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/lit/ - Literature

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8707536 No.8707536 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.8707540

what's on your mind

>> No.8707544

where is my mind
where is my mind
where is my mind

>> No.8707547


>> No.8707552

Gotta delete all this music.

>> No.8707554

Donald J Trump might actually be the god damn president?

>> No.8707566

the ground is falling,
where will it fall?

>> No.8707590

"oh no, not again"
>chuckles to self

>> No.8707594

I really wish I could find that post where the guy describes picking up the completed 1500 page Pale King at his local Barnes and Noble in the brisk fall air.

>> No.8707610

I don't really care who becomes president today. Either I'm too ignorant, or too apathetic, but I strongly doubt that the U.S. will be burned to the ground within 4 years.

Really hoping no one makes a big deal out of it.
but thats not very realistic now is it

>> No.8707771


Regardless of who becomes the President, America is a bureaucracy. The President has no real power.

>> No.8707772

I hope you're right. I think you're only looking at this from one angle though. The president still holds an enormous amount of influence. This man is now in charge of several million lives

>> No.8707813
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The madman did it

>> No.8707817

I can't wait for all the simple minded denizens of America to go into an autistic fury once Trump wins.

It will actually be so satisfying

>> No.8707822

Brute fear and anger has taken control of my country and I can't see what our future is.

>> No.8707824

It's going to be hard not to smile tomorrow. I'm going to have to try really hard to look solemn and serious when I talk to my muslim coworkers.

>> No.8707825

we wanted to happen deep down didn't we

>> No.8707828

I promise tomorrow will be as boring as it is today.

>> No.8707831

>Bush, Iraq

inb4 weak rebuttal

>> No.8707832


>> No.8707836


>> No.8707842

I guess we'll see. But I think it is more naive to believe that having a president with the disposition that Trump does is simply going to have no impact on our future.

>> No.8707843

Needs more philosophy.

>> No.8707844

hahaha libcuck

>> No.8707846

I like Trump but I can't stand the racism. The sheer nazi racism is what scares me most. I hope we can learn to have some empathy.

>> No.8707847

If you say so, duder. But my household makes more than 200k per year. Does yours? If not, you're gonna find yourself regretting your protest candidate here real soon.

>> No.8707848

don't you get it dude, it's condescending shit like that that turns people to trump. they're sick of rich white ppl selling them out for muslims , dudes in dresses, and mexican maids

>> No.8707851

I'm European. This is all in my interest.

>> No.8707853

I'm not trying to sell you on shit, man. Polls are closed. I just hope you understand that the tradeoff for the realization of your nationalistic racial agenda is a raft of tax policies that will do everything but benefit the blue collar, uneducated class that formed the spine of Trump's support.

>> No.8707854
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>> No.8707855

Not everything is about material gains, faggot.


>> No.8707857
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Like Caesar, Trump must be magnanimous in victory.

Build that fucking wall

>> No.8707863

Fair enough. Enjoy getting poorer and stupider over the next four years while I soak up those tax breaks and fuck lachrymose liberal chicks who believe the world is ending. Not the outcome I wanted, but hey.

>> No.8707865

Moriatur deus imperator

>> No.8707868


>> No.8707870

>muh moneys muh pussies

cheeki breeki boy

>> No.8707871

"Write" what's on your mind. Not "state".

>> No.8707872

So how does a brother get hooked up with some weed in California now?

>> No.8707876

Believing all Trump voters are poor is why you got so shocked at the polls today friendo. I'm a freelancer and have plenty of work, and I talk a great sjw game in real life (machiavelli said it's important to look religious but not believe it oneself), so tomorrow I'll be pretending to be upset all day...but I wanted Trump to win because I'm sick of seeing my "less educated" underprivileged white brothers being disrespected in their own country, the country they built.

>> No.8707882



>> No.8707885

So it's just a knee jerk response to identity politics then? Because neoliberal policies (which I assure you will continue under Trump) do nothing for the white working class. It's not possible to recreate the social and economic conditions that existed 50 years ago.

>> No.8707890


>> No.8707891


kys, faggot

>> No.8707892
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Brexit: CHECK
Trump: CHECK

Right now I'm wondering just how the Anglosphere will save the world next.

>> No.8707893

If the neoliberal policies will continue under Trump then why did all the neoliberals on both the left and right oppose him? At least when some thug gets smoked by a cop, the president isn't going to blame the cops first for a change.

>> No.8707896

There's always the stoics.

>not MAGAnanimous
fucks sake you blew it

>> No.8707903 [DELETED] 
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I love my country

>> No.8707919

Lots of walls I think.

>> No.8707925

The school system failed us. Philosophy, and ethics must be taught in high school.

>> No.8707931

But anon, then we won't be able to spook people into voting right.

