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File: 2.15 MB, 1252x1246, hip hop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8723880 No.8723880 [Reply] [Original]

>Thoughts on Hip Hop in general?

>Does /lit/ have some personal favorite rappers?

>How seriously does /lit/ take Hip Hop? Do you think it has (or already reached) it's fullest potential? Or will it never be taken seriously as literature?

I know /lit/ is retarded when it comes to music. But i'm interested in what you guys think about this?

>> No.8723898

Holy shit I thought I was on /mu/ at the first glance

>> No.8723899

hip hop is 80% production, nothing more

>> No.8723905

>the most significant American verse poetry of the 20th and early 21st century
>reflects the core values of American culture (not just ghetto culture) more accurately than nearly any other music
>this thread will probably fade away or be trolled into pointlessness because "lol niggers"

Fight me

>> No.8723908


>> No.8723914

I like wu-tang: the samples and the wordplay. But that's it really

>> No.8723915

What are the bottom 2 albums?

>> No.8723919

Wu-Tang forever

>> No.8723924

Bottom left is death grips bottom right is from the planet of the apes soundtrack

>> No.8723928

Talentless garbage, but an essential part of Independent culture nowadays.

>> No.8723935

Death Grips - The Money Store
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly

>> No.8723942

>nothing more
which one is it?

>> No.8723949

Where have you been for the past decade? Hip-hop is some of the most corporatist, mainstream normie nonsense out there.
(which accurately reflects how formerly underground art forms are co-opted and mass-marketed, further underscoring hip-hop's cultural relevance.)
i.e. Kanye, i.e. Jay-Z, et al.

>> No.8723950

What makes you say that?

>> No.8723953
File: 51 KB, 259x259, 61b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wh-what are you trying to get at

>> No.8723958

I think he meant it is exactly 80% production, leaving 20% actual content in the form or lyrics and vocal delivery.

>> No.8723972

Thanks. I'm more of a golden-age gentlemen, myself.
But truth be told, I never felt that Illmatic deserved all the praise it got. There are a few certified classics, no doubt, but just as much filler as there on other contemporary albums.

>> No.8723973

What's your point? There is still underground and artistic hip-hop being released quite often.

>> No.8723985

There certainly is, but hip-hop ceased to be "independent" a while ago. Don't get me wrong, hip hop is some of my favorite shit, but issue is calling it independant as a genre.

>> No.8723995

oooga booga me monkey man bitche shoes dooga unga bunga drugs nigga ooga jungle monkey shit nigga

>> No.8724000

We will not have a reading from the book of Wu:

I bomb atomically, Socrates' philosophies and hypotheses
Can't define how I be dropping these mockeries
Lyrically perform armed robbery
Flee with the lottery, possibly they spotted me
Battle-scarred Shogun, explosion when my pen hits tremendous
Ultraviolet shine blind forensics
I inspect you, through the future see millennium
Killer Beez sold fifty gold, sixty platinum
Shackling the masses with drastic rap tactics
Graphic displays melt the steel like blacksmiths
Black Wu jackets, Queen Bees ease the guns in
Rumble with patrolmen, tear gas laced the function
Heads by the score take flight incite a war
Chicks hit the floor, die hard fans demand more
Behold the bold soldier, control the globe slowly
Proceeds to blow, swinging swords like Shinobi
Stomp grounds and pound footprints in solid rock
Wu got it locked, performing live on your hottest block

>> No.8724008


>> No.8724018

I've always been partial to Keith Murray. Lyrics like this just don't happen any more.

the most beautifullest vocabulist
punches phony mc's dead in their esophogaus
my analysis is roughly calloused
you better practice if you want to challenge this
I'm symbolic to the sun moon and stars
you gettin' knocked out the box no matter who you are
the funk phat tracks lures you to listen
as my vocals send your brain up in the fetal position
learn a quick lesson of mic aggression
so when I walk down the street there'll be no second guessing
now you can walk the walk talk the talk
back burnin' all day but your still fireproof like an ashtray
I'm a scientist in the mix like Plyx
turnin' all you fly emcees back into maggots
non prop soil watch me bubble and spoil
punch you Grand Royal as you foam like boil

>> No.8724039

yeah pretty much

we can pretend like all modern poetry is shit or admit that musicians are currently doing it best

t. Nobel committee

>> No.8724059

Step aside, white boi here : I got this one.
Hip hop started out bragadoccio 'I'm the man, check my skillz' etc. (gil scott heron criticised this element of it, though he was one of the first to have spoken word poetry [check out b movie by said artist as an example. He also penned novels]).
All the ostentation included breakdance, graffiti and dj & mc battles.
My theory is that the ostentation extended to gangsta rap, as now the competition was to show how 'gutta' you is, with 'sik' 'dope' beats. Even though it's intimidating guns and killing content, it's probably mostly fantasy or telling other gangster's tales, as these guys are artistic. But real gangsters actually have become rappers. The rhythm of their rapping is also a demonstration of competency, as many know all about off-beat syncopation, complicated tempo and iambic pentameter, etc. Technique sfuff. There are only a few worth listening to who can combine the technique stuff, with good lyrical content. My recommendation would be analog brothers, which was a taunt of the wu tang, by some pretty serious gangster tier rappers (kool keith, ice t, silver synth, pimp rex, marc live, jacky jasper, odd oberheim [deceased]). They also made the music with analog instruments, like oberheims, oscillators and korgs, as opposed to bobby digital.
A lot of rappers reference shady secret society and satanic shit, as it's a race to the bottom to become the most demonic/tuff.
It's a phase you grow out of, as who wants to miss out on the beautiful treble clef sounds of classical, rock or jazz music, for constant repetitive bass/drum?
Theory 2: rap really became mainstream in the 90s via sampling popular 80's songs (phil collins, in the air, steely dan peg, toto africa, etc). Sampling was rampant and helped sell it to whites. But the music industry directors think in terms of 14d yahtzee. They never intended for rap to always be as good as it was in the 90s,and once achieving their objectives of mainstreaming it, now hawk the most depraved and degenerate noize to infect the technology warped youth of today, normalising miscegenation, promiscuity, ass worship, tattoos. The stuff you hear on the radio now is pretty much always a combo of white shiksa moaning like a horni prostitute, with variant of gutta/hipsta thug rapper.
All in all, it's probably a blight on the musical history, but there are a certain few who command some subculture respect. The off-shoot of hip hop beats, such as breakbeat and electro can be pretty cool, with talented djs who know a bit about music. (dj pogo featured on a pretty heavyweight jazz album by Courtney pine, for example)

>> No.8724110

Your post, while well-intentioned, was poorly constructed, difficult to discern, and wrought with vagaries and inaccuracies. I will address several details for the benefit of our audience.

>it's probably mostly fantasy or telling other gangster's tales,
This is a very valid point. Many people don't understand the line between fantasy and reality in rap, which is first a story telling medium, and a reflection on reality second. Some rappers really do try to blur that line, and "street cred" is highly valued, but there are legions of rappers who have never claimed to have literally shot anyone or dealt drugs. Meanwhile, rappers with no actual street background (Rick Ross, Drake.) make outlandish claims in the gangster rap tradition, but are unquestioned.

>It's a phase you grow out of, as who wants to miss out on the beautiful treble clef sounds of classical, rock or jazz music, for constant repetitive bass/drum?

Claiming these genres have not also stagnated and become reliant upon their constraints is fallacious, and you know it. Rock and jazz can easily include synthesizers and sequencers, and hip-hop can sample any of the aforementioned genres. Claiming any genre is a phase to be grown out of only reveals the vapidity of the listener.


