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8717006 No.8717006[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that depict the struggles of the modern-day white man?

>> No.8717007

im gay

>> No.8717013

The Art of the Deal.

>> No.8717015


Damn, Greg sounds like a cool guy.

>> No.8717020

infinite jest
white noise
been down so long it looks like up to me
don quixote seems kinda relevant in a sense

fucking i dont know

>> No.8717021

go back to your echo chamber named /pol/

>> No.8717023

Das Kapital

>> No.8717046

>the struggles of the modern-day white man

>> No.8717130


exactly. it's because of microaggressions like this thread that are the reason i have panic attacks and ptsd. this is a diverse board, unless you are a white male in which case get out.

>> No.8717149

this is what /pol/ is afraid of being. the distance between a /pol/lack and your average beta male polyamorous game developer is vanishingly small. That's why they gotta define themselves against it so obsessively. The same applies for the reverse. At the core there's the same vacuum and fear of oneself and the world

>> No.8717154
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Only a white person could shoot themselves on the way to a game of tennis, and I don't mean that as a disparagement.

>> No.8717224

>At the core there's the same vacuum and fear of oneself and the world
Good thing us patricians are above that shit

>> No.8717231

i don't know but fuck you GET OUT OF MY COUNTRY

>> No.8717233
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>tfw you have a moment of complete seriousness, where all the memes and jokes and contrasting ideologies all bleed away, and for just a second you realize the simple, unironic truth: thank fucking GOD I'm white and male
>tfw every other race and gender has to deal with at least some kind of inferiority and a long history of failure and general sucking

>> No.8717234
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Look at these Tumblr tier responses.

>> No.8717240

I think the alt right is the true punk rock of our times. In an aggresively antiwhite marxist-globalist world we are the true underdogs. The shrieking irrational ethnomasochists sjws, the homosexuals and the blue haired obese harpies are the establishment now. the fashy goys are the counterculture. The 60s counterculture won and now, the true rebels are those who still dare to be straight, white, lack mental illness or sexual perversion and feel no shame of it

>> No.8717259

I fucking despise both people on the sides of the "political correctness" argument. Do the world a favor and exterminate yourselves.

>> No.8717269
File: 201 KB, 1280x1109, Quot+all+of+you+are+hypocritical+and+hate+filled+pieces+of+_f2f35124a80a6becd4ae3da29e3b7bcd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is you

>> No.8717274

What puts you above the argument?

>> No.8717282

>If I criticize something I must be part of what I criticize

>> No.8717301

Well yeah, either you suffer from that void yourself or you don't. That involves everyone including you.

>> No.8717333

how the fuck do you "dare to be white"? you cant change your ethnicity either way.

>> No.8717354

I once read a book about the very strange tale of two men who drove a car into the far seashore and never got back. As they drove, and as they drove they went very fast and drunk, they found a little mermaid, and the mermaid asked them:

Shall I sing?

And they said:


And the mermaid sang a song about seagulls and the wintry nights of cold Christmas eve and the snowy chills of Everest's lands, and the two men were delighted, and as delighted they were, they fell asleep, and their bodies arose in somnambulistic trance and drove themselves into the sea, where the mermaid sang. The mermaid grabbed them both and impregnated herself with their seed, and took them down to the bottom of the seas. They drowned, and now lay buried in the Mermaid's aquatic graveyard for Earthly Impregnators.
The sons of the mermaid where crabbish mermen, and they never learnt of their fathers.

But I remember there was something about white men and depression. I think it was a talk they had in the car, they were listening to Nirvana at some point also.

>> No.8717357

This is a nice opportunity for you writers. There are no good novel on the struggle of the white straight man in the west.

I think maybe something like American Psycho which criticizes the yuppies.

>> No.8717361

Dare to be white in the sense of assuming one's identity unapologetically and refusing to grovel like a slave to people who hate you and are actively working against your racial interests.

In this society for a white man to be proud of his blood is a revolutionary act.

>> No.8717367

Just listen to Death Grips, nigga

>> No.8717373

>white man
pick one

>> No.8717375



>> No.8717502
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yep you're right. Every white man lives the life of a fucking Kennedy. We all lounge around by our pools lazily ignoring the daily profit report from our Micronesian sweatshops while we spit on the nigger maids who are bringing us our fifth bloody mary at 10:30 am.

That's every single white male. All of them

>> No.8717517

my fucking diary desu

>> No.8717521
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Hi gay

>> No.8717523

do you really have a diaryy???why

>> No.8717527

Woah, I think you might be exaggerating a little there. I'm not all that rich and happy myself, and I'm white. If you are as spoiled as you sound, maybe try not being so self-absorbed and looking at the world and others for once.

>> No.8717543

Trump has leftists more butthurt than free helicopter rides.

>> No.8717547
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Pinochet is based patrician. Look at that cape, so fashy!

>> No.8717548
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>> No.8717550
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i thought gravity's rainbow did a pretty good job

>> No.8717557


The point is white men as an overarching demographic don't have problems. On an individual basis of course some white men have problems, but there's no blanket threat to Spaniards, Brits, Russians and white Americans in this world

>> No.8717559

So you hate freedom as much as oppression?

Sounds like you may be the type to provide for a child that isn't your offspring.

>> No.8717575
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>maybe try not being so self-absorbed and looking at the world and others for once.

damn right again, everyone else''s problems are much more valid and important than my own. Forgive me for the unforgivable sin of speaking of issues that affect me. I'll get back in line for the sacrificial alter of progressiveness.

>> No.8717586

>but there's no blanket threat to Spaniards, Brits, Russians and white Americans in this world
Yes there is: Angry brown people and their leftist enablers.

>> No.8717598
File: 151 KB, 612x371, progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the continuing struggle to drag the other races kicking and screaming into civilization despite their constant whining over nonproblems and attempts to drag him down

engineering, science and finance text books, maybe also the history of famous engineers and businessmen, currently reading the meaning of it all by Feynman

>> No.8717606

>white men as an overarching demographic don't have problems
>broad generalizations are completely unacceptable in current year(TM) unless they are made about white men

For a moment could you pretend to have self awareness. Imagine what you would call me if I asserted that the huge uptick in crime in Germany caused by migrants means that the overarching demographics of migrants are prone to crime


>> No.8717618

>marxist-globalist world

>> No.8717646

/pol/s' diaries desu

>> No.8717654


>> No.8717692

If by modern you mean contemporary, and by which you mean your masculinity is under threat by hyperfeminism and are pressured to apologize for being white, well, there aren't any popular books like that out there out of fear of being scrutinized because we closer than ever to being 451 society because everyone is offended by everything nowadays.


>> No.8717700

This can't be real.

>> No.8717703

>What are some books that depict the struggles of the modern-day white man?

Pick any number of books based on the oppression of white gay men. You're welcome.