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8717626 No.8717626 [Reply] [Original]

itt: write your suicide note

>> No.8717632
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marion le pen sat on my face
and now i'm going to die
if marion le pen never sat on your face
then i guess you'll never know why

>> No.8717635

hasty blues: lesser mourn

>> No.8717639
File: 45 KB, 545x511, 1478922694836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there goes dat boi

>> No.8717642

fugg :DD

>> No.8717651

I've exhausted all the time I can pulling on my pecker. Bye I guess

>> No.8717752

Leave the fur on.

>> No.8717885

So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish.

>> No.8717886

Stay thirsty my friends

>> No.8717895

No funeral.

>> No.8717898


>> No.8717918


>> No.8717920

The fate of destruction is the joy of rebirth

>> No.8717925

I'm tired of joy and beauty. Adios assholes

>> No.8717932

rubba dub dub thanks for the grub

>> No.8717940

"well.. this was shitty"

>> No.8717958

I'd just assure my family that I love them. Everything beyond that'd be pathetic and pretentious.

>> No.8717968


>> No.8717971

Fuck you, mom.

>> No.8717973

do you really think it's pretentious to write down your thoughts before you stop existing forever?

>> No.8717989


>> No.8717991

How could you stop existing "temporarily" — seems kind of superfluous.

>> No.8717994

deuces lmao

>> No.8718003

you're right, i guess i just said it for emphasis or something

>> No.8718004

When u go to sleep

>> No.8718006

I love everyone i'd be expected to love, but i don't care about them. having been raised by anti-social alcoholics i am an anti-social alcoholic. i'm all highs and lows, no middle ground. i don't feel comfortable around my friends or family and i don't have the time or money to get the medical care necessary to socialize myself. obviously, my parents weren't prepared to raise a decent human being. on top of that my ex could have me thrown in jail and put on a list i don't want to be on any time she pleases, and she'd be right to do so. i am fucked up, i have fucked up, and like a japanese arcade game, you can't do well in life if you aren't good at it to begin with. i don't have a life, i don't have any social obligations, i don't have any value, the expense of raising my value isn't cost effective, so i'm leaving. do whatever you want with my shit. use the money in my bank account to pay for whatever you chose to do with my body, but do not have a funeral, do not have a memorial service of any kind. do not have a memorial service of any kind.

>> No.8718007

(This page intentionally left blank)

>> No.8718014

>> No.8718021

Way to one-up me, fag

>> No.8718027

"I hate this living hell even more than I love you all; and so, I welcome the great nothing, happier than I ever was. Do not mourn for me, do not weep for me; I'm quite full of doing that for myself."

idk it's quite pretentious and needs some work but I probably won't kill myself for another couple of years so I've time to develop it a little

>> No.8718040

Also, I suppose a truly authentic suicide note is composed in that storm before the calm of death, so it can't be planned so far ahead really

>> No.8718046

>boo hoo hoo mommy and daddy drank and so it's not my fault I'm shit.
This meme needs to stop.

>> No.8718047


Death is nothing, therefore no wavelength exists.

>> No.8718058

I know where you're coming from, I just used the word 'calm' in contrast to the whirlwind of emotion that comes with being suicidal, idk

>> No.8718063

I mean that I personally see peace and calm in that nothing

>> No.8718287


I fucked a horse once. It was alright.

>> No.8718291


If I could explain this I wouldn't need to do it. Sorry.

>> No.8718341


I haven't been happy a day in my life.

Sorry Derrick

>> No.8718346

... for a noble life is a rehearsal for death.

>> No.8718372
File: 124 KB, 700x469, James Ensor -- Skeletons Fighting Over a Pickled Herring, 1891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never figured it out, and never wanted to give myself to something arbitrary.

Sorry. I wish there was more to say.
As an aside, I once OD'd on amphetamines and was running around freaking out and only managed to write one thing "so many things left undone"

Meh, it's all boring, isn't it?

>> No.8718464

Already done desu:

'I got too bored for too long. None of you are at fault.'

