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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 1600x1200, 1270240974483 06-05-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
871412 No.871412 [Reply] [Original]

First two people to post wishlists get books.

>> No.871420

may i take a rain check?

>> No.871417

damn i wish i had that link saved...

>> No.871421

Go find it. It can't be that hard to go to your Amazon account.

>> No.871424

A rain check for what?

>> No.871432


Meh, you can skip over me if you want.

>> No.871431


>> No.871441

You need a shipping address.

>> No.871442


>> No.871452



>> No.871459


>> No.871466
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>> No.871471

Thank you very much, kindanon <3 I definitely appreciate it.

>> No.871472

Which one are you?

>> No.871476


I know you already know, but I'm still going to say I love you.

I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.871477

The Titus Groan person

>> No.871479

I love you too. <3

Which recipient are you?

>> No.871482


I'm the one you bought Jurassic Park for :3

>> No.871484

I ain't getting shit, i know.
But i'm doing just for the sake of it.

>> No.871486

I said I'd buy two people books and I decided to be nice and buy a third. I'm sorry.

>> No.871487

Aww... I always miss these threads.

>> No.871489

sir, please dont take this the wrong way, i am so grateful for your purchase, believe me, but you didn't have to buy me the most expensive edition! :]

Thank you for my Fred Chappell book, i dont know if you've read "I am one of you forever" but if you like southern lit, i would highly recommend it.

>> No.871491


>> No.871493

To be honest, I bought the first copy I saw. Anyways, I don't mind getting the expensive copy because people deserve nice things.

>> No.871494

What's funny?

>> No.871495

You did more than enough, anon. You are kind and spread happiness.

>> No.871496


because you're a loser

>> No.871498

Hey, i'm >>871484 and you don't need to buy anything for me, kay?
But just lemme ask you something: Why do you do this?
I really wanna know what pass on one's mind to buy something for someone who he doesn't know. It's interesting.
Don't take my question as an offense, sir. Feel free to answer.

>> No.871503


Gee, thanks.

>> No.871505

I do it because I think that people should be kind to one another. I have some extra money and instead of spending it on myself I should buy others things.

>> No.871506

I may as well buy others things.*

>> No.871510

Oh wow...
Your attitude amazes me, really. I'm a pretty individualist person, people like you make me think: "How i am a bad motherfucker."
But, you know. Life is tough;being individualistic is my shield to protect people from hurting me.
Thanks for your time.

>> No.871511


he enjoys making you lot scramble like rats to post your shit

>> No.871513

You are a very sweet person, and I hope that our thanks was enough to make you feel like it was worth it.

>> No.871519

Actually, if you notice the timestamps, it took over 5 minutes for the wishlists to be posted. Which doesn't really seem like a scramble or a rush. I think everyone was weary he was a troll at first.

>> No.871524

I got the Chappell book, thank you very much anon.
I hope 4chan will still be around whenever i have money so i can pass it forward, so to speak.

>> No.871525


and then he gets to lord it over you lot and decide who gets and who doesn't. the ones who don't bawwww like fucking niggas while he laughs.

>> No.871527
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>> No.871532

Except he already specified the first two, but happened to throw in an extra third. Whoever posted after the first 2 knew they didn't have much chance of getting anything.

>> No.871529

As you can tell I'm a collectivistic. I actually plan on going to a Buddhist monastery in Tibet after I get my Ph.D and work for about ten years.

It's more than enough actually. It makes me feel great knowing that I brought even the smallest amount of happiness to others.

>> No.871531

I know nobody's going to buy me one, but I just got back into reading after a 2 year video game trip-out. There is a lot of classics on my list I have never read, but being jobless at the moment I have no way of purchasing anything. If anybody feels like helping out a lover of lit, hook me up :p


>> No.871536


I waited to post to see whether it's a troll, so I didn't get anything. But whatever, I'm happy some people got stuff.

>> No.871538

Just to let you know, you don't have a shipping address on there.

>> No.871541

you people make me sick, a whole bunch of moochers

>> No.871543

How many books did you buy, OP?
And how much money do you have left?

>> No.871544

I bought three and I have just enough money to put me through college.

>> No.871545


>> No.871546


Thanks, I added it.

>> No.871551

This is the reason I am not buying something for you right now. Don't use those here.

>> No.871553

Good troll.

>> No.871557

OP, that's impressive. You've inspired me to do this sometime.

>> No.871556


Dont use what :(?

>> No.871555

Dude, one of the buyign options for Snow Crash is a used copy, good condition, for $0.01 + $3.99 shipping. You should buy that right now, don't bother waiting for a gift.

>> No.871559

>And how much money do you have left?
You son of a bitch.

>> No.871561


I have 0 dollars in my bank account or I would :x Getting laid off and having to pay bills still really doesn't help towards my reading collection :(

I've joined paperbackswap.com and gotten a few books off it so far, The Colour of Magic by Terry Pratchett, and the His Dark Materials Omnibus by Phillip Pullman, but the selection there is wanting. They don't even have A Game of Thrones available :(

>> No.871567


you're so pathetic that power over strangers on the internet feels good

>> No.871568

I lol'd. Someone actually bought me "The Trial" and "Metamorphosis" and didn't even post here on 4chan.
You gotta admire the guy who did it.
He's a silence watcher. A dark knight.

>> No.871572


Ha, that'd be nice, I can use some of that awesome right now.

>> No.871570


That happened to me too, except I didnt find out until the package arrived a couple days after my first book arrive. Was a nice surprise :3

>> No.871571


I started reading the Trial today :D

>> No.871574

Hahaha certainly it was.
It must feels good to receive a strange package containing a free book, lol.

>> No.871575


did you give them a sob story?

>> No.871580

I'm always surprised that people do such acts. Considering how awful 4chan is, it's good to know that there are enough feelings of brotherhood that make people buy books for others they know nothing about.

>> No.871581



Why would I do that

>> No.871582

>feelings of brotherhood


>> No.871585


hook me up :p

>> No.871589

Yeah, man. That's comfortable. I feel the heat of their warm heart, spreading happinness everywhere :3

>> No.871592


Don't rub it in for people who didn't get anything, dude.

>> No.871595

As you wish, sir.

>> No.871597

What is it about?

>> No.871602

... It's $4. I'm saving up my book-gifting payload for something substantial, once the book jp gifted me arrives.

>> No.871615

Now my wish list is done.
Rate my wish list, guys.

>> No.871621


Why are you posting your list over and over? Giftfag is gone.

>> No.871627

dont understand what everyone is bitching about
OP did a damn nice thing

>> No.871629

Yeah, i know. That's why i said: rate my list.
Also, recommend me something. I don't know. All i know is that i have nothing to do and i get bored, cause it's 5:00 AM here. So, cheer up guize.

>> No.871646

Fuck it.


>> No.871653

Can't wait till I have some money to spare for my own giveaway thread.

Op and the other generous anons are what make this board worth coming to.

>> No.871696

Screw you. Loser.

>> No.871726


Awesome OP is awesome. You make the board a better place.