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8733785 No.8733785 [Reply] [Original]

Fill in the blanks:

God-tier= ________
Mid-tier= _________
Overrated tier=______

>> No.8733800

God-tier = Elizabeth Bishop
High-tier = WB Yeats
Mid-tier = Robert Frost
Overrated tier = Dante Alighieri
Shit-tier = Allen Ginsberg
Cancer-tier = Walt Whitman

>> No.8733816

God-tier= Lucretius
High-tier= Vergil, Ovid
Mid-tier= Catullus
Overrated tier= Horace
Shit-tier= Statius
Cancer-tier= Silius Italicus

>> No.8733817

Oh my god you fucking plebian

>> No.8733827

I'm glad OP introduced a "cancer-tier" because I don't think Whitman would have fit anywhere else.

>> No.8733840

Whitman is decent and I think youre just saying that in order to be edgy. Im not impressed. I dont think anyone is.

>> No.8733841

>I think youre just saying that in order to be edgy

You would be wrong. Whitman is cancer.

>> No.8733842

>Silius Italicus

Had to look him up. Thought it was a joke name

>> No.8733845

You fucking take that back about Stace

>> No.8733849

You put Yeats in high but ginsberg in shit. Id like to know where you'd put keats or wordsworth. You put dante in overrated. Holy shit good god. Judging by the rest of your list im guessing youre an american or a brit in which case i highly doubt you can read italian so your opinion is worth less than a sweater in july.

>> No.8733851

God tier- T.S. Eliot
High Tier- Philip Larkin
Mid tier- W.B Yeats
Overrated tier- Seamus Heaney
Shit tier- Robert Frost
Cancer tier- Maya Angelou

>> No.8733854

God-tier- Keats
High tier- Shelley
Mid- tier - Coleridge
Overrated (but still real good)-tier- Blake
Shit-tier- Wordsworth
Cancer-tier- Byron

>> No.8733855

>God Tier
domina mea

>> No.8733857

Oh so it's Dante that upset you. Get over it.

Keats is arguably God-tier, Wordsworth is mid-tier

>> No.8733858

Larkin is not my favorite, personally, but pretty accurate list desu

>> No.8733859

God tier= Spanish Golden Age
High tier= Symbolism
Mid tier = Simultaneism
Overrated tier= Surrealism
Shit tier= Free verse
Cancer tier= Poetry slams

>> No.8733863

Fuck off angelou is great. Larkin i agree with but Heaney was great, or at least what ive read.

God tier: ezra pound
High tier: Keats
Mid tier: Ts Eliot
Overrated tier:William blake/Tennyson
Shit tier:rosetti
Cancer tier: Percey Bitch Shelley

>> No.8733877


What about Angelou makes her great? I literally can't see anything remotely approaching greatness in her writing, just platitudinous vacuity of the most mind-numbing and artless kind

>> No.8733878

God-tier= Dostoevsky
High-tier= Cervantes
Mid-tier= Verne
Overrated tier= Plato
Shit-tier= Orwell
Cancer-tier= DFW

>> No.8733911


>> No.8733929 [DELETED] 

Agree except on free verse on shit tier

>> No.8733947


>> No.8733958

>Frost in Shit tier
Pleb alert.

>> No.8733966

Subject: Psychological realism

God-tier= George Eliot
High-tier= Virginia Woolf
Mid-tier= Shakespeare
Overrated tier= James Joyce
Shit-tier= Chaucer
Cancer-tier= idk lol

>> No.8733980


Fuck off hillbilly

>> No.8733982

Yeah he's literally the worst lmao
My old Latin teacher wrote a reader for the Thebaid we still joke about today
Yes! De Rerum Natura is a masterwork

>> No.8733989

God-tier=my diary desu
High-tier=my diary desu
Mid-tier=my diary desu
Overrated tier=my diary desu
Shit-tier=my diary desu
Cancer-tier=my diary desu

>> No.8733990

>being a literal city rat

>> No.8733995


King of Kings tier, the only poet who knew poetry tier : Charles Baudelaire

Ebola/cancer/Overrated shit tier : rest of humanity

>> No.8733996

God tier: Donne
High tier: Shakespeare
Mid tier: Fulke Greville
Overrated tier: Ben Jonson
Shit tier: Samuel Daniel
Cancer tier: Spenser

I hate Petrachists SO MUCH

>> No.8733998

>Being this uneducated
Oh boy, senpai.

>> No.8734001

that faggot is NO ONE compared to our lord and savior Pushkin

>> No.8734011

Pushkin is awful lmao

Tales of Belkin is the worst thing I've forced myself to read ever

>> No.8734015

Virginia Woolf is such shit compared to Joyce, and even she was aware of that.

