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8710902 No.8710902 [Reply] [Original]

>your three favorite books you read this year

>> No.8711085

what makes you think i read 3 books

>> No.8711122

>Franny and Zooey
>Crime and Punishment

>> No.8711126

>Austin, TX
>Jerusalem, Stoner, Memories of the Future

>> No.8711128

You forgot address and social security number.

>> No.8711130

>tfw I think so little of my own life that I can't be assed to remember all the books I read that year

>> No.8711136

Calgary, Alberta
A Portrait of an artist, mason and Dixon, and crime and punishment.

>> No.8711156

>J R
>The Journal of Albion Moonlight

>> No.8711171

New Somalia

Favourites this year:
1. Tropic of Cancer
2. Franny and Zooey
3. Steppenwolf

Worst books this year:
1. Tender is the Night
2. As I Lay Dying
3. The Snows of Kilimanjaro and Other Stories

>> No.8711179

>100 Years of Solitude, Crime and Punishment, Grapes of Wrath

The Master and Margarita and The Metamorphosis round out my top 5

>> No.8711517

Stoner, 100 years of solitude, Evrything i read by Borges (Short stories and poems

>> No.8711521

holy, how's the weather there?

>> No.8711584
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>Canada (Vancouver)
>No Longer Human, Difference and Repetition, The Thief and The Dogs

>> No.8711592

Well, it depends.
It´s hot, humid and sunny where i live, Guayaquil, which is by the coast.
Up in the Andes is colder, like in the capital, Quito, though still mostly sunny.
It´s nicer in the Andes i´d say

>> No.8711594

Crime and Punishment
East of Eden
The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.8711598
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>New Haven, CT

Nicholson Baker - The Mezzanine
JJ - Ulysses
Philip Roth - American Pastoral

>> No.8711732

>the thief
great book. doesnt get enough attention

>hitchhikers guide to the galaxy
>restuarant at the end of the universe
>legend of drizzt: exile
i need to read more. a lot of books ive read havent really been that spectacular.

>> No.8711746

Under the Volcano
Divine Comedy

>> No.8711765


Berlin Stories by Walser
The Remains of the Day
The Makioka Sisters

>> No.8711769

The Red and the Black
Temple of the Golden Pavilion
The Metamorphosis

>> No.8711793

Wow, at least their requests are denied. I'm at an Ivy League too and I've had three cancelled classes, one exam delay, and numerous emails offering counseling because of the "traumatic" election outcome.

Hey there reddit

>> No.8711801
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>Tulsa, OK
>Hamlet, Underworld, Infinite Jest

>> No.8711808

The Mezzanine is incredible

>> No.8711810


>> No.8711812

What's it like in Alaska? I lived in the Yukon for a year and it was a pretty cool to be in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.8711819

>Dance Dance Dance
>New Essays on Human Understanding
>Father Sergius

>> No.8711828
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26 from NC

The sun also rises
East of eden
the sound and the fury

These are just the books I reread the most often ergo they are my favorites. Nothing I've read this year has really been noteworthy

>> No.8711837


>> No.8711838

>Rio de Janeiro
>Telegraph Avenue, The Giant Buried, The Human Stain

>> No.8711844

>mfw you're 25 and just started reading books

>> No.8711846


>> No.8711852

stay safe

>> No.8711901

którzy sa twoi ulubieni polscy powiesciopisarze?

>> No.8711931

Prus, Żulczyk, Pilipiuk, Tokarczuk.

>> No.8711938

Gombrowicz, Mrożek, Witkacy

>> No.8711949

when you're out hunting on the yukon and in the wilderness doing things like snowmachining and offroading it's pretty great. But if you arent, its SUPER boring. we also have like a 10-1 guy to girl ratio up here. not to mention 2/5ths of the population has stds.

>> No.8711951

>hey there /sffg/

>> No.8713280

co od tokarczuk?

