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8708454 No.8708454 [Reply] [Original]

Recent events have shown me that I don't really understand America and I'd like to change that.

To that end I've decided to read a novel for each state in the union, so any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Ideally each novel would capture something about the state's history or culture, rather than just being set there.

>> No.8708459

I guess Huckleberry Finn for Missouri

>> No.8708460 [DELETED] 

Pick up a fucking history book, retard

>> No.8708461

Mason and Dixon for Maryland

>> No.8708462
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Tom Wolfe for Virginia

>> No.8708463 [DELETED] 

Please don't include 'muh equality/anti-race-realism' works like that one, or To Kill a Mockingbird, or other Southern novels with blacks and whites being friends and overcoming 'muuuhh ebuull racism', thanks

>> No.8708467

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.8708469

I know the facts, I think fiction will help me get a grasp on the psyche.

>> No.8708470

Any one /NJ/ here?

I don't think I've ever seen jersey mentioned besides In Freedom by franzen. I got a kick out of it since it mentioned my town and some bars I go to :^)

>> No.8708477

Fuck New Jersey, faggot. It's a shithole. kys.

>> No.8708481

FL - Thomas McGuane's Ninety-Two in the Shade. Tom Wolfe's Back to Blood, too.

>> No.8708518


Philip Roth, man. Most of his novels take place in Newark.

>> No.8708519 [DELETED] 

American Pastoral by Roth

>> No.8708542


Top ken have you been to nj or no?


Thanks lads I'll give it a go

>> No.8708634

Fargo for Minnesota

>> No.8708641
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Alright here's what I've got so far.

I couldn't see a Tom Wolfe novel that looked particularly Virginia-y.

>> No.8708645

How about Pennsylvania?

>> No.8708648

Try American Rust. It's set in PA, and has themes that might give you a sense of what the rust belt is like.

>> No.8708650

Philip Roth sets most of his stuff in New Jersey. Not really a fan, but he is pretty well-regarded.

>> No.8708652

I'll check it out. I read The Son and thought it was pretty good.

>> No.8708670

Winesburg, Ohio, by Sherwood Anderson
In Cold Blood, by Truman Capote

>> No.8708756

Man in the High Castle for Colorado?

>> No.8708788

Ohio: Beloved
West Virginia: Freedom (Franzen)
Pennsylvania: American Rust
Iowa: Gilead
Alabama: To Kill a Mockingbird
Mississippi: Light in August

>> No.8708796

Blood Meridian for AZ and No Country for Old Men for TX.

>> No.8708809

Seize the Day for NY
Confederacy of Dunces for Louisiana

>> No.8708814

what about Alaska?

>> No.8708828

The Yiddish Policemen's Union

>> No.8708838


>> No.8708842

Call of the Wild by Jack London.

>> No.8708849

Grapes of Wrath is essential reading for this purpose. Both for Oklahoma and California.

>> No.8708855

I saw on the chart that East of Eden was the choice for California but I think Grapes is the better Steinbeck choice. It doesn't really explain California as a whole though, I like Steinbeck but he's not the best choice.

>> No.8708859

Junot Diaz. aside from some set in the Dominican Republic, all the stories in Drown are set in NJ. one is even titled Edison, New Jersey. And Oscar Wao is mostly in NJ, too.

GA has pretty much got to be Gone With The Wind. Although, Bierce's unit was stationed in GA so maybe some of his civil war stuff is set there, too.

>> No.8708860

Maybe I'll cheat and have Grapes of Wrath for OK so I can free up CA for something else.

>> No.8708866

That might be better. While Okies are an important part of California history, my grandfather was one, they are more representative of the state they emigrated from. Still thinking of a good Cali book, pretty difficult because the state is so fucking big.

>> No.8708868

Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey is the pick for Utah

>> No.8708875

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas could work for Nevada, although emblemic of the city and not the state. then again, is there any choice that represents the whole state? Maybe some old Louis L'amore oater?

>> No.8708877

a) why not?
b) those books aren't like that

>> No.8708895
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No book will help you understand these people, because books are written by, about, and for the kind of person smart enough to read books.

>> No.8708909
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This book did a pretty good job though.

>> No.8709107

Cannery Row should be used for California instead 2bh

>> No.8709110

I've never read it but I will if you tell me why it is the best choice.

>> No.8709111

Spoonriver anthology for Illinois.

