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8716995 No.8716995 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a name for people who always give themselves the possibility of backpedaling whenever they speak by invoking irony or sarcasm? Even worse, people who fully accept praise when they happen to be taken seriously but were otherwise prepared to throw their words down the toilet at the slightest hint of discord.

>> No.8717002


>> No.8717003

>Is there a name for people who always give themselves the possibility of backpedaling whenever they speak by invoking irony or sarcasm?
4chan posters

>> No.8718494

Democratic men

>> No.8718506

>muh I'm so superior because I'm a real human bean and everyone is scared of TRUE connection, unlike me. I'm a true wise man.

>> No.8718511
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>I'm so superior because of how self aware I am ,,like these guys are soooo dum they don't no I'm being irony bro!

>> No.8718516

I don't know OP, I'd definitely never do such a thing

>> No.8718520
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>>8716995 (OP)
I haven't said or felt a single authentic thing since about 1996. I don't have any real position on anything. I tell people I support Trump; I tell people I support Clinton. I call people niggers ironically. I speak out against racism ironically.

Come at me, faggot.

>> No.8718521


Opportunist or hypocrite

>> No.8718545

You're deeply hurt anon.

>> No.8718551

For a long time this was me as well but
>>8718545 is right. You can't just keep avoiding the deep issues beneath by making a joke out of everything, eventually the wall of irony will crumble and you'll have nothing to protect you from the flood.

>> No.8718552


>> No.8718557

We call them presocratics 'round these parts

>> No.8718565

I'm somewhat the same. My beliefs have become chameleonic. Not so much because I'm a pussy lacking in conviction but because I've become convinced that reality is irreducibly complex and nobody understands anything about anything.

>> No.8718568

Yeah, right, hosers. I'm nearly 30. I'm pretty sure I've got this irony thing down. Even if it were to fail me, it would only be be failing ironically.

>> No.8718578

Also, you seem to presuppose the existence of "deep issues." Maybe you had deep issues. I ain't got none.

>> No.8718590

isn't this one of the core factors of postmodernism?

>> No.8719072

I'm sorry, anon, I didn't mean to push you. If you're not ready to face your issues yet, then that's totally okay.

>> No.8719157

boring people