>> No.8707932
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>tfw there are people who are very upset about the election, on /lit/ at this very moment

Hello roasties

>> No.8707934


>> No.8707938

dude i have goosebumps this is insane

>> No.8707940

Would have been funnier if /pol/ got btfo desu

>> No.8707941

For you

>> No.8707943

I'm starting to get worried.

>> No.8707944

We deserve a reality TV star as president of our retarded nation. To be fair though no matter who won it would have been equally as shitty.

Oh well. I am going to buy some property in the woods and live in a shack.

>> No.8707947

maybe trump never bother me that much because I don't have a tv. i just remember him from the 80s being some anti-jap real estate hot shot american psycho kinda dude...never seen his goofy show

>> No.8707955


I never watched it either. I don't watch TV at all and despite telling people my position of apathy regarding it I am still bombarded with what is on it. Very annoying, honestly.

Prior to this it was nothing but "Hillary the criminal" and how she would ruin America.

If it weren't Trump and they had less ridiculous shit I would have supported change. We traded one criminal bourgeois member for a narcissistic, idiotic one. What a victory.

>> No.8707961
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I don't think I can stomach four years of Trump news, jokes, and memes. Hopefully that means I'll be getting a lot more reading and writing done.

Congrats to all the Trump supporters, though.

>> No.8707972

The world is laughing at our country right now. We deserve it, to be honest

>> No.8708010

He asks where is his order that he made? This isn't the order that he made and where is it, why don't they train their trainees properly! Right, yup, yeah well I fucking asked for em' why the fuck can't you cunts ever take an order properly? Entirely unaware of himself, he's being watched their saying jesus christ mate is it even worth it and he's just sitting there quitely letting him get it out of his system, not making any face and when he comes past yelling and saying yeah, right, yup and fucking catchas he gets up and goes with him not entertaining that he agrees just eating a quarter pounder, looking for zen in this shit. He's insecure, weird to see that kind of repressed rage it must be a burden to carry, very heavy. Watched it begin sitting there at the table enjoying a beer ready to make a bad decision but this one for the better, for the sake of the soul and she comes up uninivited to ask how have you been what a long time no see and he follows to shake his hand pretending not to notice what he's doing, shift his facade aside, you cheeky cunt you know what you're doing, knows it too, can almost see through him, seems happy to have passed by and left misery and gone off to different things he may not even think about it later. And it builds from there, it will be forgotten off and on to himself and think that this means it may not even exist anymore but it does which is queer, is thought tangible? It gets stuck in his throat later and here he's at liberty to dislodge it - take it out on these poor cunts behind a grill and wearing a cap indoors, they serve a purpose for this world, their worst nightmare the inadequate man. He's yelling at passing cars, he's actually throwing his head into the air and screaming, now this is anguish it should almost be filmed, this is real life and it feels strange. Now it's uncalled for this bloke's a good bloke in the maxi wonders if maybe he's so cranky for good reason, had the indian special in the past? Goes on though to say we've all done it, like I'll trust ya this time ya cheeky bastard but I know what ya got deep down inside, ya trustworthy little sneak, I'll trust ya.

>> No.8708028


>We traded one criminal bourgeois member for a narcissistic, idiotic one. What a victory.

You chose the egotist over the sociopath.

Your sarcasm aside it is literally the best outcome you could've hoped for.

>> No.8708056

The typical twitter-browsing Hillary supporter is even more stupid and arrogant than the so called 'sexist' and 'uneducated' Trump voter.

>> No.8708068

I'm so glad Trump won.
My country is a cucked one tied to NATO and our asshole nationalist neighbors are cucks of Russa.
Since Hillary has a long history of causing proxy wars, her presidency might have caused another war.

>> No.8708088

>I don't think I can stomach four years of Trump news, jokes, and memes.

You're very boring

>> No.8708098

I'm as liberal as it comes and would probably be considered a cuck by most people on this board...

but I'd be lying a pretty hefty lie if I said I'm not bothered by the way the media unironically lumps all white people together.

>> No.8708144


We chose a retard over a cunt. Wow. Best outcome.

The best would have been all bourgeois getting hanged or shot and starting from scratch. All of them.

>> No.8708158

Baby steps, anon.

>> No.8708175


I am just tired of it all and it is hard not to be spooked by this shit even though I know politics and government are legitimate spooks. I've failed you, Max.

>> No.8708206

i can't control my sadness anymore, im weak, it'll be another day drinking my mind into silence

>> No.8708228

give it a month and Trump will have razed the establishment to the ground. he'll be the best president in living memory for the disenfranchised working class. he understands the struggle.

>> No.8708230

Trump is a filthy burgeois so I don't expect him to do it.
But it would be pretty sweet.

