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8716438 No.8716438 [Reply] [Original]

“Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character, and it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man.”

>> No.8716455

wtf=? Im a vegan now!!

>> No.8716458

I've been a vegan for 4 years. Yes, I'm morally superior to all of you.

>> No.8716463

Did that goblin in the back of the room just say something Stacy?

>> No.8716464

>it may be confidently asserted that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man

I can agree to this, despite not being vegetarian. However, a lot of people are just ignoring whatever suffering their dietary choices bring about. They'll still flip a shit if shown a video of a puppy being abused. The slight hypocrisy really grinds my gears, although it's perfectly understandable.

>> No.8716469

>Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character
What makes you think that Schopenhauer?

>> No.8716476

But compassion has nothing to do with it. They're already dead.

>> No.8716477



>> No.8716482

Not going to watch it fool. It's funny when idiots who know nothing about animal rights try to send me some boring pathetic attempt at criticizing it. Please go away and read up before responding with your vitriol (which is a result of having your inferiority exposed).

>> No.8716484

I eat meat but I played with some cats on the way home tonight

>> No.8716486


I think your comments are quite baseless. I merely posted a Schopenhauer quote and a video link. I never stated my opinions on the matter.

>> No.8716489

I love animals and have sociopath-tier lack of empathy for humans. I could not give less of a shit if humans die unless they were useful to me in some way, but seeing a dog with a wounded paw can bring me to tears.

>> No.8716492


Me too

>> No.8716493

so edgy

>> No.8716504

Shut it, twat.

>> No.8716505

But Schoppy was a misogynist, so does this mean he was a bad person?

>> No.8716506

Do you even know what edgy means dude? I'm not trying to rage against the establishment, I'm describing the way my emotions work

>> No.8716508


It's not edgy, it's reality. A lot of humans especially in Western cultures are vapid, materialistic consumers who have very little regard for others. It's what happens a society is individualist. It spawns a plethora of selfish, ignorant people. "The public sucks, fuck hope." -GC

>> No.8716511


I will not yield and go quietly into the night, oh mighty fucko.

>> No.8716518

Actually you are just trying to show off, feeling special and different. If you hate humans why would you care to inform them about your emotions?

>> No.8716521

I don't remember saying I hate humans, maybe you should reread

>> No.8716524

>can't come up with a rational argument against something
>"you don't want to be like this/these ugly/weird guys do you?"

Anyone who gets turned off of something by the fanbase or followers is a walking human meme

>> No.8716528


I actually thought it was kinda funny that's why I posted it. I am pescatarian myself and appreciate veganism/vegetarianism.

>> No.8716536

The reason you shouldn't care about animals is the same reason you shouldn't care about microbes, or bugs: there's no benefit in caring about them.

Morality is something humans invented to discourage behavior which goes against the collective human interests. Don't kill other humans or take their stuff, that's immoral, because I the morals-writer am human.

Applying these morals to animals makes no sense because animals are not intelligent enough to be worth cooperating with, outside of some fringe cases like companion animals, and no one eats those.

>> No.8716559


>There is no benefit in caring about them

Wrong. Many can offer comfort, be an emotional crutch in time of need and just overall have great psychological benefits. You can't understand this until you've had terrible things happen to you, cry, and have your dog walk over to you and comfort you.

>> No.8716565


And also if you are looking for a more practical benefit in caring about them, how about survival? Without animals and even insects our ecosystem would get fucked. Your train of thought is exactly why I think humans are a plague upon the Earth more than anything.

>> No.8716572

>can't come up with rational argument for something
>"You don't want to disagree with baseless claims of [shitty German idealist] do you?"

>> No.8716579

>Many can offer comfort, be an emotional crutch in time of need and just overall have great psychological benefits.

I already mentioned companion animals and said they aren't widely eaten. This is why


We're talking about vegetarianism, not genociding animals for fun or something

You may have brain problems if it's this hard for you to stay on point

>> No.8716610

>Morality is something humans invented to discourage behavior which goes against the collective human interests.

