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/lit/ - Literature

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8734647 No.8734647 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: English Teacher Stories

>High School
>first three years take AP English classes
>teachers are all plebs
>(not lol he likes Tolstoy better than Dost what a pleb, I mean one of them only read YA and another straight out told us she dislikes reading)
>pass all classes by writing generic essays with info off of sparknotes
>senior year
>teacher is a cool hippie guy who entertained the class by talking about all sorts of things (history, philosophy, art, etc)
>starts to take a liking to me because I was the only one to not read crap
>he tries to encourage my writing skills by letting me get away with formless essays filled with digressions and overlong descriptions
>gives me an A no matter what, think I'm hot shit
>get to university
>tfw fail every single English class because don't know how to write properly structured essays with correct grammar
>tfw find out HS teacher is now in jail for doing the bad touch on a student

>> No.8734660
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>that teacher who said Moby Dick was gay
>everyone thought you were gay for liking Moby Dick

>> No.8734881
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>Senior year
>English teacher is this Christian blonde girl with some cakes doing her 3rd year of teaching
>stare at her butt the entire year

>> No.8734888

There's only two AP English clSAsees u mongo

>> No.8734923

>Live in Sweden
>12th grade (we were 18)
>New teacher for swedish courses
>She looks like she's our age and hot as fuck
>All guys in our class stares at her ass whenever she turns around
>Guys regularly jokes about her attractiveness which makes her blush and go all tsundere

She was probably the only sexy teacher I've ever had. I know this story is off topic but fuck you I still daydream about her.

>> No.8735177
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>Penultimate year of highschool
>Take Extension English
>Teacher is also the principal
>Catholic school so he is a Brother
>He shows up late to half the classes and doesn't show up at all to a quarter
>He oozes with pretentiousness constantly despite being a theologian brainlet
>Get real sick of his shit and decide to drop the subject at the end of the year.
>Final exams
>The task is to write an adaptation of King Lear
>My adaptation is a slanderous piece of flaming shit with no purpose but to express the ways I dislike him within the narrative structure of King Lear; I know he'll have to mark it too.
>Get the marks back in the next year: 11/15 for that section
>Only comment: "Being snarky isn't the same as being clever, anon"
>Mfw I got a B for roasting my teacher/principal/marker

>> No.8735183

>>"Being snarky isn't the same as being clever, anon"

>> No.8735187

when I was in grade 11 my hippie English teacher tried to read us the long walk by Stephen King and all the niggers in class complained every day and after 2 weeks she just stopped reading to us and instead we had an extra 20 minutes of work and all the niggers were fine with that.

>> No.8735189
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fuck man, men have been made disgusting deviants as products of the cultural hedonist waste land

>> No.8735205

>High school literature teacher takes a liking to me because most of the class is female bar me and a mate of mine
>Goes out of his way to engage and is consistently harder on me because he knows I can achieve better than all of the other plebs in the class
>Have a banter going on throughout the semester

Is there a better feeling lads?

>> No.8735235

I have a ncie English Teacher. She's pretty hot and I think she wants my cock. Probably not though.

>> No.8735242

>english lit class
>teacher hands everyone a copy of Thornton Wilder's Our Town and says we have two weeks to read it
>read it all that night, love it, cry
>can't wait for my classmates to read it so we can talk about it
>they read the wikipedia article the night before
>teacher puts up lists of themes, character points, important quotations
>not one word is said about whether anyone liked the damn play

Shower of bastards

>> No.8735250

>Never had an English teacher that ever talked about literature
>read my way through my times in prison
>was alone if not for the classics that kept me from killing myself
>get to college eventually
>go to english class
>teacher is a liberal who never talks about literature
>quit college and work in a factory and try heroin for the first time
>write a little

and here i am.

>> No.8735258


>> No.8735265

That's a fantastic play and I'' sorry this happened to you anon :(

>> No.8735286
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I saved the best greentexts the last time I saw one of these threads.

>> No.8735290
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This one's more of an English student story but it's still good.

>> No.8735297


>> No.8735317


If that be so, it is up to you to have an original thought to break the flood of inanity. You have thus far failed.

>> No.8735322



history is just one big loop like vico said

>> No.8735330


That is no excuse for mediocrity on your part. You are an individual, not "history." Besides, another intelligent and mistaken person said that history was a nightmare from which one must try to awake.

>> No.8735333


Stephen Dedalus can suck an egg

>> No.8735336
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>couldn't be more that 18
Which implies she looks like she's 18 max and quite possibly younger.


>> No.8735350


>> No.8735357

were you raped while in jail

>> No.8735450

>dude 16 is jailbait lmao
Fuck off

Back on topic: this thread is bringing back bad memories of first year university English from a year ago and how it's affecting me all over again
>spend a good 30 hours on a paper going through why Milton was against monarchy but still Christian
>get a C because I referenced too many secondary sources and wasn't focused enough, or some garbage excuse
A decade of writing (and actually being fucking published) late:
>get back a draft of paper I spend 15 hours on, on post-war anxiety. Once again with a C, because it wasn't focused (it's a draft you mad cunt.)
>the kids around me write about female oppression as spoken against in Victorian literature and get a whole letter higher, most are joking about how they did it the night before

>> No.8735551

I hate to suggest it, but maybe your papers are bad and you're a bad writer.

>> No.8735563

Surely I'm not worse than the people that crammed a paper in a few hours on a banal subject they accepted because it was the easiest.

>> No.8735602

>be le me
>sleep 5 hours a night through virtually all of high school because I hate the place so much that the thought of sleeping frightens me because I know when I wake up I have to go back
>get consistently poor marks in English and am every English teacher's least favourite student
>do poorly in year 12 but still end up able to study law somehow

If I didn't know better I'd swear that the powers that be don't want Australians to be interested in literature. It was always a boring and half-assed class.