>> No.8724136

Hip hop isn't even music.

/lit/ is on the same level as /mu/ when it comes to music.
Meaningless wordplay isn't good literature.
'classical' isn't a genre, you idiot.

>> No.8724142

Hollow showboating, just awful

>> No.8724147

>Sampling was rampant and helped sell it to whites.
Sampling was always inherent to rap. The earliest party jams (sugar hill gang, etc.) lifted disco beats and rapped over them.

The 90s saw the emergence of dance-rap and cross-over artists who were enticed by big label model to make something specifically to be non-threatening to mainstream america (Vanilla Ice, McHammer, etc.), which caused gangsta rap to become even more extreme (Geto Boys, etc.)

>normalising miscegenation, promiscuity, ass worship, tattoos.

These are hardly new, nor are they normalized. "Baby Got Back" is older than most posters here, and was a super hit. If anything it reflects a shift in aesthetic, which can just as easily shift as new bodyparts will be fetishized. We have already reached "peak booty," and there is no where else to go but to have a return to some other trend. Are you truly unaware of the era of the bustle in Victorian times?

>The off-shoot of hip hop beats, such as breakbeat and electro can be pretty cool,

This completely ignores the parallel evolution of these musical movements. Traphouse might be accurately described as an offshoot (as well as it's UK predecessor, jungle), but the rise of electro is concurrent with 80s hip hop (Mann Parrish, Egyptian Lover, even early Dr. Dre World Class Wreckin' Crew, etc.)

That is all.

>> No.8724153

<Claiming any genre is a phase to be grown out of only reveals the vapidity of the listener.>

If an adult enjoyed reading 'Baby's First Book' or watched Teletubbies every day, you would tell them to grow up. Rap is closer to that than say, crappy crime novels.

>> No.8724156

>Hip hop isn't even music.
Enlighten us, monsignor, as to what "is" music, then.

>> No.8724162

Post something better, homie.

>> No.8724163

>/lit/ is on the same level as /mu/ when it comes to music.
This thread proved otherwise.
Stop bating.

>> No.8724173

>'classical' isn't a genre, you idiot.
It is of a certain era. (1750-1860, if wikipedia is to be believed). It is narrowly defined, which was my point, subtard.

>> No.8724185

Music lyricism will never reach the heights of poetry.
Granted rap isn't entirely awful but the culture it breeds is certainly not sophisticated. I can't tell you how many middle-class white wannabe 420 thugs I've encountered since middle school.

>> No.8724186

>Hip hop isn't even music.
>Meaningless wordplay isn't good literature.
No, but it's great pop.
wew lad

>> No.8724190

Not hip hop or any other nonmusics. I bet you support Bob Dylan winning the prize.
No, this is just like /mu/.
Eras aren't genres, you idiot.

Because, you know, eras end when they end and don't mean jack all about general form or anything. A sonnet in the 20th century is still a sonnet like a sonnet from the 16th century is still a sonnet.
It's not music, so it cannot be pop.

>> No.8724191

This is like, a valid dissertation topic for a B-grade liberal arts college. Cultural appropriation of minority artforms in e-media' or something

>> No.8724197

>Music lyricism will never reach the heights of poetry.
>What's Miles Davis???

>> No.8724199

Define music. Why isn't hiphop music?

>> No.8724200

>he LITERALLY thinks hip hop isn't music
I bet you think that hip hop is "just talking over a beat"

>> No.8724207

Miles Davis does not reach the heights of great poetry.

>> No.8724209

Jazz isn't music either.
If rap is music then Bob Dylan is literature.

>> No.8724210
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>It's not music, so it cannot be pop.
Hmmm... So I'm looking at the POP chart top 10, and what do I see, but this:

Would you look at ALL These rappers? Fancy that.

>> No.8724212
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>It's a "/lit/ pretends to understand other art besides their literature" episode

>> No.8724216

>Jazz isn't music either
get a load of this guy

>> No.8724217

>This dick isn't free
Shakespeare BTFO'd in a single line

>> No.8724218

>mass media charts are valid
Popular music isn't art.

>> No.8724220

What IS music, then? Stop being such a fucking shitposter

>> No.8724223

Masturbation cannot be musical.
I've explained what it isn't; what music is is what notmusic isn't.

>> No.8724224

>le only music is classical

>> No.8724225
File: 313 KB, 539x435, disgusted_dave.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its shit.

Sometimes you get something good when they talk about their personal lives, but you can only hear so many "I grew up in the ghetto"/ black ancestry stories before it starts to get really old. The socially conscious stuff is really self-centered, naive, and often flat out wrong.

>> No.8724229

Classical doesn't mean anything, please stop being intentionally stupid.

>> No.8724231

that's some weak shit m8, apply yourself

>> No.8724232

Honestly I wish more white people would come in and make unique hip hop. Blacks are content with muh ghetto muh oppression and are very racist against white rappers.

>> No.8724239

>he calls it "art music"

>> No.8724240

stop replying to the baiter.

>> No.8724242

>anything i dont like is le b8

>> No.8724245

You don't know what you're talking about

>> No.8724247

>are very racist against white rappers.
What are you talking about?
Some of the top black hip hop artist praise white hip hop artist like Eminem and Beastie Boys all the time.

>> No.8724248


>> No.8724282

It's /lit/. Everybody is a try hard here.

>> No.8724290

That's what it is called in English, yes.
>anyone i dont like is le baitman

>> No.8724292

I'm knowledgeable enough on the subject to have favorites but I have no problem with it.

>> No.8724297
File: 356 KB, 1000x1000, mmfood-4fe9a15a52659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot the most /lit/ rapper there is

>> No.8724326

>>8724297 Holy shit yes

>They pray four times a day, they pray five
>Who ways is strange when it's time to survive
>Some will go of they own free will to die
>Others take them with you when they blow sky high

>What's the difference? All you get is lost children
>While the bosses sit up behind the desks
>It cost billions to blast humans in half, into calves and arms
>Only one side is allowed to have bombs

>It's like making a soldier drop his weapon
>Shooting him, and telling him to get to stepping
>Obviously, they came to portion up his fortune
>Sounds to me like that old robbery/extortion.

People who say rap is all 'Ghettos, hoes, and bling' don't know what they're talking about.

>> No.8724328

idk how he spells it but con carne and con queso are so good

>> No.8724344

This garbage isn't much better, you realize.

>> No.8724350

Music is supposed to be entertaining, trying to make you feel something or put you in some kind of mood.

Hip hop at its core doesn't work, because it's trying to get some message across without actually explaining the message or why its good. Its like trying to fit an essay into one page. Putting a beat behind some words that say 'Hey man murdering blacks is bad' doesn't make anybody want to murder less blacks.

>> No.8724360
File: 71 KB, 600x600, Canibus-Rip-The-Jacker-600x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most /lit/ hip-hop album coming through.

MF DOOM is the shit. Especially Vaudeville Villain.

Keith Murray is good but not /lit/

>> No.8724362

Of course you wouldn't explain because it would take effort you don't have.

>> No.8724371

>dae terrorism bad!?!?!!?!?!?!!?
>dae teh US gubment jus terrorists xddDDD1?!!?!!?!?

>> No.8724372

> 'Hey man murdering blacks is bad' doesn't make anybody want to murder less blacks.

Just because you want to murder blacks doesn't mean that some people dont' find hip hop entertaining.

>> No.8724374

>Music is supposed to be entertaining
ye and what you find entertaining about one thing will be different for someone else, but wtf do i know it's not like hip-hop is wildly popular or anything.

