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8727981 No.8727981 [Reply] [Original]

ITT your favorite Books and why you hate women.

My favorite book is A Scanner Darkly and I hate women because of their shameless exploitation of the sexual revolution, which they blew out of proportion thanks to their many beta providers and inherently degenerate nature. It has been over 50 years ago, yet you're still using it as an excuse to be controlling whores ALL THE TIME: the insane manipulation of media, the casual sex, the atrocities you're committing against mankind with the rights men GAVE you thanks to your beta "friends" in the Western world.
Everyone knows what you're doing and you've been doing in these 50 years, the only reason this spiral of silence still exists today is because you'd be called a sexist, a virgin, you'd be be ostracized from society.
Can you imagine a male whore being excused because 90 years ago a woman attempted to hurt his whore feelings after making a poor decision? It would be inexcusable, but then again sluts have their friends in the West who love to increase their infinitesimally tiny chances at having sex by tugging at whore's heartstrings.
I'm fucking sick and tired of your slimeball tactics. If you really have the support of people in the western hemisphere then are you still wasting no effort to influence and manipulate public opinione, sluts?

>> No.8727999
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>Can you imagine a male whore being excused

it's called being a chad numbnuts. if you had lurked a bit longer you would know what that is and why this stupid shit belongs in /r9k/

>> No.8728025

My favorite book is Golden Apples of the Sun and I think women are great. They have more practice socializing, so once you meet the minimum threshold of social consciousness you're allowed to play in faeryland. I hate people like you because you wreck parties and people can see that you hate yourself from a city block away

>> No.8728058

My favorite so far is Blood Meridian and I don't hate women, but I hate that they are inherently shallow and that I was born ugly and raised by shit parents who stunted my ability to socialize. I've only had sex with girls who I found disgusting on some level. Bottom of the barrel fatties and mentally damaged whores with hpv. I'd kill myself but I'm too much of a pussy. But to blame this all on women is missing the point and unfair to them. Women are such shallow creatures because if they get knocked up, it's 9 months of resources that will be wasted on bad genes if they sleep with some ugly fuck like me. So that is why i suggest you get a good job so that you can afford higher class prostitutes.

>> No.8728150

This sounds like a fragment from a brief interview with a hideous man

>> No.8728205


fuck off back to r9k

>> No.8728861

My favorite book is Remains of the Day, and I don't hate anyone. I have nothing but love and compassion for everyone in the world, including evil people like women.

>> No.8729027
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Fave book is Infinite Jest and I hate women because they won't let me hide the salami.

>> No.8729032

Favorite book is No Longer Human

I like women more than I like men.

>> No.8729930

Kill yourself