I don't think humans "invented" morality, Anon. If you subscribe to a more deterministic view of things, morality is a natural byproduct of our having intelligence / sapience. And what's unnatural about it? We *are* products of nature.

You're comparing humans to uncivilized animals. Yes, we are animals, but we're not uncivilized or incapable of reason. What you're proposing actually goes against out nature, because you think humans should regress to a far more base level of behavior that would involve purposefully repressing behaviors that we evolved to have, such as empathy and reason.

>> No.8716613

Yes yes and every male who doesn't give a crap about your hypersensitivity is a rapist misogynist etc.

The parallels are clear. We have a loud minority of hypersensitive feels types, mostly subpar women and weak men, who give a shit about the feelings of fatstock while the rest don't.

No "Arthur", compassion for animals is not intimately associated with goodness of character because the subset of people with bad character doesn't correspond to the subset of people with little compassion for animals. BTW I see you tried moving the goalpost in the same breath by making it about being cruel to animals which is a false dilemma because slaughter doesn't necessitate cruelty and most if not all Western countries have laws in place against cruelty towards animals and everyone except you and your group of vaginas agrees with ethical implications of slaughter and finds it sufficiently moral.

"Later nerd."

>> No.8716622

I agree with this

But considering whats going on ITT, it's important to remember not all animals are treated with cruelty before becoming meat, just the cheap mass produced stuff. To a degree it is difficult to avoid that, and that is a problem

The West just needs to eat less meat. Not no meat at all, but cut back to meat at one meal per day, etc. Veganism only exists because modern science is able to produce vitamins and supplements that can make up for what you're lacking by not eating animal products.

Eating meat conservatively > vegetarianism >>>>>>>>>>>> veganism

>> No.8716633

99% of people are dummos when it comes to animals. People will be proudly apathetic about some cruel thing like the poor conditions of the animal on their plate, and at the next minute flip shit about some practice that really isn't cruel at all, like this vid or the Harambe thing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dY4QkhwQMRA

Animals really bring out the worst in people. t. vegetarian

>> No.8716652


Companion animals are eaten in other cultures. Meat=murder. Fuck off blood thirsty savage. Only a demented person who lives in a society with the ability to survive on plant based products yet chooses to participate in murder can say what you say. Animals have feelings they need to be respected and left alone. How would you feel if I put you in a cage force fed you shit to get fat because I liked the taste of your meat? Arrogant faggot.

>> No.8716656


The correct order is this.

Pescatarianism>Vegetarianism>Veganism>Eating meat

>> No.8716669
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I'm going to go fry a steak with a nice lump of butter just because of your precious, precious post.

>> No.8716690


>Nice lump of butter

Why stop at just a lump? Use the whole fucking brick. I want you to die sooner. In fact I want you to go out later today and indulge is multiple big macs, bacon and other shit so your heart artiers get clogged sooner and you die before 40.

>> No.8716693
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>The Man who pretends to be a modest enquirer into the truth of a self evident thing is a Knave. -W.Blake


>> No.8716703

I don't know about goodness of character in plant eaters when in every thread and discussion they showcase their intolerance for differing emotional responses to slaughtering animals.

Even Schope jumps the gun and namecalls everyone who is according to him cruel to animals, whatever he means by this.

I don't find it hard to comprehend that different people have different emotional responses to one thing while agreeing about another without the two being intertwined.

But that is a really weak quote from a philosopher desu.

>> No.8716708


Actually, anonymous, the health perils of dietary fat were almost entirely fabricated by the sugar lobby in the mid 80s.

>> No.8716714
File: 120 KB, 850x400, An+actual+quote+by+arthur+schopenhauer_1467c6_5101921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another good quote.

>> No.8716715


Avocado is good fat, omega 3 from fish is a good fat, butter is shit full of transfats. Enjoy dying.