>> No.8724378

That's a lot of memes.

>> No.8724421

I enjoy it as a spoken word or musical art form, but I don't think I could judge it from a literature standpoint. The lyrics would have to be exceptional. I think how a rapper uses his voice is cooler than what he is rapping about.


>> No.8724450

>Vapidity of the listener
Shit dawg, don't be hatin' on a nigga.
I appreciate your response, and will reply in turn to some of your more incredulous claims. If you seriously believe that hip hop/rap is on the same intellectual level as classical, jazz or rock, and isn't something one can grow out of, you're applying a philosophical variant of musical relativity. When looked at in the overall sense, rap operates on a peurile level, with limited intellectual input, both compositionally, as well as thematically. Thus, as a person's intellect grows, they can transition from 'muh dik' to 'the tragedy of humanity's expulsion from eden' al la Part. Of all the points to nit pick with, it's surprising you included that as a condescension point.
Referring to your 'vapid listener's' assessment on the stagnation of rock jazz and classical, firstly, it's not true, as there are plenty of composers producing works of the highest artistic merit. Secondly, in my brief, subjective synopsis, I tried to sweep the entirety of the 3 decades of rap/hip hop, paying little attention to formal academic style, and it was never implied that one has to be conscious of the 'direction' in which the genre is heading, as a testament to its historical validity. All the music in contemporary history, spanning the last 200 years is pretty much available to us, and rap is little more than a catchy, mutated footnote of that continuum.
You've certainly made some good points, but again it's difficult to see how you think I ignored parallel evolution of the musical 'movements'. The 'out of africa' theory can very definitely be applied to hip hop/rap and all its derivatives. As I understand it, a Jamaican dj was the first to experiment with cutting records, and some New York djs like kool herc and grandmasta flash started looping the drum breaks. This was the starting point which begat all the rest.

>> No.8724476

>Music is supposed to be entertaining

[citation needed]

>> No.8724503

When people start comparing rap, a pseudo-improvisational attempt to keep up with a simple 4/4 beat and impress the audience by bragging about their lives, to poetry, like capital P Poetry, I have to question whether they've actually read poetry on a serious level.

Like, could Coates read Yeats's "He wishes for the Cloths of Heaven" and pick up on how Yeats deliberately contrasts his first quatrain's dactylic beat with the second quatrain's anapestic metre to emphasise his narrator's bitter humility and better contradict his fantasies? Does he understand the sheer amount of effort, skill, and intelligence it takes to consciously manipulate the rhythm not of a sentence or a phrase, but of the very way each and every syllable itself is pronounced and arranged in order to represent a complex and emotional idea? To do this while maintaining a coherent grammatical and original rhyming structure AND while delivering a series of stunning images that range from religious ecstasy to poverty and psychological turmoil? To then subtly contradict this established structure in order to draw attention to yet another complex idea?

This isn't just a spread of internal rhymes, puns, and catchy slang; this is a man loading no more than eight lines with as much content as the English language allows.

Illmatic is a good album. Nas is a talented rapper. But to say that a 16 year-old kid from the projects operates at the level of a Nobel Prize-winning poet is absolute horseshit. No he fucking does not; he wrote his lyrics according to some DJ Premier beat and his own public image. You want to judge his writing as poetry? You want to look at his words when they're neutered from the music and live audience they were written to accompany? Okay, let's look. There is no coherent metre, let alone any conscious metrical technique. His rhyme scheme is all over the fucking place, and a lot of phrases were awkwardly forced in just to hit those incredibly simple end rhymes. The narrative is sloppy and its images are repetitive; he abandons ideas halfway through simply to survive until the next line. He brags about himself constantly and fills his story with non sequiturs that serve no purpose other than to highlight his knowledge of street slang and demonstrate how violent his life is.

As poetry, it's kind of trash. It's not very creative. It's definitely not skillful. It should be performed over music and never ever separated from it.

>> No.8724520

From the inside of my corpse, 30 seconds is like a century imprisoned in necrotic flesh cognizant beyond my death paralyzed and frozen in this carnal penitentiary
Lucidly projecting hellish spectres
Ghoulish architecture, enveloped in a darkness far beyond my mind can measure suffocating violent pressure
It just goes on forever, are these electro-magnetic hallucinations?
Is this everybody's afterlife or something I've created?
Abandoned and dismissed in a flaccid impotence with the cold illumination that I no longer exist
In a grave within a grave
It was the first time I prayed, no one there to tell me that I shouldn't be afraid
Falling endlessly deeper, yet immobile and still
In this infinite aethyr washing over my filth, neither angels or reapers or ghosts were fulfilled
Just a cavity to soak up my guilt
In my depravity, the flowers up above me wilting down so they can laugh at me
To think we spend our lives
Convinced we understand agony, a familiar
Voice: "He's finally at peace"
Shrieking through the silence to remind me I'm deceased
I tried to answer but the dead can't speak, the biggest prison in the world's underground six feet

>> No.8724524

And I’m always where the
Sun don’t shine, the
Tears don’t show, won't
Hurt me now 'cause
Heart's been broke, I
Hate myself but
It won't show, I
Constantly lose all
My remorse, and it's
Ten for the wolf and
Three for the shepherd and it's
One for the sheep who
Led by a leopard, often
Gave his perception as a
Handle of weapon, took a
Bite of your apple, give me
All you can offer, now I'm
Trapped in a changing maze
Setting my soul ablaze
Couldn’t control the pace
Where is this going? Hey
Heartless is recklessness, it is
Word of a pacifist to the
Word of a masochist, I'm
Off of the map, my Lord I
Spoke to a baphomet, he
Said he would save me if I
Gave him one thing he needed
What is this thing I pleaded?
Boy, it's the key to even

>> No.8724528

what does /lit/ think of DG's Beware? It has some Nietzschean undertones.

And I know soon come my time
For in mine void a pale horse burns
But I fear not the time I'm taken
Past the point of no return.
Wage war like no tomorrow
Cuz no hell there won't be one
For all who deny the struggle
The triumphant overcome

Trips to where, few have been
Out of thin air, upon high winds
Rites begin when the sun descends
Have felt what few will ever know
Have seen the truth beneath the glow,
Of the ebb and flow, where roots of all mysteries grow
I am below, so far below
The bottom line
Transmitting live, transmissions rise
From the depths out of controlled by
Suspended glance of an unblinking eyes
Imminent gaze cast 'pon the path that winds
'Pon the path I find, and claim as mine
To ride the waves, of unrest
Made to make me shine as a testament
To why the ways of the blind will never get
Shit but shanked by my disrespect
Dismiss this life, worship death
Cold blood night of serpent's breath
Exhaled like spells from the endlessness
In the bottomless wells of emptiness
Channeled to invoke what we represent

Secret order
Elitist horde of
Creeping fire
Seizing power
Riders of the lupus hour
Eye on palm
Time is gone
Moonlight drawn
Fly til dawn
Sacrifice to rise beyond
Deep inside the violent calm
Of the coming storm
In blood sworn
To glorify and for life adorn
With all that dies to become unborn

>> No.8724530

no poet touches the flow/rhythm of rap, get over it, nobody cares about poetry anymore, there are no poets, rap has replaced it

prove me otherwise, show me some good poetry that the modern man can relate to and read

>> No.8724533

Didn't call it independent as a genre. Hip hop slowly released rock and folk in the independent realm in late 2000s, you may not be old enough to have seen the change slowly happen.

>> No.8724534

Replaced. Not released

>dumb phone poster

>> No.8724535

nas rhyming is more complex, he is a storyteller and wrote from the perspective of a gun in i gave you power.

