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8734622 No.8734622 [Reply] [Original]

>John Green novels are taught in literature classes in the United States of America
It's not like he's the worst writer in the world, but this triggers me to no end. I don't want my tax dollars spent forcing kids to read his smut.

>> No.8734633

what? you wanna live with stupid people??
why?? don't?? you?? want?? to?? spend?? tax??? on??/ school?????!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!

>> No.8734694

What literature classes? Are these the reg classes in shitty areas where students have little motivation and intellect, so YA is what's necessary to get them to read? I don't think that's necessary a bad thing. Many young people just can't understand Faulkner, etc.. If this were in honors classes I would have an issue.

Also, is this in high school, middle school, elementary school, what?

>> No.8734701

>The book has been challenged for content dealing with sexually explicit situations.[11] Two teachers at Depew High School near Buffalo, New York, used the book for eleventh grade instruction in 2008. A letter was sent to parents advising them that the book contained controversial content. An alternate reading selection was available for those opting out, and a small percentage of parents chose this option. Nevertheless, the book was challenged on the grounds that it is "pornographic" and "disgusting". One parent even went as far as refusing to read the book himself, reportedly saying that "One does not need to have cancer to diagnose cancer". The book was ultimately kept in the curriculum by the school board after a unanimous school board vote. Green defended his book in his vlog.[12]

>In March 2012, The Knoxville Journal reported that a parent of a 15-year-old Karns High School student objected to the book's placement on the Honors and Advanced Placement classes' required reading lists for Knox County high schools on the grounds that its sex scene and its use of profanity rendered it pornography.[13]

>> No.8734725

>"One does not need to have cancer to diagnose cancer"

>> No.8734748

That last kid was a patrician in disguise desu

>> No.8735154

I know I'd object to reading John Green if one of my teachers told me I had to.

>> No.8735173

Some universities don't require English majors to read Shakespeare anymore become he was a white male.

>> No.8735176

>"One does not need to have cancer to diagnose cancer"


>> No.8735199

You don't need to read Shakespeare most places. I think I could choose from like Shakespeare, Donne, etc. or Milton, Eliot, etc.

>> No.8735210
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>I could choose from like Shakespeare, Donne, etc. or Milton, Eliot, etc.
>forced to read John Green

>> No.8735231

You had to read John Green for a university major?

>> No.8735456

The obligatory "people need to read the highest forms of literature" thread. Because literacy rates don't plummet on their own, you need oppressively intellectual asshole's to do it for you.

>> No.8735502

You read shit in most public high schools, even if you get decent stuff mixed in there.

We read Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers as a "counterpoint" to a unit on Existentialism (Stranger and No Exit, basically, plus watching Groundhog's Day) in AP English

>> No.8735532

John Green is the lowest form of literature. I'd rather high school kids be taught The Cat in the Hat than Looking for Alaska.

>> No.8735541


Which ones?

>> No.8735555

But Groundhog Day is a good movie desu

>> No.8735564

It's not Existentialism.

>> No.8735600

Neither is The Stranger

>> No.8735644

Wtf does gladwell have to do with exisitentialism

>> No.8735652

Anything that ponders the infinite is existential to an AP Lit class

>> No.8735668

What makes it even better is that the girl who does the blowing in the explicit scene referred to here was actually based on a real girl that John went to high school with. He literally writes his own perverted teenage fantasies and gets away with it.

>> No.8735686

In the interest of being completely accurate, Alaska was supposedly based on a real girl. He gets a blowjob from a seductive, yet innocent Romanian girl. Alaska teaches the Romanian girl how to give head by demonstrating on a tube of toothpaste. He makes out with Alaska on the very next scene.

So yeah, it's still pretty perverted.

>> No.8735695

I can admire that

>> No.8735708

>One parent even went as far as refusing to read the book himself, reportedly saying that "One does not need to have cancer to diagnose cancer".

Is he our guy?

>> No.8735725
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They have my daughter reading equality pamphlets and they're always talking about inclusion, diversity, etc.

kindergarten teacher is a huge faggot with a massive erection for that sort of leftist "everyone should get a trophy" "lets hold hands and sing kumbayah" mindset

Anyways, I'm thinking about emailing him to let him know I think he's a spineless faggot and I don't want my daughter being inculcated with leftist garbage at such a young age, but it's probably all mandated by this shit fuck state/county anyways

>meet him at my daughter's orientation
>weasel looking motherfucker
>really quiet tone, talking about how happy he is to be teaching wonderful children
>laughing under my breath at his fart-sniffing demeanor and resisting the urge not to call him a faggot
>my wife would kill me

I was always told that I would mature as an adult

>> No.8735736


>I was always told that I would mature as an adult

Man is that ever a lie, I am still as much of a dick as I was at 16, I just got better at holding it in especially for my family.