>> No.8735611

theres no point in picking a hard subject if you arent smart enough to handle it. picking a subject you can handle (ie. easy) is much, much smarter than picking something hard because youre a psued and handing in pure nonsense trash

>> No.8735680


>be me
>high school
>typical 17 year old guy
>hold an obvious disdain for overly feelings-oriented lit like poetry and shakespeare
>teacher, recent liberal arts college English grad, realizes
>assigns me Harrison Burgeron, a slightly more politically-oriented novella
>develop a burgeoning passion for political philosophy and ideology
>he redpills me through assignments about leftist hullabaloo
>treat him like shit all year because I'm a 17 year old faggot
>only realize at 22, after finishing my philosophy degree, that his passion and commitment to helping me find something enjoyable that wasn't a sports magazine led me along a long path of discovery, passion, and intrigue -- and quite literally shaped my future

I've been thinking about shooting him an email thanking him for his passion, but I don't know. I was a real testosterone-fueled teenage dickwad to him. Really hated the in-class usual works that he pretty much had to teach about, like TKAMB. There's always a chance he's like "hey don't really remember you at you little faggot, but thanks."

>> No.8735690

Except I did handle it, it was just arbitrarily deemed 'unfocused'. Of course, a draft of a paper will be unfocused, that's why I included a formal outline describing and explaining stepwise the build to a conclusion.

>> No.8735702


>> No.8735705


kek I love these

keep posting if you have any pls

>> No.8735714


This your guy, OP?

>> No.8735729

>junior and senior year of high school have a gay english teacher
>he thinks that I'm cute and lets me get away with anything
>I lay on a couch in the back of the room and show up late every day, almost never do work and get A's
>end up seeing him again after I graduate
>we get wasted and hang out
>he hits on me but I'm not a fag
>still sort of friends with him, and he occasionally buys weed from a friend of mine

I liked the guy a lot, but don't respect him very much for being so shit at his job

>> No.8735749

send the email, anon. he'll definitely appreciate it, and it could end up meaning a lot to him to hear.

>> No.8735752

Just email him. If he cared enough to set you on to that stuff to begin with, it will probably mean a good deal to him, even if he doesn't remember you well.

>> No.8735757
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>be 12th grader in AP lit
>teacher is a very large woman
>she must drink a Diet Coke every class
>she's a feminist
>necessarily and constantly battle against her feminism because I Am The Angst
>eventually it's bring your parent to school or something
>get to AP Lit and my teacher tells my mother that she always saves my essay for last when grading as a relief and reward for getting through the rest
>she says I am her best student
>she gives me her copy of Frankenstein, one of her favorite books
>the guilt

>> No.8735763
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I posted all the ones I screencaped myself, but I have this.

>> No.8735778

She must like being challenged.

>> No.8735799

The worst parts were when we had to read shitty Australian YA because the government insisted we learn about Australian literature or something. Bonus points if there were Aboriginal themes awkwardly worked into the story.

>> No.8735807

>Sophomore year
>homeschooled, but have a thing called co-op which is like school one day a week where i get homework to last me until the next week.
>english class has this recurring assignment where we have to pick a character from a period of history we're reading about.
>don't read anything we're assigned or study at all the whole year
>whenever the assignment comes up, open up the wiki page for my character on my ipod touch before i go up
>improvise and attribute a personality to them and make up anecdotes
>the assignment was peer graded
>all these sheepish kinda nerdy homeschool girls think it's hot shit
>finish with A's and win all this stuff in class like that really good trader joe's gourmet candy

>> No.8735847

Well, she already must like being a victim

>> No.8736324

you sound like either a fag or a girl

>> No.8736346
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>English teacher is young girl in her early 20's
>I'm by far more well read than she or anyone else in class
>but ugly
>she consistently gives me low marks for varying reasons, some of which are blatantly untrue
>average grade is a C
>gives high marks to good looking boys who've never read anything not mandated by the curriculum
>always tells me I'm going to fail

>go to college
>professors constantly praise my writing style
>always get B's or A's

I hated school

>> No.8736355

i almost would feel bad for you if you werent so violently jealous of people who are more attractive than you

>> No.8736371


Not really jealous senpai. I already had a love of literature so it's not as if I needed encouragement. Those guys however did need the encouragement (though they don't seem to have made any use of it - only around 3 people from that class have read a book since then). If anyone was jealous it was the pleb teacher secretly 'mirin my dazzling lit skills which, even at age 17, were an order of magnitude greater than hers. I've been told by nearly all of my uni professors that I'm top of their class and that they enjoy my writing.

>> No.8736402

>Be 9th grade
>Have absolutely patrician English teacher
>She tries to encourage us to read at every all the time
>Everyone in the class, myself include were absolute plebians at this time and didn't listen to her or care about her class

>> No.8736469

>all this stupid drama over teacher-student love

I feel like the smart teenagers who understand sexual attraction and can be discreet and reasonable about it are also the ones who are least likely to get laid. So unjust.

Although I actually know a story with a happy ending. Our HS philosophy teacher ended up dating his (ex) student, who was like 15 years younger. Don't know if they're still together, but he's still teaching there.

>> No.8736526

Then why do you repeatedly get worse marks?

Do you know what "unfocused" means? It means you're not fucking doing what they want you to do. It doesn't matter how good your shit smells if you're meant to give them piss.

>> No.8736528

>Of course, a draft of a paper will be unfocused
Holy shit he encouraged you to be a pleb and you want to thank him for it?

>> No.8736534
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My English teacher didn't know who Don Quixote was.

>> No.8736624

>Live in Aus
>English teacher working at school also lectures in creative writing at towns University
>Wrote his thesis on Pynchon and had several articles and papers on Pynchon published in books
>Never get to have him as a teacher
>Too autistic to approach him

>> No.8736633

Feminism is THE shit test, after all.