>> No.8709123

Because it focuses on the different characters that live in Monterey, CA, and even goes into Salinas. They are a stark contrast seeing as Salinas is a salt of the earth, farm land.

Seeing as how it focuses on actual California characters, and it's his best book, I think It is the perfect choice.

>> No.8709129
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really most things by Wendell Berry would good for Kentucky.

Hillbilly Elegy isn't fiction but it's a really interesting look at the communities in the appalachian mountains

>> No.8709134

The Heart is a Lonely Hunter for Georgia.

Maybe Lie Down in Darkness/Confessions of Nat Turner for Virginia? William Styron is a good choice for that state.

>> No.8709136


West Virginia should be Breece DJ Pancake trilobites

>> No.8709152

Look Homeward, Angel for North Carolina

>> No.8709153
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Here's where we're at so far. Triple McCarthy is probably overkill, feel free to throw out alternatives for those states.

I've actually read it already. It was good.

Cheers, I'll check them out.

>> No.8709168

Infinite Jest could replace Blood Meridian

Lonesome Dove could replace No Country for Old Men

The Gilded Age: A Tale of Today could replace Suttree

>> No.8709202

Sometimes a Great Notion for Oregon

>> No.8709220


Kent Haruf, Plainsong

>> No.8709236


Don't bash your brains in over 50 turgid novels lol But, some suggestions:

Some Stephen King is sure to be set in Maine. And since King is a popular author, reading some of his work and trying to understand why it is popular in America may help your project.

Edgar Allan Poe moved all over, but Baltimore regularly claims him. so some Poe for Maryland.

maybe some James Ellroy for CA?

I'll be honest, fiction becomes less interesting to me the older I get.

>> No.8709244

The Changing Light at Sandover by James Merrill for Connecticut (or at least the shore region of it)
Epic Poem about ghosts, reincarnations of Plato, and the intersection of the scientific/spiritual/artistic, with a sprawling cosmology reminiscent of Dante and Milton.

>> No.8709266

The Moviegoer by Walker Percy for Louisiana
Gives a good account of New Orleans and the surrounding suburban area

>> No.8709269

America can't even produce one novel of note let alone 50

>> No.8709279

Would actually make a pretty cool chart. Comfy thread OP

>> No.8709292

For Wyoming, The Virginians by Owen Wister would be great. Considered to be the first ever "Western" novel.

>> No.8709300


we should do one for presidents too, maybe:
pro biography
contra biography
something written during their term

>> No.8709304

As a Brit this sounds really interesting actually, I guess for Maine you'd have a Stephen King book?

>> No.8709306

do you know a lot about presidential biographies?

I love the idea but wonder if /lit/ has enough knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject

>> No.8709309

Absalom, Absalom! for Mississippi

>> No.8709312

I'm having trouble finding biographies that would balance the hagiographic biographies.

I was planning on choosing the possitive biography from this site:

and there is also this, which (inb4 >buzzfeed) seems interesting, although I didn't include it before:

>> No.8709320

I was wondering if anything from Colorado would get mentioned. Looks like a book worth reading. Thanks for the rec.

>> No.8709326

Raymond carver really has that pacific NW feel.

>> No.8709329
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Wisconsin represent!

>> No.8709334

The problem with California is it's too varied and huge for there to be a well-known, well-written novel that describes it all. It's like New York - most New York novels focus on the NYC/Long Island/Westchester area, leaving few to focus on upstate NY. I'd like to be proven wrong.

But yeah, there are any number of California novels that do a good job of describing a little bit of California, but at the expense of other parts. Writing about SF? LA and the rural areas get left behind, and vice versa.

The Zamorano Club has a list of books it considers to be essential to an understanding of California's nature, but I'm not quite familiar with everything on it. I do know it contains a lot of nonfiction though. Fig Tree John does a good job.

>> No.8709338

A link to the list in question, for anyone interested:

>> No.8709340

>Edgar Allan Poe moved all over, but Baltimore regularly claims him. so some Poe for Maryland

I was thinking about the Gold Bug for SC. It's one of his longer stories, as well as a popular one, and set on the South Carolina coast.

>> No.8709341


Well, anon, I suggested Tom Wolfe because he is from Virginia.

>> No.8709346

I realise that but I'm assuming that reading The Bonfire of the Vanities or The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test isn't likely to give me much of a sense of Virginia.

>> No.8709347

>leaving few to focus on upstate NY. I'd like to be proven wrong.

