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8722341 No.8722341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

is existential authenticity possible?

is it possible to KNOW someone in ontological reality, beyond your own psychological interpretation?

phenomenologically, are other people always only your impressions and expectations of them?

how do you reconcile the notion that you can never truly KNOW someone?

is recognition of this tragedy of the human condition and communication, as authentically as we can the only way out?

>> No.8722351

random words blah blah blah blah

>> No.8722427

Nah you can't ever know someone you just need to leap of faith sometimes and act like you do

>> No.8722582

just wait until the singularity

we're getting there

our great quest for >muh human connection will get us there. ironically we will no longer be human by that point

>> No.8722587
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Of course a weeb loser would make a post this dumb

>> No.8722591

Not until we are all connected to some type of neuro-cyber map technology that allows us to completely understand the mind of each and every human. No more privacy, but not more lies.

>> No.8722594

You retards need to read more if you think Le Science xD is a solution to this issue

>> No.8722595


dude nothing's really real it's liek wear in matricks.

>> No.8722600


What else but technology created through science could allow us to ever have such a thing?

>> No.8722605

Because it assumes the self is knowable to begin with you fucking mongoloid
Get out of here, seriously you belong on reddit

>> No.8722638
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And you're assuming the self is this magical entity and not a mere expression of our biology, which can be modeled in a computer for translation.


Why do you assume ''the self'' is not knowable? What's with all the insults?

>> No.8722649

Are the konosuba lns alright or should I read the manga

>> No.8722650

so what exactly do you model in order to understand "the self"? where do you even start?

>> No.8722663

>And you're assuming the self is this magical entity

I'm not, but I'm sure any concept a step above pop-science is magic to you

For real, out, get out

>> No.8722674


I would continue compiling data of brain activity with scans, not only the from visual cortex to attempt to create a model of letters, but other parts of the brain that deal with emotion too. Maybe this model could become complex enough where you would be able to translate what someone feels or sees (mental image) into words that we can read or maybe colors.

This would get us a very basic program with little practical value, but that could change in the future if we find a way to communicate data to the world, from our brains straight into a machine and vice-versa. (Imagine being able to have your computer create a direct translation into a music making software of the music you hear in your head).

I am not a scientist, this much is clear. But it doesn't seem to me like such a crazy idea.

>> No.8722678


>I'm not, but I'm sure any concept a step above pop-science is magic to you

So? We are not competing for a professor job in Academia, this is a 4chan thread, buddy. What's got your jimmies in such a rustle?

>> No.8722684

Because you by being here bring the quality of discussion down, either lurk more or leave altogether if you have any sense of respect for intellectual discourse. Just shut the fuck up, don't even reply to this for Christ sake, there's no fucking point I'm doing this for your sake as much as everyone elses shut the fuck up shut fhe fuck up

>> No.8722688
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No one in this thread is even discussing anything, even less you, which the only thing you've contributed so far is mere insults. You you claim to have respect for intellectual discourse? Please.

You're being ridiculous.

>> No.8722695

But he's right you fucking faggot, you dismiss his argument as "magic" and flip flop when your own credibility is called into question

>> No.8722700

Come home /v/eddit man

>> No.8722711


I didn't dismiss his argument because he has made none. I did assume he might believe the self to have ''magical'' properties, which I apologize for.



>> No.8722718

whoa there, don't group us in with him, we have some standards.

>> No.8722720

You're a pleb, you're a good for nothing no talent piece of shit. You couldn't even comprehend an argument if it was given to you. Lurk more and maybe you'll learn

>> No.8722725

to be honest, i never go on lit for just this reason, people here are assholes or idiots and don't seem to want a conversation. you seem rather intelligent to me on this subject and even posted links.

They're not wrong though, you're looking in the wrong place for an intelligent conversation.

them telling you go out and lurk is like a hillybilly saying "come back when you're stupud"

>> No.8722738


>> No.8722741
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Alight buddy, thanks for the productive discussion and the laugh.

>> No.8722753

Yeah post a stupid little gif, you little pimp. Go learn to read. Go learn to read. You're dense. You can't even carry a fucking thought. I don't care you got your little pop science links. It doesn't mean you know how to think. You're dense. I've read classically, I'm read contemporaneously, and you suck

>> No.8722756


Try reading the label of your medication next, I think you're misusing it.

>> No.8722790


I am not intelligent in the topic at all, but I would still appreciate some interesting discussion that didn't merely boil down to insults.

Oh well, hopefully someone both knowledgeable and willing to enlighten us a bit will come by later on.

>> No.8722809

>Oh well, hopefully someone both knowledgeable and willing to enlighten us a bit will come by later on.

Oh yeah sure and who the hell do you think you are? Who the hell do you think you are? You any kind of thinker? Anybody know who you are? Maybe ANYBODY ELSE WOULD enjoy the piece and quiet in this thread. This is one of the most important places on the internet. Who are you? Who are you! You miserable presumptuous no-talent. You're no intellectual. An intellectual respects the silence that serves the foundation of creativity. You obviously don't have the talent.

>> No.8722827
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>OP makes a good post trying to engender some real discussion about the philosophical concept of the self
>/lit/ autists, in lieu of discussing, insult his intelligence and fling shit at each other like inept monkeys

this board sucks because there is so much angst and insecurity in each of you that your only avenue of expression is to lash out

>> No.8722832


>how do you reconcile the notion that you can never truly KNOW someone?

Loads of opiates tbqhwy famalamadingdong.

>> No.8722852
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doesn't sound like you read much at all or you wouldn't say this

this all day

why do people feel the need to shit up a perfectly fucking interesting thread just to make themselves feel better? the more i see people trying to make themselves look good at op's expense the more i realize op is correct to ask this question. racking up cynicism points is edgelord to the max. enjoy being triggered you cunts

i don't have anything else to contribute except this
>inb4 yeah we know, etc
>tfw this fucking planet

>> No.8722904

>le neuroscience xD
kys all of you.

>> No.8722927

This, fucking hell pseuds

>> No.8722930
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I get it now. Thank you.