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/lit/ - Literature

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8715437 No.8715437 [Reply] [Original]

Share your contrarian literary opinions

>> No.8715440

Minority writers writing about minority experiences is completely fine and can be quite enticing

>> No.8715441

My diary is not that good nor does it contain such a kaleidoscopic array of emotions as I make it out to be desu

>> No.8715443

Octavio paz was a faggot

>> No.8715449


>> No.8715457

That's how most people feel desu: hence the relative success of minority writers who do precisely that.

People who have a problem with minority writers tend to have a problem with minorities in general and tend to be functionally illiterate. Otherwise people like Diaz and Morrison wouldn't sell so many books.

>> No.8715476

Stream of consciousness isnt actually that good.

>> No.8715942

Dostoevsky is overrated

>> No.8715952

Shakespeare is better than all 20th century writers.

There has been no progress.

>> No.8715955


Reading is for eggheads.

>> No.8715956

The English language is a mess and terrible for literature.

>> No.8715966

Gravity's Rainbow is just long, not complex

>> No.8715969

dictionaries were a destructive force on creativity and we would be better off without them.

Horse girls really aren't that bad. Some of them are lovely.

>> No.8715973

Doors of perception made me put it down within about 20 pages because the descriptive language wasn't having any positive effect on me.

>> No.8715987

Not sure if this is a contrarian opinion, but analyzing in any way is idiotic and has no point other than spouting rhetoric and seemingly being right about things

>> No.8716042
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1) Originality is not necessarily 'style' (see: Joyce/etc)

2) The Greeks are not a meme

3) With the possible exception of Quine and a few others, post-Nietzsche philosophy has fallen into two categories: Anglo Navel-Gazing, French Charlatanry and Pedantic Language Games.

4) Žižek is likeable, but we must admit that his work falls into two categories: Hegelian-Lacanian-Obscurantist Verbiage, and your typical Marxist bullshit.

5) Books are increasingly the most powerful information/entertainment medium, when you consider their authority in relation to the generally declining readership of books worldwide.

>> No.8716047

Nietzsche went insane because he didn't understand himself or others, and his superman philosophy was much the result of his hatred of others for making him an outcast despite his intelligence.

>> No.8716050
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There is little point to reading classical Greek works -- generally speaking. For example, I haven't met a single person who wasn't familiar with the story of Echo & Narcissus. And not a one of them got anything from it other than a quaint little creation myth about some pretty boy who dies looking at his own reflection...and these people stood to benefit from better understanding their wn narcissism. Which I suppose precludes such...


>> No.8716054


No, he went insane because of a slow-growing tumour near his right temple that gave him a lifetime of health problems (migraines, failing eyesight, etc) and eventually drove him mental.

>> No.8716061
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>> No.8716064

Don't think that's how mental illness works, anon.

>> No.8716093


>> No.8716103

Turded. I also never raid Dosto, but he sure overdated.

>> No.8716110

Junot Diaz would be considered a highly "problematic" writer if he weren't a minority.

>> No.8716125

>>8716047 came here to post this

>> No.8716201 [DELETED] 

Starting with Greeks is detrimental advice to give to someone genuinely interested in philosophy rather than history of philosophy and it has probably killed the love for philosophy of hundreds that would have made a stop at some of the Greeks sooner or later on their own accord. It's like telling a kid intrigued by the properties of a möbius strip to start with trigonometry instead of demonstrating what happens when you cut the strip in half and going from there.

Nurture people's interest from their reference point, not yours, and everyone will be better off for it and ironically, even by academic standards, better educated in philosophy IF they have the kind of curiosity needed for philosophy i.e. love for reason and wisdom and not the historicist curiosity that only knows authority bias. I see this so often "You can't understand X without Y philosopher before". True here and there, but what about the majority of the work where he doesn't and what about the part that your confirmation bias perhaps makes you read X through Y but there is no logical necessity for this at all?

What if this person misreads say Nietzsche but it leads him to discuss animal ethics hopefully with people who aren't complete elitist pricks and he finds his way to the Greeks then through a reference in some modern work recommended to him and not a cookie cutter "interested in philosophy" anon and he is actually stoked about reading the Greeks now with an actual, precise goal in mind that came from within?