The Last of the Mohicans

>> No.8709348

the bible for mississippi

>> No.8709352
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You can get a sense of that though the way he writes or something, I don't know. Incidentally, I'm sure Edgar Allen Poe wrote about Virginia. But you have to realize reading a single book won't give you the perfect semblance of Virginia, for it is too big and diverse.

>> No.8709358

I see you've filled the Illinois slot with a work I'm unfamiliar with, but I humbly suggest Bradbury's Dandelion Wine as a serious contender. Comfy: The Novel, right there.

>> No.8709361

I still think the movie Fargo should represent Minnesota.

>> No.8709365

God, do not read east of eden, it is without a doubt the most reddit tier, overwrought sentimental plebby piece of "literature" that i have ever read. What abut Grapes of Wrath? Unless youve already read it and dont want to repeat yourself there is no fucking reason to read EoE over GoW. And even if you have, there has fucking got to be a better californian book than EoE.

seriously dude, fucking anything but east of eden, if you go ahead with it dont say i didnt warn you.

>> No.8709366


>recommends Stephen King

>complains about fiction

If you were so bright maybe you'd recommend Atleast one good american author.

>> No.8709368

William Gass' In the Heart of the Heart of the Country suits a lot of the midwest
Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie would suit Illinois
Something John Green for Indiana

>> No.8709377

That does look good. Maybe I'll give it the nod considering Spoon River Anthology isn't really a novel. But I'll probably read that too, it sounds interesting as fuck.

I've seen it, something like it in novel form would be great.

Don't worry, another anon already talked me into GoW.

>> No.8709379

Eh, you're not wrong but I disagree for some reason. Not enough New York character in it, if that makes sense.

>> No.8709390


>> No.8709408

seconding this over The Sound and The Fury as Absalom, Absalom! deals more with the legacy and impact of Southern life post-Civil War

>> No.8709415

Move Infinite Jest to Mass. (Or obviously put Hawthorne there). States characterized by major conurbations probably need two books. Chicago needs a Saul Bellow novel, LA needs Nathaniel West, etc

>> No.8709437

Complete HP Lovecraft for Rhode Island.

>> No.8709459

Which Tom Wolfe book? He's a Richmond native but I can't name a book of his set in the Old Dominion.

>> No.8709477

>ctrl+f didion
>0 matches

You had one job, apparently.

>> No.8709478
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A good book about Virginia, and more relevant than ever in light of recent events.

>> No.8709479

I second Gilead for Iowa

>> No.8709485

No Stephen Crane? Yall are retarded.

>> No.8709487

Bonfire of the Vanities for NY

Suttree for Tennessee

>> No.8709505

Dandelion Wine is fag shit.

>> No.8709510

The Marrow of Tradition for North Carolina

>> No.8709514

Massachusetts should be Walden

>> No.8709569

Requesting lit that gives you the feel of Hawaii and Texas

>> No.8709584

I would vote for Into the Wild. It gives a great sense of Alaskan disdain for idiots.

>> No.8709587

Anyone in here read Suttree? I'm from the Knoxville area, so I'm interested in reading it. Is it any good? And if so, should I read any other McCarthy before tackling it?

Great thread btw OP. I haven't read any King but everyone is suggesting him for Maine. I guess you could read The Stand, since it's one of his most popular/praised works.

>> No.8709593
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>Pennsylvania: American Rust

Were forgetting this minor /lit/ meme which takes place in Philly.

>> No.8709628

>from the Knoxville area
that reminds me, Agee got the Pulitzer for A Death In The Family. They eventually re-named 15th St for him, too.

I haven't read Suttree or ADitF, but sounds like it could be a contender at any rate.

>> No.8709636

>implying traitor Didion can come close to describing California
"hurrr muh vastly superior New York SoHo culture"
"hurrr muh everybody is so fake hurr weather"
Didion's read on California is no different from a People Magazine writeup that describes the Kardashians as Los Angeles nobility.

>> No.8709639
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so you enjoyed it, then?

>> No.8709795

Only Oklahoma book i can think of is the outsiders ???

>> No.8709819

Definitely something by Hawthorne for Massachusetts. I would probably say The House of the Seven Gables

Death Comes For the Archbishop by Willa Cather for New Mexico

I second >>8709510

McTeague by Frank Norris for California

>> No.8709871


I can't

>> No.8709951

If you don't think BEE is too much of a meme, Less than Zero deals with a more modern LA and gives you a better feel of California in the present day

>> No.8709960

please kys

>> No.8709980

>Top ken have you been to nj or no?

