sure what you're arguing for in a thread about what the highest artistic achievements in each medium are. by the way, those aren't my absolute favourites. that list might be like:

one hundred years of solitude/under milk wood
monty python's flying circus/mr. show
charles mingus' oh yeah/television's marquee moon
who's afraid of virginia woolf?/texas chainsaw massacre

i'm genuinely curious as to what you think is the best.

>> No.8742091
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Star Trek TNG.
Kurosawa, Kubrick, Varda.
Music is a gigantic category. Specifying albums isn't any help.

>> No.8742169

In Search of Lost Time OR Paridiſe Loſt
The X-Files: Post-Modern Prometheus
Ben-Hur OR Taxi Driver
[Don't listen to many albums]
Saints Row 2

>> No.8742409

The Godfather
>Video Games
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood

>> No.8742447

>picking the 5th over the 9th

wtf is wrong with you

>> No.8742525


>> No.8742557
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I unironically agree with the last one.

>> No.8742565

>LITERATURE Shakespeare's works
>TV The Sopranos
>FILM The seventh seal
>ALBUMS 5th symphony of Brahms
>VIDEOGAMES I don't play many video games

>> No.8742632
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>ctrl + f
>no Mozart

Further proof that Mozart is underrated.

>> No.8742699


Literature: Metamorphoses in the original Latin.

TV: Never been a big consumer of television. Some of the episodes of The Twilight Zone are very compelling, though.

Film: Aguirre, Wrath of God-- or maybe Andrei Rublev. More recently, The Act of Killing was a compelling film.

Album: Tough. I guess I'll go with John Fahey-- The Dance of Death and Other Plantation Favorites. Criminally underrated album.

Vidya: Haven't played much vidya either. Papers, Please was compelling.

>> No.8742704


Haven't you heard, anon? Mozart is for infants to sleep to, and to fill in seats at The Met.

>> No.8742709 [DELETED] 
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what a stupid question

>> No.8742754

>Using names of writers and directors instead of a specific work as a cheap cop out
Way to follow directions, my dude. Also saying its objective is ridiculous. Yes there are such things as objectively good art and objectively bad art, but once you reach a certain threshold of quality it becomes very much subjective. I would say that you could organize certain works into tiers of quality more or less but within those tiers which one is "best" overall is largely subjective.

>> No.8742781

this is a joke, yes? just tell me before i go to sleep and have fitful dreams about the word compelling

>> No.8742793

TV: Star Trek and Twilight Zone
FILM: Star Wars e. 5
ALBUMS: pleb shit is A-OK in this department, like Beatles, Rolling Stones, or Eagles
VIDEOGAMES: Pathologic, Deus Ex

overall I am pleb/10 but idc

>> No.8742920


I hope your dreams are compelling.

>> No.8742998

he hadn't made a relevant movie in years

>> No.8743009

Mad Men
Rosemary's Baby
Here Come the Warm Jets
Open TTD

>> No.8743023

The Great Gatsby
Breaking Bad
The Dark Knight
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
Gone Home

>> No.8743053
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>Sans Soleil
Terrific taste

>> No.8743059


>> No.8743085

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Stars of the Lid - And Their Refinement of the Decline
I don't play video games maybe Mario Kart I dunno

>> No.8743099

Notes from Underground
2001: A Space Odyssey
Expensive Shit by Fela Kuti

>> No.8743119


i'm just gonna state my personal favourites because i am literally the biggest patrician on 4chins

the trial by kafka
lobster by yorgos lanthimos
body riddle by clark
commander keen 4

>> No.8743145

39 Clues
Mr. Belvedere
LISA: The Painful

>> No.8743166

Avatar: The last Airbender
The Matrix Trilogy
Anything by System of a Down

>> No.8743170



Literal bourgeois trash.

Everybody Loves Raymond is better by every metric.

>> No.8743182

Breaking Bad.
Saving Private Ryan (objectively speaking).

>> No.8743186

Book: Portrait of the Artist AAYM
TV: Community (season 5)
Film: Can't choose
Album: The Glow Part 2
Vidya: Dota 2

Don't be a hater.

