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/lit/ - Literature

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8713111 No.8713111 [Reply] [Original]

I can persuade you of anything using my excellent rhetoric.

I did it once on here and changed many minds.

What do you want me to convince you of /lit/?

>> No.8713115

Convince me you are not a faggot.

>> No.8713129

I am a faggot. A faggot who fucked more women than you. You're probably a virgin who chokes when speaking with women.

>> No.8713134
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Rhetoric is not a substitute for fact.

>> No.8713144

shit rhetoric desu, reeks of insecurity.

>> No.8713157

I only persuade using facts. Only facts.

>> No.8713159

Please convince me that you can't convince me.

>> No.8713163

I know you were persuaded by my rhetoric, but I don't expect you to be honest about it.

>> No.8713164

Convince me that you didn't get those trips.

>> No.8713166

Convince me god exists without circular logic.

>> No.8713178

upboated :)

>> No.8713179


convince me i'll be okay :(

>> No.8713194

I can and will always convince you, trust me.

>> No.8713196

I don't see any trips, are you trippin'?

>> No.8713199

I and you know that God exists. We don't need to use circular reasoning.

>> No.8713203

I think you will be okay. Don't worry. Believe me.

>> No.8713212

but rhetoric is by definition targeted and you have very little idea who we are. if I post like a different kind of person will that make your magic not work?

>> No.8713230

>claims to argue using ONLY facts
>only uses blatant assumptions
great thread

>> No.8713235

Convince me that 1+1=3

>> No.8713236

I don't need to know who you are to persuade you. I am a master of rhetoric. My magic will always work. Try your luck.

>> No.8713238

I don't see what you're criticizing me on, but thank you, my threads are always great.

>> No.8713262

Convince me that Donald Trump will make America great again.

>> No.8713264

I hypothesize that there is an additional 1 that makes up 3. I am a mathematician and a part time physicist, I know that for sure, trust me.

>> No.8713265

>Great rhetoric
>I am this
>I know, trust me because I am this

Oboy oboy

>> No.8713365

I convinced your mom to take a breather and stop sucking y dick for 5 minutes, but shes a hungry one.

>> No.8713375

wtf i love god now

>> No.8713384


Convince me to start reading books, I get bored and reading is hard cause I am not very bright.

>> No.8713408


That you can simultaneously hold the belief that drug use should be illegal and that you do not hate freedom.

>> No.8713422

Convince me.

>> No.8713440

I like potatoes

>> No.8713442

I can simultaneously hold the belief that drug use should be illegal and that I do not hate freedom, trust me.

>> No.8713847

I have already convinced you.

>> No.8713852

I like potatoes too.

>> No.8713937

No, you didn't. That's why I asked for it in the first place. Ain't so difficult to understand, is it?

It seems to me you're new at this but that's no problem.
I can teach you the basics, if you want. Let me be your guide.

>> No.8713945

convince me that i can get a gf

>> No.8713993

Need I not to convince you I've convinced you, it has already been done.

Also, who here
>pretending to be OP because lulz