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/lit/ - Literature

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8709453 No.8709453 [Reply] [Original]

Literary Confession Thread

>> No.8709465

I'm a sood

>> No.8709468

Keep your chin up, champ.

>> No.8709682

I like ayn rand

>> No.8709689

Lurk more, faggot

>> No.8710914

I read our lady of the flowers a month ago and I loved it I can't remember a thing about it now

>> No.8710923


>> No.8710926

he could have jumped at least another 4 steps. should have purchased a finer crafted scooty puff jr

>> No.8711028

i'm too stupid for kant
i think greek philosophy has no relevance today
i'm sad about how fast alt-lit went down
i'm looking forward to tao lin's new novel
i have read the whole war & peace but was so deeply depressed and isolated at that time that i don't remember much of it
i don't want to read the stoner in case i don't get it

>> No.8711100

Haven't read a thing in months.

>> No.8711115

I don't know why Dostoevsky gets berated so much on this board. Despite that, though, I think he is a great writer.

>> No.8711120
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I like the Garnett translations

>> No.8711168

Kant is easy and greek philosophy still is very relevant today.

>> No.8711180

"The Classics" hold no interest for me.

>> No.8711205

I have no interest in reading actual philosophy, that is, read from the Greeks onwards. I much more prefer reading overly stylised philosophy that reads as a novel, and derive at my own conclusion.

Dostoevsky's Demons is his best work.

From my own national literature, poetry is leagues ahead of prose, spare a few here and there.

Psalms is the greatest Bible book.

I dislike Pynchon's convoluted prose, but take immense pleasure reading his practical jokes ie books.

Poetry within boundaries of style is better than free verse/rhyme.

I think I have a mental illness, but prefer to drown it in drugs.

I want to believe in God, but it's difficult. I realise this is to be expected, and I need to overcome it.

>> No.8711340

Stoner is a pretty easy read senpai, I'm sure you could read it. Even if you don't "get" it the first time round you can always just read reviews and then read it again with the things the reviewers said in mind (although I really doubt you would need to)

>> No.8711718

I hate most literature published before 1900, I can't connect with the way people in those days lived, it's too different

>> No.8711795

because he is too sad, like the depressing guy who can't dance on the party

>> No.8711800

i'd like to be on a literary level like Nabokov and Joyce, but don't know how and therefore post on a mongolian cartoon discussion forum

>> No.8711831

did he died

>> No.8711833

I think I'm gonna make it (as a poet)

>> No.8711836

I despise all British literature outside of Shakespeare
I love Classical history, but I hate all Roman authors except Cicero
I'm glad Trump won

>> No.8711843

Fuck You
Ovid is the best thing to have ever happened,

>> No.8711855

I like reading when I'm eating bread with olive green and coffee and I read a lot

>> No.8711874

Virgil cunt

>> No.8712131
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I got bored reading the Oddyssey.
I think Pynchon is overrated.
I understand why people like A Clockwork Orange but I hate it.
Brave New World isn't that great either, Fahrenheit 451 is better.
I like Tao Lin.
The only Russian book I ever read is We.
I think Cat's Cradle is Vonnegut's best work.

>> No.8712144

I don't want to sound cliche so I never say Hemingway is my favourite writer when he really is

>> No.8712146

Anna Karenina bored the shit out of me. I can see exactly why it's such a classic but holy shit it was not entertaining in the least.

>> No.8712148

I didn't read a single book in the last two years.

>> No.8712162

"Trainspotting" would have been much better if only the quotations were written in scots.

>> No.8712174
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So this isn't a dig but I was wondering if you could explain the appeal of Tao to me. I've read through Taipai a bit and I'm confused how anyone could think that it's anything other than hot garbage.

Really can anyone explain the appeal of Tao's work to me?

>> No.8712176


Touhou is the best work of Japanese literature.

>> No.8712197

nearly everything I write is inspired in some way by vidya or anime

I have no formal education in poetry, I just write blurbs that I think flow well enough

I early voted for Hilary but am secretly glad Trump won because it pissed off a lot of sjw types

>> No.8712208

Where are you from?
Would you recommend any poetry/prose from your country?

>> No.8712212

I probably have upwards of 50 ideas for novels or short stories that are really interesting, but I lack the will power to start on any of them beyond world building.