>> No.8716720

I don't see how choosing to eat meat means you don't have compassion for animals. Animals don't have to be physically treated with cruelty in order to be farmed and processed, and eating other animals has been a natural part of life for hundreds of millions of years. Killing an animal is not the same as being cruel to it.

And even as a vegan, you're still eating living organisms — fruits, vegetables, grains, etc. are living organisms or contain them (bacteria, etc). So if you're concerned about killing = cruelty, sorry, but you will NEVER not be a killer. We all need to kill in order to live. You even have to kill if you don't want to live (yourself and all of the bacteria living inside you).

I think the bigger picture of Schopenhauer's statement is whether you can acknowledge and respect an "animal" (i.e. something with lower intelligence than you). If you perceive something that you deem less intelligent than yourself, and you have the impulse to become impatient, or desire to take advantage, control, or enslave, you do not have a good character.

>> No.8716722

Are fish not real animals to you? Seems like your 'kindness' is dependent entirely on what animals are cute and pretty and which are ugly and weird.

>> No.8716727
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He's right you know.

>> No.8716734

That looks photoshopped. Hitler was vegan though.

>> No.8716738


Of course they are. But saying omega 3 fat is healthy (because it objectively is according to numerous scientific studies) in contrast to butter which has lots of transfat does not go against my stance as a vegan. I choose not to eat meat or fish but I won't deny the benefits the brain gets from omega 3s.

>> No.8716745
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, Teehee.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He fell for the saturated fat memes

Enjoy a life without delicious cream/butter/etc.

>> No.8716749


Enjoy a life that is shorter.

>> No.8716751
File: 92 KB, 800x964, Syphilis_Pirate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"If you cannot bear killing it, you do not eating it."

>> No.8716755


Quality over quantity, fag.


Joyce probably ate his wife's farts and turds. I'll take my dietary advice from someone else.

>> No.8716757

Your life won't be any longer because you're denying yourself delicious things that are essential to human health.

>> No.8716758


Unlike you, I will have both teehee

>> No.8716759
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Definitely not photoshopped

>> No.8716761


Eating meat is not even remotely essential to human health.

>> No.8716766

Sure it is. Humans evolved eating meat. While it is possible to live without it, because there would naturally be periods where a primordial human wouldn't have had hunting success, you will be healthier if you have a meat-inclusive diet which is as close as possible to the diet that human digestive systems evolved to accommodate.

>> No.8716772

Damn nigga, how can you get that far yet remain so spooked.

>> No.8716774

Can you translate to non-retard please

>> No.8716775


That is such bullshit. The meat that people were eating all those years ago was not packed with hormones and unhealthy garbage whereas meat today is largely full of shit. Furthermore objectively speaking the healthiest diet is pescatarianism. Nothing tastier and healthier to me than a nice piece of salmon fillet, rice or potatoes, steamed vegetables, wedge of lemon and piece of warm bead.

>> No.8716776

What is with redditors and fucking evolution. Post source that shows meat eating correlated with aging in your favour (it doesn't exist) or take your pseudoscience and fuck off.

>> No.8716790



>The meat that people were eating all those years ago was not packed with hormones and unhealthy garbage whereas meat today is largely full of shit.

This only really applies to beef, and to a lesser extent pork.

>Post source that shows meat eating correlated with aging in your favour (it doesn't exist) or take your pseudoscience and fuck off.

Post source that shows it's correlated with favour against our favour.

As with above, bonus points for any bad consequences of lean meats (chicken/etc).

>> No.8716796
File: 17 KB, 273x291, f uck your c ock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This car was manufactured to run on diesel fuel, so if you try to put something else in the gas tank, it's going to break sooner.


You have acquired 1x 'retard of the year' award

>> No.8716804

>Humans evolved eating meat

Humans evolved from an herbivorous species. Eating meat is an adaptive trait, not a primary one. Our bodies don't derive as much nutrition from meat as strictly carnivorous species do, and our metabolic balance can't properly handle a surplus of meat in our diets due to the human body's tendency toward high cholesterol and heart disease.