I will tell you what if, he will retain, play and create BETTER. On the other hand you have Anon "avid reader copypasta" McSheep with no direction whatsoever but my God isn't he just so good at reading dense books?

Seriously choose one as someone you'd like to talk philosophy with or whose book you'd read. Ok I lied, there's only one choice because the sheep will never write a book worth reading.


>> No.8716322


Jesus Christ. You belong on this board.

>> No.8716330
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Pic related isn't nearly as good or impressive as people pretend it is.

>> No.8716337

>some of them are lovely

>> No.8716343

Protestant reformation is the worst thing to have happened to the world since the birth of Islam.

>> No.8716355

All writing is good.

>> No.8716394

"Mental illness" doesn't work in any specific way.
It's a legal criteria, you halfwit.

Do not speak in future.

>> No.8716684
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Haruki Murakami is a good writer

>> No.8716692

The second half of the Odyssey is unbearable

Early Anglo-Saxon lit is really cool and interesting beyond the slow parts of some works like Beowulf

Poetry is by far the shittiest genre of literature out there and most acclaimed poets are boring beyond compare

>> No.8716701

shakespeare is a hack
bolano is not clever or smart
catcher in the rye is a decent book

>> No.8716717

Edgar Allen Poe's poetry is terrible

Henry James > Joyce

Jane Austen deserves to be up there with Shakespeare and Tolstoy

90% of famous philosophy books are useless (unless you're an insufferable philosophy major) and poorly written

Bob Dylan totally deserved the Nobel prize

>> No.8716721

>Poetry is by far the shittiest genre of literature out there and most acclaimed poets are boring beyond compare
Maybe one day, little fox.

>> No.8716733
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You just read the wrong poems. Borge's Rubaiyat is god level. As is the real Rubaiyat.

>> No.8716830

>Henry James > Joyce
What did he mean by this

>> No.8716867

Blake > Shakespeare

>> No.8716876

By the same token, anyone who says it's bad is full of shit.

>> No.8716935

it's very good and impressive

>> No.8717009

I enjoy light reading like Murakami, Plath and Hesse from time to time.

>> No.8717014

books are gay

>> No.8717351

Science fiction is for losers and fantasy genre is trash except Tolkien and LeGuin.

>> No.8717358

Blake, Shakespeare

>> No.8717422

I'd say that /lit/ considers him an okay author, memes aside. He's just overrated and overshadows other Japanese authors.

>> No.8717430

If you want to become a better writer, don't read, but write

>> No.8717540
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Is this bait?

>> No.8717564

In the same vein only a few retards consider things 'problematic' anyhow

>> No.8717593

David Foster Wallace had lots of discernible talent and was a very good essayist.

>> No.8717597

You need to do both you jolly idiot.

>> No.8717629

When I first started coming to /lit/ I had very little idea of literature in a general sense, but over the years for better or worse I've learned just how much stuff is out there, gone into post-graduate studies without becoming too narrowly focused and losing sight of everything outside my specialty, and generally read a lot. As a result I think I've finally gotten the general contours and outlines of it all, even though I'm still obviously a pleb in many things relatively speaking.

Whenever I see people posting Ulysses or Pynchon shit here, I feel really bad for them. It's like we both had the same original genuine passion for music, except I went and studied music theory and the history of music and they didn't. Whenever we both listen to some music, I can see this entire panorama of possible things to talk about, all kinds of influences and overarching historical and philosophical themes to potentially explore, questions of actual substance come up in my mind that I can ask more knowledgeable people and that will have real answers that really increase my understanding and appreciation, and meanwhile my other /lit/bro friend just goes "I REALLY LIKE THIS!" or something equally shallow, spinning his wheels in the mud.

But I don't know how to help him except by saying, maybe you shouldn't keep rehashing other people's recycled opinions about contemporary authors no one gives a fuck about, trying to figure out what the correct opinions to have about postmodernism are, and constantly trying to take shortcuts in everything you do? Maybe you should actually go and read deeply for a few years instead? Because I remember how unfulfilling and shallow it was to be like him, where nothing connects with anything else, and you never feel like you're climbing higher than your current collection of sound bites of derivative knowledge.

>> No.8717713

Cortazar had no discernible talent and is only read by alt girls and/or nerds who want to bang alt girls.