>> No.8734019

God-tier= Hegel
High-tier= Aristotle, Plato
Mid-tier= Deleuze, Kant
Overrated tier= Nietzsche, Heidegger
Shit-tier= Aquinas

>> No.8734025

yeah, no, especially not in terms of psychological realism. that's not to say i don't love Joyce though.

>> No.8734026

God-tier = T. S. Eliot
High-tier = Thomas Merton
Mid-tier = Mary Oliver
Overrated tier = W. H. Auden
Shit-tier = James Baldwin
Cancer-tier = Mira Gonzalez

>> No.8734035

as far as theologians
God Tier;...well God
High Tier: St Augustine Kierkegaard
Midtier: boethius/'Albert the great
Overrated tier: Aquinas
Shit tier: Anslem
Cancer Tier: Richard Dawkins

>> No.8734037
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>> No.8734038

are you even trying? tales of belkin is a short story collection, not poetry.
>reading translations
gtfo, retard.

>> No.8734045

Oh, well maybe his poetry is good. His short stories were awful, however.

>> No.8734047

Your definition of psychological realism is a weird one, considering what you listed. And no, she doesn't touch him. Her character's thoughts are unrealistic, nobody thinks about trivialities as eloquently as her characters do. She didn't dare to be as radical as Joyce, which ultimately left her playing second fiddle to him. Also, her snobbishness taints her fiction. She should have been a poet, because she could write beautifully.

>> No.8734052

What do you think of Tertullian?

>> No.8734053


>> No.8734060

u wot. Go read "The Shot" and tell me it isn't the worst story ever written.

>> No.8734068

I'm italian and i need to understand where an english-speaker can find the justification to say that Dante is overrated.
You cannot fully understand his language as i do, you will never appreciate his lines because the thirteen century italian isn't your language, moron

It's obvious that translations of such works are useless

what if i said that Chaucer is shit? I'd be a fucking idiot
hope you're a troll

>> No.8734069


>being inbred

>> No.8734076

It's ok, anon, we understand you are.

>> No.8734081 [DELETED] 

It really sickens me people this dumb are alive

>> No.8734082

>I'm italian

Opinion discarded.

>> No.8734085

Even Joyce's stream of consciousness requires you to suspend some disbelief. When's the last time a walk down the street brought out for you such an avalanche of daydreams, philosophical thoughts, and mundane wonderings as it does for Bloom? Woolf definitely moderates her stream of consciousness more-- it's not as 'raw' as Joyce's. But she combines experimentalism, stunningly poetic prose, and some profound insight in *much* more readable novels. They are both giants of literary history and it's silly to get caught up in greatness debates.

>> No.8734100


God-tier = Shakespeare; Tolstoy
High-tier = Chekhov; Homer
Mid-tier = Melville; Nabokov
Overrated tier = Cervantes
Shit-tier = Allen Ginsberg
Cancer-tier = Paulo Coelho

>> No.8734110

Get a load of this guy.

>> No.8734114
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I have read every poem ever and this is in no way a subjective rating
God-Tier: Homer, Virgil, Dante, Milton, Whitman (The Epicists)
High-Tier: The Three Tragedians of 5th CenturY Athens, The Nine Melic Poets, The writers of Beowuf and the Epic of Gilgamesh, Chaucer, The anonymous writers of Sir Patrick Spense, Lord Randal, The Unquiet Grave, The Three Ravens and The Twa Corbies, Shakespeare, Alexander Pope, All of the Romantics (except Wordsworth and Byron), Latter Eliot, Stevens, Yeats, Snyder
Mid-Tier: Pound, Donne, Sydney, Spenser, Roman Poets besides Virgil (except Catullus), Robert Frost
Over-rated tier: Early Eliot, Wordsworth
Shit-tier: Early Eliot, The beats besides Gary Snyder, Every poet born afer ww1
Cancer-Tier: Wordsworth, Aristophanes, every poet born after ww2

>> No.8734128

I have a serious question for you guys, and I don't mean it in an offensive manner. What do you like about Dante? I've only read Inferno and intend to re-read it and get to reading the other two parts eventually, but I just couldn't enjoy him at all. Inferno felt more like a long series of lists than any other poem I've read and I couldn't get much out of it.

>> No.8734129

How come I never see anybody talk about or mention marina tsvetaeva here? I like her poetry a lot

>> No.8734131

>When's the last time a walk down the street brought out for you such an avalanche of daydreams, philosophical thoughts, and mundane wonderings as it does for Bloom
All the time. Obviously it's not exactly the same, but the written word will always be just an approximation of consciousness
>*much* more readable novels
Have you read The Waves? I don't think it's much easier than Ulysses.
>it's silly to get caught up in greatness debates
Maybe. I'm definitely biased against Woolf because of how she reacted to Joyce, but I think her reaction perfectly exemplifies why she didn't quite reach Joyce's heights. It's because she never wanted to display life in all its vulgar mundanity.