Yes, I have been to Princeton and Trenton. And it's the worst fucking state in this country. President Trump should honestly just glass the whole fucking state. The people there are even worse. Genocide when?

>> No.8710427

Thanks for the recommendation. I'll probably check it out.

>> No.8710451

Mason and Dixon obviously belongs to Pennsylvania. I bet you're a spy for the Jesuits.

>> No.8710477
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Housekeeping for Idaho

There's probably some novels out there that are more explicitly about the state, but I doubt they will be as good. Seriously this novel is sublime, everyone should read it.

>> No.8710480

Was just going to post Haruf.

How well-known is he?

>> No.8710485


Fuck off

>> No.8710488

Yeah whatever, at least I didn't call it a tour de force. But for real it is sublime, I heavily encourage you to go and read it.

>> No.8710490

Fuck off

>> No.8710498


I believe he has some name recognition outside the state in addition to being a literary favorite son in CO. Not as well known as someone like Stephen King of course, but his work captures the spirit of the state far better than, say, The Shining.

>> No.8710572
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We're on the home straight.

>> No.8710595

>Recent events have shown me that I don't really understand America and I'd like to change that.
>To that end I've decided to read a novel for each state in the union
How about just studying American history?

>> No.8710597

Not sure about a book, but for Michigan you can listen to Sufjan Steven'a album called Michigan. Same goes for Illinois. Great albums with beautiful music that he researched and looked through old state files and shit to write.

>> No.8710637


Jeez what got you so triggered? I'm genuinely curious. Where are you from? Was it a culture shock when you got here? Why did you come to nj?

>> No.8711095

Maine, Olive Kitteridge.
Rhode Island, Calm at Sunset, Calm at Dawn

>> No.8711112

This or A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams.

>> No.8711151
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Wisconsin belongs to Rascal

>> No.8711192

I veto Less than Zero. That book fucking sucked and it gives you a very small slice of a very small community in California.

>> No.8711206

Alright, give me an alternative.

>> No.8711208


Tobias Wolff

>> No.8711219

Would This Boy's Life work for Washington?

>> No.8711222

I'm trying to find something but it's hard. Grapes of Wrath captures the majority of California (the huge amount of agricultural centers) but you could easily use it for OK so I hesitate to recommend it.

A lot of stuff involves immigrants too. Maybe we can split it into LA, SF, and inland. Same with NY.

>> No.8711224
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I'm from DC. I went to go visit a friend at Princeton, which was great. The town itself was very quaint. But the rest of New Jersey was grungy. The people are the worst part, too. They're all cold and rude. And now that I think about it, they don't really contribute anything to the rest of the country. Fuck off.

>> No.8711408

what about our commonwealths?

>> No.8711416

They more than likely thought you were just a faggot m8

>> No.8711424

Also, the rest of the state? You mentioned you only saw Princeton and Trenton?

>> No.8711763
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you wanna see something depressing?

>> No.8711792

What's this?

>> No.8711805

So the South has the best/least bad taste.

Really want to know why ND is the second HP book specifically.

>> No.8711821

This. Such an underrated piece of American literature.

>> No.8711824


>Wisconsin, Alcoholics Anonymous

I laughed heartily.

>> No.8711857

I agree, that book is great.

>> No.8711869

>north carolina
>not Look Homeward, Angel

>> No.8711903

Rabbit Run?

>> No.8711921

Russell Banks for New Hampshire either The Sweet Hereafter or Afffliction.

>> No.8711926

To Kill a Mockingbird is the best choice, but assuming OP has already read it, I'd say Helen Keller's autobio

>> No.8711932

Train Dreams gets my vote for Idaho. But then I haven't read Housekeeping.

>> No.8711934

It's a great book. The style is totally unlike most McCarthy; it's far more Joycian in nature, really introspective and subject focused. It's also McCarthy's biographical novel and does a great job of depicting the life of aimless, broke roustabouts in the 1950s.

You don't really need to read any other stuff; this book would actually be good to read before his later stuff. It's dense and wordy but no more so than most books brought up here constantly.

Alos Confederacy of Dunces should be for New Orleans.

>> No.8711939

The Secret History for Vermont?

>> No.8711950

Louisana I mean.