My story:
>Only guy in sixth form English Lit class.
>Teacher is a rabid feminist. Just went through a bad divorce or some shit
>She's living the Eat Pray Love life
>It's like a trainwreck- terrible to watch but you just can't pry your eyes away.
>Constantly belittles me in class and makes jokes about men.
>Class of girls politely titters because I'm hot and while they want to take the piss they don't want to risk pissing me off.
>Feminazi teacher decides that she wants us to do one module on Chaucer's 'The wife of Bath'.
>She goes on and on and on and ON about how Chaucer was the original feminist
>She makes the point that the wife is a sexually free woman who does what she wants, when she wants.
>I BTFO of this argument in front of the entire class by reading out the single line out of the story that disproves her point.
>If a look could kill I would have died in 2012.
>Every essay I write gets marked at a D.
>Later on ace the class because the external marker loved my essay that argued how the Wife of Bath was a satirical piece and that Chaucer was a man atypical of his time.
>Thank god for external markers.
>Fuck feminazis.

It was this class that showed me that pretty much 100% of English as a subject is subjective and infested with SJWs. I have this teacher to thank for pushing me toward PPE as a uni degree, just reading as a hobby and also fully redpilling me.

>> No.8736893

>worse marks
Unfocused means 'too much for the word limit' or some nonsense like that.

A C is not worse than a C.
Yes, when the draft was supposed to be a third of the total paper it is going to be unfocused because no focus has been developed.

>> No.8736914
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>last year of HS
>have to read books every quarter or you will fucking fail that class
>the books that you get tested on are all YA shit
>teacher acts like a bitch to me
>say "I don't like reading"
>teacher gets pissed at me and screams

fucking nerd jokes on you I'm reading Hunger by Hamsun and I'm enjoying it

>> No.8736916

>Unfocused means 'too much for the word limit'
>when the draft was supposed to be a third of the total paper it is going to be unfocused

>> No.8736917

Holy shit this is lit

>> No.8736930

What were you in jail for?

>> No.8736964

I want a lgf

>> No.8736982

I was young, and stupid, and thought it would be a genius idea to go drinking with my dumbass friends. Woke up the next day with my dick in government property (library book).

>> No.8737036
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>Woke up the next day with my dick in government property (library book)
expand on this

>> No.8737047

No thanks. That's what got me into that mess.

>> No.8737064

i went after a peace officer with a sword, i was a juvenile so they sentenced me to two years ina corrections facility.

>> No.8737074

it was infinite jest

>> No.8737220

That's exactly the complaint I've gotten, though.
It's difficult.

>> No.8737240

Being proud of a b minus

>> No.8737281

>High school English teacher.
>Teaches us this ridged system of writing essays, needs to be exactly 1 page, first paragraph needs to be exactly 4 sentences, each sentence needs to do one specific thing. We're not allowed to use the words, "I, you, not, and some others I fucking forgot," ever.
>Get into college, turn my first essay in, Prof pulls me aside and asks if I had Mrs. X (I'd say her fucking name but I honestly forgot now), for an english teacher, I say yes. He says forget every fucking thing she ever taught, and recommended I study with a Tutor. Ended up eventually getting As in all my lit classes in college.
>In high school, got mostly Cs and Ds from this bitch.
>One time she asked to write an essay on what Rebellion is. I wrote about the united states. She pulled me aside and said she doesn't get it, there's nothing rebellious about the united states. I start explain the revolution, she looks at me like I'm literally a crazy person. She says, "Look, I'll give you a C, but it's just because I feel sorry for you."
>Several times pulls me aside and tells me she thinks I should take the remedial English class. "This...just isn't your thing, hey, you could maybe talk to the guidance councilor and see if she'll get you out of English altogether and you can take wood shop or something!"
>On one of my assignments, she wrote in red ink in that I should be a Bartender when I grow up.

To this day...any time I do anything lit related, my first thought is to shove it in that cunt's face. I've published three books, even though they've all been kind of failures, but I always think, "I bet Mrs. Fucking X didn't publish any goddamn books!" I have an ongoing fantasy also, that one day I'll be asked to speak at my old High School's graduation, and I'm seriously going to devote my entire speech to how much I hated fucking Mrs. X.

>> No.8737289

>GCSE english class
>my marks for coursework essays and written exams are always among the highest in the class
>there's a speaking component to the coursework (debates, presentations)
>get garbage marks for those because I'm a shy little fag, bringing down my grade
>teacher pulls me aside and asks me to audition for the school play that she's directing
>my idea of a nightmare but agree to because I'm incapable of saying no to people
>audition is just me and her in the room, I do okay, she gives me a big role
>first rehearsal with all the other kids, maximum self-consciousness, die on stage
>she BTFO of me in front of everyone, says if I'm going to be so meek she'll give the part to someone else
>work hard at it because I don't want to let her down
>start to come out of my shell, make some friends with the other kids in the play, confidence never been higher
>play night comes, we smash it, feels great
>teacher pulls me aside, says she's proud of me and that she'll write to the exam board and get them to use my performance in the play as the speaking part of my coursework
>get A*

>> No.8737297
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>Grade 10 English lit class
>Taking turns reading Of Mice and Men
>Get to one stoner/skater guy who hadn't been following the story
>Barn scene
>starts reading ahead of himself and yells out "OH SHIT LENNY WHY'D YOU KILL HER!?"
>teacher sighs and asks someone else to read
>the quiet shy kid in the corner turn
>going through come up to the word "nigger"
>begins to stutter can't say it
>teacher says "every time we now encounter that word we will say..uh...uhh...pizza!"

I swear to god that class put me off reading for at least 2 years.

>> No.8737298

your life sounds like the story of a jacqueline wilson book

>> No.8737316

Why would anyone quit getting an education just because an instructor holds different political views?
Do you want to live in a bubble? You're a fucking dumb ass.

>> No.8737321

> Poor kid
> midwestern podunk HS
> Every English class is with teachers who don't give a shit about anyone not "college bound"
> take AP English Junior year with former hippie teacher
> Read books that contain sex and the word, "fuck" e.g. Vonnegut, Kesey, Salinger
> Actually enjoying the class.
> On final exam, teach tells me that I have finally found my voice as a young writer
> holyshit.exe really?!
> One of only two teachers in the entire school that I respected.
> Went on the college against the odds
> living a good life now
> fuck them.