Vegetarians in fact live longer than people who eat what you may consider a more "balanced" diet.


We are at our center still herbivores. Consuming meat did benefit us from an evolutionary standpoint, but now that we've evolved to this state, it's not actually necessary to consume meat to further our survival. We'll still maintain the same brain mass and intellectual features our genes provide us because that's all genetically coded.

>> No.8716813

I like dogs. I do SAR with my dog and she is my partner, pretty much. Not in the sexual way, just so we are clear.

She and I are inseparable though. I hate people that treat dogs like toys, and I genuinely wish I could beat dog abusers to death.

>> No.8716815
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>Humans evolved from an herbivorous species.

Ah yes, those peaceful herbivorous monkeys

>> No.8716818

Schoppy got it backwards, women are childish because we make nurses and schoolteachers of them.

Either you're buying farmed salmon which is probably the most disgusting, disease ridden shit or getting shit loaded with mercury that you couldn't eat more than two times a week. Arbitrary dietary restrictions are stupid. I don't purchase or ever request beef or pork because I prefer chicken and I like cows and pigs as animals. Doesn't mean I'm not going to eat beef or pork if it's what's at the table because I'm not some spooked idiot.

>> No.8716821
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Omniverous diets are still the most healthy, as studies based upon the Okinawans (most long-lived population on earth) demonstrate.

We certainly eat too much of it in the West, however. The only way it can be excused is if you work out (which everyone should be doing) - in which case you're building muscle, which makes you healthier by every metric. Of course, the most limp-wristed of vegetarian/vegan fags who insist you don't 'need' muscle in this day and age can get fucked - or rather their girlfriends can, by ripped Chad. They might retort and cite hemp/sunflower/rice protein and so on, but these are painfully inefficient for muscle growth/maintenance compared to animal sources.

If you live an inactive life, you should be eating way less meat.

Also, if you are eating meat, there's almost no reason to have anything other than chicken/turkey and maybe tuna in limited amounts. The beef industry is full of hormones/etc, and artificially kept alive by subsidies. Likewise, the pork industry is also very dodgy.

If you're lucky and live in places like Scandinavia, you have a tasty exception in the form of deer/venison: incredibly healthy, and you're encouraged to hunt them (within limits) to keep populations in check.

>> No.8716823

You are linking leftist propaganda websites, not scientific studies.

>> No.8716829


No I buy my salmon freshly caught from the Natives. I am on the west coast of Canada we have the best fish here, and salmon is one of the healthiest you can have.

>> No.8716831

Stop being an idiot. Chimpanzees shared an ancestor, we didn't descend from them.

The MUH EVOLUSHUN or MUH NUTRITIONAL REQUIREMENT FOR MEAT arguments in favor of meat are fucking stupid. The MUH MORALS and MUH HEALTH arguments against eating meat are stupid. You eat meat because you like to eat meat or don't eat it because you don't like it, then come up with the ideology to support your choice,.

The exception of course being people who like eating meat and become vegans because they're pussywhipped by a vegan gf or spooked by some stupid PETA video who are just pathetic.

>> No.8716833
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>Tfw my local store sells shitty, super thin/small Wild Pacific salmon sides for £18/kg

Meanwhile my Norwegian ex can catch YUGE wild salmon in the river near her house for free.

>> No.8716834
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>killing animals for food
Pick uno

>> No.8716837

Wild Salmon spawning through the Salish Sea still have fairly high mercury concentrations. Shit, the WA state dept. of ecology had to 'assume' that native americans ate a volume of salmon equivalent to about two decks of playing cards per week in order to declare the mercury levels in our fish 'safe'. You and I both know that assumption is bullshit, and salmon spawning in BC/WA spend most of their lives in the same stretch of ocean.

>> No.8716838

>posts a guy that supports genocide
Did you think this one through?

>> No.8716839

What herbivorous creature are you trying to say we evolved from?