>> No.8718539

Asked /b/ for advice on how to fix my computer and they said "kys." Hopefully this works

>> No.8718540

To be clear, I'm not doing it any time soon. But if another three or more year stretch comes where absolutely nothing can hold my attention, stimulate or entertain me, I've got it ready.

>> No.8718566

My "morality" got me to the point where anything I want for myself feels morally wrong. I'm a slave to my environment and the people around me. Can't blame anyone except myself, so this is the only way out.

>> No.8718581
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>> No.8718643

i'm sorry

>> No.8718652

my memes can now forever be dreams

>> No.8718654

I wouldn't write one, what's the point?

>> No.8718656

Finally, on behalf of all of 4chan, I declare all tripfags must die.

>> No.8718660

"Which one of you did this?"

>> No.8718725

I never felt human.

>> No.8718728

I'll be back.

>> No.8718729

Being so insecure that you worry about what people are going to think after you die.
Jesus, grow a pair

>> No.8718737

I could never live up to what my father deserved as a child. I'm sorry. I forgive all and from all ask forgiveness. Don''t gossip too much.

>> No.8718742

Bury me in my blue jacket, yellow vest and leather breeches.

>> No.8718743

It's time for the ULTIMATE MEME

>> No.8718758

leaving a note is for posers

>> No.8718938

I was working in the lab, late one night
When my eyes beheld an eerie sight
For my monster from his slab, began to rise
And suddenly to my surprise

He did the mash, he did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
He did the mash, it caught on in a flash
He did the mash, he did the monster mash

From my laboratory in the castle east
To the master bedroom where the vampires feast
The ghouls all came from their humble abodes
To get a jolt from my electrodes

They did the mash, they did the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
They did the mash, it caught on in a flash
They did the mash, they did the monster mash

The zombies were having fun
The party had just begun
The guests included Wolfman,
Dracula, and his son

The scene was rockin', all were digging the sounds
Igor on chains, backed by his baying hounds
The coffin-bangers were about to arrive
With their vocal group, 'The Crypt-Kicker Five'

They played the mash, they played the monster mash
The monster mash, it was a graveyard smash
They played the mash, it caught on in a flash
They played the mash, they played the monster mash

Out from his coffin, Drac's voice did ring
Seems he was troubled by just one thing
Opened the lid and shook his fist and said
"Whatever happened to my Transylvania Twist? "

It's now the mash, it's now the monster mash
The monster mash, it was graveyard smash
It's now the mash, it caught on in a flash
It's now the mash, it's now the monster mash

Now everything's cool, Drac's a part of the band
And my Monster Mash is the hit of the land
For you, the living, this mash was meant too
When you get to my door, tell them Boris sent you

Then you can mash, then you can monster mash
The monster mash, and do my graveyard smash
Then you can mash, you'll catch on in a flash
Then you can mash, then you can monster mash

>> No.8719090
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>> No.8719206

Oh fugg, it's so beautiful I'm tearing up,

>> No.8719247


>> No.8719522
File: 119 KB, 305x392, F5DDD799-0AE6-46A4-ABDC-2BC5DDBA9DBE-1702-000000E481CFE8BF_tmp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually wrote one in MS Word the other day, but I deleted it because my friend talked me out of killing myself. I live in NYC, and my plan was to jump in front of a subway train that just pulled into the station.
I was going to make multiple copies of my note and drop them on the platform just before jumping; prime material for the media to talk about 24/7
I wondered about being psychoanalyzed or something. I even called the Suicide Prevention hotline, but it didn't help.
Um, now I'm infatuated with her, I guess. Any advice, /lit/?

>> No.8719535

NYC Fag here,
People who jump in front of subways are the worst. It's assholes like you who clog up the system, and make people late. Just jump off a fucking bridge or tall building of something. It's fine to kill yourself, but you don't have to inconvenience a ton of commuters when you do it.

>> No.8719541


>> No.8719546

>Any advice, /lit/?

Yes, Kys.