>> No.8724542

There are probably some rap wordsmiths out there that have an appreciation of what you're delving into there, but they're certainly not household names.
Racking my brains to think of examples: there's a jazz style called M-Base, and one of its best proponents Greg Osby did a few rap albums, whose lyricists sound like they have studied poetry properly. 3D lifestyles and Black Book. Most of it is still 4/4 though, save for the instrumentals.

>> No.8724545

the fact you are intellectually masturbating over that shitty yeats poem just shows your bias

>> No.8724624

I love rap and i'm white. I have a Q for my brothas out there (black and white brothas, male and female): when I listening to hop hop in public (just earphones, but loud) I feel self-conscious about the N'word, and also about head-bobbing and grooving to the beat. Any advices on how to listen to rap and look natural as a non african-american?

>> No.8724669

It's very simple: you have to pair the lyrics to what is appropriate to your own ethnicity.
So if you're listening to a song with lyrics like 'I'm bout to str8 kill a nigga, you done stepped in the wrong hood, punk ass beeyotch', you transpose it to a country and Western style, and sing liltingly 'I'm about to shoot me a nigger, wee dowgie, you shouldn'ta come round these here parts, jigabooo'.
You've immediately taken all the radially charged tension out of the situation, and people will barely give you a passing glance.
Mind your ears with high volume music, by the way.

>> No.8724674
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Haha dude if you're wearing headphones, the people around you have absolutely no idea what you're listening to. Don't feel self-conscious about groovin', 99% of people won't ever notice unless you're going fucking mental. Every time I've ever noticed somebody bumping or grooving I just sorta thought "haha, he's having a good day" or whatever. That said if your headphones are loud enough that people can hear your music you're a tool.

>> No.8724694

Ras Kass is pretty good.

>> No.8724747

Anyone here /MFDOOM/?

>> No.8724756
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>92 replies

>> No.8724762

>death grips
>comprehensible lyrics
They're style over substance all the way, which is fine for music, but none of their work can really be treated as poetry.

>> No.8724934

Gotta agree that writing some lines with internal rhyme by themselves does not necessarily have literary merit lol

>> No.8725056

Yeah. I think it's a world record?

>> No.8725062

More like. MFAT DOOM.

>> No.8725132

That's beside the point.

>> No.8725135

You're mad, man.

All 10 songs on Illmatic are works of art, the only two possible outliers if your taste is sporatic being Genesis and N.Y State of mind, which sadly, are the first 2 tracks.

>> No.8725147


Vachel Lindsay did all that shit before all the niggers started rapping and even he killed himself when he realized what a useless endeavor it was.

>> No.8725150

what the fuck are you talking about you god homothug? genesis and ny state of mind are the best tracks, the only track that could be considered not perfect is the single because it had a singsongy hook for the radio "life's a bitch and then ya die blah blah blah" but these days every rap song has a commercial hook so it doesnt even matter at this point

>> No.8725167
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I listen to rap for the flow and fun of it. If I want something intellectually stimulating I'll go to actual literature. This is only popular music in the end. Even "conscious" hip hop is merely popular music in the end. People shouldn't be trying to use popular as a gauge of intellectual merit. Read a book.

>> No.8725170

>relate to
top meme

Isn't repeatable.
>not even music
>'work of art'
It's on the same level as ASoIaF.

>> No.8725177

If you are wearing good headphones, people will always hear what's being played.

>> No.8725186

Doesn't that defeat the point of headphones?

>> No.8725194


That's niggers for you.
They don't give a fuck that the train is full of half dead people who just want to get home, that bass has to be bumping.

>> No.8725195

no because they won't give u a ticket for loud headphones but they will for a boombox

>> No.8725201

No, because they still can be used without bothering everybody in the area. My wife isn't upset by them even when they are at their loudest and boosted by an amp, the neighbors obviously don't notice either.

If I used my speakers for music, they probably would care.
Good headphones are neutral. They're open-ear and thus noticeable by others because that creates a more natural sound.

>> No.8725211

That's pretty racist, anon

>> No.8725352

imagine actually thinking that hip-hop isn't music, some people are just fucking cray cray

>> No.8725381


Imagine thinking /lit/ is /mu/. Dat shit crae bae.

>> No.8725404

It isn't music, it's self-pleasing garbage.

>> No.8725421

I really enjoy Death Grips because it's about the grimiest, twisted, and nastiest fucking shit in life.

Some tracks go into detail about MC Ride's battle with depression, drugs, and homicidal thoughts.

>> No.8725451

Are you 11?

>> No.8725475

Are you?

>> No.8725511


first off, death grapes insnt hip hop you nutless rabbit.

anyway, nas might say its dead, and kendrick might say he revived it, but theyre only stroking their massive clits i promise you, for we must not mistake disparate acknowledgment, for disparate output.

one who looks finds that hip hop has birthed a true expression, of (life, struggle, death desire), which has as yet not been seen anywhere else, or, at the very least, has gone unrecognized (in bad faith or genuinely so).

it has captured the rage of an entire race, as a front for the rage of an entire species, and diluting it over a sparse, menacing trap beat, has rendered it accessible to even the most lifeless of sentient meat piles.
to them it is a diversion. to others, it is a catharsis, and an impetus, depending on the circumstance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0uSn98gkT1Y [Embed]

only a chosen few are ordained in the fury and wrath of being qua being,
turn up

>> No.8725536


That link is fire bruh.

>> No.8725541

this song is a fucking ripoff of OG maco and that gook band that ripped off OG maco

holy shit nigs are unoriginal


>> No.8725542

u never heard young pappy? he goes hard rip in peace


>> No.8725547


How is that anything like OG maco

>> No.8725549

>this song is a fucking ripoff of OG maco and
that gook band that ripped off OG maco

"og maco" is a soft bitch

>He grew up with friends in a hardcore rock band named Dr. Doctor, in which he participated as a guitarist and singer.[4]

meanwhile young pappy lived the shit he said on wax, get your white boy nytimes pitchfork pseudo street shit out of here, bitch

>> No.8725551


>> No.8725557

rap exists in a strange area where it would be inappropriate to judge either of them as a purely musical or purely literary art form.

>> No.8725558

that song sucked, KRS did that gimmick better years before


>> No.8725560

same structure

lmfao stop talking like a black person on the internet you embarrassing wigger

you're on a board called "/lit/ - Literature" on an anime website trying to show that you have cr3d

link me your weird twitter. i bet you were ironically unironically upset about trump

>> No.8725565

>dissing young pappy and then linking to some soft guitar playing fag from the altanta burbs

fuck off homo, i'm not black but i'm proletarian and live in a major urban area, you probably live in some lilly white village in sweden or something, like most self-proclaimed "hip hop experts" on the internet, also don't you think it's a little racist to assume no black people would read literature? guaranteed you white as shit and your friends white as shit, but as a good liberal you try to study rap for diversity points

>> No.8725571

>But to say that a 16 year-old kid from the projects operates at the level of a Nobel Prize-winning poet is absolute horseshit.
but a 25 year old kid with 54 poems can become known as one of the greatest english poets

>> No.8725572

hip hop is a cancerous outlet that doesn't give back anything to the youth or the society that takes it up. For every kendrick you have 1000 fetty waps

>> No.8725576

>For every kendrick you have 1000 fetty waps
>implying kendrick's lyrics are good

>> No.8725583

kendrick is a try hard bitch who's has cringy lyrics like "i always cum fast but never get embarrassed" that didn't even rhyme but you just had to tell us about your premature ejaculation problems, ugg, unlistenable

>> No.8725587

>hip-hop ceased to be "independent" a while ago
could not be further from the truth
the internet has opened the gates to thousands of independent rappers

>> No.8725588


He's seen as one of the saviors of hip hop though, this is a rap thread, compared to any esteemed literature it can't hold a flame, it's just the voice of an angry african american community, which turns that anger into meaningless materialistic pursuits, which has been so further economized there's not even any real anger in the voices coming out of the hood now as they go from rag to riches within one mixtape.