>> No.8743202

Only seen one episode of that (something to do with his and his wife's IQs), pretty decent. My friend has every season so I'll check it out anon

>> No.8743269

>The Last of Us
Please tell me you're joking. It is barely competent hack writing that's just slightly better than the usual utter garbage that is video game writing so it gets praise heaped on it constantly by psueds and VIDEO GAMES ARE 3DEEP5ME ART faggots

>> No.8743321

Mason & Dixon / Pound's Cantos / Hamlet
The West Wing / Lee and Heering's 'Histor and Pliny' sketches
Andrei Rublev / Blazing Saddles
Bach's St. Matthew Passion / Hex Enduction Hour / The Shape of Jazz to Come

>> No.8743348

Journey to the center of the earth
Drawn together: modern art
The conspiracy
Sellout-Reel Big Fish
Fallout, fallout 2, wasteland 2

>> No.8743409

Breaking Bad & The Twilight Zone
Most equivocal about this one - I have a varied taste and a lot could take it. Although most would put down indie crap, I don't think it's appropriate.
I like a lot of games that are less on the "artsy" side. My favourite game that could be considered art, and one I truly believe is the Witcher 3.

>> No.8743413

>Its another contrarian opinions episode.

TLoU was a great game and characters were very good. People ITT are only listing classic video games or their favourite games. OP said artistic, not 'fun' or your favourite vidya.

>> No.8743414

How did I forget Deus Ex? I'd put that up there equal with the Witcher 3

>> No.8743442
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The Office
None of the ones I've watched...
Albums are for losers
Warband, Morrowind, Deus Ex or New Vegas. Also
>Video Games

>> No.8743447

Don't listen to this pseud who just got into film (he likes Godard and Von Trier.) Great directors:
>Robert Bresson
>John Cassavetes
>Yasujiro Ozu
>Terrence Malick
>Bela Tarr
>Ryu Murakami
>a good chunk of cinéma vérite filmmakers

>> No.8743488

Louis Ferdinand Céline
The Corner, Dekalog,
Come and See by Elem Klimov

>> No.8743514
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The Ego and His Own
K-On!! movie
Ellington at Newport
God Hand

>> No.8743589
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Finnegans Wake
Three Landscapes/Meurtriere

>> No.8743623

Lit: The Odyssey

Live Action TV: Breaking Bad

Animated TV: Cowboy Bebop

Live Action Film: Birdman

Animated Film: The Thief and the Cobbler (or at least what was left of it)

Album: In the Aeroplane Over the Sea

Videogame: Metal Gear Solid 2

>> No.8743643

>The Thief and the Cobbler

>> No.8743671

Tsai Ming Liang
James Benning

>> No.8743674
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Balthasar Gracian - The Art of Worldly Wisdom
Kenneth Clarke - Civilisation
Master and Commander
Talk Talk - Spirit of Eden

>> No.8743677


Is a mediocre director

>> No.8743686

It was shaping up to be probably the most impressive work of animated film the world had ever known, but it got stuck in development hell and Miramax stole it and released a shitty version.

Fuck the Miramax version.

>> No.8743689

War And Peace
The Wire
De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas
Thief 2: The Metal Age
Legend Of The Galactic Heroes.

Babies first animu
Quite good, but hardly makes into top 50, let alone top 100.

>> No.8743700


>> No.8744265

Lit: cant decide yet
TV: generation kill
Film: into the wild
Albums: On every street-dire straits
Vidya: the fuck if i know

>> No.8744330
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Journey to the end of the night
Eric Andre
Dogstar man
The Epic- Kamasi Washington
Bioshock 1

>> No.8744347
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don quixote
i dunno, first season of true detective? i cant think of anything i liked that much that would be considered something like an achievement.

>> No.8744386

Kill yourself

>> No.8744408

many of these are not alive cocksucker. bresson is my favorite director

>> No.8744412

repoman is dope you faggot

>> No.8744449


Twin Peaks S1
Das Boot
Dwarf Fortress

>> No.8744519

>otto dont go, what about our relationship?
>what about our relationship?
>fuck that

>> No.8744552

>mediocre director


>> No.8744761

ITT: plebs + babbies

>> No.8744813

Pale fire
Buffy the vampire slayer
A portrait in jazz

>> No.8744845

Holy Bible
Virgin Spring
Chant(Benedictine Monks of Santo Domingo de Silos)

>> No.8744862

"Eu Receberia as Piores Notícias dos Seus Lindos Lábios"

"Neon Genesis Evangelion"

"O Pagador de Promessas"

"TOHO Bossanova 5"

"The King of Fighters 98"

>> No.8744937

Some artistic achievements for Video games are TF2 and Wind Waker. The fact that they can still be played a decade later and still look amazing says a lot.