>> No.8719554

ayy lmao

>> No.8719559

>copy+pastes Infinite Jest

>> No.8719562
File: 84 KB, 480x369, 2E1EF837-8372-4085-A26D-638E4DAFB90F-1583-0000016D76FA98D0_tmp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I'll try not to be "that guy" when I do it
Thank you for the advice! :3

>> No.8719569


>> No.8719581

Please don't look in my closet.

>> No.8719616

"Moving on is a simple thing
What it leaves behind is hard
You know the sleeping feel no more pain
And the living are scarred"

>> No.8719617

It's not your fault.

>anon's dragon dildo collection is discovered

>> No.8719659
File: 114 KB, 624x415, le shrimp face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the ass was a nigger on the faggot jew shiti poop puss piss poopy puff giddy upp butt slutt

>> No.8720260

Who is the artist of gifrelated?

>> No.8720274


Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey.
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey.
Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey.
A kiddley divey too, wooden shoe.

If the words sound queer and funny to your ear, a little bit jumbled and jivey,
Sing Mares eat oats, and does eat oats, and little lambs eat iiiiiiiiiiiiiivyyyyy.


>> No.8720287

We're all already dead
Some of us just need to realize it

>> No.8720306

If somebody read this, they would no longer feel bad for your edgy dead teenaged ass. Disgusting

>> No.8720321

I've had enough.

No Heavenly choirs. None for me and none for you.

I'm sorry.

>> No.8720331
File: 14 KB, 480x270, LHR4ANm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

might have a bit of a hang myself if I'm honest lads hahaha

>> No.8720332

Fuck all these pussy bitches apologizing in their suicide notes. Dying like you lived, a meek coward. If you're going to go out, go out with principle and dignity, not like sniveling cockroaches. Die a beautiful death

>> No.8720342
File: 3 KB, 96x125, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only one enemy remained; two, if you counted God.

>> No.8720355

"I'm sorry everyone. It's not your fault. I was browsing /lit/ and saw a thread with a bunch of lonely nihilist special snowflakes making the edgiest fucking thread I've ever seen about suicide notes. It's so bad that I have to kill myself with a brick so that I can stop cringing. Please donate my TB hard drive of gay porn and Trump memes to charity for me."

>> No.8720357
File: 321 KB, 640x360, A man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy... I want more.

>> No.8720362

if they're your genuine thoughts, maybe not. Every 'suicide note' I've ever read on lit has reeked of wanting to impress whomever would eventually read it, which is not only pretentious but also incredibly absurd as the writer will be too dead to soak up the attention. People like this are pathetic because they evidently haven't even realized what a finality death is, and are still trying to project their egos into the nonexistent afterlife

>> No.8720373

>Only one enemy remained; two, if you counted God.
really? because I just did a google search, and that line is one that some faggot has been boasting about as the first line of his 'novel' on both 4chan and reddit for months. What a vain faggot he is indeed

>> No.8720376

*tips fedora*

>> No.8720383

better than apologizing like a little cretin as your last effort on earth

>> No.8720446
File: 52 KB, 564x704, 1478717334662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you need to write a note your reasons are illegitimate

>> No.8720461

I was murdered

>> No.8720471

All will pass into the Machine. This was just a warm-up, see you all at the starting line.

>> No.8720486

It wasn't me.

>> No.8720512

The cake was a lie

>> No.8720517

you just wrote a note

>> No.8720520


>> No.8720542


"It was the butler in the drawing room with the candlestick."

>> No.8720559

"Follow my example."

>> No.8720671

the media wont mention shit to prevent similar dramatic/attention seeking deaths. Might as well live and be melodramatic about it

>> No.8720709

I hate every ape I see
From chimpan-a to chimpan-z,
No, you'll never make a monkey out of me.

>> No.8720800

I can't connect with other people and I'll die alone.

>> No.8721719

Have you tried not being insufferable?

>> No.8721737

I was God. I hated a limitless life and tried instead a limited one. I hated it, too. Very soon I will die for the last time.

Ha-ha, just kidding, but that would be pretty cool, right?

Not kidding about killing myself tho.


>> No.8721752

Q. U. A. L. I. T. Y

>> No.8721757