>> No.8725589

hey fag you wanna talk shit about lil bibby too just to cement your position as biggest herb on /lit/?


>> No.8725591

who is he seen as a "savior of hip hop" by? the publicist for his record label? gtf outta here with that shit

>> No.8725609

I think Milo is pretty interesting

>> No.8725617

tryhard crap for pseuds

>> No.8725623

that's fair, but i'd say it's more ambitious than most rap

>> No.8725628

>implying /lit/ understands literature

>> No.8725632


By the populace, people have always liked the "i'm a rapper but look at me damning the hood, being a proponent of black rights, namedropping MLK, having some of the best beats and songs, coming across as intellectual yet relate able to every demographic all in the same package"

It worked for Kanye West too. They're more then just a rapper but a figurehead.

>> No.8725642

This is arguably the pinnacle of both music and literature

>> No.8725650

i can't believe anyone with a taste refined by the study of literary criticism could enjoy kendrick lamar

>> No.8725652

>Or will it never be taken seriously as literature?

Absolutely not. But that doesn't mean it's bad. Trying to do actually good poetry like >>8724503 in the form of rap just wouldn't sound good in the form of hip hop, it would have to be an unbearable and extremely pretentious form of "art hip hop" which is the complete opposite of what good hip hop is supposed to be.

They're two different things, there isn't a single lyricist that can make poetry as good as one of the great poets, just as there isn't a single great poet that could make great music.

>> No.8725658

rap should only be classified as music to the same point it should be classified as literature

>> No.8725670

hip hop is dionysian, it's not supposed to be some lifeless intellectual exercise

>> No.8725680


I do consider Joanna Newsom's lyrics to make for some really impressive (if not a bit showy) literature:

Come on home, the poppies are all grown knee-deep by now
Blossoms all have fallen, and the pollen ruins the plow
Peonies nod in the breeze and while they wetly bow, with
Hydrocephalitic listlessness ants mop up-a their brow
And everything with wings is restless, aimless, drunk and dour
The butterflies and birds collide at hot, ungodly hours
And my clay-colored motherlessness rangily reclines
Come on home, now! all my bones are dolorous with vines
Pa pointed out to me, for the hundredth time tonight
The way the ladle leads to a dirt-red bullet of light
Squint skyward and listen
Loving him, we move within his borders
Just asterisms in the stars' set order

>> No.8725683

desu mc ride's lyrics are the most "art" i've seen in hiphop without coming off wack

>> No.8725687

I usually don't listen to a lot of hip hop but I unironically like Death Grips

>> No.8725692

I like one of his lyrics to where he refers to himself hanging from a noose as vandalizing the moon

>> No.8725696

I like joanna a lot

That the meteorite is the source of the light,
And the meteor’s just what we see;
And the meteoroid is a stone that’s devoid of the fire that propelled it to thee.
And the meteorite’s just what causes the light,
And the meteor’s how it’s perceived;
And the meteoroid’s a bone thrown from the void, that lies quiet in offering to thee.

>> No.8725704

poetry is rooted in musical lyrics
if anything rap is poetry in it's purest form

>> No.8725750

Yo, my name is Joe and I fuck your hoe

Yeah truly, literary gold.

>> No.8725759
File: 9 KB, 280x76, Screenshot 2016-11-15 at 7.24.50 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poetry for the ignorant.

>> No.8725766

I wouldn't go so far as call those noises and grunts that they make "talking".

>> No.8725782

that's not really an argument

>> No.8725794

>Acid Rain - Chance the Rapper, De-niggerfied by anon. Suspend your disbelief and attempt to judge this as though you read it in a poetry OC thread. Maybe share your opinion; I don't have one on it just yet.

I kicked off my shoes and tripped acid in the rain
I wore my jacket as a cape and my umbrella as a cane.

The richest man rocks the snatch-less necklace,
Spineless bitches in backless dresses.

I wore my feelings on my sleeveless,

My weed is seedless, my trees are leafless
I miss my diagonal grilled cheeses
And back when Mike Jackson was still Jesus

Before, I believed in not believing in
Yeah, I inhaled, who believed in me not breathing in
Cigarette stained smile all covered in sin
My big brother died young; I just turned older than him
I seen it happen, I see it always
I see him screaming, I see his demons in empty hallways

trip to make the

Fall quarter was just a tall order

And I'm hungry, I'm just not that thirsty
As of late, my verses seem not so verse-y
And all my words just mean controversy
Took the team up off my back like "that's not your jersey?"

Stressing, pulling my hair out, hoping I don't get picked
All this medicine in me hoping I don't get sick

Making all this money hoping I don't get rich

Sometimes the truth doesn't rhyme

Sometime the lies get millions of views
Funerals for little girls, is that appealing to you?
From your cubicle desktop, what a beautiful view
I think love is beautiful, too
Building forts from broken dams, what a hoover could do.

Damn that acid; it burns when it cleans you.

I still miss being a senior
And performing at all those open mic events
High schools, eyes closed seeing arenas
And I still get jealous of my best friend
And my best friend is still jealous of me
But if you touch my brother
All that anti-violence shit goes out the window along with you
And the rest of your team

Smoking cigarettes to look cooler
I only stop by to look through you

Mom still thinks I should go back to school
And Justin still thinks I'm good enough
And Mama Jan still don't take her meds
And I still be asking God to show his face
And I still be asking God to show his face

I am a new man, I am sanctified
Oh I am holy, I have been baptized
I have been born again, I am the White Light
Rain...rain don't go away

>> No.8725811

Chickens on the sink, crack on the stove
Triple beam for the weight, cut the middle man
Tryna get 8 white bitches snorting off the plate
Coke from Columbia, riding 'round in the Benz
Looking like a trap star, flipping raw day and night
Tryna get my money right, naw I ain't living right
Fucking bitches all night, kick 'em out the next day
Everyday is pay day
Hit me with a half bring it back in two days
Living in Cali by the oceans
Condo got em open, long dick stroke em
I send 'em to the husband, he over there fussing
I'm over here fucking no loving
Puffing on heavenly, rock star 70's
Slim pants, ripped jeans, Jeremy Scott wings
Bucket hat on lean, counting up cream
Rolling on beans, disobedient with dreams
Tatted from neck to ear, bitches they want to stare
Macking with hoes as I pose
Hammer in my drawers, Henny out my pores, as I pour
Hit the blunt, 200 on the dash as I pass

Coke and white bitches
Just coke and white bitches

Snatch a nigga Carties off his face, no burner
Got a Eastside nigga that'll leave you on Vernor
Burberry belt, yo bitch wanna unbuckle it
Off of 2 lines, now she wanna suck on it
IPhone ringing and it's all about a profit
Coke and white bitches, nigga that's the topic
Smoking on them cookies, dropping ashes on the Balmain
Ain't talking 'bout hooping, when she say ball game
Drinking on a Tauca, bitch get naked
Told that ho to suck my dick, she said "give me a second"
The mothafuckin' bruiser put it all in your medula
Hit the poop shooter, shoot it on her soup cooler

Coke and white bitches
Just coke and white bitches

Nigga, cocaine connoisseur, white bitch carnivore
You can see I'm high, no need to ponder more
I put my nose to the straw and tear the condom off, I know I'm kinda off
Human bath salt, with a passport
And a cracker ho that give me what I ask for
It's a party, every bitch here named Molly
'til crazy ass Gunplay came and Tec Nined it
Just a thug on drugs, not doing much
So skeed up, man I can't even nut
Got the bitch jaw sore, ho can't even grub
Who got the hoes and the blow, I wanna know, hit me up

>> No.8725829

Examples please, I'm willing to hear you out but what rappers you referring too in particular? Also do you mean bets by most significant, or just the most widespread and influential?