>> No.8708232

I'm sorry to hear that. I suggest taking up a hobby like painting

>> No.8708233

Given the crossroads of egos and needs and unchecked wants it makes all the sense in the world not to make an effort and drift with the currents that once intersected but now seem to depart. I don't know how I feel about this. Regret, relief, rage, self-doubt, pride? More important than our what is our how, and as always, slowly adverbs this so well.

>> No.8708254

Dude, sweet dubs!

>> No.8708258

i surround myself with people that make me happy and try to keep my world as good as possible so atleast i know when i get in my ruts there actually is something better when it ends

>> No.8708291

this feels like a turning point

everything's been a shitshow for so long i remember

death, misery, suffering, pain, struggle

that has been all

not anymore

i think

i hope



>> No.8708989

there is too much uselessness in the world

>> No.8709001

even in my most sadistic dreams im still crying when i hit her when she tells me to

>> No.8709069
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Times are a' changin.

>> No.8709073
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There is nothing special about the familiar. The familiar attachment is that of idle circumstance, a friendship based on proximity and built of poisonous convenience. Abhor the familiar and guard against its influence which ever induces scorn for the brilliant danger of things new. Love best that which is won, even failure. Forth...


>> No.8709157

I think we're witnessing the collapse of the American empire.

I also think I'd be saying the same thing if Clinton won.

>> No.8709170

Carambola, torque, caramelo de café.

I should really clean out this table

>> No.8709179

Clinton would only have delayed the process a little.

>> No.8709188

I'm a raging narcissist.

>> No.8709189


Too dramatic

>> No.8709194

i miss her i miss her i miss her

>> No.8709196

don't know anything about politics, but glad trump won. he seems avantgarde.

>> No.8709197

>He says, anonymously.

>> No.8709228

Make me sad again.

>> No.8709232
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>> No.8709238

I went to seminar today and we had a 30-45 minute roundtable discussion about Trump at the beginning of class. I outed myself as the only (very ambivalent) Trump presidency supporter, and rambled autistically on too much caffeine while staring at the floor. The other people were vehemently anti-Trump, and a girl left the room crying at one point.

Went well though, I think. By the end, had rapprochement with everyone, including the girl and her friends assuring me I hadn't caused it. I really hope not. Everyone said they were OK with my (leftist) defense of "anyone but another plutocrat." Maybe begrudgingly or facetiously, but still.

Felt weird. Never meant to make anyone upset. I'm just autistic and like talkin' about sterile abstractions while making jittery "look at me, I'm being theoretical" hand gestures.

>> No.8709270

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

>> No.8709277

Your only mistake was staring at the floor. You don't need to stare at people but keep your sight at eye level.

>> No.8709325
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Haxixe é uma droga muito agradável; foi uma experiência fantástica ler O Estrangeiro de Camus sob os efeitos do fumo.

>> No.8709350

I wrote in Pope Francis yesterday. I am a theocrat. Come get me.

>> No.8709461

Yeah, I am incredibly autistic though so it's the only way I can even think properly. Unfortunately.

>> No.8709694

i can't believe the hubris of clinton. why she or the dnc thought that a scandal-ridden symbol of the very machine popular mood was raging against would win, i just can't understand. i don't like trump, but it's kind of nice to see someone with such a strong sense of entitlement fall flat on their face.

>> No.8709907

Who the fucks was that Japanese writer Borges called the best short story writer? Was it Akutagawa?

Maybe some sweet /lit/izen can tell me.

>> No.8709933

Hey, is left-wing the new christianity? 'Cause it seems alot like so
>empowering the victims
>deconstructing values
>ethics cops
>all-over hypocrites

>> No.8709955


>> No.8709956
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wya dawwg >?

>> No.8709989
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i think i might actually be a genius

>> No.8711372

The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.

>> No.8711429

>Empowering the victims

>Deconstructing values

>Ethics cops



>> No.8711439

would you say I probably enjoy beatles more than any other rock band just because people told me I shoud?

>> No.8711484

I've written a book and have been published, yet I got hardly any recognition. The fact that a publishing company took interest in my writing would suggest that my writing is of some quality, but here I am, sitting in my room alone at night, browsing through the internet, searching for any kind of review or just some stupid comment about my book without succes. It's like it has never been published. It made no mark on the literary scene. Literally zero influence on anyone. And the worst part is I'm writing a sequel, I feel this immense urge to write again and more, although I know nobody is and nobody will be interested.

>> No.8711498


Yeah. It's slave morality.

The early Christians were from the lowest orders of society, just like leftists are either poorfags or think they're helping poorfags.

>> No.8711540

I've tried everything to get at least a slightness of happiness into my life; I do exercises, eating just organic food, keeping everything in order but lacking motivation is continuously over me. Not going to do any of those because I feel the same way eating shit and doing a shit.