>> No.8744972
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>lit Don Quixote, Hamlet, Moby Dick, The Brothers K

>tv Xavier Renegade Angel / Chris Morris's JAM

>film Ivan's Childhood / Come and See

>Albums Frank Zappa: One Size Fits All. The Who: Quadrophenia, Aphex Twin: Druqks

>Videogames God Hand, Resident Evil 4, Doom, Half-Life, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike, Dwarf Fortress.

>> No.8744973

One hundred years of solitude
Strangers with candy
Clockwork Orange
Electric wizard - Dopethrone
Dwarf Fortress

>> No.8744994

Just play Thief

>> No.8745011

House of Leaves
The Young Pope, these last two episodes were the most touching thing I've watched in years
There will be Blood
Oingo Boingo
Dwarf Fortress

>> No.8745020

God Hand and Resident Evil 4 do not belong on that list.

>> No.8745038

vsnares is shit, listen to autechre instead

>> No.8745184

How is that even relevant? Is Tarkovsky shit because he's dead?

>> No.8745238

If you think narrative is what makes a game artistic you're an utter retard

>> No.8745257 [DELETED] 

We should all be hang out!

>> No.8745258

>not art
This is the most retarded psued contrarian thing I've ever seen anyone say, and I spend a great deal of my time on a chinese scrapbooking site designed to contain all the contrarian pseud retards on the internet

>> No.8745279

We should all hang out!

>> No.8745292

ITT: New Sincerity blogposters and PoMo trollers

>> No.8745325
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A Midsummer Night's Dream
Au hasard Balthazar
Muleskinner - s/t

>> No.8745407

>Avatar: The last Airbender
my god this show is based as fuck I might rewatch it for the 4th time now

>> No.8745416

>not Don Quixote

>> No.8745472

Ada or Ardor
Madoka Magica
Wild Strawberries
Kind of Blue
I don't play vidya

>> No.8745484
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Mad Men/Twin Peaks
Jon Rose - Pulled Muscles
Secret of Evermore

>> No.8745501


American Edition:

Literature: Bible
TV: True Detective Season 1
FILM: There Will Be Blood
Albums: Yeezus
Videogames: Life is Strange

>> No.8745529

I think "Album" excludes classical music. Also, highest musical achievement ever is obviously Bach's Matthäus-Passion (or Bach's Well Tempered Clavier); Mozart is good but not good enough.

>> No.8745579

Good meme

>> No.8745583

The Recognitions
Taxi Driver
la sanie des siècles
Rome: TW/ Quake 2

>> No.8745603
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fantasyfag reporting in

>> No.8745636

>//jr. high//

>> No.8745691

Lit: In Search of Lost Time
TV: (not knowledgeable on the subject...)
Film: Joan of Arc
Album: Winterreise
Vidya: uh... Cave Story?

>> No.8745726

>No answer
>No answer
>Watchmen, not exposed enough to say
>No answer
>Dark Souls, Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Ace Combat 5, Fatal Frame, Meme Fortress 2 (Early years)

Sorry, just started with the Greeks, specifically Hamiltons Mythology so I'm a complete pleb. Can answer questions about vidya though.

>> No.8745733

Jesus Christ

>> No.8745750

>dwarf fortress
You're trying too hard

Garbage, you say RE4 is a hit and put shit like dwarf fortress and Half Life on there, I can't tell if you're 12 and trying to fit in or 30 and a retard, either way it wasn't good shit.

Cant blame you for saying Doom.

Throw out the album and we can talk


CS:S you mean

Dont slam the door on your way out

Common vidya favorite, also a game changer.


okay we can hang for now

GTAV was a game changer, gotta love trevor, we can hang

>Shadow of the Colossus
I'll buy you pizza

Finally silent hill fags come around, I'd buy you pizza too

Fuck off /a/ take the shitposting elsewhere

>> No.8745755

Literature: The Brothers Karamazov
TV: The Wire
Film: Blue Velvet
Album: The Lonesome Crowded West
Video Games: Dwarf Fortress

>> No.8745757
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>highest musical achievement ever is obviously Bach's Matthäus-Passion (or Bach's Well Tempered Clavier); Mozart is good but not good enough.


>> No.8745761
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>post specifically said LIVING directors
Not including Zack Snyder, is however still a crime.

