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8715803 No.8715803 [Reply] [Original]

Ok so when does he start the story?

>> No.8715807

at like 200-300 you get something resembling coherent narratives.

>> No.8715819

Are you two idiots? The first chapter has a easily understandable narraitve, its not exactly the fucking Unnamable

>> No.8715857

True, but in their defense, IJ in general can be a bit tricky the first time.

>> No.8715860

Okay But When is the sex?

>> No.8716141


its an easily understandable narrative for which you are given no context to put it in (who the characters are, when is it taking place, etc), and then it cuts to other easily understandable narratives for which you are given no context to put it in.

>> No.8716156

I'm at page ~50. The chapter about the anxious guy waiting for weed completely blew my mind. I hope more chapters will be written like that one.

I don't really understand the way all the chapters are connected but I don't care, it's just so good. I will take a long time to read it but it will be worth it.

>> No.8716164

Chapter 2

>> No.8716194

For me it's when the crackheads fight the nucks.

>> No.8716257

I have a feeling you'll enjoy IJ if you got such an immediate satisfaction with the intro

>> No.8716265
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The story starts in page 1,079

>> No.8716267


Around 200 pages in.

>> No.8716341

There's a scene where a little boy gets raped, and an unrelated scene where a little retarded girl gets raped.

>> No.8716439

I had a similar experience, anon
have fun

>> No.8716494
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Thats gonna motivate me to give IJ another try

>> No.8716526

Without giving too much away, the first 200 pages enter a bunch of minor characters, the middle chunk is the narrative, with the minors popping up in interesring ways, and the final chunk is where the minor characters exit. Keep the people from these chapters in mind, they all show up later in one way or another.

>> No.8716632

Late on, involves a MILF dressed as a cheerleader with what I interpreted as an incest fetish [JW is dressed like Orin right?]

>> No.8716700

I can't believe I bought this meme book. One of the worst ones I've read this year.

>> No.8716704
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:) I'm glad.

Thanks. It seems quite frustrating, but I guess that's the point.

>> No.8716731

yeah this
I know the word is completely overused but it's so apt in this instance. IJ is a meme

>> No.8716732

>JW is dressed like Orin right?
holy fuck I'm a retard for not getting this

>> No.8716743

For me, I started to get a sense of the world by around 200-250, but I spent a long time (months) starting and stopping to get there. It wasn't until after 400-500, when the background of the new governments was set into place via Mario's I. Day Eve movie -- and surrounding events -- that I couldn't put it down.

>> No.8717296

It starts after page 17 famalam
This guy gets it