>> No.8713506
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>East-Helsinki, Finland
>Itämerensuomalaiset (toim. Jokipii), Unelmat paremmasta maailmasta (Linkola), La machine infernale (Cocteau)

>> No.8713512

Long Island

The Remains of the Day
Holy Bible

>> No.8713519

księgi jakubowe, E.E

>> No.8713547


Hunger, Knut Hamsun
The Sea and the Mirror, Auden

>> No.8713672
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gr, oolyssus, proust v.2

would welcome recommendations

>> No.8713697

Southeast USA
Mason & Dixon (Pinecone), Transformations (Sexton), Lost in the Funhouse (Barth)

>> No.8714339
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Magic Mountain
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Ein Mann will nach Oben
The Waves

>> No.8714361
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I Served the King of England
Good Soldier Svejk
Sensitive Barbarian (Něžný barbar)

It's hard to choose just three books.

>> No.8714377

>The old man and the sea, The prodigiy, Anna Karenina

>> No.8714381

>Crime and punishment, Letters to Felice, The curious incident of the dog in the night-time

>> No.8714384

>The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
>Chesil Beach

>> No.8714385

These are Dutch books. Is this image from a Dutch source?

>> No.8714400

>The Crying of Lot 49, Candide, Kafka on the Shore

>> No.8714408

I have no idea, I got it from another anon.

>> No.8714410
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>Mao II, Jealousy & In the Labyrinth (Robbe-Grillet collection), & Melancholy of Resistance
Satantango would be in there too but I'm currently reading it so it hasn't been "read"; I'd probably knock Robbe-Grillet off to make room.

>> No.8714414

Colombia (bog)
The Death of Artemio Cruz
Madame Bovary
In Cold Blood

>> No.8714426 [DELETED] 

>Johnny Got His Gun, Anthem, & Gospel According To Biff

>> No.8714431
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>Faust (Part II), On the Genealogy of Morals, Storm of Steel

Bit of a Germanophile desu. Not a Nazi/Stormfag though.

>> No.8714432

21, France.
History of Nations and Nationalism in Europe
A collection of short stories by Maupassant called "Cruels and Fantastic Tales"
Treaty on the Origin of Inequality amongst Men by Rousseau

>> No.8714434


>> No.8714444

Faust, Moby-Dick, The Portrait of a Lady

>> No.8714457

>On the Genealogy of Morals
Nice. Any more Nietzsche you're planning to read ? Genealogy of Morals is great because it's really easy to understand the underlying themes and thesis put forth by Nietzsche, especially about bad consciousness.

Reading Plato rn, I wish he was half as clear tb'h

>> No.8714459
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I've read almost everything by Nietzsche.

Only now am I reading On the Genealogy of Morals & Untimely Meditations. I wouldn't recommend working backwards like I did though.

Dumb af

>> No.8714468

>three favorite books you read this year
ha, you are joking right?

>> No.8714470

>Lolita, The Trial, Walden

>> No.8714472

1.The Crying of Lot 49
2.The Sun Also Rises
3.The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.8715083

>w a g g a w a g g a
>Moby Dick / Surgery; a comprehensive guide / Plato; Complete works

>> No.8715111
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>the bible, don quixote, flashman at the charge

>> No.8715135


Northern Va.

The Holy Bible KJV
Human Action - Ludwig von Mises

>> No.8715136

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>The Third Policeman

>> No.8715500

Please tell me living in Paris isn't as magical as I've romanticised in my day dreams.

>> No.8715528

Guangzhou, China
>Loving Sabotage by Amelie Nothomb
>Blue of Noon by Georges Bataille
>The Communist Hypothesis, Alain Badiou

>> No.8715533
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unless you think gypsys and smelly rude parisians are romantic then its aromantic as a foot. Some people are into feet though.

>> No.8715566

People like that old freak are the reason everyone thinks we're creeps and perverts.

And stuff like this doesn't make it any easier as well:

>> No.8715747

it is, its a really great city for artists even now
only if you hang out around the touristic parts but yeah. also, gypsies arent even the problem, there are hundreds of arabic guys on every corner trying to pickpocket and starting violence