>> No.8726086

There is a lot of crap rappers out there no doubt but some are gr8 like Eminem

>> No.8726125
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>/mu/ in 2016

They unironically think "21st Century Breakdown" is a good album. It's all kids over there now.

>> No.8726132
File: 100 KB, 549x542, 1328179695497.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got the powder, combine wit the powder, and water
It oughta, drop in a half and hour
In the, form of oil, watch the cocaine boil
Keep my eye on it so the shit won't spoil
Then I pause... and ask God why
Did he put me on this Earth, just so I could die
I sit back and build on, all the things I did wrong
Why I'm still breathin, and all my friends gone
I try not to dwell on the subject for a while
Cause I might get stuck in this corrupt lifestyle
But my, heart pumps foul blood through my arteries
And I can't turn it back it's a part of me
Too late for cryin, I'm a grown man strugglin
To reach the next level of life, without fumblin
Down to foldin I got no shoulder to lean on but my own
All alone in this danger zone
Time waits for no man, the streets grow worse
Fuck the whole world kid my money comes first
Cause I'm out for the gusto, and trust nobody
If you're not family, then you die by me
Cause niggas will have you locked up the snitch'll be your man
Givin police the run down on your plans
We're never goin down like that
So I, shut my mouth and hold my words back
Illegal business, forever mine, fuck payin taxes
The last kid that shitted and gave police access
To my blueprints, used names as evidence
Skipped town and I haven't seen the snitch nigga ever since
The moral of the story is easy to figure out
A lesson that you can't live without

>> No.8726142

>hip hop is dionysian

Hm, can you expand on that? Sounds plausible.

>> No.8726148
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>> No.8726154

Why not?
Oh yeah. No explanation because this post is just shit b8.

>> No.8726192


>> No.8726218

He's right though, those verses specifically are about as deep as a newspaper political comic strip.

>> No.8726228

>that the modern man can relate to and read
If the experiences you can relate to are confined by your age, you just ought to read more.

Also, I doubt you grew up in the inner city, so I'm going to guess the class divide is about as hard to cross as the epoch gap.

>> No.8726260
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>> No.8726415

Rap is a form. It's a piece of work to be called bad or good, really, it's a medium in the same way the novel form is. Like anything else there are polarities of bad and good. Vanilla Ice's existence doesn't invalidate rap as a form any more than James Patterson's does the novel form. Vox did some good videos that analyse the prosody of certain rap songs, whether or not Biggie's 'Hypnotize' is as ingenious a work of construction as Yeats' finest works is a false equivalence but that's not saying that it isn't ingenious in itself.

>> No.8726621

Get some standards, pretentious fuck.
Because it's not music or literature, it's garbage.
waaaaaah fucking WHITE MALE poetry is fuckign BOOOOOOOOOORING WHERES THE PUSSY

>> No.8726736


>> No.8726756


>> No.8726768


>> No.8726770

wow boyo!

>> No.8726839

>alt-right accuses BLM of taking one-off situations and framing them in their ideological mindset
>do the exact same thing except 100 times more hateful and retarded

>> No.8726890

>everybody who isn't a neo-puritan progressive is "alt-right"
>everybody who exposes neo-puritan hypocrisy is also a hypocrite, just like me

>> No.8726895


Who /memerap/ master race here?

>> No.8726928

One of my favorites has been a small section of Nas's verse on Wayne's Outro:

>... Track record, goes back to the Essence
>Smack adolescents who ask who the best is
>I'm nasty like gas from a fat man's intestines
>I pass it, you gaspin' for breath and you die fast
>Gut 'em like a gastric bypass
>But ya Nas advocates actors seemed to get typecast in the same role ...

It works great in the song because those first four lines are rapped quickly, not pausing at the end of a line for effect as you'd normally hear. The first three lines set up a nice rhythm of (referring to "IPA for English") "æ" sounds in the first half of the line and then "ɛ" for the second half; the rhythm breaks on the fourth line, and finally the section slows down, with "die fast."

Overall, my favorite rap tends towards assonance, although I also love the left-field metaphors of old school rap. I wouldn't consider rap (or any kind of lyric based music) as being poetry, though.

>> No.8726929


>> No.8727077

Once in a blue moon I hear something that's not unspeakably stupid drivel or rappers rapping about how well they can rap (which is weirdly the main theme of hip-hop lyrics: it hasn't really gotten over its street-boasting-competition roots), but not often enough to make me care about the genre at all. I'm sure it's very important, but I have no use for it.
Translation: we are better at rapping than other rappers and have money and women.
Translation: see above.
Heavy metal lyrics, basically: a step up, though.
Good. This is actually interesting.
And we're back to the shit again.

>> No.8727130
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The idea that rap is poetry is something that only serves to justify its existence to people that never wanted to like it in the first place.

This is evident in how uninspired and trite most "literary" hip hop is. Pic related is probably the gold standard for lyricism.

>> No.8727186


the richness of nas' lyrics on illmatic is incredible

>> No.8727223

Big L Lifestylez ov da Poor and Dangerous has an interesting title.

>> No.8727228

I think it is garbage, honestly. All of it.

>> No.8727317
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>stupid drivel or rappers rapping about how well they can rap

It's called braggadocio and it is a poetic convention. Really it varies so much among rappers--in some instances it really is just trite, repetitive boasting but in others it is pretty oblique and has more to do with reflexion on craft and meta-competition than literal bragging.

>> No.8727321
File: 20 KB, 300x350, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw actual Romans rap too

>> No.8727325

very much. hipster-hop is really bad and rap that aspires to justification or apologetics is generally rubbish

Nas is able to look critically things without becoming uninspired and over explanatory

>> No.8727333

yeah I'm right here

>> No.8727364

How do I feel about radio hip-hop? I think it's wack, most of the shit they play is straight garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage garbage

>> No.8727625

t. slumming suburbanite

>> No.8727876

It's not a poetic convention or term. The word does come from a Spenser character, but if rappers want to use "braggadocio" to describe their boasting, they should recall that the words refers to empty arrogant boasts, not to real claims.

>> No.8727922

Atmosphere is pretty /lit

Title refers to Maya Angelou, and I'm pretty sure it was inspired at least party by this passage from Romeo & Juliet:

JULIET ’Tis almost morning; I would have thee gone:
And yet no further than a wanton’s bird;
Who lets it hop a little from her hand,
Like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves,
And with a silk thread plucks it back again,
So loving-jealous of his liberty.
ROMEO I would I were thy bird
JULIET Sweet, so would I:
Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing.