Borges is only considered good because he wrote so much shit, sometimes a few good things had to come out of his anus. I do love some of his work, but his percentage of good shit is terrible in comparison to other writers considered greats.

I fucking hate Sabato.

I think I just hate argies.

>> No.8717733

This but 'Up Simba' was annoying AF

>> No.8717860

The truth.

>> No.8717868

The more free is the press of a country the less democratic it actually is.

>> No.8717872

Take our continentalfags plz.

>> No.8717901


Henry V is the best play Shakespeare wrote.

>> No.8717908

Catcher in the Rye is still bad, despite /lit/'s backlash to the backlash

>> No.8717933

tolstoy sucks balls

>> No.8717985

Although I like Cormac McCarthy, some of his prose can be a bit long winded and bullshitty for no reason. Some of his writing comes off as masturbatory.

>> No.8718054

I don't like the English language.

>> No.8718098

What are horse girls?

>> No.8718132

Iliad > Odyssey

Philosophy that isn't about literature (i.e. works of fiction) is boring

Any kind of medieval epics or romance is GOAT

More stories would do better to have more condensed description of events and cram more storylines and characters into the book

Also, in general, books should have more side plots that focus solely on character development or characters' relations to each other with little or no importance related to the main plot

Postmodernism is laughable, especially if it is focused on artificial 21th century "mental problems"

Jane Austen is one of the greatest authors ever

Cinema and television will still be around and video games will become more popular, but the written word will become increasingly unpopular and elite aside from very brief stories

If I made a list of all works of art of any kind I really love, 85-90% of them would be music albums, and of those 95% or more would be metal albums.

>> No.8718194

Same but with P Y N C H O N

>> No.8718199

>Philosophy that isn't about literature (i.e. works of fiction) is boring

What do you mean?

I agree with everything else you said, except the last one, but that's okay.

>> No.8718202


Agreed with every line.

>> No.8718207

I mean as opposed to philosophy that talks about religion, science, math, etc.

>> No.8718218

Can you please explain, in explicit detail, why Jane Austen is a great author? How do you define "great"? I've read Mansfield Park and Pride and Prejudice.

>> No.8718228

P&V translations are the best, and read beautifully.

>> No.8718234

mill and kant as well as many other philosophers were idealistic and foolish in their views towards the human spirit.

The only real way to be a human is what hume noticed, and nietzsche polished.

>> No.8718243


>> No.8718247

I like Cortazar but you are 100% right about the alt girls / nerds thing.
Borges is god-tier, kill yourself.

>> No.8718250

I do not understand how she is great either.

>> No.8718252

>im so deep you wouldnt understand mom!

>> No.8718265

Same on Iliad.

>> No.8718267

These threads suck balls, these are all popular opinions

>> No.8718269

Latin america has no discernible talent aside from Borges

>> No.8718273

i only have an issue with these people when they go on to shit on white people. theyre the people buying your books you fucking degenerates

>> No.8718276

/pol/ and the whole red pill thing is actually right

>> No.8718279

Start with the greeks is much more important in terms of philosophy anyway

>> No.8718281

I want to suck your balls

>> No.8718282

I dont want to start with the greeks but I dont know where else to start

>> No.8718290

They smell oniony and I wiped some of my sister's deodorant on them earlier to see if it'd make them burn

>> No.8718302

Really? Can you show me?

>> No.8718313

>Not reading Guy Gavriel Kay or Gene Wolfe

>> No.8718319

Alright, I know this is going to blow your mind, but stay with me here... pols whole original thing was they were smarter than both their parents and mass culture, but not smart enough to be scooped up by some teacher along the way and/or get a ride into college.

So they basically did kind of have their own, sad, sort of neo moment where they looked around their peerage and saw for the present moment that they were the smartest person around--and of course their first impulse, haveing been too smart for pop culture but not too smart for western culture, was to evangelise

>> No.8718320

>contrarian opinions
>Henry V is the best play Shakespeare wrote.

>> No.8718331

A lot of people would argue Hamlet

>> No.8718332


At least you tried

>> No.8718388

Seconded so hard it gives me a boner. Also you need a workshop with good culture.

You actually don't.

>> No.8718393

At the library.