>> No.8745767


>RE4 is bad meme

No wonder /v/ became so shit.

>Crying about a sequel that changes the genre of a franchise except it's one of the most well designed videogames of all time and pretty much trumps it's previous entries.

>> No.8745768

>Ulysses or maybe The Odyssey
>ROME or maybe The Sopranos
>Eraserhead or maybe The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
>Down Colorful Hill or maybe Spirit They've Gone, Spirit They've Vanished
>artistic vidya is garbage but something like Dwarf Fortress captures the ability of the medium as a whole the best

>> No.8745869

moby dick
x files

>> No.8745877

Malazan, Much Ado About Nothing, Heart of Darkness, Dark Tower (series), Call of Cthulhu, Acts of Caine, Darth Plagueis, The Abyss Laughs

Avatar: The Last Airbender, The Wire, Monty Python's Flying Circus, BBC Sherlock

The Dark Knight, Star Wars OT, any Monty Python, Dr. Strangelove

Ozzy Osbourne-Diary of a Madman, Caladan Brood-Echoes of Battle, Blind Guardian-Nightfall in Middle-Earth, Darkthrone-A Blaze in the Northern Sky, Mayhem-De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas, Dawnbringer-Nucleus, any Manilla Road

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Super Smash Bros. Melee

>> No.8745901


w-w-what about me?


>> No.8745915

I'm sure that if i met you, i´ll despised inmensely.

>> No.8745928
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>> No.8745964

An American Tragedy
Dr Strangelove
Pet Sounds

>> No.8745998

Oh my god kys

>> No.8746108

speaking subjectively
literature: ULoB - Kundera
TV: six feet under
film: one of kubrick's masterpieces or ron fricke (his work is more large scale cinematography but Samsara, Baraka, and Koyanisquatsi are all excellent as films)
album: carry on the grudge - Jamie T
game: doukutsu monogatari (cave story)

>> No.8746139

no u

>> No.8746159

>richard linklater

>> No.8746169

Hey bro! me and chaz were gonna roll a blunt and hit up wingstop wanna come??

>> No.8746323

The Old Man and the Sea
Twin Peaks
Pan's Labyrinth
The Who - Tommy
Banjo-Kazooie/Silent Hill 1

>> No.8746385
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casanova's diary/the leopard/stoner/moby dick
the jinx/fishing with john/x-files/twin peaks
days of heaven/blow-up/kids/eyes wide shut
graceland/come home with me/donnie & joe emerson/strangeways her we come

>> No.8746428

Good taste.

>> No.8746448

>Twin Peaks
That's not including the second season, right?

>> No.8746472

>Hex Enduction Hour
good album and all but you really would put that side-by-side with Bach?

>> No.8746493

shit list.

here are better currently-active directors:
James Benning
Tsai Ming-Liang
Pedro Costa
Lav Diaz
Apichatpong Weerasethakul
Frederick Wiseman
Wang Bing
Hong Sang-soo
Jean-Marie Straub
Jonas Mekas
Pacho Velez
Peter Tscherkassky

if you don't know most of these, go back to /r/movies kid

>> No.8746498

Paradise Lost
Seventh Seal
music is either contrapuntal dickery or just repetitive familiar popular songs so its really all up to anyone

video games aren't made as art but its probably some classic game that has found its way into western culture like mario or zelda

>> No.8746504
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top lel. kys pseud. fucking sophomore year of art school-tier taste.

>> No.8746530

>says the retard with haneke and malick on his list

>> No.8746541
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>all of these losers posting Dark Souls

>> No.8746543
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do you not like caché and days of heaven

>> No.8746549

my point is that your list is clearly more "entry level art school"-tier than mine

>> No.8746557
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no. it's not. one is try hard (yours.) one is just what is good (mine.) i bet your friends hate you. you seem like a real fag.

>> No.8746562

what directors on my list have you actually seen films of
be honest

>> No.8746564

Of course.
No idea what they were smoking when they wrote the second season. So unlike the first season

>> No.8746760

Literature: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
TV: Community
Film: A Man Escaped
Album: Madvillainy
Videogame: Ocarina of Time

>> No.8746770

Wow you are all PLEBS

>> No.8747193

Are you actually 12 or did I just get baited?