>> No.8737350


Kind of the same story with me. Got into college, and was amazed that the teachers there actually know how to fucking teach, got several 4.0s, graduated, everything is going good for me.

Went to my 10th reunion, 90% of the smart, preppy college bounds are working at department stores and cell phone booths, with no degrees.

>> No.8737365


Just do what I do and pour sugar into their gastank

>> No.8737384

You know that doesn't do anything, right?

>> No.8737480

>Year 10 English lit class (in Britain)
>reading Of Mice and Men
>teacher has a game called 'popcorn reading' >you read for however long you want (minimum two pages or something) and then say 'popcorn' and the kid you want to read next's name
>me and friends conspire to give every 'nigger' in the text to a really awkward white kid
>after several days kid gets so annoyed at everyone laughing that teacher bans us from calling him

>> No.8737503


That shit's hardcore. How do you guys live with yourselves?

>> No.8737506

thats hilarious

>> No.8737507

Our swedish teacher 9-12th grade was the only hot teacher I've had. Late 20s, blonde, blue eyes, short as fuck, like 150 tall, slim, cute little butt, BIG STONKIN TITS! Not a guy that didnt want to berry their dicks in her.

>> No.8737514

>be in uni
>work hard
>participate in lecture discussion
>go to office hours when I need it
>develop professional and affable relationships with my profs

haha lol rite

>> No.8737516

Oh shit I was the one who had to read that whole string of niggers. I pronounced it like some American gangsta and I couldn't stop it and everyone laughed. was fun tho

>> No.8737575

>>work hard

So this is where it all went wrong for me

>> No.8737580

>Teaching Dubliners
>Finish reading After the Race
>Have great discussion about themes etc
>Class ends
>Kid walking out pulls me aside and says: "That story reminded me of ghostbusters"

>> No.8737590

My English teachers were all rather good.

My favourites were the retired police officer, the happy fat moustache man, and Indian John Travolta.

>> No.8737621

Anon, there is a difference between stereotypical generic middle class ("preppy") American kids and actual upper class suburban kids who are raised on elite private schools and country clubs and who all go to Ivy League schools or similarly ranked universities (i.e. actual preppy kids).

>> No.8737792

shit you reminded me
>write a whole essay about the significance of the pun in the title "Dubliners"
>find out that that's actually just how you spell Dubliners
I thought it was about lines n shit.

>> No.8737816

Senior year of HS I took an elective entirely focused on Joyce

teacher was based

>> No.8737898

One of my teachers tried to read Ulysses, but "found it too dense".

Another one was liberal to a disturbingly determined degree. The kind of person to walk an old Spanish pilgrimage as an OAP atheist.

Then there was the Italian cougar, who handled our sex-ed. She was, according to another teacher, "very enthusiastic".

>> No.8737917

Uh huh, and what does that have to do with what we're talking about?

>> No.8737950

>Class is completly silent
>The moment they've all been waiting for, the XXI century Cervantes is coming to his High School to give an encouragement speech to the young students. They too can become a worldwide phenomenon like he did
>Anon walks up to the stand
>Clears throat
>"2:30 hours dedicated to an uninterrupted sentence about how much of a bitch Mrs.X was"
>Anon looks into the crowd
>Mrs.X is there
>Everyone starts roaring and applauding and instantly swarm Mrs.X
>Anons leaves, as the agonizing screams of her teacher rises over the angry students fury

>> No.8737956

I was expecting somethine far lewder when you and her in the room

>> No.8737961

Would have been a much quicker way to boost my confidence.

>> No.8737964

Yeah, that's basically my fantasy.

>> No.8738015

>High School
>Teacher gets us to read through some play silently in class because no-one would bother to do it in their own time
>Finish reading the play.
>Look up. Nobody else is finished.
>Read it again.
>Signal to the teacher that I finished, wondering if anyone else is nearly done yet.
>He seems impressed
>Other kid mutters something about skim-reading
>Teacher has an "Oh, right, must be" expression.
>Read the play again pronouncing. every. single. word. in. my. head. like. this.
>Nobody has finished.
>Start reading the other plays in the anthology
>Three down before anyone else is finished.
Fuck those people.

>> No.8738038
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>reading biography of some saint woman in class, get to the part where she is in prison
>teacher asks what was her husband doing at this time
>i was always daydreaming in school so only listened to her subconcioussly
>forgot that i was in class and yell "he was fucking bitches and chewing gum" (cause i was daydreaming being duke nukem at this time)
>she blushes. class is silent nobody laughs
>she wasn't even speaking or looking at my direction for half of semester

>> No.8738120

I'm not religious and I kinda want to do that.

>> No.8738138

>be 12th grader in AP lit
let us know how the second semester goes

>> No.8738156

Mine too bb

>> No.8738157

How long were your fucking classes?

Even at an extremely advanced level I can't imagine you read the same play three times, including a time where you sub-vocalized, followed by three other plays.

If they were all one-acts, maybe, but somehow I think you're lying on the internet

>> No.8738162

Nah it was probably some shit like An Inspector Calls.

That or we are in the presence of meme-master Bloom himself.

>> No.8738166

How big is your dick?

>> No.8738167

I think the classes were an hour and a half or more. A double-period deal. No, they weren't long plays, the anthology itself wasn't much bigger than a standard novel. You make me feel sad and irritated the same way that kid did.

>> No.8738168

This is a good fantasy, isn't it?

Has it driven you on, or tugged you back?

>> No.8738179

what did he mean by this

>> No.8738183

Nice, anon.

>> No.8738188

Not lines, apparently.

desu I wouldn't put it past him anyway but I still got shat on.

>> No.8738189


Driven me, for sure. I mean...if nothing else, I could fucking teach hs lit now, but i'd consider that a last resort kind of job.

>> No.8738191

i wouldn't put it past him either but like

what lol

>> No.8738198

>High school AP class
>Rainy day and the prof is feeling down
>she puts on Titanic
>best friend and I in the back row yucking it up
>He keeps yelling out "TIT-TANIC TIT-TANIC TITTIES!"
>don't know why but I kept losing my shit
>get to the French Girl drawing scene
>prof runs in front of the screen blocking the screeen with her hand as she desperately tries to find the fast forward
>both get suspended.