Thou really you could do books for the major cities as well.

>> No.8711953

Cheers, think I'll check out The Sweet Hereafter

I haven't, believe it or not. Just the film.

I've read Train Dreams. Bretty gud.

I've heard good things. I expect it's not all that representative of Vermont but I'll take it.

>> No.8711965

I veto Walden for not being a novel. Add The Scarlet Letter instead

>> No.8711966

Fuck on. Go go Power Rangers!

>> No.8711967

Well, imo Mockingbird is a rare case where the movie is just as good if not slightly better than the book

>> No.8711968


In a similar way The Sopranos managed to thouroughly capture NJ vibes

>> No.8711994

I had a Hawthorne novel pencilled in before. I'll change it back if you promise to let me get away with some of the other memoirs/non-fiction on the list.

>> No.8712003

I guess. I understand that there are some states that have fewer works to choose from. But for Massachusetts, man, ya gotta pick a novel

>> No.8712012

For actual insight into the culture of Maine, look into Tim Sample. The /lit/ answer would be Elizabeth Strout though

>> No.8712031

Alright, ten states left.

North Dakota
South Carolina
Sout Dakota

Thanks, I'll look into it. Yeah, I've got Olive Kitteridge down at the moment.

>> No.8712044

You could use The Magnificent Ambersons by Booth Tarkington for Indiana

Vonnegut is more famous but I can't think of any of his major works that are actually set in the state

>> No.8712055

Thanks, looks interesting. I take it it stands on its own despite being part of a trilogy?

>> No.8712059

It's really a thematic trilogy, so yes

>> No.8712156

Giants in the Earth for the Dakotas

>> No.8712180

Lake Wobegon Days for Minnesota
True Grit for Arkansas

>> No.8712252


If anyone has any interest at all in trying to understand American society from a historical perspective, this article is definitely worth reading.

>> No.8712262

Morte d'Urban is the most /lit/ Minnesotan book. Look it up, and it's published by NYRB. Praised by Thomas Merton, a Trappist monk who is quite /lit/ himself and has book published by New Directions.

>> No.8712276

Fight Club for Delaware

>> No.8712281

From Here to Eternity for Hawaii

>> No.8712319

OP can USA by John Dos Passos get it's own category?

>> No.8712327

No, Main Street by Sinclair Lewis is the great Minnesota novel

>> No.8712359

P a t e r s o n

>> No.8712367

Song of Hiawatha, Longfellow

>> No.8712375

Dune for Washington desu. Caladan is Washington and Herbert said as much.

>> No.8712444

>tfw Arkansan and can only think of True Grit
I'm...I'm a failure /lit/

>> No.8712447

Redeem yourself by writing THE Great Arkansan Novel.

>> No.8712451

There's also I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings

>> No.8712454

"I know why the caged bird sings" by Maya Angelou.

>> No.8712708

Freedom - Jonathan Franzen for Minnesota

>> No.8712711

>The Last Lecture
the fuck

>> No.8713304

N I g g e r

>> No.8713314

desu Stand by Me is probably the best Maine novel

>> No.8713379

For Wisconsin try "The Art of Fielding"?

Wisconsin is the setting although that setting doesn't particularly have a big role. Still it's probably the biggest name novel I can think of set in Wisconsin. Actually the only one.

>> No.8713382

I should add that since it's about baseball you can learn about a pretty important part of American culture.

>> No.8713399
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Are you okay with novellas and short story collections too? For Alabama, how about the short story collection Poachers by Tom Franklin? It's very good.

>> No.8713413

Big Two-hearted River by Hemingway for upper mich

>> No.8713460

I've read The Body, I really like it. When a lot of people were mentioning Stephen King I considered putting Different Seasons down for Maine but Apt Pupil is set in California and The One That Didn't Get a Movie is set in Manhattan.

Thanks, I'll take it. Understanding America's love of baseball may be the biggest challenge of all.

Yeah, there's some short stories, some epic poems in there too. Thanks, think I'll give it the nod over TKAM. I'm hesitant to have the likes of it and A Confederacy of Dunces on the list because I'm more likely to read them outside of this project anyway.

Right so now we just need something for South Carolina and either North Dakota or South Dakota. Or anon's suggetsion >>8712156 can be used for North and South, leaving the 50th novel for something else, what do you think?

