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/lit/ - Literature

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8727461 No.8727461 [Reply] [Original]

Literature had suppossed to help me, now mom said it made me delusionated, and she is probably right. I dont fit into "real" world so much, its just so worse than literature. I want to kill myself, just kill me, living is to much for me in this hostile and anti-intelectual enviroment

>> No.8727469

If you live in the Midwest I'll fuck you in the ass for $50

>> No.8727499


>> No.8727622

He should have ate the butterfly

>> No.8727867

You know, I usually don't support suicide...

>> No.8727874

If you actually need help you won't find it here.

>> No.8729332

write about it.

>> No.8729349

but mum said normal peoples like she or my brother would not understand my writing at all, that its just writing of crazy person living in fictional world. My short story was about miserable literary hermit quoting Seneca and referencing Melville, so probably cause of that

>> No.8729355

>mom said
>I don't fit
>kill myself

You kids make me feel so old sometimes.

>> No.8729363

Nice bait, friend. You sure got some sweet (You)s.