>> No.8711591

So literature is more or less underlying autobiography of author, but is it wrong? What is actually wrong with being focused on oneself? Humans problems are more and less universal, technology is showing up then going away but "human" itself is always same. Only perspective and language is different and thats why realisation through fiction is so exciting

>> No.8711596

uniformity is individuality.
also i often think about how ive never seen a person whose gate is so perfect that they never stand on a crack, the day i do i will follow that person and admire it

>> No.8711617

i need sauce

>> No.8712043

why is everyone dying, what he fuck is going on?

>> No.8712294
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I graduated from Highschool, certain I would be an English teacher. I mean, I knew I couldn't write like Stephen King or Michael Chricton could, but I was still proud of my writing. Besides that and lifting, those were the only two things going for me.

Now I'm almost 21 years old and I haven't written a single thing in those past 3 years. I haven't lifted a single weight, written a single thesis. I haven't done anything with my life. I can't even do multiplication anymore!

I'm fat, lazy, and I lost my steam. Back when I was in Highschool, if I told someone "pffft, I could write a better book than that", I believed it, and I MEANT it. I can't say those same words anymore. When I realized I could no longer write, I told myself I hated English. How could I be an English teacher if just the thought of writing English pissed me off so much?

I need to write a book. I need to read literature. I can't let myself die like this. I need to relearn everything, back to formula. I need to practice my essays like I'm studying for the SATs, I need to listen to old people talking on the radio, I need to dance to poetry and write myself unsent love letters.

And I can't neglect my body anymore.

No more junk food. No more cutting corners. I have to get back on those weights. I have to push myself. I can't die here, not like this. I used to be a /fit/izen. Sure, it sounds silly, but there was a great sense of pride in being able to call myself a /fit/izen. Where has that man gone? I used to be smart. I used to be witty. Teachers used to love me. Once.

I can't die like this. I can't die here. Where did all my fight go? I need to survive. I can't die like this. I can't die like this. I can't disappoint my momma. I can't die like this.

>> No.8712308

I am absolutely insanely high right now. I'm flying above the realm of the kites, my dimensions are vastly more potent than those of the Popes right now. And not the Young Pope, t old pope, the REAL one, the one I see.

ETERNAL POWER AND GLOORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.8713150

i really do wish i had something else than her to keep my mind occupied because it is really hard as if i dont keep my mind occupied with her it gets even worse but as i cant have her occupying myself with her is also bad
i just wish she called me right now and told me her bf died and she needs to talk to someone and "can i come to your house" so i could take advantage of her weak moment and fuck her and be done with it really

>> No.8713515

That's democracy for you. Smell the coffee.

>> No.8714777

i can't poop

>> No.8714952

eat fiber, drink water.

>> No.8714978
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After a decent amount of thought, I'm finally at peace with Trump's ascension to the presidency. I have an enormous respect for America's bureaucratic checks and balances- the man would have very little time to do anything too dramatic before a secret service member pricks him with a covert strychnine shot.

>> No.8714997

my cat sleeps in the desk next to the mouse it makes me laugh

>> No.8715065
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The things people say are never as funny as the things they don't say.

>> No.8715336

idk man, he's just so similar to me and it isn't as if he's really ugly or anything, he just isn't 'in shape' and a gun fanatic which is actually kind of cute, he's into all the same subjects i am and we even play the same sort of video games it's just....i'm not INTO him and i really wish i were but it's that sort of desperation that keeps me coming back and that isn't fair to him but maybe it'll click soon and i won't leave again

then again adam's adorable and we have so much fun at work spraying whip cream on each other's noses and tying timers to each other's aprons but

and then there's LOGAN who i don't even think likes me but there's something uneasy between us that i can't place

i've got to do right by him, by him, he deserves it, and ive got to realize life's going to end soon enough

>> No.8715379

>And maybe I didn't hold you
>All those lonely, lonely times
>And I guess I never told you
>I'm so happy that you're mine
>Little things I should have said and done
>I just never took the time
>But you were always on my mind
>You were always on my mind

>> No.8715386

My cat is asleep on my belly and she's so soft and warm but i need to work early tomorrow and i need to sleep now but i can't fall asleep on my back

>> No.8715390

I want to live in a small town in another country and all I have here is my family and a few friends but I don't want to leave them.

>> No.8715469

I feel conflicted about Trump winning. On the one hand his tax policy will benefit me and my family greatly and my stock portfolio (stuffed with domestic oil and whatnot) will likely rise exponentially...but on the other there will be environmental devastation, state lands may be privatized and sold to unscrupulous corporate interests and the poor brutalized by an unfair conservative tax system that benefits the wealthy (i.e. me and people like me).

I'm not panicked by the thought of Trump becoming POTUS, like so many other left leaning people, but it's definitely going to be a step backwards...even if it has a decent chance of benefiting me economically.

>> No.8715627