>> No.8735743

While I don't really like the leftist people you're talking about here, you also seem like a massive faggot and I feel bad for your daughter. She's got a cheeto fingered alt-right manchild for a father.

>> No.8735750


>dislike my daughter getting propaganda pamphlets
>must be an alt-right white nationalist

I'm fairly educated, but manchild is fair yes

>> No.8735762

The point was suppose to be counterbalancing "existence precedes essence" - Outliers saying that many parts of your "essence" are predetermined by birthday, race, wealth, etc.

>> No.8737279

This. Schools are just indoctrination centers, and Green's influence is felt all over, in his novels and his Crash Course series.

>> No.8737354


>> No.8737357

Surely that's because it goes without saying that you have to read Shakespeare in any case, right?


>> No.8737367
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"The thing Alaska did next scared and shocked and surprised me in a way nothing had ever ever scared or shocked or surprised me until that moment, a moment which lasted no longer than one sharp intake of breath but one I have no doubt will last my entire life. She said 'I love you'. Not 'You're cool' or 'I had a really fun time' or 'Do you always kiss like that?' I love you. As in 'I, Alaska Young, love you, Miles Halter'. As in 'I Alaska Young have not only noticed that you Miles Halter exist but I positively adore the fact that you do'. I exhaled. Alaska did too and for the first time I realized she was as scared as I was of admitting the way she felt. I stepped forward and held her hips. 'Are you sure?' I asked. 'I think so!' she replied, smiling. I must have pushed her backwards because just then her body nudged the lightswitch and the room became as dark as my life was without Alaska in it. Laughing, she slipped out of my grasp and disappeared somewhere inside the room. I reached out like a blind man searching for the object that might grant him sight. Truly, I was Looking for Alaska."

>> No.8737372

>bringing a being into existence and then raising it in the centre of degeneracy

>> No.8737385

Green on a number of occasions publicly admitted that other American writers such as Faulkner or Twain have produced "objectively" (his choice of words, hence the quotation marks) better works than his own.

Given this low-level humility, I wonder if he feels any shame for his work being used in high school instead? Sure, maybe Faulkner isn't fit for the average high schooler, but Twain definitely is. Given his stated belief that his own work to be inferior, does he feel badly that time is taken out of curricula which might otherwise include better works?

>> No.8737404

To be fair to the guy he doesn't appear to be claiming his writing is for any audience beyond teenagers, probably people in their early teens. And the writing itself, while cringe-worthy and childish for the most part, is at least easy to read and possessing of the kind of economy and narrative quality that at least allows the potential reader to read the book quickly, to access its moral themes easily, and to relate to its authors in a way that is quite often very meaningful. John is also a pleasant, entertaining individual who does his best to encourage his audience to develop themselves as human beings, be it in relation to literature or in their lives in general.

>> No.8737433

Nice try, Green, but when I found my state we won't be letting you in.

>> No.8737589

Isn't that what every writer does, deep down inside?

>> No.8737593

No they don't, it's bullshit

>> No.8737604

Are these schools in dublin?

>> No.8737612

>high school
LITERALLY who cares

>> No.8737625

Were you homeschooled anon?
Public Education is the most formative period in our lives. Might as well let every school end up like inner city nigger schools right? Who cares?

>> No.8737643

Are you retarded or what? High school education is the most unserious education there is, it is just above gradeschool.
To think that teenagers would study something of substance is laughable.

>> No.8737655

You have converted me!
Fuck Shakespeare bring in the John Green Novellas.

>High school education is the most unserious education there is, it is just above gradeschool.
This really made me think.

>> No.8737663

It was always shit, in every country, at least the public ones.

Excellent argument.

>> No.8738032

In highschool i read Crime and Punishment, The Dead (Joyce), and an Anton Chekhov tale (think it was called The good woman, im not sure)

>> No.8738569

Dude I had this exact same curriculum. We must have been in class together. Was the teacher a pretentious douche who wore pink shirts and a basketball ring?

>> No.8738652

I don't think so.

Was his name the same as a Batman Villain?

>> No.8739187

Yes they do.