"Bird Sings Why The Caged I Know"

It's the bird, it must have been the bird
Disgusting critter, it must
We should have known better then to trust
This disease infested ball of lust and carnage
Piece of garbage with wings and she has the guts to sing
Get the bird, catch her shoot her, I dont care
Get the bird, bring her down to the ground from out the air
Gotta tear her apart, let me at her first
Sink her to the level of the rest of us that inherit the earth

What's she thinking? does she really believe
That shes above the creatures that work the dirt and the streets
See her up in the tree, looking down at you and me
Like she's chosen over those who walk around on two feet
The bird, the melodys she play
The music she make, rubbing our faces in the feces of the daybreak
Trying to remind us, its time to awake
Antaganizing and instigating my hate
The chirps, I turn them into screams
My feathered friends end will justity the means
Disturbed, I'll grab her by her beak
And swing her in circles untill she's too dizzy to speak

Well I'll shake her from her branch, tear apart her nest
Break her skinny legs and fry her eggs up for breakfast
(she's a snake that can fly) she's just food for the fleas
She thinks she's better then me just because she's free?
I'll shake her from her branch, tear apart her nest
Break her skinny legs and fry her eggs up for breakfast
(she's a snake that can fly) she's just food for the fleas
She thinks she's better then me just because she's free?

My beautiful bird has gone away [x12]

>> No.8727928

I go down on a dyke
I go up on the price

>> No.8728076
File: 41 KB, 220x220, CZARFACE_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should check out czarface, it has that same sort of sound, heavy multimedia sampling, jazzy staccato instrumentals + heavy beats

it's put on by Inspectah Deck and features a great boston duo 7L and esoteric

>> No.8728108


she slide the dick in

>> No.8728131


I brought that genuine shit in '96
Before you knew the underground or independent existed
I watched the whole scene straight jump on the dick
After stepping to KCR lit and flexing my shit
No gun talk, no gimmicks, just rounds of raw-dogging
Dirty dusty intelligent wit and word murdering
A hardcore poetic informed without burglary
Potent and shook the shit out of rappers who just learned of me
Everytime I prescribe a new pill, revolution
Quickly defined the standard for indie rap distribution
Arrogant unafraid shit developed riding a train thinking of brain fucks
"Bad Touch Example" that soon became bucks
Had everybody sprung wondering where I came from
Screaming out "Independent as fuck" with an insane tongue
With an indelible squad of design monsters
Innovating the styles that made biters look like imposters
So we scripted an album and signed to Rawkus
Selling a hundred thousand without a radio chart hit
Preposterous sonics taking the world hostage
Classic hip-hop bombage dirty with style progress
Now I've come from the '80s juvenile Brooklyn
Where cats was like: "Gimme that subway pass, kid. Good lookin."
Now someone else is taking a ride with what's mine
So I had to develop styles with a death device cooked in
So when I battled in basements I had eight sentences
Waiting way before the four you had laced in
And I was taught to wait patient (Why?)
Only faggots make shit up just to get famous
So when I finally blew up I remained sick
Earning respect in ghettos and 'burbs for word placement
Back when the independent scene remained faceless
We were the only crew who promised your ass we'd take it
Mold it, shape it, living outside the matrix
Hold it, make it, more than miniature major labels
Hold it sacred, living it for the culture
Told ya plainly, protected it from the vultures
That's why I always get respect from true soldiers
While half of the critics claim it every year: "Hip hop's over."
FUCK YOU, hip hop just started
It's funny how the most nostalgic cats are the ones who were never part of it
But true veterans'll give dap to those who started it
Then humbly move the fuck on and come with that new retarded shit
New slang, new thought, new sound
Who's heart you thought you had?
You clown, you don't, you drown
I won't dumb it down, I'm dumbing now for these rounds
I'm a live mothefucker plus I'm gunning for clowns
You're a mime motherfucker, don't be coming for pounds
So you can break out of that invisible box, you're not down

>> No.8728140 [DELETED] 

>music from the 20&21st century
>using of unironically
>It's all kids over there now

>> No.8728148
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>you a menstrual cycle with flower pedals to a harley

what did he mean by this?

>> No.8728152

>music from the 20&21st century
>It's all kids over there now

>> No.8728171
File: 84 KB, 333x500, 39198_1571854573776_1157872547_31663366_5779158_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me bring you back to summer school, I'm working hard
People grinding everyday, but they don't understand my job
Came from soil where the roots are underestimated
Roses grow from concrete but don't nobody care to save them
I chose my own path, the worlds so uncertain now
People you grew up with, the first ones to bring you down
I made this song for anybody that relates it now
Anybody with a dream or anybody with a smile
I guarantee if you help another person out
You start to see yourself in the eyes of a new born child
Words is bond, so my writing like jail time
No watch, just life, I don't see the time

>> No.8728346
File: 101 KB, 1300x975, 23139074-Man-and-bald-scalp-standing-in-front-of-a-mirror-looking-at-another-with-hair-Stock-Photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like black people.

>> No.8728397

This is unironically smarter and more enjoyable than anything ever released by Kendrick Lamar

>> No.8729015

While I like this song, the lyrics are nothing special at all.

>> No.8729074

A middle schooler can write shit like that.

>> No.8729101

Cise Star is okay.

Crush a coal to a diamond, eyes forever shining
Your beauty alone inspire a nigga to rhyming
Thinking of the better things in life
Thinking of how I could persuade you to become my wife
Hand in hand as we floating over tropical sands
You my lady, I'm ya man
So let's further advance to the next scene
Me sleeping next to you resting
You the personification of all God's blessings
Coming to me in just one physical being
One physical dream that I wanna redeem
You're Voluptuous, sweet, caramel-brown honeydew
Satin skin smooth to the touch, what a nigga do
So sensual
Her smile like a chemical extract of perfection, rare mineral
She smell like a happy birthday on a Thursday
Quiet time, love, sleep in, I wake early

Honey brown with the long, black hair
Teasing me with a kiss and a stare
Slight touch and you taking me there
So fine and it just ain't fair
So beautiful and so damn rare

She's angelic and energetic, using sex as a weapon
I reckon that I'm confessing her body is just a blessing
From God down to Earth—she needs to be in a church
To prove we didn't spawn from fish, but God's work
Hurts to see her clothed ‘cause her body beholds
Secrets untold, valued like platinum and gold
For she is the key to open my mind to see
The energy that radiates from the gates of heavenly
Bliss. I reminisce over touch and a kiss
While you fucking a bitch, I go to make love to my miss
Never scandalous, it's unanimous that the hue will handle it
Lights off and candle-lit rooms and glamorous
Yo, I call you love, sexual—you look edible
Parallel, snuggle up close, intellectual
In a rendezvous, who is you in wrap hairdo
No makeup in jean shorts, open-toe shoe
I wanna hold you, mold ya soul, I behold you
Know you better than myself, never own you
But keep you, never leave you, I beseech you
God's gift to man is you wearin' a see-through
Riding Sea-Doos in Atlantic Ocean, causing commotion
Lay you down, going through the motions
Keep ya skin soft, lotions got me coasting
Down, pretty, round, brown thighs, the candles low-lit

>> No.8729221

>the modern man can relate to drug-dealing, homocides and drinking lean

>> No.8729229

!!!!!!!!!!!Aesop Rock!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8729554

Some clever wordplay here and there, but all in all rap is high school tier lyrics.

And it's very limited content wise, unless you go into really obscure stuff.

>> No.8729779

>Current Year
> Not Understanding that Kanye meant 300 in Roman numerals.
> CCC, Which stands for Cool, Calm, and Collected.