>> No.8718397

You can honestly make an argument for most of his plays being the best without it being considered contrarian. Henry V is often put at the top of the list though.
To be fair though, I would say Hamlet.

>> No.8718409

She is witty and satirical that's about it

>> No.8718434

I really wish I had a dick to suck on rn

>> No.8718436

There is no objectively bad form of writing that exists. To assume so is the most purist version of elitism. This postmodernism era of believing that there are only chosen few who can bestow to you what is "good" because they are experts and the arbiter of what is the standard of quality, is the exact thing that chokes and murders creativity in modern Western writing.

>> No.8718437


>> No.8718440

*most pure

sounds better. My bad. I'm a grammar autist.

>> No.8718442

>grammar autist
>My bad.
are you even trying?

>> No.8718444

What? Yeah? Otherwise, why bother to correct myself?

>> No.8718450

You can have mine, or I can suck yours.

>> No.8718461

making up words is totally ok

>> No.8718463

I have a dick I just wanna suck some

>> No.8718467

>my bad
>my bad
>my bad
You don't qualify as a grammar nazi. Waste yourself.

>> No.8718472

>implying bad can't be used as a noun in informal cases
Your just being an autist

>> No.8718475

Jesus fuck man, calm down. All I did was say "my bad", I didn't rape your mother. It's conversational writing.

>> No.8718489

so what do you recommend the average /lit/ man reads

>> No.8718491

my diary desu

>> No.8718497

literature is still in the "classical era".
its stagnant. for example it´s like the modern music was only the mozart and beethoven wannabes.

>> No.8718499

Maybe on reddit you'll get some upboats, fag

>> No.8718503

Whats the big deal? I could care less desu

>> No.8718507

I have no actual idea why you are so hostile about something so retarded, kiddo. Are your fists shaking?

>> No.8718537

Then suck mine.

>> No.8718560

I like to read modern books and think most books that /lit/ recommends aren't worth reading.

>> No.8718785

>muh Borges meme

Fuck off, pleb. You obviously haven't read much SA literature.

>> No.8718789


>> No.8718794

Dubliners is truly a boring book, Portrait, Ulysses and Finnegans Wake are all fantastic and fun reads but I tried to read his works in order and it truly is one of the dullest things I've ever attempted 3-4 times.

Nothing about Infinite Jest reflects why I fell in love with literature to begin with; it's instructional and didactic with clunky prose. I hear his essays are good but it almost isn't literature, so much as a philosophical novel with biographical elements from someone whose life was actually very boring and not noteworthy.

Under the Volcano is a ham-handed cash-in on a dying trend. Yawn.

>> No.8718800

After reading his butthurt writing about Wagner I am starting to think he was autistic.

>> No.8718801
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I'm about 60-70% through this, I feel like I'm looking forward to finishing more because I will start reading something else rather than actually wanted to read it.

The only other book of his I've read so far is The Crying of Lot 49.

>> No.8718805
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When you listen to late Wagner - that is, the Wagner must loved by cultural philistines and classical music 'aficionados' - and then compare him to early Wagner, or other musicians of that (or the preceding) time, then you see what he was getting at.

Wagner stood for the democratisation of music, and eventually considered his works to be (and fashioned them in the image of) a kind of theatre - rather than music, in and by itself.

Theatre, as everyone knows, is the most plebeian of all arts - requiring the least imagination.

As it happens, it wasn't autistic. In some of his late writings he wishes he could have maintained his early/good relationship with the Wagners - and laments that his time spent with them was his happiest. The fact remains that he couldn't stand idly by and say/do nothing as Wagner cheapened music, however.

>> No.8718806


how about bolano senpai?

>> No.8718807

I completely agree with this. This board is full of dilettantes, and I just feel like they are missing out.

>> No.8718808

Totally agree. I'm a racist, so why should I be bothered when minorities are too?
Only insecure beta males are triggered by this.

>> No.8718810


Reading this makes me realize how thoroughly bourgeois Nietzsche was. Hanging out with musicians, never having a real job outside of academia.

>> No.8718817

There is nothing wrong with buying books just to appear smarter to people who visit your place. provided you read them

>> No.8718821

If he wasn't bourgeois, nobody would've known who he was to this day.

>> No.8718822

I actually liked IJ and wish I could have been friends with DFW.