>> No.8739256

When you're talented, it's far less blatant. Most adult men also tend to forget about the dumb shit they lusted about in high school.

>> No.8739311
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>> No.8739447

Yes holy shit I was in your class. Gotta give me your initials man, I have to know. (DS)

>> No.8739457

John Green has a weird way of getting my hopes up by almost writing something Salingerian and then completely dashing it with some cringey and awkward bullshit.

>> No.8739544

My black Muslim gay ACLU professor stripped me naked and chained me up during class and forced me read from Paper Towns out loud and would electrocute my balls if I didn't enunciate the words clearly

>> No.8739554
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>Ovid poems are taught in Latin classes the western world over
It's not like he's the worst poet in the world, but this triggers me to no end. I don't want my tax dollars spent forcing kids to read his smut.

>> No.8739576

Green started off on Youtube, only reason why publishers notice him. Unless you do the same you're in for a shitty self pub.

>> No.8739625

NL 2013

>> No.8739716

get off 2chins faggot
no normies alowd

>> No.8739882

While the truly talented completely embrace it and write about all kinds of fart fantasies.

>> No.8740848

Yeah I sat behind you and watched you read democratic underground articles. Small world

>> No.8741108

I had a patrician high school english teacher that had us watch Groundhog Day. I TA'd for his class and we talked about A Serious Man (it had just come out). He also had his students watch an adaptation of Bartleby the Scrivener, read The Onion articles and try to distinguish them from actual headlines, and act out parts of Othello.

>> No.8741295


wtf I love Green now

>> No.8741310

Holy shit

>> No.8741319

>being this much of a pathetic samefag
get a friend faggot

>> No.8742208

Do they have film history classes in high schools? Do they watch The Fault in Our Stars?

>> No.8742554

Karns HS is a faggotfest anyway, I can confirm. The fact that Green is too edgy for them, or any other school doesn't surprise me. The American high school system is just fucked. The fact that a John Green book is even suggested for any literature program proves it.

>> No.8742791


>feel badly
Go fuck yourself with a rake. Make sure to use the broad end. Green is obviously a disease, but it is aggravated by so much when people who think they are refined butcher their mother tongue in order to look that way.

>> No.8742795


>> No.8742815

>I must have pushed her backwards because just then her body nudged the lightswitch and the room became as dark as my life was without Alaska in it.

I think I'm gonna be sick.

>> No.8742830
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>Truly, I was Looking for Alaska

>> No.8742844

literary kingo

>> No.8743608

It's a meme, you dips.

>> No.8744968


This has literally never happened. Some universities have added poc authors to curricula but it's not like Shakespeare is being driven out jesus christ

>> No.8744993

>Are these the reg classes in shitty areas where students have little motivation and intellect, so YA is what's necessary to get them to read?
It's more the whole "Yeah I'm totally a cool teacher who's down with the kids and I don't think reading is cool at all just like the kids these days yeah?", so they go down the YA route on the pretense it's cool, as well as because they don't know any better themselves because they're idiots.

So you end up with more and more kids disillusioned by literature because of the attitude they get exposed to by authority figures that should be pushing a love of literature, as well as because nobody ever got them to read anything halfway decent.

>> No.8745437
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>> No.8745480

>Until 2011, students majoring in English at UCLA had to take one course in Chaucer, two in Shakespeare, and one in Milton ... UCLA junked these individual author requirements and replaced them with a mandate that all English majors take a total of three courses in the following four areas: Gender, Race, Ethnicity, Disability, and Sexuality Studies; Imperial, Transnational, and Postcolonial Studies; genre studies, interdisciplinary studies, and critical theory; or creative writing.

There's that. Though it is likely the students would still end up reading Shakespeare in other classes. It still seems nuts to me that a student could major in English without taking a class on Shakespeare.

>> No.8745507
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>> No.8745553

You're a meme

>> No.8745719

English Major at a small liberal arts school. There is a specific Shakespeare course, but it isn't a requirement, just an option for the 100-level course you can take. Shakespeare is still a heavy part of many other English classes here that I've taken

>> No.8745950

>Educated in Singapore
>not forced to read dumb books for secondary school
>taught about racial harmony
>no mention of racial equality
Does Singapore have better education than USA?

>> No.8747119

I'm 99% certain it does. Also I heard that everyone in Singapore learns to draw. I don't know if that's true but if it is it's neat.

>> No.8747138

Art classes are optional once you reach 15

>> No.8747159

>Does Singapore have better _ than USA