>> No.8734133


Some people really can't turn their minds off. I know that when I'm doing anything that isn't very mentally tasking I can't think of anything else but those scattered thoughts.

>> No.8734135

Sometimes those thoughts get lost and become words and voices in your mind.

>> No.8734148
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>> No.8734188


Since I cannot actually read in Italian alone I was reading him in Portuguese and English, comparing the translations with the Italian original (if you speak Portuguese you can actually figure out a lot of things in Italian).

What I like about him is his capacity for concision, his mastery of rhyme (he makes his rhymes seem almost inevitable, as if only the words he is rhyming were the ones in the Universe that could be used in that situation) and, of course, his great imagination: to use many sources and his own conscience to build tree different worlds, all of them with their particular architecture and structure.

That said, I can’t really say I love his poetry. First, he uses few metaphors and is much more in favor of similes. He hardly makes bold and exuberant inventions like Shakespeare does all the time. He is very cold and calculated, and his imagery is generally the same as we see in many other poets (only he can be more concise and model the ideas better).

I also cannot appreciate his characters. They are generally there only to expose ideas or be examples of situations or flaws and virtues. Is funny that some of the most interesting characters are those that appear briefly, and not the main ones, like Dante himself, Virgil and Beatrice.

You are also constantly overwhelmed by aggressive judgments and opinions about all sorts of things, and all of it based in what Dante himself thinks about the world, which is quite annoying, especially when one realizes that Dante was an obnoxious individual. He puts people who offended him or were opposed to him on inferno, and elevate his relatives and people he liked to paradise. He had little comprehension and empathy for other humans beings, for the flaws and limitations of others, and so we never feel the same interest and warm acceptance of human drama as Homer and Shakespeare present them. The world according to Dante is a lifeless, suffocating, gray and bitter place: the joys of existence are usually irritating to him. Like many of the old testament prophets, he seems to hate other people and wishes that everyone should be as sour as he is.

I think Shakespeare is extremely superior to Dante.

>> No.8734189

>All the time.
Well then I envy you in that.
>Have you read The Waves? I don't think it's much easier than Ulysses.
I've read it, but TTL and Mrs. D are at least as good in my opinion, whereas Dubliners and A Portrait are substantially weaker than Ulysses. She could write simpler books with more potency than Joyce could.

> I'm definitely biased against Woolf because of how she reacted to Joyce, but I think her reaction perfectly exemplifies why she didn't quite reach Joyce's heights. It's because she never wanted to display life in all its vulgar mundanity.
She may have found him vulgar, but she also acknowledged his genius. I also love the way Joyce embraced the grittiness of life and I would go so far as to say Ulysses is the most ambitious, most expansive work of all literature. But for me, Woolf has a pure poetry that Joyce never quite matches, with just as much respect in handling the complexity of the 'great' human questions.

Hm I found it hard to believe anyone has such an extensive and wild internal dialogue as Bloom (let alone Stephen), but I guess I could be wrong.

>> No.8734195

>marina tsvetaeva

I did not know her. Thanks for the tip.

Can you name some good english translations?

>> No.8734198

Good post.

>> No.8734201

God-tier= Joyce
High-tier= Hart Crane
Mid-tier= TS Eliot
Overrated tier= Yeats
Shit-tier= WCW
Cancer-tier= Pound

>> No.8734237 [DELETED] 

>Even Joyce's stream of consciousness requires you to suspend some disbelief. When's the last time a walk down the street brought out for you such an avalanche of daydreams, philosophical thoughts, and mundane wonderings as it does for Bloom?
For me is always like that, but Im mentally ill (bipolar)
I think Woolfe made her SOC lighter because she knew she was mentally ill and figured out non-mentally ill probably have a more chill mind
Im not sure what Joyce's endgame was

>> No.8734250

As long as you agree with George Eliot being top, i'm fine with disagreement here.

>> No.8734285
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>Thought it was a joke name

you mean like biggus dickus?

>> No.8734288

>He's somehow managed to judge Whitman by the utter shit moderns have been "inspired" by him to produce
This is the worst meme on this board

>> No.8734307
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What's so- funny about Biggus Dickus?

>> No.8734309

Strong evaluation.

>> No.8734329

>Whitman is the inventor of modern poetry, he is literally G-d


>> No.8734353

bloom loves whitman tho

>> No.8734354

but Harold Bloom ranks Whitman among shakespeare dumbass, epic reaction picture proving you don't read anything

>> No.8734361

Man, bloomfags are the dumbest lot on earth, aren't they?

>> No.8734382

are you a bloomfag? if not, no

>> No.8734383

Nice job making the bloomfag look like a bitch

>> No.8734387

very bad post

>> No.8734408
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nothing i promise

>> No.8734409

Fair enough to all of that. I guess when it comes to those two it will always come down to preference. It's just that I have a fairly strong preference for Joyce.