>> No.8718828

I unironically think Nietzsche is the endgame of philosophy.

This is a controversial opinion on /lit/ because he gets trashed 24/7 for being edgy/etc.

>> No.8718830

I agree.

Unfortunately most people either haven't read him, or read him through other people who didn't understand him at all(like Foucault).

>> No.8718842


Mortimer Adler's conception of what makes a "great book" is spot on and should be the basis for judging a book,though I would include more books than he did in his collection.

From Wikipedia:

the book has contemporary significance; that is, it has relevance to the problems and issues of our times;
the book is inexhaustible; it can be read again and again with benefit; "This is an exacting criterion, an ideal that is fully attained by only a small number of the 511 works that we selected. It is approximated in varying degrees by the rest."
the book is relevant to a large number of the great ideas and great issues that have occupied the minds of thinking individuals for the last 25 centuries.

>> No.8718852

That elucidated some things, thanks.

>> No.8718858

Henry James, Balzac, Jane Austen, Dostoevsky, E. M. Forster, Malcom Lowry, Harper Lee, Jack Kerouac, Jonathan Franzen, David Foster Wallace, Zadie Smith, Michael Chabon, Booth Tarkington, Evelyn Waugh, Salman Rushdie and George Eliot are all awful writers and don't deserve to be remembered as classics.

>> No.8718862
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>> No.8718868

US writers are mostly shit.

Postmodern "art talking about art" lit is cancer and needs to die.

The 19th century was the golden age for literature in part just because book's simply drew a portrait of how humans behave, in a straight forward simple way.

Clever for clever's sake is rubbish.

>> No.8718889

That's the opposite of pomo.

>> No.8718898

>This postmodernism era of believing that there are only chosen few who can bestow to you what is "good" because they are experts and the arbiter of what is the standard of quality
What are you talking about?

>> No.8718962

That sounds more like /lit/

>> No.8718982

>muh rulfo

>> No.8718999

Burger lit is good.

>> No.8719068

Is lit

>> No.8719084

The thing that annoys me about lit is there are waaaaay too many loser type of people who talk and read about wallowing in their "misery" and their "mental illness.," which is something that bubbles to the surface on a lot of 4chan. It just really infuriates me to see people in this day and age with all these opportunities doing nothing qith it all and blaming other people for their problems.

>> No.8719099
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>waaa stop talking about stuff i dont like
Nigga just close those threads, you are no better than tumblr.
You do remember you are in a chinesse cartoons forum, right?

>> No.8719129

Virginia Woolf is a better writer than Joyce.

>> No.8719229


It's not contrarian to be retarded here.

>> No.8719230
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I finally figured out how to explain that Striner is shit.
He's a cuck who advocates for everyone to being a cuck.

He wants everyone to share his property and doesn't really care if people use it. If the goal of life is to acquire more property, a lover would be his property that he lets other use as they wish.

Thus, anyone who likes Striner is advocating for being a cuck.

>> No.8719342

I was basically in the same boat. There are a few pleasant sections but for the most part it's a very full book

>> No.8719356


>> No.8719411

Not really, no.

Your property is yours alone, as long as you have "power" over it.

>> No.8719567

>workshop with good culture.
What does that mean?

>> No.8719589

>doing something
Nice spook

>> No.8719636

I agree.

Toni Morrison is a much better writer than McCarthy, because she knows when to stop and also writes better characters.

>> No.8719660
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Novels, including 95% of what is discussed on /lit/, are kind of faggy, overly emotional, and try too hard to represent philosophical concepts through story telling

I've expressed this sentiment here before and been called anti-intellectual for it, which is fine and I really can't object to that. I just think novels are mostly boring garbage.

I just find there's very few instances of good philosophy through fiction, Dostoyevsky maybe but even he was a bore

Truly I come here to discuss philosophy from the source, its concepts, politics through some frameworks, and some of the nonfic autismo things I have knowledge of

I'm pre sure this opinion is actually contrary here unlike the other things being spouted the everyone already agrees with, mostly because the sperg out is palpable when I post this opinion

>> No.8719677


Get a trip and keep explaining Nietzsche to this retarded board. Lord knows they need it.