>> No.8738200

ur gay if you like dick

>> No.8738219


I remember we watched that old ass Romeo & Juliet move from like the 60s in my lit class.

>Sub teacher that day.
>Nobody told him there's a full nude scene of Juliet in it.
>One guy yelled, "DAMN, them some titties!" during scene. Because....you know, them was some titties.
>Sub just ignored it and pretended nothing happened.

>> No.8738238
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>In AP English 12
>Reading Invisible Man
>Can't stand reading about niggers
>Don't read it
>Barely even write report from internet, just enough to pass
>year or two later go on lit
>some faggot praising the book I didn't read
>roast him and call him a nigger
>continue shitting up lit calling people niggers and faggots for liking books I never read
>if anyone questions me just call their ideas spooks
>haven't lost an argument yet

>> No.8738242

>high school
>only skill I have is writing
>English class assignments always involve making a poster and giving a speech presentation
>my posters always turn out looking like pure shit and I fumble over my words
>get straight C's in English

>> No.8738263

>assigns me Harrison Burgeron, a slightly more politically-oriented novella

do come on now

>> No.8738269

Guilt is the modern tool of oppression

Don't fall for her traps!

>> No.8738276

Is that the one where Basil Exposition from Austin Powers plays Tybalt?

>> No.8738316

I thought about replying something serious but what's the point anon... you're so polcucked it doesn't matter

>> No.8738330

Those titties are 100% underage. That sub just didn't want to get v&.

>> No.8738333

I don't fucking know, maybe. It's the one when some 15 year old dego with nice damn titties shows them.

>> No.8738352

Possessing such vast tracts of land must be a heavy burden for one as young as her.

>> No.8738385


>> No.8738424

Ivy Leagues are terrible schools, though.

>> No.8738467

>ywn seduce your gay teacher into giving you an A and a BJ because you're ugly as shit

>> No.8738481

>>haven't lost an argument yet
died laughing at this part

>> No.8738559

>be me, in 11th grade
>have morbidly obese English teacher who everyone guffaws at and not a single student respects
>don't even pretend to read the assigned books, too busy reading every BEE novel.
>"whatcha reading anon?" She asks me one day
>"uh, American Psycho"
>she's never heard of it, insists she gets to borrow it once I'm finished
>ends up loving it
>I get a B while having never completed a single assignment or any of the actual reading, simply based on the discussions we end up having about the book

>> No.8738574

>I was in a poetry workshop as an elective (I'm an econ major).
>I didn't do one poetry analysis all year because I hate online homework.
>My instructor meets with me to let me know that I'll probably fail
>Straight up tells me that from my in-class comments that I'm too smart to fail
>Let's me make up all of the analyses with no penalty
>Encourages me to switch majors and suggests that I try to get published in university journal
>A year later and I'm still an econ major
>I want to blow my brains out because fuck mathematics

>> No.8738617

Definitely a difference, but that oversimplifies class in the US. But yes, the "high ranked college bound" students act and are treated differently in US public schools. Its pretty funny to be honest, we were all funneled into AP classes and given the best teachers, resources, and opportunities. Teachers would let us out early and administration wouldn't care because they knew we were smart enough to not do something completely dumb.

Meanwhile the kids that weren't identified as bright were kept away from us as much as possible. In the classes we did have to share with them, all the AP students would sit together in a corner. It felt like going back to middle school these fucks were so dumb.

Just graduated from uni and I hate it. I've spent the past eight years surrounded by people who, if not smart, are at least intellectually curious. Now I have to go back to dealing with people who think Ready Player One is a real book. Trying to get my company to pay for my masters so I can surround myself by smart private school students again.

>> No.8738633

Fucking fascinating. Glad you broke up the flow of the thread with that wall of nothing.

>> No.8738643

>he doesn't realize that everyone who was actually smart and not just good at sucking teacher dick knew all those AP kids were just pretentious morons

>> No.8738650

>do shitty throughout high school
>neet it up for 5 years
>in school now
>As raining from the sky, teachers gushing over my writing
>tfw shitposting on 4chan developed my critical thinking and composition skills

>> No.8738655

>>As raining from the sky, teachers gushing over my writing
>>tfw shitposting on 4chan developed my critical thinking and composition skills

is that supposed to be a poem or...?

>> No.8738659

"A" in the plural

>> No.8738719

Sounds like you went to a shit school, sorry about that

>> No.8738726

wtf? a positive story? gtfo!

>> No.8738729
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>> No.8738906

My thoughts exactly.

You just got blown the FUCK out, nigga.

>> No.8739079

look good on resumés tho

>> No.8739093
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>> No.8739112

This is some primo greentext right here.

>> No.8739126

>HS english teacher
>Fat, semi-stupid bitch who constantly bitched about being single, and tells us all about her single cruises and shit where she never meets anybody.
>Also the theater director.
>Thinks it's cute that she gave every object in the room a name. The air vent's name was Dave. His backstory was that he was blew hot air because because he smoked too much and had a lung condition that made him constantly blowing out hot air. Also imagine a 400 lb Liza Minnelli looking bitch telling the whole class this like it's the funniest thing in the world. Dumb bitch didn't have a story for when the air conditioning kicked on.
>Every other object in the room had a name and a really bad backstory also.
>Pretty standard class was us getting bored with her, and then asking about one of her characters in the room, she'd go on a 30 minute ad-lib making up some dumbshit story about the pencil sharpener, or remark we're surprised she's still single and just listen to the bullshit, and we'd fall asleep.

>> No.8739161

Shieeeeeeeeet. I think pronouncing it as "nigga" was a universal concept in every Highschool English class, worldwide. I'd always throw my hands up into these faux gang signs too, just to really get hammy with it. It was pretty funny too, because the way we did it was we'd each read a paragraph after sitting in a circle, and when it got to the teacher's turn to read, she'd throw up gang signs and say "nigga" too.