>> No.8734414

>He's somehow managed to misinterpret my post as saying this is a good thing, despite its entire point being to defend Whitman in spite of this fact

>> No.8734415

very very bad post

>> No.8734416

I always have at least 10000023819286389172648237648273648273648273648237648273648 daydreams walking down the street piece of shit pleb, fuck you

>> No.8734423
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>> No.8734634
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> "literal city rat"
> inbred

pick one

>> No.8734868

>> "literal city rat"

People in cities wallow in filth and scuttle about like rats. I can't see why you would be proud of this.

>> No.8734973

No, he's right.

Also, hello middle school English teacher.

>> No.8734974

>overrated = Plato

God damn psueds

>> No.8734980


oh man what a terrible opinion

>> No.8734982


That's not what I meant, I was merely pointing out that "city rat" and "inbred" are two completely different kinds of insults, one derogatorily referring to people from the city and the other derogatorily referring to people from the country, and thus cannot be used at the same time.

>> No.8734986

This is some pretty good bait

>> No.8735595

Why don't you like Catull anon?

>> No.8736281

But is it wrong?

>> No.8736294

God Tier - Hart Crane
High Tier - Wallace Stevens
Mid Tier - TS Eliot
Overrated Tier - Keats (sorry)
Shit tier - Ezra Pound
Cancer tier - Ginsberg

>> No.8736297

God Tier - Basho
High Tier - Blake
Overrated Tier - Byron
Shit Tier - Bukowski
I don't believe in cancer tier

>> No.8736362

>Overrated Tier - Keats (sorry)

Elaborate pls

>> No.8736610

God-tier= DFW
High-tier= Scott Fitzgerald
Mid-tier= Douglas Adams
Overrated tier= Dostoevsky
Shit-tier= Tolstoy
Cancer-tier= George Orwell

>> No.8737237

Other than Robert Frost pretty much agree. Heaney's definitely overrated.

>> No.8737948

No he's wrong, you are another pleb.

>> No.8737968

If I look at the list seriously, it doesn't make sense. If I look at the list ironically, it also doesn't make sense.
Good job.

>> No.8737972

God-tier = William Carlos Williams, Walt Whitman, Arthur Rimbaud, Dylan Thomas, William Blake
High-tier = Dante, WB Yeats, Allen Ginsberg, Langston Hughes, Ted Joans
Mid-tier = John Keats, TS Eliot, Edgar Allan Poe
Low-tier = John Milton, Robert Frost
Cancer-tier = Gertrude Stein

>> No.8738083


I don't know if I can get behind what a waste of time it was to read Ulysses IMO. Like idk, I can't think of many other books that have such a sorry ratio of difficulty and length : benefits of reading and analyzing. I agree w/ your points about Woolf. I think thats why I enjoy her writing so much. Feel like it goes without saying that nobody really thinks like her characters do, but she is incredibly illuminating and relatable.

To the guy who mentioned the difficulty of The Waves - I don't think its anywhere near as arduous as Ulysses and its by far her most difficult novel. It's also not terribly long.

>> No.8738160

Turn your knife upon yourself.

>> No.8738433

Confirmed never read Schopenhauer

>> No.8738445

>""""""WC"""""""" Williams

>> No.8738473

God-tier = Herman Melville
High-tier = Umberto Eco
Mid-tier = Melvyn Peake
Overrated tier = James Joyce
Shit-tier = Joseph Conrad
Cancer-tier = Herman Hesse

>> No.8738497

for Latin America:

God-tier= Macedonio Fernández
High-tier= Juan Carlos Onetti
Mid-tier= Roberto Bolaño
Overrated tier= Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez
Shit-tier= Isabel Allende
Cancer-tier= Paulo Coelho

>> No.8738499

didin't see OP's headline so I guess that goes for prose.

my bad.

>> No.8738504

To favor James Joyce over Ezra Pound in terms of poetry? You're a fucking ape

>> No.8738506

>Cancer-tier = Gertrude Stein
hang your head, and let your body dangle

>> No.8738606

Not in verse specifically. Calm down.

>> No.8738625


>> No.8738717

Go grease your hair, Antonio.

>> No.8739313

lol at this dude tagged you as funny redditor

>> No.8739343

Frost's first collection is nearly unreadable.

>> No.8739505

>angry Italian

>> No.8739507

God-tier: My
High-tier: Diary
Mid-tier: D
Overrated-tier: E
Shit-tier: S
Cancer-tier: U

>> No.8739665

>God tier= Spanish Golden Age

>> No.8740655

God-tier: Hart Crane
High-tier: WCW
Mid-tier: O'Hara
Overrated-tier: Ashbery (still great but v overrated IMO)
Shit-tier: Ferlinghetti
Cancer-tier: Bukowski