>> No.8719695
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If you dive into the numbers yes...

capitalism is a net positive for humanity, as well as the other "anti-degeneracy" things they promote, e.g. monogamy, anti-women's-suffrage, races being distinctly different, etc. ad nauseam

These are things that if a scrupulous individual really wanted to look into would have no choice but to confront these realities...

then /pol/ gets to their conclusions..which is basically gas everyone and implement a white ethnostate in which women are treated like cattle and firing squads kill dissenters

so yes and no. the kind of unfettered truth engendered by anonymity is harsh and pure, but their conclusions are also allowed to become perverse with no checking mechanism to otherwise say, "hey, maybe the races are different, and it's true that our culture is in decline, but this doesn't mean we should gas everyone."

>> No.8719701

Then why does Striner say he's fine with sharing his property?

>> No.8719710
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>which is basically gas everyone and implement a white ethnostate in which women are treated like cattle and firing squads kill dissenters

What's the problem, pal?

>> No.8719713

Quote pls

>> No.8719855

During high school I was a complete anti-intellectual degenerate, lazy edge lord and now I have severe depression and cant into math

>> No.8719861

Forgot to say my iq is 130
Is there any hope for me, bros?

>> No.8719862

>edgar allen poe's poetry is terrible
stopped reading there

>> No.8719865

nothing inherently, but the dialectic will make it collapse naturally

>> No.8719869

>iq 130
>can't do math
fuck offffffffffff

>> No.8719872

Isn't that kind of the point of literature? To share experiences from other perspectives.

>> No.8719875


Which dialectic?

Don't tell me you're among the many who mistake Schiller's for Hegel's, kid.

Although if you're using Marx's then we're getting into plebby territory.

>> No.8719876

a lot of people (especially on this board) dismiss the work of, say, Toni Morrison because they think she only writes about being a black woman.

>> No.8719879

I used to do good but then stopped caring about school and everything and now I dont know where to re start and the pass of time is crushing me and pills dont work
Maybe I should join the millitary but my body is weak and I dont want to get raped

>> No.8719884

man on man rape is really hot
especially if youre small and qt

>> No.8719888


They're not wrong.

>> No.8719894

I haven't read anything by Morrison, but I've read Diaz and a bit from Frantz Fanon and I enjoyed them both.

>> No.8719901

I wouldnt mind to get raped by a qt girl desu

>> No.8719907

qt boys are supposed to be raped by big many men
girls are icky and shouldnt be in the picture

>> No.8719912


Joining the military is a good option but don't go in there weak, prepare yourself first. I say this not because you're going to get raped, but because DS BigNig is not gonna like it when you stand out like a shakey faggot holding the front leaning rest

also its doubly true that you're not gonna be raped if you go coastie roastie or air force

>> No.8719918
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>Jane Austen deserves to be up there with Shakespeare and Tolstoy

>> No.8719927

How can foreigners write about the experience of the majority? First world problems can be just as trying to the individual as a third world problems bud

>> No.8719955

Hemingway's way of writing is absolutely awful, the dialogues are insufferable, the characters are bland, he is a disgrace the everything literary.

>> No.8719977


Yeah, but he was a cool guy who got drunk with Joyce and got into fights at his request and shit.

>> No.8719980

He was also a tranny

>> No.8720016

It's good, it's quite good.

It's not *that* good though.

Judge Holden isn't *that* interesting a character. The Kid isn't a worthwhile protagonist at all. The over long and erudite descriptions of the fucking scenery isn't interesting at all.

>> No.8720122

lovecraft is more than just edgy "unkown" horror pleb shit. his work actually has a lot of good lore and is incredibly unique and well crafted. he's up there with tolkien tbqh.

>> No.8720145

Discussing or reading philosophy in 2016 is a waste of time.

>> No.8720150


It seems that too many good authors are relegated to the fate of whoever their books appeal to

i.e. some YA authors actually have talent, but they will never be recognized in the same way other novelists are by virtue of having a young/teen girl fanbase tbqh

Of course that is the anomaly I'm speaking of. Most authors with teen girl fanbases are shit authors whose books appeal to teenagers because they're shit

>> No.8720159

>He was also a tranny

>tfw you will never eat Hemingway's boipucci

>> No.8720160

Analytic metaphysics is the most enjoyable kind of philosophy.