>> No.8747195
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Then post yours if you're so goddamn smart

>> No.8747197

ulysses. its a work of art

breaking bad

im not sure. films for enjoyment and films that are artistic are completely different. my arbitrary pick goes to apocalypse now

this is way too subjective to be relevant at all

video games
bioshock 1. fun and has complex messages

>> No.8747203


>> No.8747205

I don't know about the highest in absolute but personally:

The Great Gatsby
Not a fan of TV but Breaking Bad
American Beauty
Kid A
Silent Hill 2

>> No.8747216

Conrad's The Secret Agent

Twin Peaks

The Enigma of Kasper Hauser

I Am Kurious Oranj by The Fall

Video games
Kentucky Route Zero

>> No.8747441
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>Divine Comedy



>Bergman's Persona

>NIN's Downward Spiral

>Deus Ex
May be replaced by Bloodborne when I play it on the 9th, please stand by

>> No.8747452

> Paradise Lost

> Twilight Zone

> The Godfather / Eyes Wide Shut

> My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy

> Uncharted 2 (although we probably won't see the peak of video games in our lifetime honestly)

>> No.8747511

celines journey
twin peaks
the mirror
bw, dungeon keeper, homm3, settlers3

>> No.8747516

Superior taste coming through. This thread is full of plebs

>Los Detectives Salvajes
>The Leftovers
>The Big Lebowski
>Half-Life 2

>> No.8747521

Nice tv/movie/album picks

>> No.8747564

>von trier
>no lynch or ikuhara
this is bait right? right?

>> No.8747571

>not the disney princess one

>> No.8747572

>Absalom, Absalom!
>Twin Peaks Season 1 or Revolutionary Girl Utena
>My Winnipeg
>Nico - Desertshore
>Chrono Trigger but games are an awful medium, literally just taking Hollywood theatralics and selling them to clueless teenagers

>> No.8747575

not that poster, but the david lynch meme needs to die. twin peaks was fun. everything else is terry gilliam-tier pseud.

no idea who the japanese guy is but i am not familiar with anime at all. is he a good place to start?

>> No.8747580

He's fairly self-contained but Utena or Penguindrum will really confuse if you aren't familiar with the tropes he subverts. Utena is basically Sailor Moon meets Jung meets Hermann Hesse meets surrealism overload but it seems like a typical shojo anime for the first few episodes. I don't think you have to know much about anime culture to enjoy it though. And I absolutely disagree with you about Lynch, his later movies have a tendency to indulge in imagery a bit but Blue Velvet is a tightly constructed thriller that still manages to be profoundly disturbing and Eraserhead is just a perfect example of wearing your influences on your sleeve.

>> No.8747581
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bad taste


good taste

>> No.8747589

yeah blue velvet is good. eraserhead isnt. my only exposure to anime is literally just dbz and gundham wing from toonami. sounds like i need a more pleb entry than ikuhara.

>> No.8747591

Is twin peaks a must watch then? it's on a lot of lists.

>> No.8747593

Literally just watch Evangelion or FLCL then.

>> No.8747594

Malick is trash my man

>> No.8747692


>> No.8747793
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Major Briggs's monologue was a freakin lit moment

>> No.8747827

>King Lear
>Breaking Bad S4
>don't know
>The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid
>Firewatch (I'm not really into videogames though so my opinion really means jack shit on this)

>> No.8747841

>Mexico City Blues
>Twilight Zone (1959)
>Animals (Pink Floyd)

>> No.8747860

check out this pleb

>> No.8747867

>The Lion King 2
>not 1.5

are you even trying

>> No.8747869

>LITERATURE: The Brothers Karamazov
>TV: Don't really watch
>FILM: Fanny & Alexander (tied with 8½)
>ALBUMS: Wish You Were Here (Meddle and Atom Heart Mother are close too, depends on mood)
>VIDEOGAMES: Don't really play

>> No.8747877

Yes please

/tv/ is fucking trash, I literally cannot browse it

>> No.8747890
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Are you me?

>> No.8747893

lit: War and Peace
tv: Mad Men
film: Apocalypse Now
album: OK Computer
vidya: World of Warcraft

>> No.8747899

Literature: The Divine Comedy
TV: Twin Peaks
Film: Andrei Rublev
Albums: Furtwangler cond. Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67
Videogames: Pacman or Minesweeper

>> No.8748794

TV is pleb
The Doors (self titled)
Video games is pleb

>> No.8748804

>calling anyone a pleb with those picks