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872110 No.872110 [Reply] [Original]

Go to any teen book section and half of the books are Twilight knockoffs aka "supernatural romance".

Has anyone ever tried any of them? Are any of them any good? I want to buy a book for my cousin, and she is a Twilight fan (uh oh in before nerd rage). And I want to get her one of these but I don't want to be the book equivalent of the clueless gramma who buys her kid a knockoff because it all looks the same to her.

>> No.872275


>> No.872311


Fuck them all, they should all burn in hell.

If you have to go down the vampire route go for Anne Rices early stuff.

>> No.872315

supernatural romance? idealisation of romance? that happened a long time ago with women i thought

>> No.872319

Popular series include Vampire Diaries, House of Night, and Vampire Kisses

Off the top of my head. Never opened any of them, but that's what people buy.

However, if she doesn't have them already, I might suggest "The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner," the new pile of waste Meyer calls a novella, or "The Host," her 'adult' novel.

>> No.872325


It's more the "vampire romance" route but I'll check it out anyway.


Maybe the idealization of romance, but I am pretty sure the fact that there are a ton of them in the teen section (all starring vampire) has something to do with Twilight. 5 years ago it was all about Harry Potter.

>> No.872326

don't read books about vampires. They have always been full of emo faggotry. If you absolutely must make sure it goes for the horror jugular and not the romance jugular.

>> No.872328
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I heard this one was good.

>> No.872329


Thanks I'll look those guys up too.

>> No.872338


She wants "a romance story" and I figure the vampire stuff in the teen section is better than the millions of random romances written for housewives.

>> No.872358

there have got to be a million romance books that aren't bad at all

love in a time of cholera
pride and prejudice
wuthering heights
number 9 dream

there are even tolerable trashy romances by people like danielle steele

vampire is code for emo garbage written by an author with the mentality of a 14 year old boy with "I'm such a special snowflake that no one understands" syndrome