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8704387 No.8704387 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about coming to terms with isolation? Actually I'll take any recommendations because the only "important" books that I've read have been The Bell Jar, Don Quixote, and Brave New World.

I like to think I know a good deal about film, music, history, politics, and runway fashion. I've purposely been avoiding this board for a while but I feel like it's time.

>> No.8704405
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>> No.8704411
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>> No.8704418

that will be me this friday

>> No.8704439

It's also me in February, happy birthday anyway.

>> No.8704457


>all of them are turning 20

they should all be friends

>> No.8704468

Maybe do a gay threesome and lose their virginity together.

>> No.8704472

>hitler died for this
ah yes bravo indeed

>> No.8704483

>good books about coming to terms with isolation

Try Robinson Crusoe.

>> No.8704495

The book I am going to suggest has a very off putting title, but - bear with me.

Bertrand Russell, Conquest of Happiness

Do give it a shot.
Don't let the title discourage you.
It is not some Paulo Coelho "feel-good" crap; Russell has extremely dry sense of humor.

For instance, his book of essays, "Unpopular essays", is called so simply because they never went popular - not because they are "politically incorrect", as one might be inclined to assume.

Just... go give it a shot.

>> No.8704513

Buying it now thanks anon

>> No.8704521

My diary, desu??

>> No.8704534
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the chinese tradition has a lot for you.


just allow your mind to accept the situation and it will adapt to it.

>> No.8704537

also, hermitary.com

>> No.8704541

Who is this qt?

>> No.8704542

>Having someone to bake you a cake
Ree, etc

>> No.8704553

He's the author of the famed canonical work, "My Diary: Desu"

>> No.8704555


>> No.8704564
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well if you could bake the cake you would certainly not be in such a situation.

the cake is the symbolic phallus that is castrated when the mom slices it and gives it to the boy to eat, in a sort of cannibalistic ritual of psychological union of the minds of the participants. this prevents the developing mind of the kid to emerge into an autonomous self, to be instead relegated to the role of a psychological prosthesis acting as a phallus to the mom, who hates herself for not being a male or simply who is trying to equilibrate some past trauma of her own hindered development.

>> No.8704580


>> No.8704593

Poor effort

>> No.8704603

When you are turning 18, I'll bake a cake for you, Anon.

>> No.8704620


Notes from the underground

>> No.8704626

notes from the undergrad

>> No.8704627

this was literally me 2 months ago

>> No.8704702

Fuck off Marcel

>> No.8704786

5 years ago

>> No.8704799
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Every time.

>> No.8704810

I don't get it. I had friends when I was in my teens and I hung out with them, and for my 18th birthday I just asked my mom to get a lot of chicken and ground beef and I grilled up some chicken and cheeseburgers for her and I. Had a beer and stayed home. I didn't tell my friends it was birthday at all (though I got some birthday texts) and just ate a shitload of food.

It was probably my best birthday, honestly. Didn't have to go out and get annoyed. My previous birthday ended up with one of those Mexican hats and cake on my face which was pretty stupid.

I enjoyed staying in with my dog and my mom.

>> No.8704817

You enjoyed it because you chose it.

>> No.8704869

>dat feel when green drank
>dat feel when Mom got you abridged version of Zettel's Traum and you can wait to read it while eating cheesy poofs

>> No.8704907
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I liked Osamu Dazai, its not quite just isolation

A General Theory of Oblivion is good

The Vegetarian too

t. had a 20th birthday like that (and lots of other birthdays)

>> No.8704921


>> No.8704922

Theres nothing wrong with having birthdays with your family
It feels more comfy.

>> No.8704927

Yes, but not if you don't have any friends otherwise, then it just makes you remember how much of a loser you are

>> No.8704945

Birthdays are dumbo anyway.

Why celebrate the slow creep of mortality?

>> No.8704958

I guess because you are one more year alive? But actually is because for having fun and sharing with people

>> No.8704967

I stopped celebrating my birthdays at about age 16. Probably stopped caring about them long before that.

>> No.8704993

I dunno, 20 is a pretty lame birthday anyway. No new privileges worth mentioning, if you're in college the days of nearly compulsive socializing that came with freshman year have been lost to people actually having work to do, and you aren't old enough to legally drink (if burger) so nobody is at the very least excited to get you legally drunk for the first time. And then 21 is the last really exciting brithday.

>> No.8704994

Pushing that meme so hard is why you're friendless.

>> No.8704998

Its the year when you're no longer a teenager, so it puts what you achieved up to date in context

>> No.8705000
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Your birthday is a reminder of the worst day of your life.

If you liked this post, you're gonna love my diary!

>> No.8705007

I get every birthday really depressed since I am 14 years old. Will it ever end?

>> No.8705016

Yeah when you die

>> No.8705903


>> No.8705950


>> No.8706159

how does this gook know what i did and didn't do today?

>> No.8706195

I hope you've been studying the sword since then?

>> No.8706330

Oh God, it really makes be feel bad looking at these poor souls.

>> No.8706353

Kafka is what you need to read.

>> No.8706358

NO LONGER HUMAN by Osamu Dazai.

>> No.8706546


Well the first cake boy is actually kinda cute so he has no excuse

>> No.8706564
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