Good shit, my man. Good shit.

>> No.8739202
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>> No.8739260

>Nigs have good taste and didn't want to listen to a hack.
It's a wild world.

>> No.8739318

>had an english teacher that I liked in high school
>didn't last for more than two years because he kept failing some required test for teachers
>he turned out to be gay but had an elaborate fake story about having a LDR with his girlfriend from college he'd tell students
>mentioned having him as a teacher to an acquaintance who revealed that the teacher is friends with him on facebook and would occasionally message him about going out
>didn't find it that odd at first (not many gay guys in the area so they tend to be clique-y) until I remembered that this guy is two years younger than me and the only time the teacher would have known him at our high school was when he was around 14-15 years old

>> No.8739413

>in the front of my 50 person classroom
>don't even remember what was being talked about
>I was so tired and I fell asleep at my desk,but I didn't realize it until
>I shot up out of nowhere and screamed really fucking loud in shock, borderline night terror
>solid drool stream from my lip moving well below my chin, with the tip of it being flung in the direction of the teacher upon my head shooting up ( teacher hottest woman I ever saw in my life up to that point, frequently jerked off to her)
>entire class is looking at me
>teacher says to leave
>I want to get up but I have a halfie and thinking about it while looking at the teacher is making it worse
>still hazy from the sleep, like I'm tired enough to fall back asleep immediately and literally not enough energy to think of a good way to handle the situation
>fall back asleep with my last thought being that I'll pretend I'm having some medical problem
>doze off for a few more seconds
>can smell the teachers perfume really close, I know it's her and I know she's like inches away. Her perfume is warm vanilla, too strong for my nostrils, this makes me open my eyes.
>her hands are on my desk and she's bent over facing me when I open my eyes
>my first thought is what the view must be from the other side, how nice her perfect ass is, then I come back to my current view and immediately stare at her breasts, then lock eyes with her, thinking this is what it must be like if I was getting head from her
>she screams in my face "get out right now!"
>I ask "can I go to the nurse?"
>she says "go!"
>I get up, class is laughing hysterical
>I look down and I have a raging boner
>5 years later I found out the teacher got divorced
>add her on Facebook, see her around town occasionally.
How do I make the move?

>> No.8739430

>be in highschool
>really good at writing by highschool standards
>people pay me to write stories and essays for their assignments
>the average grade in her class is steadily improving the more people ask me and a couple friends who were pretty decent writers and editors to help
>just about all the homework was writing assignments
>she keeps complimenting people on how well they're doing
>dean of students congratulates her on how good of a teacher she's proven herself to be

>a couple friends and I tried spreading a remote administration tool to some school computers to steal answer sheets and shit
>one friend gets caught, rats out the rest of us
>we all get expelled
>a couple weeks later a friend who didn't get kicked out texts me saying that everyone had to go back to doing their own assignments
>apparently our english teacher managed to figure out that I and a few of the other expelled kids were doing work for everyone else
>made a whole speech about how there won't be any repercussions because she can't prove it, but she was dissappointed as hell in everyone and most of all herself
>kind of stopped giving a fuck after that

tl;dr I and a few other kids did so many of the other kids assignments that my teacher thought she was doing a really good job because of the rising average grade, and was really upset when she found out only a few of us were decent writers and she wasn't as good a teacher as she thought she was.

She was pretty hot, too. In a couger kind of way.

>> No.8739679

Holy shit, I wrote that greentext last year and totally forgot. I was actually thinking about greentexting that exact same story here, and I just about shit a brick when I saw this. I really think all that weed in high school did a number on my memory.

>> No.8740214

Senior year I had a teacher that would circle every occurance of the word "is" on our papers as if they had no place in the English language
I've never had a teacher before or since that thought like that. It got to the point I would ctrl + F "is" on my finished papers and rewrite all the sentences.
How bizzare

>> No.8740290

>Diligently craft a paper over several days
bad grade
>hurriedly scramble together a paper with minimal proofreading in a few hours
good grade

will never understand what the universe meant by this

>> No.8740303

Best grade I ever got on an essay was something i started about 45 minutes before class, and printed out like 5 minutes before class.

>> No.8740710

1) AP kids are pretentious
2) they're not morons
3) i bet you think you're some kinda special snowflake edgelord b/c you read nietzsche or dostoyevsky in hs
4) get over yourself

>> No.8740715

>actually believing this
paradox of confidence

>> No.8740721

>capping your own post

>> No.8740754

>9th grade honors English
>qt 30 something teacher
>stare at her tits constantly, pray for her tramp stamp to peek out
>actually a solid teacher though
>still struggle in her class because lazy
>go into regualar english 10th grade
>allowed the class an entire month to read Of Mice and Men
>most don't read it
>play madlibs with a friend the entire time
>11th was a choose your own classes, so i take "film lit" and a comp course
>film lit teacher opened my eyes to how much more movies could be, exposed to some good films and some very basic film theory
>comp class was forgettable
>12th grade I take two college courses, which happen to be taught by my freshman english teacher
>still hot
>one is a college level writing course
>she has us writing 5+ page papers and MLA citing sources that we researched ourselves
>great feedback on everything, really prepared me for college
>had us write a paper on the social role that malls play
>lot of really great discussion
>the lit class was bretty good too
>before we read anything with the word nigger she had a discussion with the class on why it was important not to avoid the word, and unless you're really uncomfortable you should read it aloud
>assigns great lit
>lets us choose one book to read on our own and report on
>I choose Lolita
>she gets excited about it, recites the opening passage from memory before my presentation
>we talk about Nabokov after
>A in both classes
>visit her a couple years later
>doesn't really remember me
>she's just that good of a teacher for everyone