>> No.8720163

fiction is useless

>> No.8720167

Too many people possess a utilitarian view of literature, and this view is now all too common even in academia. It reduces the value of literature to crude materialistic terms and lowers literary discourse to a level where ideas cannot survive, choked by the rigid, unthinking atmosphere of dull, plodding empiricism.

>> No.8720172
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You're right. I'm pretty much a Nietzschean flaneur at this point - walking my through the world, bemused as people shit themselves over whatever Western Liberal Democratic concerns rule the day.

If I expressed my real thoughts about things in a social context, I'd have far fewer friends/acquaintances and be accused of all sorts. It's more trouble than it's worth.

>> No.8720188

>he's up there with tolkien tbqh.
You don't understand Tolkien like I do and you're wrong

>> No.8720200

I think Lovecraft and Poe are both shit.

Also philosophy degrees are completely useless, might as well do gender studies.

>> No.8720201

Reddit tier post

>> No.8720204

>I think Lovecraft and Poe are both shit.

how is that contrarian

>> No.8720247

Philosophy in its current form is at a complete fucking dead end. Continental philosophers have become enticed by the appeal of a universal narrative, ironically the very thing they fought against, and now regularly spend time obsessing over power-structure narratives and psychoanalysis which are probably either patently untrue or gross oversimplifications, all couched in the language of elitism and esotericism, and utilizing numerous rhetorical escape hatches to present absolutely impregnable arguments, thus causing the branch to stagnate as trying to counter theories and present alternatives is made nearly impossible.

Meanwhile analytic philosophy is doing its very best to atomize everything and is not trying to present anything resembling a cogent whole, getting totally bogged down in the minutiae. On the rare occasion a large-scale model is produced it's almost always autistic shit like game theory applied on a far-too-grand scale, not to mention it still kind of is mired in the reactionary position towards the continentals, so you get freaks like Dawkins who spend too much time being busy trying to wipe out an ideology through high school debate club rhetoric.

We're fucked desu

>> No.8720290
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>philosophy degrees are completely useless

I mean if you were going to make the case for uselessness it should be any degree in the humanities but phil.

avg. mid-career earnings of people with BA's in phil. and nothing else is in the ballpark of ~80k, making it literally the only non useless degree coming from the humanities departments

I mean this is all regardless of whether or not you think it has a purpose or anything.

Clearly 1 of 2 things are happening, or both:
1) smart people are selecting philosophy
2) people who study philosophy gain perspective, clarity, etc.

probably a combination of both, either way the market has spoken

>> No.8720291

His essays are shit too desu

>> No.8720303


Peter Thiel would like a word.

A lot of other lawyers have philosophy degrees as well.

>> No.8720305


lmao how do you even get below a 5 what the fuck

>> No.8720318



It means everyone from ITT tech and University of Shitdick at Bumbfuck Arkansas are lumped in with everyone at HYS

>> No.8720336

Anyone who argues for literature without a plot or narrative is a fucking idiot. It doesn't need to be schlocky Dan Brown garbage but my fucking Christ does it need to have a narrative direction or else it's going to be, shockingly, fucking boring. If I wanted to read ideas and sentiments awkwardly pasted over clumsy metaphors or cardboard cutout characters I'd read a continental essay desu

>> No.8720359

Many analysts and historians argue that we still exist in a postmodernist era in terms of literature. If that means anything.

>> No.8720392
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>If I expressed my real thoughts

>> No.8720422

Starting to agree with this.

>> No.8720430

Bro, it's gonna be okay. Take some deep breaths.

>> No.8720715

Why the hell do you guys like Blake so much? He's not bad, but he ain't great

>> No.8720734

>what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.

>> No.8720784

>Theatre, as everyone knows, is the most plebeian of all arts - requiring the least imagination.
You almost had me

>> No.8720929
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>Discussing or reading philosophy in 2016 is a waste of time.
So science, math, etc is a waste of time in 2016?
This has to be bait.

>> No.8720959

I've never shrugged at anything harder than I've shrugged at the Communist Manifesto.
How it launched revolutions is beyond me.
I don't get it. And yes, I've read Hegel.

>> No.8722078


>if I completely misunderstand Heidegger and make a philosopher out of it

>> No.8722081
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He's right, you know.