>> No.8713527

>leaving the 50th novel for something else, what do you think

>> No.8713558

Their Eyes Were Watching God By Zora Hurston

Takes places in Florida during Jim Crow. Its about a Mixed Race woman who goes through 3 different marriages that define the major periods of her life.

The novel does great in detailing life in Florida historically as well as how the state became as successful as it is. Also delves into racism and womens role in society.

Its one of those standard "Read it or dont pass english 101" books but i found it pretty informative and enjoyable.

>> No.8713559

Isn't that three novels? But it does sound like it would serve my purposes well. I certainly don't have any better ideas at the moment.

>> No.8713586

They come in one book and they're stylistically identical. Personally I think the first part is the best but it all gives a nuanced and comprehensive portrayal of the cultural and class distinctions in America and the implications of it, while covering 30 years of history.

>> No.8714462

so is there going to be a chart?

>> No.8714533

Pale King for Illinois

>> No.8714537
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Alright here's what we've ended up with, unless anyone has any major objections. Thanks for all your suggestions, sorry if I didn't use yours. I have them all written down so maybe I'll get around to some of the others eventually.

If there any Dakotan anons here, get writing. It falls to you to rescue your state's literary tradition.

It's beyond my capabilities. And if somene else wanted to do it, something a bit more considered than my arbitrary decision-making is probably needed.

>> No.8714614

My Overview would be "The People, Yes" by Carl Sandburg, in my opinion the great American epic poem, but that's subjective.

>> No.8714646

Loved the title story in Poachers but aside from the story about the guy buying the old bath tub, I didn't care much for the other stories in Poachers

>> No.8714666

Dude, not Fear and Loathing for Nevada. It's a shit book. John O'Brien's Leaving Las Vegas is much more representative of sin city.

>> No.8714750

>entry level = shit
>trading shit for dogshit

>> No.8714987

I've read both. Housekeeping is better.

>> No.8715064

I thought the story "Blue Horses" in Poachers was fantastic.

>> No.8715129

>why is that RI?

>> No.8715137

good stuff

>> No.8715153
File: 144 KB, 300x434, RevolutionaryRoad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctrl + f "connecticut"

One response in a thread of two hundred replies and it was a shit rec for it has little to do with CT.

Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. Captures some of the New England sentiment and the tensions that are generated from living in suburban communities where your neighbors expect you to be them.

>> No.8715158

the swimmer by john cheever

>> No.8715159

>shit rec
>recommends Revolutionary Road

>> No.8715168

>Ideally each novel would capture something about the state's history or culture, rather than just being set there.

Going based off of this and this criteria only, Revolutionary Road is better than Merrill's work, which I've actually read.

If you think you can do better, by all means, sir.

How does this capture the culture &/or history of the state of CT?

>> No.8715175

have you read it? the swimmer is about a waspy guy getting drunk in westport/greenwich. that's the CT i know and love.

>> No.8715233

Revolutionary Road might only pertain to the part of the state that is a suburb of NYC, but it's a fucking beautiful book. Not a fun read tho

>> No.8716519

Bumping this

>> No.8716756

Is it an allegory of Ted Kennedy? I mean he was a catholic but he was a good swimmer from the area.

>> No.8717538

I second this. I grew up in MN and every kid at my school had to read that book so we understood our state's Scandinavian "roots". We all hated it, but I came across a chapter of it in an anthology and realized it is actually very beautiful, touching writing. It might drag on 100 pages more than it should, but it's still a worthwhile read

>> No.8717811

Good old Ted Kennedy, the only guy in Connecticut who knew how to swim.

>> No.8717873

used to live in illinois, now i live in oregon

i would recommend raymond carver's what we talk about when we talk about love for OR. suitably captures the happy/sad small town feel present in every city here

despite being non-fiction, devil in the white city by erik larson for IL strictly because chicago is the only important thing about the state, not because it is superior to the spoon river anthology. both maybe, since there is no state that made a stronger impression of the cultural divide between the poor population compared to the suburban bourgeois having a gay ol' time in the fancier city boroughs

or maybe ray bradbury's something wicked this way comes because every person reared in the midwest (specifically illinois, being the most vacated state in the country for years now) has a calling to leave, but is inexplicably glued to the heartland, too poor to successfully leave their shitty podunk hometown, few scaping their way into chicago. though devil in the white city still wins because these days even successful people from waukeegan simply say they're from chicago while out of town

>> No.8718120

lonesome dove>no country for old men