>> No.8740776

>10th grade, have supply teacher
>were supposed to be watching Shakespeare In Love, which essentially means the TVs on and its a free hour
>supply teachers tie says "I love Jesus" like 100 times on it with that fish thing
>Hes sitting by me and ny friend Mike
>Mike asks him if hes ever heard of Slayer
>"No but I know theyre Devil-Worshippers"
>rants for like 5 minutes about how he submitted to Jesus and smacks down demons
>unsurprisingly, gets reported to the principal
>i go to his classroom later in the day because my other class was borrowing something
>He looks supremely dejected, and isnt wearing his tie anymore

And that my friends is why you hide your spiritual power-level

>> No.8740791
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>Be me
>11th grade
>Teacher's hot as fuck, easily a 9/10
>Pretty patrician too
>Stay in the class at lunch, since no friends
>Teacher says "What're you reading anon?"
>Moby Dick
>Its clear the teacher's turned on as fuck after hearing that
>Next day
>Teacher makes me stay after school
>Advances on me
>I pull out my penis
>He pulls out his penis
>We dock

>> No.8740825

>I was at some boarding school
>everyone in my english class is a goddamn phoney
>they don't even brush their teeth, it's really gross to tell you the truth
>just really miss my sister at home and think about her all the time
>kind of interested in birds, but not my actual classes
>have to visit some goddamn old teacher with gross hairless legs all the time

>> No.8740850

Fuck it, here's a (you)

>> No.8740905

nah bruh, the guy didn't talk about literature at all, you foo. lrn2read before you go about calling fellows dumbasses.

>> No.8740941

pics of him?

>> No.8741089

This story makes my stomach hurt with laughter.

Literally WHY does she have such a problem with the word "is"? It just doesn't make sense. ForWhatPurpose-tier as hell. I was actually snorting from laughing too hard. Seriously, what the fuck.

>> No.8741211

>teachers are all plebs
>(not lol he likes Tolstoy better than Dost what a pleb,

Your'e the pleb, only yet you don't know.

>> No.8741267
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My sides are in a different dimension

>> No.8741284

>look mom i'm being contrarian!!!!!

>> No.8741368
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>GCSE English
>teacher a really chill, unassuming guy with a love of kitchen-sink drama
>switches us on to some really unfashionable but unbelievably feelsy stuff
>last day of 5th year he shows us an independent film he wrote the script for about a provincial guy that runs from his farming community to do his own thing
>years later see this thread
>I hope he is doing well and has found his happiness

>> No.8741618

>2) they're not morons
sure, they're good at school, but so many of them have a complete lack of common sense and practical knowledge that it's frightening

>> No.8741625

you forgot the part where you raped your sister

>> No.8741647

>common sense
No, they're just stupid.

>> No.8741653
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>Emotions and modern plays are for gay people and girls

Way to spook yourself out of any actual literacy.

>> No.8741659

He was right though, I am a fag.

>> No.8741668

>10th grade
>English teacher is one of those college feminist types
>Has us read a book called "Cold Mountain"
>Didn't like it all that much, pretty below average stuff, preachy, etc.
>Apparently teach fucking loved it though because we spent two fucking months doing nothing but discussing that book
>Assigned all sorts of projects around it, essays, even an origami project where we had to cut out different shapes of white paper and glue them onto black paper to symbolize certain scenes in the book
>After we FINALLY finish "Cold Mountain", we move onto "Of Mice and Men"
>Half the stuff we're assigned involves comparing it to "Cold Mountain" in some way
>This trend continues for every single book we read that year

She actually killed my love of reading for a while. I will never go anywhere near "Cold Mountain" or anything else by that author ever again.

>> No.8741685
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>teacher was influenced by post colonialism to become a cuck himself and shill shakespeare
>preach salinger
>fail class
fucking what the fuck

>> No.8741706
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>High School
>Mentioned that I had read Catcher in the Rye for an assignment to my english teacher.
>He made me stand up and explain every important paragraph in the book and its' meaning to a bunch of uninterested arabs because I was apparently smart enough to do so
>At first I refused, but said teacher said something along the lines of "Of course you don't want to do it, you hate challenges because it pulls you out of your comfort zone."
>I attempted to say something about projecting and trying to guilt me, but stumbled over the words so horribly that he just blinked at me with a frown, and I ended up hating him for the rest of the years.

>> No.8741725

>have qt maths teacher
>shes perma single, always talks about it
>just under 30, great body
>long lasting rumour that she fucked an ex student and had to take time off because of it
>my friend got in trouble and she told him to sit at the front one day
>he sits at her desk, right in front of her
>she goes along with it
>every day for the rest of the year he sits there with her and they talk

>find out 2 years later that they started talking out of class that year, and by the end of it she had to say they cant talk anymore because shes starting to get attracted to him but cant risk her job

Always been jealous of that guy, I reckon if he pushed it he could have fucked her

>> No.8741747

>High School
>Mentioned that I had read The Stranger for an assignment to my english teacher.
>He made me stand up and kill a bunch of uninterested arabs because I was apparently smart enough to do so

>> No.8741769

>any female over 16
>even having the potential to be attractive

>> No.8741831

>I was in a poetry workshop as an elective (I'm an econ major).
>I didn't do one poetry analysis all year because I hate online homework.
>My instructor meets with me to let me know that I'll probably fail
>Straight up tells me that from my in-class comments that I'm too smart to fail
>Let's me make up all of the analyses with no penalty
>Encourages me to switch majors and suggests that I try to get published in university journal
>A year later and I'm still an econ major
>I want to blow my brains out because fuck mathematics

>> No.8741839

yeah this version of >>8741706 is better

>> No.8741858

9th grade
hot lil blonde thing obsessed with shakespeare. Spent two quarters on romeo and juliet (best hs english teacher).
10th grade
french teacher for an english teacher (1st year teacher)
11th grade
cynical ugly bitch who couldn't control the class ( 1st year teacher)
12th grade
chill ugly chick, disorganized ( 1st year teacher)

the last two quit teaching after their first year hah!