>> No.8712224

I haven't read in a week. No motivation desu senpai.

>> No.8712229

I think he's funny. I think he's weird. I realise he writes bullshit but he gets it published anyway, which is also funny. I'd never publish Eeee eee eeeee, but there you go.

If it isn't for you then it isn't; I'm not very good at explaining why I like things. Like being the key word here, by the way: I don't think he's that great. I just like him.

>> No.8712318

You are a pseud and an attention seeker. What is your nationality?

>> No.8712326

>he writes bullshit but he gets it published anyway, which is also funny
Unrelated, but did you vote for Trump by any chance?

>> No.8712354

Not an American, but I probably would have voted for Trump if I was. He's better than Hillary, at least, but lets not get into politics.

>> No.8712357

That usually means that you haven't come up with a plot good enough to warrant you investing your time in.

>> No.8712365

why are you on /lit/ then, when do you mark the classics period

>> No.8712380

Im a pleb

>> No.8712381

Hope you had fun wandering out of your pomo or sffg threads

>> No.8712387

Same, but not because it's unrelatable, I just maintain that most great literature was published in the 1900's themselves. Never could get into things like the Iliad or Paradise Lost

You should read A Hero of Our Time by Lermontov though, the characters are so different from what we are now yet seem so familiar

>> No.8712392
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*modern Japanese culture

>> No.8712424

The song of everlasting sorrow is my most favorite poem.
If we forget about Gilgamesh, of coarse.

>> No.8712665

it's anonymous, my man. of couse i'd want to spill my heart and thought, as plebian and seeky they may be.


>> No.8712668

I'm not aware of there being translations, but Djura Jaksic, Vladislav Petkovic Dis, Milan Rakic, Vojislav Ilic -- these are the modernists btw.

research serb epic poetry if you want more.

>> No.8712673

Kant is a notoriously bad writer; lots of professional philosophers dislike him for his frequent failure to meet minimal standards of clarity

you're super wrong about the Greek philosophy bit, maybe you shouldn't have opinions you're not able to defend? how about "I suspect Greek philosophy has no relevance today"? you don't have to have an opinion about everything, you know

>> No.8712904

I am unable to see my childhood love of fantasy as anything but indulgent escapism.

Trying to get into the habit of reading again has made me realize I am cannot understand literature on a level that I feel is acceptable. I now question whether my previous readings of well-regarded works were anything but pretentious justifications to decorate my bookshelf.

A cycle of ressentiment of my past self by my current self for uninformed failings and the inevitability of ressentiment of my current self by my future self for my inability to adequately correct those failings has led to a perpetual, paralyzing fear of eternal self-dissatisfaction that has precluded any joy I might derive from life.

This post took me over half an hour to write.

>> No.8713062

I unironically enjoyed the first two Konosuba LNs.

>> No.8713066

but the levin chapters dude, those are so magical

>> No.8713067

>This post took me over half an hour to write.

>> No.8713102

Even Hegel complains about Kant's obscurity.

>> No.8713116

>I am unable to see my childhood love of fantasy as anything but indulgent escapism.
>implying it's bad

>> No.8713119
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>i think greek philosophy has no relevance today


Most of our problems today are a consequence of the Classics having been removed from modern education. By that I mean, among other things, the Greeks.

>> No.8713120

I don't actually read books, just summaries and interpretations of books as to then be able to pass as a patrician and discuss/show off my knowledge to other readers/plebs.

Everyone thinks I'm well-read.

>> No.8713121

I realised that the pursuit of pussy is infinitely less gratifying than reading yesterday

>> No.8713130

Mediterranean as fuck

>> No.8713156

Dumb frogposter

>> No.8713160


The frogposter's right, you know.

>> No.8713167

I unironically enjoy many of chuck palahniuks works.

>> No.8713170

I think John Updike is the best prose writer in the English language since Faulkner.

>> No.8713226

Fucking how? The prose is garbage to the point where scenes get ruined because of it.

>> No.8713276

I hardly ever read authors who haven't experienced substantial hardship or conflict in their lives, I believe that work without that hardship is devoid of credibility. This is why I don't read books by women and dismiss a lot of speculative philosophy

>> No.8713370

best book dasu
hero of our time is one of my top 10