>> No.8716840

>Of course, the most limp-wristed of vegetarian/vegan fags who insist you don't 'need' muscle in this day and age can get fucked

I'm a 6'1" 190-lb. athletic man. I've been a vegetarian for over 10 years. No, I don't use supplements.

Unless this horrible dietary lifestyle of mine is slow-acting, I don't know what negative health effects you're referring to.

>Omniverous diets are still the most healthy, as studies based upon the Okinawans (most long-lived population on earth) demonstrate.
Citation needed
(and you misspelled omnivorous)

>dumb frogposter

>> No.8716844


I'll take some mercury over meat riddled with hormones that will make me have breasts.

>> No.8716845

i'm 7'0 and 600 lbs of pure shredded muscle and i fucked ur mom also

>> No.8716849
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He's THE conservationist. He's also a fisherman, eats meat and has written both on the moral dimension of veganism and how it is, much like carbon emission taxes really an inefficient environmental policy, especially in northern countries.

>> No.8716855
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>I'm a 6'1" 190-lb. athletic man. I've been a vegetarian for over 10 years. No, I don't use supplements.

Look, vegan/vegetarian body-builders exist. They're only making life harder for themselves, however. Plant-source proteins aren't synthesised as easily as animal sources, and typically contain much more fat/protein - meaning you need to do shitloads of cardio to compensate, just to hit your protein macro.

>Citation needed


>(and you misspelled omnivorous)

Oh wow, you got me.

>> No.8716856

Arguing about what constitutes healthy nutrition has nothing to do with ethics you plebs the question is if the act of raising and killing animals is bad. Meat can be unhealthy as fuck and still be fair game ethically.

>> No.8716860

Vegans realized 30 years ago they have no moral leg to stand on, so they needed to cook up some horse shit about how even a single gram of meat is unhealthy but your instincts just make you want to eat it anyway for funzies

>> No.8716863

If anyone cares, he's probably saying that because he believes that humans, animals and plants all stem from the single unique will, and that we are only on different level of objectification, d.H. of complexity. For Schopenhauer, hurting someone else is basically hurting yourself, like the hand stabbing the chest.

>> No.8716865

sounds like he went way too far up his own ass

>> No.8716870

>This article needs additional citations for verification.
Great source.

I should also point out that the article is describing the lifespans of Japanese people, who already have among the highest genetic lifespans the world over.

>although the male life expectancy rank among Japanese prefectures has plummeted in recent years
How many can be attributed to the increase in suicide rates due to economic troubles?

>Records from the early part of the 20th century show that Okinawans ate less than 1% of their diet from animals products with no dairy.
Isn't this more of an argument *for* vegetarianism?

>> No.8716874

Schoppy got it right, fuck meatfags

>> No.8716881

Morally superior specimen right here

>> No.8716885
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>Caring about morality

Highly spooked.

For the ethics master race, there is nothing wrong with meat consumption.

>> No.8716930


>> No.8717251

yeah but animals have the ability to feel pain, much more so than fruits and plants, and also it is completely possible to live your whole life as a vegetarian, so it is totally unnecessary to kill animals.

>> No.8717258

>muh opinions

Philosophy sure is great

>> No.8717276

well you have to beat all the people in china then

>> No.8717328

that's just because people are judging you as the piece of shit you are
if animals did the same you would hate them just as much

>> No.8717335

in any other culture you would get stones thrown at you so be glad people don't give a shit

>> No.8717338


I don't interact with humans in person except to buy groceries

>> No.8717348

I want to gather some boobanimals into a comfortable stable and feed them soy milk so their boobs get bigger and give them the boobanimalpacifiing apperatus along with smartphones because they like communication devices so much. Am i a good man now?

>> No.8717352

>Not in the sexual way, just so we are clear.
nice clarification dogfucker

>> No.8717841

It is unnecessary, but what's the point, really?

>> No.8718105

Well yeah, he's right. Cruelty toward animals is a sign of a messed up human being.

>> No.8718111

>Schoppy got it backwards, women are childish because we make nurses and schoolteachers of them.
>we make