>> No.8741874


lol dosto is nowhere near tolstoy and that's not contrarian at all

>> No.8741877

> be me as university lecturer in english
> teaching a good class
> i like them, they seem to like me
> meaningful conversations with some students
> laughs with others
> one day my wife wants to see my class
> we bike together to the university
> fuck on my office floor
> then go and give a good lecture
> doing alright

>> No.8741891

off topic, but what advice would you give to someone who has been encouraged to change their major to English? How do I really know if I should? Is becoming an educator the most lucrative and rewarding/stimulating course after completing said degree?

>> No.8741927

I think teaching (elementary/high school) is the most directly employable path that an english degree could take you. I know there are people who can use it in business (communications skills, critical thinking, etc.) and if your program includes an internship you could make connections in local publishing and turn that into a job.

The advice I normally give is this: if you need a relatively high probability of being employed after finishing your degree, then English will not satisfy that. There certainly are paths to employment, but they take more creativity and searching to find. If you're willing to leave it less certain and do like the study of literature, I do recommend it. Teaching is a relatively easy fallback, though the English would have to be supplemented with teacher training (where I am it's an additional year following the teachable degree). It's not lucrative, but English rarely is.

>> No.8741941

I should have said, also, that I got into it because, after finishing by BA I thought an additional year for an MA sounded fun and then got a big grant for it. Then I got another big grant for my PhD. I personally don't find a lot of fulfillment or pleasure in the research/writing side of the profession, but the teaching is great. In the classroom I feel that I'm where I ought to be, and even the mundane tasks (grading papers, preparing powerpoints for lecture) have some pleasure.

>> No.8741964

What about teaching at the university level? I have had more than one instructor talk to me outside of class encouraging me to drop economics/finance in lieu of studying something like literature or creative writing. I think that I would truly love it, but I'm also one of those people who believes it's more important to amass wealth than to be fulfilled/happy. I've considered getting the degree in English, go into the army for a single contract (5-6 years I think) and then maybe doing graduate school. But holy shit is this point in my life anxiety inducing and I have no clue what to really do. Even right now I'm probably venting more than actually asking for advice. And I understand what you mean about the teaching. I would love to lead a creative writing workshop just so I'd get the opportunity to aid young people in their creative self-realization which sounds pretty gay now that I think about it.
Thanks for the reply.

>> No.8741975

>high school
>didnt learn anything about english literature

>> No.8742080

milk in the aeration things at the front of the windshield is more effective

>> No.8742121

>>Rainy day and the prof is feeling down
best days

>> No.8742135

it is quite common for female teachers to be fucked by either one of her students or a few members of the staff. Any institution is basically a fuck fest behind the doors.

>> No.8742147 [DELETED] 

Exact opposite happened to me. High school teachers murdered my every essay. C minuses everywhere, any time I diverged even slightly from their prompts I was penalized. I once lost points because a teacher didn't like my smile in a photograph that was part of the requirements. It's not that I ever got the hang of it either. We cannot even say "it all paid off though, didn't it?" Up until my graduating days I was still pulling C's and never received a word of encouragement about my writing skills. I can count the number of essays I got an A- on in my colleges years. The rest were A's.

>> No.8742170

>transfer to new school senior year
>AP english
>dumb bitch has us sit in circles and discuss our feelings for class
>asks that we write some stupid paper about something
>write some bullshit and hand it in
>she calls me over after class
>"hey i don't think this kind of writing is good enough for AP english. it's your choice but I think you would do better in the regular english class"
>eventually tell her i'll switch
>easy A and cool teacher for english

Seriously what a cunt though.

>> No.8742182

You handed in trash and she told you it was trash.

>> No.8742226

So grade it and hand it back like a normal teacher instead of being a cunt. Maybe if she actually had a somewhat interesting class i'd be compelled to turn in something besides the garbage I wrote. Truth is she didn't like me cause I thought her sit in a circle bullshit was dumb. She didn't like my sister either when she had her few years later.

>> No.8742318
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>always good in English and Language Arts in school
>always understood philosophy and abstract concepts, which helped me understand literary content
>be in 11th grade AP English with teacher I didnt like
>only reason I didnt like her was cause I would fall asleep in her class and she'd call me out on it in front of everyone
>got sleepy cause it was the first class of the morning and i always stood up late
>but I still get high grades in class and answer the hard questions
>she's my same teacher in 12th grade for another AP english class
>she's not edgy or pretentious, but actually has a passion for reading and teaching
>not in any dramatic way, but purely supportive of her students and encouraged progress, honest warm support
>I start liking her more after a while, but I never tell her. She compliments my work. And helps me when im acting out a Shakespeare scene for another class
>but I was still awkward during those two years so I come off as rude and unappreciative
>she introduced Beowulf and the concept of evil, Hamlet, and 1984. Start loving the class more
>It ends up leading me to read more literary works
>one assignment helped me discover slaughter house five
>fast forward
>im graduating, after the ceremony all the students go pick up their diploma from the auditorium
>she's there and handing students their diploma and giving them hugs
>she hands me mine and she smiles wide. She pauses at me and its like she wants to hug, but im painfully awkward and dont go for it
>walk away and exit
>fast forward five years later
>im about to graduate in English and journalism largely because she inspired me to study literature more
>i always wanted to call her or see her again to give her my eternal thanks
>i know she's emotional and would have loved it. She loved all her students well
>always pushed it back cause school, friends, work, and gf
>but I tell myself ill visit her soon
>wake up one morning and go on facebook
>her obituary is posted by one of my friends
>she died at 60. Ill never be able to thank her. God I wish I hugged her five years ago.

>> No.8742380

She put you in a class you liked and did better in, instead of having you you just turn in bullshit every week


>> No.8742400

Lol holy shit you sound like a faggot.

>> No.8742613

>be me
>drop out of school completely at 13 because of bad health
>i did maybe two classes with one English teacher, a very dedicated white South African in his sixties who scared me half to death

My younger sister got the same teacher a few years later, and at a higher grade. He really did terrify just about the entire school population. He was absolutely brutal, consistently gave people terrible grades if he thought they could've done better, and would tear you to shreds with a couple of sentences written at the end of one of your assignments.

Ultimately, I'm glad I didn't stick around for the rest of my high school career with him.