>> No.8729794

Uh, greasy grimy gopher guts
Poolside, O for 1 and don't forget spoons twice
Lukewarm folgers; mold on his moonpie
Rooms in his home that dissipate into fruit flies
Suicide lane wide load ride looting in the wake of an amicable marooning
My duty go from moving in packs to sharing food with a cat
To Mom "It's me, I accidentally sawed a woman in half"
She said "I'll keep you in my prayers," I said "I need to hide a body"
She said "Ok, honey, talk to you on Friday"
Apparently we share a common plasma so the growing disconnection doesn't matter, according to the blood-and-water chapter
Weird, who wrote the blood-and-water chapter anyway?
Probably some surly dad, only child, 30 cats
Looking for a way to reconnect with an averted past
Except it doesn't always work like that

>> No.8729997

Not a form of literature. It's not very good musically either, save for a few exceptions. Still far from reaching the level of expression found in classical/romantic/baroque etc

>> No.8730465

Wow. Enjoy your music grandpa

>> No.8731238

Futurist music was the apex of music.


>> No.8731257

>fug nigga muh stab in the ass
>fug nigga muh shot in the ass
>fug nigga muh crack in the ass

>> No.8732265

>They unironically think "21st Century Breakdown" is a good album

>> No.8732276
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>> No.8732282
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>> No.8732288
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>> No.8732293
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>> No.8732294

only built for cuba links is so much better than liquid swords, white hipsters and anime black kids who were 4 years old in the 90s like cuz of the cartoon cover but cuban links is the realest nyc album ever done, also why no one recognizes iron man by ghost face? those three are like a trilogy, they all the same vibe and in my opinion cuban link is best, iron man is next and liquid swords is actually the worst of the three but still good

>> No.8732298

people who think liquid swords is the best "weren't there" and "didn't live it" and just get they hiphop second hand from music blogs

>> No.8732300
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>> No.8732304
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>> No.8732787

>[Big L:]

Yo once again it's the Big L, that kid who got much props
From killin corrupt cops, with motherfuckin buck shots
So don't step to this, cause I got a live crew
You might be kinda big but they make coffins yo' size too
I was taught wise, I'm known to extort guys
This ain't Cali, it's Harlem nigga we do walkbys
No one can match me, tax me or wax me
If you want me to write you some raps G just ask me
Cause on the shelf is where your LP cold stood
Because it was no good, that shit ain't even go wood
I'm not the type to take sluts out, I just fuck they guts out
Get my nuts out, then break the fuck out
Me being a virgin, that's idiotic
Cause if Big L got the AIDS every cutie in the city got it
Once a nigga tried to stick me for six G's
And I put more holes in his ass than swiss cheese

>> No.8732860

my man

>> No.8732879

>Liking nigger music

>> No.8732887
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This album has great lyrics and a great message that was really inspiring to me at a certain point when I was trying to decide what to do with my life.

Idk if that's valid or worth anything, but maybe give it a listen if you haven't. It's a little on the nose with it's message but his rhymes are usually good enough you can overlook that.

>> No.8733122
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I want to start writing. Give me some examples how not to. Bring it on. I'm ready.
Also any tips ?

>> No.8733135

shit nigger wrong thread.

>> No.8733357

>not liking hip hop

>> No.8733384

What are /lit/'s thoughts about On GP?

I'm fucking tired of all the perks
I've tried nothing, everything works
For less I'm worth, I've served my bid
All fuck life wasn't what it is
All fuck life was just a bridge
I seen some free landed some tricks
Far I see high time man quit
Won't let you know when I get goin
Phone ring too long

Phone ring too long, I'm probably gone
Ring tone jingle my swan song
I'll show you how to leave well enough alone
I'm not this world this on cue world
I fall back, concoct new worlds
I fall out in throbbing swirls
I fall until I stop this world
I fall the fuck off this world
I live down the street from you've noticed me, I've never seen you
Wonder what the fuck I do
Listen up, you nosy bitch, listen close
My most recent purchase, old black rope
Gonna learn how to tie it, hang it in my chamber
Perfect reminder occult I'm made of
Come try it out whenever you wanna
Last night, 3:30 in the morning, Death on my front porch
Can feel him itching to take me with him, hail death, fuck you waiting for
Like a question no one mention, he turns around, hands me his weapon
He slurs, "Use at your discretion, it's been a pleasure, Stefan"
Head on like dead, on like grey
Death in your way, not in my way, I got my way
I was in my way, crept out my way, kept out my way
I'm on one like bae you're on your way, way, way, way

I'm fucking tired of all the perks
I've tried nothing, everything works
For less I'm worth, I've served my bid
All fuck life wasn't what it is
All fuck life was just a bridge
I seen some free landed some tricks
Far I see high time man quit
Won't let you know when I get goin
Phone ring too long

Don't you worry, impossible for anything to be a big deal
I'm in no weary, my vital post dated but clearly been ages since life had appeal
Far more than fascination my second nature chant kill cause I can
This body by my own hands
My friends and family won't understand
So I stay in the end, don't make none to me
If wasn't for them, I'd make that decision on GP
Had to do it all again, I'd make that decision on GP
All the nights I don't die for you
Wouldn't believe how many nights I ain't died for you on GP
Not that I care, I'd be a liar if I sat here claiming I'd exit in a minute
But I can't say I wouldn't I have my limits

>> No.8733402

WOW you all have garbage taste

If the lyrics ITT were the only hip hop songs I've ever head I would think hip hop is garbage too

Have some jay electronica, the thinking man's rapper:

She say she never fell in love with a Superman
Christian, Muslim, Protestant, Lutheran
I told her that being a mortal is the portal
To the true nature of growth; the Christlike Buddha man
That's why I never spit the traditional garbage of a knife fight
Bright lights, white ice to the fans
The radio is just a stereo, like a house ain't a home
And a chair is just a chair, ask Luther Van
Go to work; go to church let your dreams die
Bow tie, Final Call, and a bean pie
Yarmulke for Hanukkah, wish list for Christmas
This is the gist of the life that we lead, why?
So you can fit in, with the closed-minded in the sit-ins
And get clothes-lined in the ed-end
I could care less about a plaque and Bid-enz
And gettin' Punked on TV by my friends
Don't get a nigga wrong
I get tempted by the rewards that all come along with making nigga songs
But what does it mean if I'm a Muslim and you a Jew
And because of that alone we don't get along
And when you talk like this, and try to walk like this
The radio stations'll never put a nigga on
Just Mims, just 50, just Wayne, just Jeezy
Dem Franchize Boyz, and Jimmy Jones
Fuck that, fuck rap this god-hop
Kingdom music for the hard rocks
I'mma spit it 'til TRL get it and Hot 97 hit a nigga with a bomb drop
Ask Flex, ask Slay, ask Whoo Kid
Just Blaze said Jay is the new kid
I took Eternal Sunshine and I looped it
No drums no hook just new shit
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

>> No.8733717

Danny Brown is the best rapper alive right now with the best lyrics.

Fight me 1v1 if you think otherwise.

>> No.8733831

and he's white, who would have guessed!

>> No.8734162
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Watching 4chan autists ((((((((((discuss))))))))))) hip hop is like watching obese people discuss fitness

>> No.8734190

Rap is music and has merit as an art form just as literature or poetry does. It's not as if empirical artistry can be measured but personally I ascribe most cultural value to classical music and almost none to rap music. It's not that I don't understand the genre -because I can see why people enjoy it-or that I think it isn't music(because I do), but to me it is worthless.

>> No.8734199

Anyone wanna write a libretto for my neo classical opera? Down with nigger music

>> No.8734304

So you just see music as a way scrounge up a little extra class status. It must suck to have so little cultural capital that you need to base your decisions on what is mistakenly believed by you to offer you slight bumps in the eyes of other [those you mistakenly perceive as being able to assess and attribute value]

>> No.8734484

Enjoy poverty and jail time, nigger.
Fucking americans.

>> No.8735379
